Chapter 18

When Demons Come Calling

“Things are about to kick off,” Jaehyuk said suddenly, startling everyone who was sitting in the living room.

“Huh?” Hyuk questioned right before someone came charging through the front door.

Everyone jumped up to find a dark gray wolf standing in the front hall, glaring at them darkly.

“Well,” Shin said, moving to stand behind the wolf, “I can see we weren’t expected. Good.”

“We were waiting for you to show up,” N glared as the rest of Cross Gene entered the boarding house, “just didn’t think it would be today.”

“I see you’ve got more allies,” Shin commented, eyeing Legend carefully, “but since Got7 isn’t around, it doesn’t matter too much. Might actually work out in our favor actually.”

“Think again,” Leo scoffed, “you aren’t waling out of here in once piece.”

“We’ll see,” Shin smirked before stepping back and giving Casper and Takuya room to shift and stand beside Sangmin, “we won’t mess up your house, promise. It wouldn’t be worth it.”

With that said Sangmin, Takuya, and Casper charged forewords, closely followed by Shin after he’d given orders to Seyoung and Yongseok to get Kihyun. Fighting in such a close space wasn’t easy for anyone, but it was especially hard on those who had more destructive powers. Leo for example couldn’t do much.

Sangmin ended up facing off against Roi, Jaehyuk, and Lito. Changsun decided to stay back and play healer if need be, but his primary job was protecting the humans that were in the room. Hongbin, Hyuk and Ken teamed up to go after Casper, all shifting into their beast forms in hopes that it would make the fights easier. Listen and Ravi were left with Takuya, a fight that was a bit easier so long as they avoided his eyes. This left N and Leo with Shin.

“Dang it,” N hissed as Shin got in a well placed jab at his ribs.

“Not finding it so easy, right?” Shin smirked, “I expected as much. You aren’t used to these types of fighting conditions, are you?”

“And you are?” Leo asked, trying to land a hit to Shin’s face and being blocked.

“You have to be when you call the demon realm home,” Shin replied, “being able to fight in any conditions in essential if you want to keep living.”

His words through the pair off a little bit. Thankfully Listen was there to yell at them for getting distracted.

“Don’t let his words distract you!” Listen snapped as he landed a kick to Takuya’s ribs, “just block all of it out.”

“Right,” N nodded, wincing as Shin found an opening and punched him in the face. It didn’t break anything, but it still hurt.

“Shin!” Seyoung suddenly yelled, appearing by the broken door, “we got her! Let’s go!”

“Good,” Shin sighed, sending once last hit in Leo’s direction before making for the portal, “let’s go! Casper, Takuya, Sangmin, finish up now.”

“No!” N yelled, realizing that Hyorin had been in the basement. If Seyoung and Yongseok had Kihyun, then that meant they had beat her, that she was hurt.

“Don’t you dare leave!” Ravi growled, rushing to grab Takuya and drag him back.

He managed to grab his back leg and the other demon growled, desperately trying to kick him off. But Ravi wasn’t about to let go no matter how many times Takuya’s kicked hit him in the face or his claws left him with scratch marks.

While Ravi struggled to keep his hold on Takuya, Sangmin send a wind attack at everyone else, sending them flying back into the farthest wall.

“Takuya!” Casper yelled, pushing Sangmin into the portal and dragging Shin with him, “we’ll be back, don’t worry.”

“Don’t bother,” Takuya grinned, haulting his fighting, “I’ll get free all by myself. I’ll see you in a few days.”

“I’ll hold you to that, brother,” Casper said before ducking through the portal that Seyoung shut seconds later.

“Dang it,” N cursed.

“I’ll get him locked up,” Listen ordered, grabbing Takuya and pinning him down so he couldn’t move, “someone go check on Hyorin.”

“On it,” Changsun said, rushing off to do ask asked.

“We lost her,” Leo sighed, “they got Kihyun back.”

“But we also have this one,” Listen pointed out, “and we know that they’ll come back for him when he doesn’t show up in a few days. We can prepare for that and when they show up again?”

“We take them down,” N nodded.

“Good luck with that,” Takuya laughed, “you’re not going to be able to keep me here for long. I’ll be back with my brothers before you know it. You aren’t going to stop our plans.”

“Think again,” N hissed, “you’ve hurt us, you took Kihyun, you forced a beast on her. We’re going to stop whatever plans you have and punish you for what you’ve done.”

“Try,” Takuya smirked, “I’d like to see it.”

A/N: might not be the kicking off you all expected, but I like it. Do you think that Takuya is going to get free? Or will something finally go right for our heroes?

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Chapter 34: If anyone does end up writing a story based on this series about aka, and or twice, hit me up. I would ing love to read it.
I would also do it myself... but I'm a terrible writer. I'm better off just reading other people's stories lol.
Chapter 17: Wow, was not expecting that! Excited for the next chapter! :)
Chapter 10: Yay finally an update. This is great i love it, sure i was expecting a more dramatic reaction to the reveal but this was great!
Chapter 10: Is it me or I really don't like how Kihyun is acting like some spoilt princess all the while? The way she acts with her cousins and her crush on hongbin are getting on my nerves too. Can they just reveal Hyorin and VIXX's relationship asap so that she'll stop having a stupid pointless crush on Hongbin who is Hyorin's boyfriend. =__=
kiRa0918 #5
Uwaaaaah~~ Author-nim when are you going to continue this story??? It's not that I'm pressuring you, I just really want to know what will happen next~~~ ;~;
I loved the first 2 'Demon' stories! Can't wait to read this one. I'm bedridden due to illness right now (which is a pretty big bummer considering it's Christmas - my favorite holiday) so reading your stories have cheered me up quite a bit! Merry Christmas. I hope you have a wonderful holiday. :)
Chapter 7: I appreciate so much that even tho ur going thru such a difficult time u still update for us :)
Now… jealousy is sprouting between the cousins…..knew that wud happen it was only a matter of time but between the twins I didn't expect to be any sort of problems.
Smart Seungyhun on smelling the lies from his cousins :D
GOT7 shud divide their attention to all of them otherwise things will slowly get worse :(
Epic Climatic Battle……..I'm looking forward to that :) even tho I feel u, dont have a clue to how u manage to keep track of everyone lol
Thank u for the update sweetie ^^
Chapter 6: Uhmmmmm I can see the problem that cud arise…… hopefully things won't get nasty :( If only BamBam wasn't so oblivious -__- Aww glad VIXX and Hyorin managed to have some time to themselves even if short :D
Omg who was spying on them….Jiwoo or perhaps Kihyun….. I foresee trouble for them, how on earth wud they explain themselves ??????
Thank u for the updates sweetie ^^