A New Home


I stood silently staring at the packed large bags. Today was the day I would be moving with my parents to live somewhere farther than Seoul, the biggest city in South Korea, however bunch of judgemental citizen whom never understood my entire situations. They keep distancing themselves just because of my bizarre appearance— my eyes. I had red one on my right pupil and soft baby green on my left pupil.

Almost everyone in my previous school was scared, some were completely jealous that I had red and green eyes. I don't know why they are so envious to brag about it wherever I go. The only thing that these pair of bizarre eyes had done to me was turning people against me. Of course, the society.

However, I don't have super powers nor abilities to show off like in any nonsense stories, created from such an imagination by fellow humans. There's nothing cool about my eyes neither. To be honest, I'm more jealous of their eyes. How could they have those beautiful pair of black and brown eyes while I was excluded?

These eyes were never meant for me. It wasn't special in every ways you may described and I didn't want to be. I'm not desperate for popularity, so I didn't auditioned to grew fame through newspaper to show people how unique I am. Because I knew I never was.

I was awoken by a hand landing on the back of my head. I looks up emotionlessly and realizes it was my mother. The most laid-back yet diligent woman. She does every house chores when I and my father was away from home for school stuffs and he went to his workplace. He's an engineer and he end up choosing mechanic as main occassion. It wasn't a big deal to switch workplace since every single places has car workshop.

“Seulbin-ah, are you ready? We'll be heading there right now,” she said in gentle tone.

I nodded slowly as picking up my black bag and tossing it over my shoulder then holding other remaining bags using my two useful arms. She helped me carrying the boxes filled with my collected books. I loves reading and that's a true fact, I'm a nerd, like what other people have been calling me before.

She walked out the front door and crossed the street to our car. She took out her keys and started the car engine. I ditches the bags onto the tailgate and handing the rest to my father. He'll definitely handle those heavy bags and boxes by himself. I made my way to sat down in the back seat as my mom on the passenger and my dad will be a driver as usual. We closes the doors and he started to drive and we headed towards the long highway. I stayed quiet the whole time.

Two hours had passed, I was half asleep and half awake because of the bumpy and how it keeps bouncing as he was driving on the rough road. Thinking it must be quite a bit far, so I ran my hand to pull out my smartphone with earphones and put it on my ears. I tap the screen and a smooth song was played. I prefer Indie and acoustic alike musics rather than pop, etc.

I shut my eyes while listening to the music peacefully. Everything was in peace. Cool breeze from the air-con, noises was halfly cut since the music blocked them all, and whenever I fluttered my eyes open, I could see a very beautiful scenery outside there. There was less buildings because of it's less popularity with city stuffs. I'll be liking this place so much— maybe.

Minutes later, we finally arrived to our last destination. It's a small city, or preferably known as a town. There was barely noisiness around this area. The car came to a stop at the parking garage.

“Seulbin, we are here,” said my father who are growing tired because of driving but he still manage to flash a simple smile.

I nod once and get off of the car, followed by my mom. We carried the bags and passing boxes into our new house. It wasn't something like Korean folk village that I've been imagining of. It's obviously big and comfortable for three of us to take a shelter. This house was belonged my late grandparents. They've deceased two years ago.

Taking a clear observation from the outside view, then I stepped inside to observes the interior. I was amazed by it's vintage and historic designs and decoration. It is something that I would like to see on each days I woke up in the early morning. This is a gift for me, a perfect gift I've ever received. I can't deny it.

I was greeted by an elder woman when I was close to go in different direction from where my parents was. I widened my eyes and gasped in big surprise to see another person in this precious house approached me.

“Who are you?” I immediately asked.

I think she found my reaction was amusing that she chuckled a bit. “Sorry, I don't mean to prepare any surprise for my best friend's granddaughter. You're really beautiful, my dear. Not forget to mention, I'm the housekeeper and my name is Xu Jieyou, yours?” she replied as smiling at me. I wonder how or why did she acts as if nothing's wrong with my appearance.

She's not like any other people, who would've shocked by seeing my colored eyes. In additional, she's Chinese, too? I quirk an eyebrow for a second and pursing my lips before begin to speak.

“I-is nice to meet you, Mrs. Xu. I'm Seulbin, Yoo Seulbin,”

She nodded after hearing the name coming out of my mouth and smiles once more time, “That's a very lovely name. It's getting late now, if I have a chance, I'll bring you to meet my children. I lives nearby, so please tell your parents if they need anything. I'll excuse myself,” she bowed and I automatically bows back to respond a respect. I stares at her as she exit my new house with a light thud from the main door.

I sighs in relief. Nervousness eaten me earlier since I don't know how to open up a conversation with humans. Back then, it was super hard to getting close with wild people. My old schoolmates are having hard parties and I dislikes too much noisiness as well as crazy dancing people and the smell of sweats everywhere. Kinda annoying in my opinion.

Climbing up the stairs, I met my new bedroom. The door was opened, revealing my mom was busily sweeping the dusty floors and I walked in as soon as she has done her mini work.

“Thanks, mom,” I said and she beam at me. “No need to thank me. I'm your mom,”

I nodded, touches by those words from her and I am happy to own a great family, even though they couldn't had anymore child after me. I had no siblings in my entire life, nor a friend. I used to have childhood best friend when I was 5 but I don't remember what he looks like now. We've fully grown up and our features might also changed. I might have not recognizes him anymore— maybe.

She plant a small peck on my forehead before heading out towards her and my father's shared bedroom. Putting down my earphone and smartphone on the study table. Rolled up the sleeves to make it easier for me to clean up the messes and unpacking session started now. Then I notices the sunset from a window and mostly covered with trees. Night has appeared.



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SakuraRose41132 #1
Chapter 4: This story is really good authornim~ Hope u update soon!! ^^
BIEratri #2
Chapter 4: Like it!!!^^ can't wait 4 the next!!!^^^__^^^
jinjin92 #3
Chapter 2: ahh can't wait for the next chapter!! this is so good!! it also has a unique plot!! update soon author nim!!
coverkpop #4
Chapter 2: Like it! Please update soon!!