Chapter 82 -His 3 angels

The biggest secret

Today GD has to join Big Bang in Happy Together again. He honestly doesn’t want to do it at all since Ji Hyo in at her ninth month. The babies can pop out at any moment. He has been staying next to her 24/7 to make sure that he will be there when her water break. But because Big Bang just released their comeback album and Ji Hyo kept telling him to go so he has no choice but do as she told.

Ji Hyo is sending him to the door but he keeps lingering, doesn’t want to leave.

“Are you sure you are going to be okay, yeobo?” – He scowls, winging her hands back and forth as an elementary kid.

Ji Hyo puts her hand on his cheek, caresses it softly – “I’m fine. Don’t worry. I have 2 ajuma here to take care of me too. You don’t have to worry about that.” – GD’s mother sent 2 housekeepers to take care for Ji Hyo since last month. Because they are having twins so those 2 housekeepers will also be their nannies in the future. Those 2 ladies live in their house and literally never leave Ji Hyo’s side to make sure her safety during the pregnancy. That was her mother in law comment and no one dared to go against that.

GD exhales sharply – “I am really worry, yeobo. Can you promise that you are going to call me even when you have the lightest contraction?”

“I will. I will.” – Ji Hyo scowls but her lips curl to a big smile. It is not at all easy finding an overly caring husband as GD. He is very serious about being a father. He attends every birthing class with Ji Hyo without a fail. While other soon-to-be dad only practiced half-hearted, GD takes on his practiced very seriously. He even learned how to change diaper for the baby even though for sure the nannies will take care of it. But he still wanted to learn, just in case no one is around. Plus he wants to make sure that he will be able to tell if the nannies take care of his kids correctly or not. The mothers in those birthing classes of course envy him as God. Most of them got distracted and paid attention only to him instead of the instructors. They even asked for his autograph.

But the fathers even made an anti-fan club because GD was too perfect and took everything too seriously. They kept getting nagged by their wives over how great and handsome GD was and why they couldn’t behave even as half gentle as GD did to his wife.

 If people didn’t know GD’s face, they probably couldn’t imagine that he was a famous male idol with the way he took care of his wife. He behaved as a puppy when he was around her. He carried her purse, got her water, wiped her sweat, almost looked like a servant but he didn’t mind at all. He didn’t want his wife to do even the lightest things during the pregnancy. She did enough during their marriage.

“Alright, give me a kiss before I go.” – He points his finger to his cheek but when she is about to plant a kiss on his cheek, he turns around and gets the kiss right on his lips – “Got cha.” – He playfully says and runs to his car.

She can only smile and shakes her head. This guy is about to become a father and he still behaves as a kid. But he is too adorable so she will let it slide.

Normally, the PDs of Happy Together don’t allow participant to bring their cellphones in the recording area but because of GD circumstance so they make an exception. GD actually had to beg them for 30 minutes before they said yes. He wanted to make sure that the phone calls go through in case Ji Hyo goes on labor. He would never forgive himself if he isn’t there for her. 

“GD, long time no see. How have you been?” – Jae Suk brightly greets GD

“I’m good. Thank you very much. How about you?” – GD politely responds.

“I’m good of course. It is very rare to see you on TV lately. I heard that you mainly focus on your company now.”

“N-ne. My wife as you know is pregnant and it is not very comfortable for her to come to the company every day so I try my best to take care of the company for the time being.”

“Oh right. When will your wife due?” – Park Mi Sun asks, curious.

“Anytime now. She is at her ninth month already. That’s why I am pretty worried when I am here today.”

“Whoa! You are such a caring husband. Who can imagine that GD is going to be father soon?” – Park Myung Soo comments.

GD smiles brightly – “I am very excited about that. My babies are very active. They kick all the time.”

“Of course, because their father is such a good dancer.” – Jae Suk comments and the whole room laugh out loud.

They asks some more questions about GD and Ji Hyo marriage life then change to Big Bang new album. The atmosphere is great until GD phone rang. His heart throbs seeing his mother’s phone number.

“I have to take this.” – I tell the room and immediately pick up the phone. – “Hello, omma.”

“Where are you? Going to the hospital right now. Your wife’s water broke. Quickly.” – She screams on the phone and before GD can ask for anything else, his mother doesn’t seem to be on the phone any more. He only can hear his mother asking Ji Hyo how she is doing.

“What is going on?” – Dae Sung, Taeyang, TOP, and Seung Ri ask in worry.

“My wife is at the hospital now. I gotta go.” – He stands up and ready to leave.

“Hey we want to go too.” – The four boys protest.

“How about the program?” – GD worries.

“Don’t worry about us, go take care of your wife.” – Jae Suk tells him.

GD thinks for a second. He feels bad ruining the whole program – “Do you guy want to join me too?” – He asks the M.Cs.

“Are you sure?” – Jae Suk asks – “I know the whole nation will love to watch GD’s kids’ birth moment but I don’t know if your family will be okay with that.”

GD nods – “Sure, my wife will understand.”

“Great, then, what are we waiting for? Let’s go.” – Jae Suk comments and the whole filming crew quickly grabs their equipment and accompanies Big Bang to the hospital. This is definitely going to be the biggest event of Korean entertainment industry

Big Bang quickly jumps to their car. Their manager understands the situation so he accelerates the gas pedal quickly but it isn’t enough to GD. He keeps asking his manager to go faster and faster. His stomach is burning hot. He has an uneasy feeling since the morning. He knew that he shouldn’t leave her.

The car finally reaches the hospital. GD jumps out before the car fully park and Big Bang follow his step. The nurses know right away who they are looking for and take them right to the Ji Hyo’s room. His parents, his sister, her mother and her sister are waiting in front of the room, all anxious.

“How is she?” – He asks in rush.

“I don’t know. The doctor hasn’t told us anything yet. Go inside.” – His mother tells him.

“Okay.” – He quickly runs into Ji Hyo’s room where nurses help him to put gown and cap on.

He can’t stop rushing the nurses. Ji Hyo looks like she is in great pain right now. Her face is sweating hard.

“Yeobo, how do you feel?” – He runs to her and holds her hand tightly as soon as the nurses done tying his gown.

“I’m fine.” – She says but her teeth keeps biting her lower lips.

“Alright, the babies are ready to come. Are you ready?” – The doctor asks Ji Hyo.

“Yeah.” – He answers with the little breath left in her body.

“Good now take a deep breath as we practice” – The doctor comments.

Ji Hyo takes a deep breath, squeezing GD’s hand tightly. GD is breathing the same rhythm as Ji Hyo is. He can feel her pain by deep frown on her forehead and the way she squeezes his hand. She must be in so much pain. He looks at her in worry – “Are you okay, yeobo” – He keeps on asking even though she can’t answer him. She is in too much pain. He wishes he can share her pain. His pitiful wife. It must be very hard on her – “You are doing very good, yeobo.” – Encouraging is the only thing he can do for her now.

“Alright, now push.” – The doctor comments and Ji Hyo follows. She doesn’t even know what she is doing anymore. This is the worst pain in her live. She closes her eyes and keeps on pushing while GD stands right next to her and holds her hand tightly. She even bites his hand to release her stress. GD doesn’t even scream. “Bite more if you want to yeobo.” – He tells her because he knows that the little pain on his arm right now is only 1/1000 compared to her pain.

Then they hear the baby cry.

“First one out, now push a little more.” – The doctor says. GD keeps sneaks his peak and his new baby. He wants to jump right to the nurse and takes the baby but he has to stay by his wife side until the second baby is born. He can’t leave her alone.

Ji Hyo is very tired by the time the first baby out but she still tries her best. She takes a deep breath, making her last push and the babe comes out safely.

“Good job, yeobo, good job.” – GD kisses Ji Hyo all over her face, thankfully.

“Do you want to cut the core?” – The doctor asks GD

“Of course.” – He happily says and takes the scissors.

His hands are shaking as he holds the core. He is about to cut his baby core. He has ever been so emotional like this. Ji Hyo can see a little tear fall out of his eyes.

“Good job.” – The doctor compliments GD as he finished cutting the core.

The nurses quickly clean up the babies and bring them to Ji Hyo. They put one on each side of Ji Hyo. The babies are beautiful.  They are still red as blood but they are definitely perfect. Their little curling fingers, their little toes. They are too adorable. Ji Hyo spreads a tear looking at her gorgeous babies.

 GD stands next to her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders, looking at her and the babies lovingly. His three angels, they are so beautiful. His life is now completed. From this moment on, he knows he will devote his life to protect the three angels in front of him. They are his source of life, his motivation, and his everything.

He loves them, more than anything in this world.

Thank God for sending those angels to his life. They are more than perfect.

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A/N: Hello guys, I am so guilty to say that I miss you guy more than i expect. I decide to do a sequel but instead of making a new story. I will continue write


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Raine26 #1
Chapter 4: Awww GD. I'm just getting in the story. I don't even know if this is complete or not. I'm hoping it is complete.
Raine26 #2
Chapter 3: This is nice. I'm a spartace fan. But Gd is also a favorite for miss mong.
Chapter 1: I'm horrible because I can't focus on the story. I'm eyeing the format.
Sandrazach #4
Chapter 63: okayyy
Azzatac #5
Chapter 4: I keep on coming back to this. Please we are waiting for your return ?
jeamiegerie #6
Chapter 89: Hi author-nim, its been 3 years since I read this story, I suddenly missed this and went back hoping you’re still continuing this but sadly you’re not. I hope you’d come back and continue writing again. After all this years, this is still the best!
jeanne_0416 #7
Chapter 90: It’s already 2018 but i am still hoping that this story can be continued/completed...dear author please continue your exciting story?
zourmz #8
Chapter 90: Author-nim... Where are you?? One year has passed, but you haven't updated.. You aren't sick, are you??
I re-read this story again author-nim.. Miss you author-nim.. ;( ;(
Ivanbaby #9
Plzz leave them happy ever after ..dun make them suffer plzz