Coffee and Cahoots



Chapter 1




First Day of School Pt.1



Mission: Walk in to school with my two best friends at my side as we conquer another year at Eclipse


High without the problems we faced last year.


The thought alone distracted me long enough for Sandara to sneak into my apartment and finish a


bottle of water she grabbed from the fridge. She called out to me but I was lost in my thoughts.



“Min, come on. We're going to be late if you keep on brooding like that.” Sandara was dragging me


outside of my apartment and toward her bright red Fiat before I could even comprehend how she got


into my apartment in the first place.



“Where's Chanyeol?” I peeked in the car, but was only met with the aroma of leather seats.



“Where do you think we are going right now?” Sandara sped out of the parking lot and I was able to


protect most of myself, sadly my head was not as lucky.



To Channie😁


The Demon Driver is approaching, ready yourself quickly!!👿


From MIN☮



It was only a few moments before I got a reply...






Stall for me!!


From Channie😁


I released a deep sigh as I spotted a busy drive-through coffee shop and a lame idea popped into my head.



*Fake yawn. *



“ I need coffee!!! Get me coffee!! Please.” I pouted at Sandara, and pointed at the coffee shop.



“No.” Her face was stern but I held her gaze, and knowing she wouldn't listen, grabbed hold of the


wheel and turned into the coffee shop drive-through, taking Sandara by surprise.



“Well now that we're here...” I flinched at Sandara 's glare, and instead took out my phone to text





To Channie😁


Bought you a few minutes, YOU OWE ME



From MIN☮




After the drive-through, we made it to Chanyeol 's house to see him sitting on his front steps, he


winked at me, got in the car, and we were off to school.


"Are you two in cahoots? Chanyeol is never ready on time." Sandara pointed an accusing finger at both of us.


"Hey, that's mean. I'm sometimes ready on time." Chanyeol was trying to defend himself with little success.


"SURE." Sandara's sarcastic reply was enough to shut the pair of us up, atleast for the rest of the car ride.



Hopping out, we walked across the posh campus filled with cherry blossoms and into the


prestigious Eclipse High. The building itself looked like a cathedral, and glistened in the sunlight, like


it was made of glass.



As we walked through the hallways, I greeted some of my classmates, exchanging hellos and small


talk about out summer. Chanyeol went to greet his friends on the basketball team, while Sandara went


to see her fellow Drama Club members. So I was left alone to find my new locker, which was not


proving to be successful.



“Lost, Princess?” I recognized that condescending voice. Kai. I turned around in time to see the


delinquent approach me.


“What if I am, it's not like you could help me since you're never here. I'm surprised you even now


where the school is.” I crossed my arms, as I kept eye contact with him, not wanting to give him the





“Ohh, that hurt. I guess I'll just leave you to it, ice princess.” Kai raised his hands in defeat before


vanishing around the corner.



“What was that?” I shook my head to clear it before turning down the hallway Kai disappeared to, only


to find my new locker with a sticky note on it.



Better watch it with the sass Princess.


P.S. You're welcome




Wow, what was it with this kid?











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