C is for Chocolate

Alphabet Soup: GOT7 Style

It took 3 chapters for my actual GOT7 bias to have a story of his own.


“You don’t have to bake me a cake Jinyoung,” Jaebum says. He’s sitting next to Youngjae on barstools at the kitchen island in their dormitory.  “You already made seaweed soup for me this morning.”

“That’s the fifth time you’ve told me that today.  I counted.  Are you already forgetting things now that you’re officially a year older?” Jinyoung hasn’t even bothered to turn around since after the third time.  He’s too focused on his tasks at hand.  

“Haha, that isn’t funny,” Jaebum mumbles, as Youngjae quickly tries to cover his laugh by coughing instead.

“Need any help, hyung?” Yugyeom enters the kitchen with Mark. They’d just sent Jackson and Bambam off with their manager to pick up a few last minute things they needed for tonight’s party.

“Can you hand me that bowl over there? Thanks.”

After passing the bowl over, he frowns when he sees what Jinyoung is doing.  “Why are you making so much chocolate sauce? Isn’t that enough to cover like three cakes?” 

“Oh, that? I’m going to paint with it later.”  

Jaebum chokes on the sip of water he’d just taken, coughing violently, and Youngjae (being the caring dongsaeng that he is) hurries to slap him on the back a couple of times.  

“I didn’t know you could paint with chocolate.  That sounds fun.  Can I—” Yugyeom stops mid-sentence as Mark tugs on his arm.  “Hey, hyung, what—?”

“Nevermind, Yugyeom, I just remembered that I need you to help me with something in the other room,” Mark makes up on the spot.  “Something very important,” he continues, when Yugyeom protests.  Keeping a firm hold of one of Yugyeom’s arms, he shoots a glare at Jinyoung who just smiles and shrugs innocently.  Baby ears, he mouths, before dragging Yugyeom out of the kitchen.

Silence reigns in the kitchen, and they can hear Mark telling Yugyeom that painting with chocolate isn’t allowed until he’s older and the youngest maknae complaining about how that isn't fair and it doesn't make any sense anyway and why can he never do anything fun.

Youngjae laughs and hops off his barstool before leaning closer to stage whisper in Jaebum’s ear.  “I’m rooming with Bambam and Yugyeom tonight, so no worries hyung.”

“Youngjaeya,” Jaebum growls, though its without any real heat.  This is what happens when you decide to tell your group mates that you’re dating another member.  It’s just ammunition for them to give him a hard time, something they excel at and love doing.

Completely undaunted Youngjae continues in his quest to make his hyung blush.  “We rented an action movie too.  I purposely looked for one that said there would be lots and lots of car chases and loud explosions, so you don't have to worry about being quiet—ow, hyung, why’d you hit me?”

“So that you would get the hint to stop talking,” Jaebum replies, briefly wondering to himself if Youngjae had a death wish.  “Go, go bother Mark hyung or play with Yugyeom.” 

“But I was just about to get to the have fun, be safe part of my speech,” Youngjae teases, but after one (threatening) glare from Jaebum, he amends, “okay, okay, you’re no fun.  I’m going.”  Youngjae’s smiling as he heads off to distract Yugyeom from his chocolate painting request.

And finally it’s just the two of them in the kitchen.  

“Remind me why we told them we were together in the first place?” Jaebum asks.

“Because we were caught by Jackson, the guy with the loudest and biggest mouth, in the laundry room not actually doing laundry?” Jinyoung replies with a grin at the memory, not the getting caught part but the before part. 

“We could have blackmailed him.”

Jinyoung sighs, not offended.  “Whatever you say, hyung.”  Jinyoung knows that Jaebum doesn’t really mean it, he’s the one who had — even before the Jackson finding out incident — suggested that maybe they should tell the other kids.

“Did you really have to say that?” Jaebum switches topic suddenly, after glancing at the clock on the stove.  It’s only now just half past two o’clock.  

“Oh, that.”  Jinyoung doesn’t even ask what he means, he already knows what Jaebum is referring to.  “Oops, sorry I ruined your surprise?”

Sorry, right, uh huh like he actually believes that.  

He’s known Jinyoung for a long time, so he is well acquainted with his mischievous mind (which in some cases he loves, usually all the ones involving the bedroom and — quite honestly — any room with a lock on it) and he knows his boyfriend didn't just accidentally let the surprise slip out.   

No, he knows Jinyoung had done it just to torture him, knowing that the kids had already planned an elaborate dinner to celebrate his birthday and that they would want to give gifts and play games and all the while he would have to smile and try his best not to think about the other more personal celebration Jinyoung had planned for him.

“Today’s going to be a long day,” he complains, half groaning at the thought of the seemingly endless hours ahead.  He gets up, glances at the clock again, only two minutes have passed — seriously is the clock mocking him now? — and opens the refrigerator door hoping that the cool air will cool down his wayward thoughts.

He hears Jinyoung laughing, not so silently, and he opens the freezer door while he’s at it.

“Don’t laugh, this is all your fault.”

“I’m sorry, can I make it better for you?” 

There’s something about the way Jinyoung asks the question that has him shutting both doors again and turning around.  Heaven help him.  Or maybe it’s much too late, and he’s already going to hell.  Honestly he can’t seem to care either way.

Jinyoung’s sitting front and center on top the island’s counter.  And, most importantly, there’s a bowl of chocolate next to him.

He grins as he walks toward the younger man, stopping to stand in between his legs.  The thought that the other three could walk back into the kitchen at any given moment flashes through his mind as quickly as it leaves.  He’s just going to put his trust in Mark to be smart enough to stay out and keep the others occupied as well.

“It depends,” Jaebum pauses, pretending to ponder, “I’ve been teased and laughed at, quite relentlessly I might add, and now I’m going to need to spend the next thirty minutes taking a very very cold shower just in hopes that I’ll make it until later tonight all because of you—”

“Aw, baby, you’ve had it hard—”

Jaebum tsktsks before leaning down to playfully nip at Jinyoung’s bottom lip.

“Sorry, bad choice of words?”  Jinyoung laughs softly, not looking very contrite at all.  “Happy birthday hyung.” He picks up the bowl next to them and dips one finger into the cooled chocolate.

God if he doesn't love his boyfriend, every devious mischievous wonderful inch of him. 

“You were saying before, about making it better,” Jaebum prompts.  “Maybe a sample of what’s on tonight’s agenda?”

Instead of answering, he holds his finger against Jaebum’s lips, smearing it messily along the contours and curves and dips, before the remains off his finger, all the while keeping his eyes locked with Jaebum. 

“Yeah, yeah I think I can do that birthday boy.”  Jinyoung grins wickedly before he leans in toward his best friend, his lover, and does exactly that.  

Chocolate’s never tasted sweeter or more sinfully delicious.

And later, much much later, in a tangle of limbs, with still fast beating hearts, and heavy breathing filling the darkened room, Jaebum thinks that death by chocolate is not such a bad way to go.



I feel this is fairly PG if you are innocent (and if so *hands you a cookie and glass of milk*), but depending on how far into the gutter your mind goes then well…. ahem, it may be a bit more mature? (and if so *welcome to the dark side, we also have cookies and they are delicious*)

Comments/constructive criticism/fangirling....all welcomed!  (I also may have started an Infinite fic, if there's any fellow IGOT7s who are also Inspirits... and you maybe wanted to check it out too?)


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floralis #1
Chapter 9: I really like your work ! And the ladt one ? I LOVE it xD
I'm definitly a jjp shipper xD but i also like your markjin and 2 jae ^^ i like markson too ^^
But definitly this chapter is my favorite for now ^^
wheres-my-cookie #2
Chapter 4: I hope you don't mind me leaving a comment on basically every chapter...but I really loved this one! I mean I do live for you rated jjp fics but this was so sweet! *-* And the "absolutely perfect, just like you" omg don't kill me ajdkewkwkw xDD
wheres-my-cookie #3
Chapter 3: These will be the death of me, especially all the jjp ones *screaming*!!!!!!!
Chapter 9: I want a markjae next jebal
Chapter 9: JJP TT__________________TT♡

( and it's a bit rated T^T )

You're the best ♡
wheres-my-cookie #6
Chapter 2: Honestly cRYING at how sweet this is ;-;
wheres-my-cookie #7
Chapter 1: Finally getting round to reading these...and THIS WAS SO ADORABLE OMG! JJP is my otp but you're making me sway towards 2jae now .-.

and yeah, jjp seems to be that couple fighting for dominance in a second and ripping each other's clothes the next. i'm. ;;
ConnieMHope #9
Chapter 8: This was so cute!!
Chapter 7: For real? What to do with you!?!? You got to be kidding me? :(( so freaking CUTE! I LOVE YOU! Damm! Yugyeom! <3 Youngjae though... OMG! No just no! One more chapter here and I want more after that! *____* PLEASE GIVE YOUR BIGGEST FAN MORE ❤️❤️❤️