Brick by Brick

At The Beginning Of Spring [ONHOLD]


It was as if she went from taking down my walls, to building her own. Difficult characters need to be given time, I guess June wasn't ready to give me hers. It was my fault, I was very aware of it. Our beginning was new and fresh, like the first day of Spring, what followed was the reason why my everything became so distorted, so distant.


I began to recognise her presence by the subtle scent of flowers invading my senses, the simple coloured loose t-shirts that danced around her tall figure, and the smooth sound of humming whenever she passed by, most likely an indie song that she was listening to before our encounter that managed to get stuck in her head. Her face soon became a mystery, every feature began to turn blury in my head, until all that was left was the colour orange that blinked in my mind now and then.


The wrinkles between my eyebrows wouldn't disappear. I felt Jongin's amused look as he sat at his desk beside me, while Tao's concerned eyes met mine whenever he leaned back in his chair to (not) subtly flick a note at Jongin's forehead, sadly missing and settling onto the boy's bleach blonde styled hair. 

Jongin leaned slightly in my direction while brushing off the crumpled notes out of his hair "So, you still haven't explained to me who that cutie was, I was sure it wasn't something big, but now that I think about made quite the show that day, plus ever since then you keep glaring at everything that breathes" he whispered, a chuckle following the end of his sentence; it's true, I wanted to see her desperately, even the slightest look at that Jungkook guy made me irritated, everything that reminded me of her just made me feel more anxious, probably because it was all my fault, along with my ty personality.

Two strong characters, we were going to clash one day, but I wished it wouldn't result in me losing her. I was woken up from my thoughts by Tao's hand waving in front of my face, it soon disappeared as our teacher told him to pay attention to the front of the class. "So, now that you've stopped daydreaming, will you tell me who she was?" Jongin restarted the topic, I sighed silently before responding in a quiet tone to not place myself in Tao's position "I saw her working in a flower shop while I was on my way home, something about her made me stop and go inside, we ended up talking and I bought some flowers while I was there" "you bought flower?" Jongin snorted, trying his best to hold back the laughter "they were beautiful, orange tulips specifically" "why did you buy them though?" He continued questioning, I sunk in my chair and looked out of the window, into the distance "the colour reminded me of her eyes" I responded, to what both Jongin and Tao responded with an explosion of laughter "you cheesy mother er, I never thought I'd hear something like that from you" Jongin shouted, they didn't laugh for long as the entire class had now heard them, soon after that the neighbouring classrooms could hear our Teacher's screams.

I continued staring out of the window, wondering what she was doing, if she still remembered me.




I hated it. I tried my best to get him out of my head, friends, music, studying, work...nothing worked. I groaned as I placed my head onto the cafeteria table we were sat on, same one as usual. I felt Amber's hand patting my back, trying her best to show support in those tough times, Mark leaning his head onto my right shoulder as he watched funny puppy videos on his phone "you'll forget about him soon, from what I saw, there weren't many reasons as to why you should remember some delinquent like him." Mark spoke softly, his eyes never leaving the screen which was only fifteen centimetres away from his face. I sighed, maybe he was right.

Opposite me, Kyungsoo shifted in his seat to make room for Minseok who had placed his coffee and cheesecake beside him "it's been at least a week, Mark. I bet it will be bugging her for the next month or so." Kyungsoo mumbled while stuffing his mouth with Minseok's now half eaten cheesecake. "Didn't you mention that he tried to explain something back then and even attempted to apologize?" Minseok asked me while side glaring at Kyungsoo, who continued to ignore him and began to take sips of the coffee, I nodded at Minseok's question "then why not just talk to him, I can tell that you care for this boy, otherwise you wouldn't be this irritated, that way you could get a proper explanation for his behaviour and stop creating a gloomy cloud over our table." I thought about what Minseok said, he was right, I had thought of it a couple of times too, but I was stubborn, once you pick a fight with me it's difficult to be accepted back onto my good list. Maybe this is what I needed though "I'll think about it, thanks Minnie" I smiled "hey I helped too!" Kyungsoo groaned "no Soo, you were busy engulfing somebody else's food." I snapped back, making the others laughing and as smile appeared on Kyungsoo's face "Don't pick a fight with Satan".



After hours of listening to the professors at College and some simple hang out time with part of my "friendship group", it was time to pick up the younger devils from High School. The walk down to their school consisted of Mark telling me that I should be grateful of the fact that our father does not use us as a taxi service and only tells us to pick up the High Schoolers while he takes care of the youngest siblings, he also would not be quiet about his dance class, I never really minded, in fact I enjoyed listening to his little stories involving dumber and dumbest...also known as Jackson and Hoseok. Unlike Hoseok, I knew Jackson pretty well, probably because he sticks to my brother like super glue and spends most of his spare time either in the dance studio with Mark and the other dancers or the two sprawl out onto the white sofa at the back of the flower shop and played video games together; whenever I saw this heartwarming moment enroll in front of me I tended to tease them about it, earning a "shut up, you know it's not like that!" or "You're over reacting again..." from Mark, I swear I could always see a spark of sadness in Jackson's eyes whenever Mark spoke those words, but because of the way he would laugh along, I never payed that much attention to it.


When we got to the gates of the high school, I could see Jungkook stood leaning against the inner side of the low brick wall, tapping his fingers against the metal fence. As we began to get closer, I saw a figure speed walking out of the school, with only a few students around, it was easy to spot the boy charging towards the direction of the gates. It only took me a couple of seconds to recognise the slim figure and light hair, Oh Sehun. Before I knew it, a scene unraveled only a few metres away from me and Mark, Sehun had slammed Jungkook against the metal poles and began to violently tug at my younger brother's uniform and shout sinful words in his face, as Jungkook just stood there and looked him dead in the eyes, with a emotionless facial expression.

This is not how I wanted our Friday afternoon to end.


Waaaaah /gets in knees and bows/ I'm 

My next set of mock exams is coming up in around two weeks and there's so much I need to prepare along with coursework...

I'm stressing a little since my weakness is Science so I have to prepare for that subject the most, unfortunately it just happens to be the subject that we need to learn the most for .-.

Even so, I will try my best to update again this week, next week and the week of the exams :33

I hope you're enjoying the story so far, I'm really excited to write the next chapter for some reason ahaha ;;

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k_nana #1
Chapter 4: So far so good. I mean, for second time writing, it's very good. Just keep it up, it's ok to take risks in ur writing u know, like going for the trial-and-error kinda thing. This can show ur developments n progress in writing as time passes with each story. Good luck (I'm just gonna upvote now, u deserve it;) ) n fighting, authornim!
Chapter 3: Good start. The last three chapter had me ongoing, curious even :)
BriannaHeart #3
i like the story so far