Where are all the stars?

30 Prompts Writing challenge

Where are all the stars?


Pairing: HaeHyuk


Disclaimer: None of the characters are mine, maybe for a few I made up (mostly they are just villains, and bad people) and the plot, the plot is entirely mine. 

Rating: G


Category:​ Supernatural, scifi, fluff, little bit of angst(very small)


Summary: Of which DongHae are the stars and HyukJae is the moon.


Notes: For prompt 29th. This sort of pop up when I was scrolling through one of my favorite artist/illustrator Chiara Bautista you should check her out, her worked are amazing! One of her artwork inspired this prompt. So yea, all thank to Chiara and my love to DC and DC Vertigo comic, ‘Sandman’. Enjoy~


The artwork that inpsired me: 











It was a dark night. The dullness of the night swallowed everything. The only thing left in the ebony sky were the stars. The gentle luminous light that soften the coldness of the night. Him, DongHae, who moved the stars around, deciding which place would be bathed in the tranquil light. His job was indeed a handful and yet DongHae eyes never stopped looking out, searching for him.






To keep the light from going out, keeping the land from being devoured by the infinite darkness he needed him. Just him alone, couldn’t shine everywhere. Just him alone couldn’t fight back the illimitable shadow of the night. After all he was just stars. But him, HyukJae was so much more. HyukJae was the moon. The true illuminated radiance of the night.






He remembered their first conversation together. He had just finished setting the stars into to its contour.  He was a youngster, his existence had only started. DongHae was full of energy, he was excited, he to meet HyukJae. But much to his expectation, HyukJae only gave him his usual gentle demure smile. DongHae knew that, the smile was a mask, concealing HyukJae, sombre emotion. As for why he was sad, DongHae didn’t know and so he asked. He still remembered HyukJae’s answer, to DongHae it was so ambiguous that DongHae thought at the time it wasn’t even considered an answer. HyukJae said to him in a soft voice almost inaudible. _”I like anywhere that isn’t a proper place. I like the in-betweens.” _He didn’t understand what HyukJae meant then, but later on he realised that HyukJae had always been in the same trajectory, circling around the earth. He pondered the length of the blond desire to break free from this cycle, from eternal this orbit. Did HyukJae ask himself when would his time arrive or did he ask too many times that it became nothing more than a hushed question left unspoken through out the endless night.








He often asked HyukJae why did human projected the blond in the form of a white rabbi and HyukJae would shrug and said that just how human were. If they knew him by what HyukJae was really like, the earth natural satellites, they would soon forget him. _“Tales and dreams are the shadow-truths that will endure when mere facts are dust and ashes, and soon be forgotten.” _His word echoed in DongHae mind. Was it why he had claws and sharp fangs? A long tales, furry black fur that carried hundred of stars? Was giving him an abstract figure was what make him immortal? Or at least for until the next nebula and he would be gone, making way for the new-born stars? He didn’t understand why human would do something like that, but what he did understand was that they loved HyukJae; they gave him the most gentle and beautiful figure that lasted for eternity.  









DongHae stopped thinking, he started wondering around, looking for HyukJae. He needed to find the blond, a jumpiness feeling running across him as his eyes scanned the everywhere in a slow and careful manner. After a while, DongHae found him.












He walked toward HyukJae.










The stars started moving around the sky in a muddled movement in synced with every step he made in the quiet night. In front of DongHae, in the small nook where the sky and earth met, crouching, hand around his legs, burying his face in his knees. He stopped when he was close to Hyukjae. He didn’t need announce his presence; HyukJae knew he was there. Didn’t even look at him, the blond spoke, his usual gentle voice mixed with a melancholy hollowness. _“People would love, and die, they’d dream, destroy, despair, and go mad. They’d fulfil their destinies, live out the course of their lives, as we would fulfil our function, as they fulfilled theirs, seem rather mediocre don’t your think?” _DongHae aligned every answers he could say to make this desolation disappeared. He found nothing. He knew HyukJae’s sadness and emptiness. He knew HyukJae’s envy toward him. He knew that the beautiful crescent wanted to be DongHae, he wanted to have an end point on his life, he wanted to know what the end was. DongHae understood that HyukJae had met his brothers and sisters who were doing this job before him, and how the blond pain when they gone. Just like how HyukJae would feel when he gone and new beast in his place. An overflowing heartache banging inside DongHae knowing that he couldn’t be with HyukJae till the end.  He walked closer to the moon, shook his body, all the stars fell off his fuzzy black fur. He wrapped them around HyukJae, he didn't care that he had taken all the stars from the sky away. He watched as HyukJae’s body suddenly lid up, shining brighter than ever. HyukJae looked at him, astonished by his action. Instead of explaining to HyukJae why, he just walked closer to him, wrapped his tail around the blond slim waist.








He told HyukJae, they all had a job. When the first living thing existed, they was there waiting. When the last living thing died, their job would be finished. They’d put the chairs on the tables, turned out the lights, and locked the universe behind them as they left. Some things were meant to be changeless. The only thing changed was that HyukJae would never be alone anymore. He would be right beside him. He would give HyukJae his light, to make the crescent shone brighter than ever in this void dark helm separating the sky and earth. Even if he would be gone, the next star after him would continue his job, was to be by HyukJae’s side forever.












Somewhere far into the inland, inside a little house, a little girl looked at the sky with uttermost confusion. She tugged her mother nightgown, finger pointed toward the sky:




“Mummy, where are all the stars?” 




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Chapter 3: This is my favorite so far.. Fun to read.. :D
Chapter 3: Donghae you are the biggest ert I know but I love you .
Poor Hyukkie baby :(
Thank you dear:)
why am I so sad omg I never read angst but when I do I feel it wayyyy too much this was beautiful!!
hyonalee14 #4
Chapter 1: why I feel this all so right, like it really happened ㅠㅠㅠ
I love kyuhyuk so much, and this is so sad ㅠㅠㅠ
I like haehyuk too, ofc, but it's true sometimes donghae a little disrespectful toward hyuk and I feel uneasy too u.u