E is for Eavesdropping

Alphabet Soup: GOT7 Style

Warning: (lots of) language and other stuff.  (Definitely PG13ish)


“It may be a tiny stick, but it offers big entertainment.  All you have to do is insert it—”

Jackson overhears his boyfriend through the door that’s not quite all-the-way closed.  

He looks down at the part in question and covers himself, feeling mortified and indignant and pissed off enough to storm into the room without thinking things through or listening further.  

“Why are you talking about our life with Jaebum hyung?  And my… stick isn’t small,” he says all in one rushed breath before he’s even halfway in the room.  Then he stops, taking in the scene before him, eyes widening in slow dawning horror as he sees Jinyoung with an opened Roku box and the tiny device in his hand.  

Aw, .  Hell.in.a.hand.basket.  (Whatever that means.)

This is totally not embarrassing, not one bit.  He tells himself that at least, but his boyfriend is doubled over laughing and Jaebum’s looking at his crotch (with a smirk on his face — what a bastard) and just it, let me die now.

But he’s also not Jackson ing Wang for nothing, so he does what he does best: bluff like a total heavyweight champ.  

“Well even if, you heard Jinyoung,” he says, pointing to his boyfriend (the one he kind of wants to kill right now), “big entertainment. B.I.G. So there.”  

He’s got swag and confidence, or at least he can totally fake it — the mantra fake it until you make it repeating in his head — while still wanting to crawl into a really really deep hole until he can figure out how to erase this whole episode from Jaebum’s mind a la Men in Black or The Matrix blue pill.

“You know what?  I’m going to go now.” 

Jaebum volunteers because while it may have been funny at first, it’s getting more than a little awkward as the seconds pass.  The irony isn’t completely lost on him, considering it’s his room they’re currently in and he’s the one feeling like he overstayed his welcome.  He makes it to the door before turning back with a stern warning to keep off his bed and then leaves, closing the door firmly behind him. 

Jinyoung’s finally got his laughter (mostly) under control and he sees his boyfriend glaring daggers at him.

“Hey, it’s all your fault, you shouldn’t have come in here half-cocked—”

At his choice of words, the glares turn more murderous, if possible.  

“What I meant is, you shouldn’t have been eavesdropping in the first place and jumping to conclusions.  This should teach you.”

“Yes, now’s a perfect time for a lesson,” Jackson says dryly.  “Sometimes I totally hate you.”

“No, you don’t.  You love love me.”

And Jackson really does, even while he’s still more than a little annoyed at his boyfriend.  

“Fine, yes, I love you.  But still, your boyfriend’s been totally mortified and embarrassed.  Instead of casting blame or wanting to teach lessons, you should be the better, bigger man and at least pretend to care and try and make me feel better,” Jackson whines, a pout on his lips and hands on his hips.

Jinyoung says nothing to that, just walks to the door and locks it.  

“What are you doing?”

“I thought you asked me to make you feel better?”

“I did, but should you really be locking the door?  You heard what Jaebum hyung said.”

Jinyoung nods.  “I did, but I don’t care.  All this talk about sticks, and inserting tab A into slot B…”  His voice trails off as he walks toward his boyfriend and links his arms around Jackson’s neck.  He smiles when Jackson immediately wraps his arms around his waist to pull him closer.  “And then you come in here looking y as hell, so what else can I do?”  Jinyoung puts on his best I’m innocent face and shrugs.  

“You think I’m y?”

Jinyoung sighs at the question.  He really really doesn’t get how Jackson can be so insecure sometimes, especially when he looks the way he does.  (Amazingly ing hot that is.)

“Of course.  I have standards you know.”

Jackson grins.  “Thanks babe.  You’re pretty amazing yourself.”

“So now that we’ve both agreed we’re dating super hot people, why don’t you take your little stick and show me how you can entertain me big?” Jinyoung teases, as one of his hands slide ever-so-slowly down Jackson’s chest, past his belt, until finally reaching its destination.

Jackson bites back a moan.  “You don’t have to be such an about it.”

Jinyoung laughs and kisses him soundly.  “Whatever, you ing love my anyway.”

He can’t exactly argue with that (and why would he want to), so he just grins and pulls Jinyoung down to the bed with him.  Jaebum’s going to kill them later, he’s sure of it, but first before that happens, he needs to entertain his boyfriend and keep his mouth… occupied.



Jackson, I’m sorry, I love you.  Wth did I just write? *hangs head in deep shame*  

But yay Jinson, lol?  

Comments/constructive criticism/fangirling…. always welcomed!

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floralis #1
Chapter 9: I really like your work ! And the ladt one ? I LOVE it xD
I'm definitly a jjp shipper xD but i also like your markjin and 2 jae ^^ i like markson too ^^
But definitly this chapter is my favorite for now ^^
wheres-my-cookie #2
Chapter 4: I hope you don't mind me leaving a comment on basically every chapter...but I really loved this one! I mean I do live for you rated jjp fics but this was so sweet! *-* And the "absolutely perfect, just like you" omg don't kill me ajdkewkwkw xDD
wheres-my-cookie #3
Chapter 3: These will be the death of me, especially all the jjp ones *screaming*!!!!!!!
Chapter 9: I want a markjae next jebal
Chapter 9: JJP TT__________________TT♡

( and it's a bit rated T^T )

You're the best ♡
wheres-my-cookie #6
Chapter 2: Honestly cRYING at how sweet this is ;-;
wheres-my-cookie #7
Chapter 1: Finally getting round to reading these...and THIS WAS SO ADORABLE OMG! JJP is my otp but you're making me sway towards 2jae now .-.

and yeah, jjp seems to be that couple fighting for dominance in a second and ripping each other's clothes the next. i'm. ;;
ConnieMHope #9
Chapter 8: This was so cute!!
Chapter 7: For real? What to do with you!?!? You got to be kidding me? :(( so freaking CUTE! I LOVE YOU! Damm! Yugyeom! <3 Youngjae though... OMG! No just no! One more chapter here and I want more after that! *____* PLEASE GIVE YOUR BIGGEST FAN MORE ❤️❤️❤️