Boys and Marshmallows


Chapter 3




5th Day of School



It's been three days since I have received even a text from Minhyun, and I was starting to worry. He must be plotting something, and I was not having any of it. I was not going to let myself get pranked again by that little demon again.


I was wandering the halls, completely lost in thoughts of all the terrible pranks Minhyun was going to use on me, and to be truthful, I was scared out of my wits.


“BOO!” A hand grabbed my shoulder


“Ahhh!” I was off and running faster than I had in my entire life, not even looking back. I kept on running, and looking around trying to see Minhyun anywhere, waiting to pounce again, but I was agile enough to turn around in time and almost punch him in the face.


...wait, that isn't Minhyun...


“Didn't think you scared so easy Min, what happened to the emotionless, ice princess?” I moved my hand away from Kai's face enough to see his smirk. That annoying smirk I hated so much, making me wonder if I should have just punched him.


“I thought you were someone else.” I breathed, regretting my decision to run in a stuffy school uniform.


“Oh that's a shame, because all I've had on my mind is you.” Kai gave his signature wink, and even I had to admit defeat.


“You really are the king of cheesiness.” I was laughing before I could stop myself.


“At your service.” He bowed and I was laughing so hard that I snorted.


I was quick to turn bright red, and I almost walked away from embarrassment but I was stopped by his words.


“Your laugh is cute, kinda geeky, but cute.” Kai smiled and this was the first time I saw a genuine smile on his face, and it was honestly amazing.


“Thanks.” I chuckled, walking away to grab my books for the next class.


When I walked into Biology, I was almost tackled to the ground by Sandara, but Chanyeol had pulled her back.


“Where were you for lunch today, I was so worried. I thought something bad happened to you!” Once again, the over-dramatic Sandara had come out.


“I was just wandering the halls, when I ran into a friend, we talked for a while.” Sandara calmed down and we all went to our seats, Sandara and I beside each other, near the windows. Chanyeol sat in the back beside this cute guy named Minseok, who happened to be in the media club with me last year.


“Okay class, today we will be discussing....” Mr. Lee started.


The whole class leaned in, anticipating Mr. Lee's words.


“...Genetics.” Mr. Lee's usual little dance followed. All the kids cheered.


If Mr. Lee was any other biology teacher, this would be a lack luster lesson, coping notes and ending with the inevitable 100 questions for homework, but that was not how Mr. Lee rolled. He made every lesson seem like biology was the most interesting topic ever.


“Everyone grab a partner, because today we are making marshmallow children!”


Sandara and I partnered up, while Chanyeol partnered with Minseok. Both of which came to share our lab bench with us.


“Sir, can we eat the marshmallows, I'm hungry.” Jae cried from the back as the class started laughing at his pouty face.


“There is no need, I brought extras.”


“Have I ever told you guys how much I love Mr. Lee, the man is a miracle in this boring, bland prison.” Chanyeol voiced, already stuffing his mouth with marshmallows.


We all nodded our heads in agreement and started building our marshmallow kids with the instructions Mr. Lee had given us.


. . . .


“Oh my, look at this little cuteness.” Sandara was happily admiring Charlie, our marshmallow child, squealing like it was the cutest thing she had ever laid her eyes on.


“Is she okay?” Mr. Lee asked as he observed an oblivious Sandara who simply kept staring at our little fluffy offspring.


“Ya, she's just being Sandara.” Chanyeol and I both spoke.


“Okay than, class that is it for today, remember your project is due on the 16th, no exceptions, right Jae?” Mr. Lee turned his gaze towards Jae, who had his mouth filled to the brim with marshmallows.


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