Chapter 80 - Big Bang in da house

The biggest secret

“Should we call Shin Hye home for lunch too, mother in law?” – GD suggests as he done loading the grocery inside the house. With the amount of food that they bought, they probably can feed the whole village. It was mainly because of GD. He hasn’t changed one bit since the first time he went grocery shopping with Ji Hyo in America. He is still amazed about every little thing as a five years old kid and threw everything on his eyesight into the shopping cart. Ji Hyo was too tired with her pregnancy to follow him and takes things out. She gave up after 30 minutes and let him pick whatever he wanted. Now she remembers why they never went grocery shopping together.

Her mother nods – “Yeah, we should. She hasn’t had lunch at home much lately.”

“Alright, I will call her then.” – GD puts the last bag on the kitchen counter, gets a glass of water for Ji Hyo before taking out his phone and dial Shin Hye.

“Hello, brother in law.” – Shin Hye brightly greets over the phone.

“Hello, sister in law. I and your sister are at your mother house now. Mother in law is making a lot of good food. Do you want to join us?”

“Is omma making a lot of food? I am about to have lunch with TOP oppa, can he join us too?”

“Of course, tell him to join us then.”

“Alright, we will be home in around 30 minutes.”

“Great.” – GD hangs up the phone and walks to the kitchen where Ji Hyo is cutting the vegetable.

He stops her hand and scowls – “yeobo, why are you doing this? Knife is very dangerous, what if you cut your finger?”

Ji Hyo scowls softly – “Don’t be over sensitive, yeobo. I use knife all my life.” – Even though it annoys her sometime with GD overprotective behavior since the day he found out about her pregnancy, she does enjoy his care a lot. Throughout their marriage, she has mainly been the protector and the caregiver. He tried to take care of her before but there wasn’t much thing that he could do since she always took good care of herself and they weren’t together very often. So now, when he has the chance, he does everything he can to make up for his absent. He obviously overdoes it but it makes her happy. Despite how strong and cold she is, she is still just a woman and every woman wants to be loved and cared by her husband. Especially now when she is pregnant and her body is overly sensitive.

GD tsks  - “but you are pregnant, yeobo. I will do it for you.”

Ji Hyo can’t hide her laugh. – “You have never cut anything in your life yeobo. Are you sure that you want to cut vegetable?”

“Of course, don’t underestimate me. I can do a lot of thing. I had to cook when I lived in the dorm with Big Bang too.” – He frowns

She narrows her eyes, staring at him – “Really? Dae Sung told me that he did all the cooking when you lived in the dorm.”

“Yah, that kid. When did you even talk to him?” – GD asks, irritated.

“I talk to him rather often. He calls me once a week to check on me.”

GD frowns – “What? Why didn’t I know that?”

Ji Hyo smiles – “Why do you need to know? He is my spy. So he calls me every week to tell me what you do when I am not around.”

“Seriously? Such a traitor! I have to teach him a lesson.”

Ji Hyo laughs hard, looking at her husband funny reaction – “I’m just kidding, yeobo. He is not my spy. He is thinking about investing his money on something so he often calls me for advice. I am helping him on investing in stocks. He seems like doing very well.”

“Really? I didn’t know that he thinks about that kind of stuff too.”

“Yeah, he is actually very thoughtful and mature.”

“Oh well but despite that I will prove to you that I can cut vegetable.” – He firmly states and picks up the knife. Opposite to his determination, his knifing still is not at all supportive. The first piece of carrot he cuts drop straight to the floor. He quickly picks it up and flutters.

“Wow, my husband is such a talent, can make a carrot dance to.” – Ji Hyo teases

Her mother has been witnessing the two of them arguing as two children and couldn’t hold her laugh – “You two please go hang out in the living room, watch TV or something, let this old woman do her job. You two only cause trouble.” – She scolds and pushes them away.

“No, mother in law, please let me help. I can’t let you do it all by yourself.” – This is what Ji Hyo loves most about her husband. Even though he grew up in royalty and has never touched a chore in his life, he always behaves well in front of her mother. He never hesitates to offer his help even to the smallest chore and even when he is not at all good at it. She appreciates very much how nice he treats her mother and doesn’t make her feel as they are from different classes.

Her mother scowls softly at him. – “I can do those small things by myself. I used to cook for 100 people a day when I worked at the restaurant. This is nothing.”

GD knows he can’t convince her mother any further so he listens to her and takes Ji Hyo to the living room. Right when the TV is , the doorbell chimes.

“I will get it.” – GD says and runs to the door. He thought it was Shin Hye at first but it doesn’t make sense since she of course has the key. His question immediately gets answers when he opens the door and 4 noisy boys attacking him.

“What’s up GD?” – TOP, Seung Ri, Taeyang, and Dae Sung brightly greet while forcing their ways inside the house.

GD stares at them in confuse – “What are all of you doing here?”

“Well, we were about to head out for lunch when Shin Hye called hyung to come by her house and have lunch so hyung asked us to join him.” – Seung Ri answers.

TOP scowls and smacks Seung Ri on his head – “I never invited you all, the three of you invited yourself and forced your ways in my car.”

“Haiz, hyung, don’t be so stingy. You want us here too, don’t you?” – Taeyang comments.

“Absolutely not, this is family lunch. You guys are not parts of this family.” – TOP frowns.

“Omo, did you just consider yourself a part of my family?” – GD widens his eyes at TOP.

TOP flutters and scratches his hair – “Whatever, let’s greet your mother in law first.”

The four of them quickly walk to the kitchen and bow politely at Ji Hyo’s mother.

“Omo, what luck is it? The whole famous Big Bang visit this old woman.” – Her mother shakes each of their hand with a big smile.

“How are you, eomeoni?” – TOP politely hugs her mother.

“Seung Hyun ah, why haven’t you come by for dinner lately?” – Her mother asks

“I’m sorry. I have been busy preparing for my new album so I haven’t had much time to visit you.”

GD comes from one surprise to another – “What? Has he come by here often, mother in law?”

“Of course I am. I visit her every chance I have, unlike you.” – TOP smirks at GD.

“Yah. Do you try to have a competition with me? I am definitely a better son in law than you.” – GD raises his voice.

Ji Hyo’s mother laughs at those two fighting nys and gestures them to calm down -“You are both good. Don’t fight! Go to the living room and join the others.”

Only then, GD and TOP realize that they are the only ones in the kitchen. They look around and find the other three are surrounding Ji Hyo in the living room. Dae Sung is rubbing Ji Hyo stomach and feeling the babies kicking. Seung Ri and Taeyang are excitedly waiting for their turn too.

GD immediately pushes the three guys away from his wife – “Hey, give her some space to breathe. Is it your first time see a pregnant woman?”

Dae Sung scowls – “Are you her personal security guard now? Yes, this is my first time seeing a pregnant woman, a pretty one, so I want to stick around.”

GD gives him a sharp gaze – “I heard you told my wife that you were the only one do the cooking when we were in the dorm, now go to the kitchen and help my mother in law.” – He raises his voice and points his finger toward the kitchen.

Dae Sung scowls but still stands up – “I come here to eat, not to cook.” – He mumbles but still spreads a big smile when he sees Ji Hyo’s mother in the kitchen.

“Why do you make him help? He is our guest.” – Ji Hyo scolds GD.

“Don’t worry about him, sister in law. He is used to it.” - TOP utters

The attention changes to the door as Shin Hye walks in

“Oh, everybody is already here?” – Shin Hye asks in surprise.

“You home already?” – TOP runs to Shin Hye and takes the purse off her hand – “It is hot outside. Do you want some water?” – TOP asks, attentive.

The boys look at him as some kind of alien.

“Wow, I didn’t know that hyung can be so caring.” – Seung Ri comments while staring at TOP with the narrow eyes.

“I agree with SeungRi. Sisters of this household really know how to control their men.” – Taeyang teases.

TOP glazes sharply at both Seung Ri and Taeyang. – “Don’t act as you are not like that when you are with your girlfriend.”

Shin Hye shakes her head.- “How can you all work together when you keep arguing like that?”

“We are in love hate relationships.” – GD explains.

“I hope love more than hate.” – Shin Hye comments and they all bust out of laughter.

Big Bang is always like that, arguing, fighting, mocking each other but at the end of the day, they always have each other back and support each other no matter what. They are real brothers.

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A/N: Hello guys, I am so guilty to say that I miss you guy more than i expect. I decide to do a sequel but instead of making a new story. I will continue write


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Raine26 #1
Chapter 4: Awww GD. I'm just getting in the story. I don't even know if this is complete or not. I'm hoping it is complete.
Raine26 #2
Chapter 3: This is nice. I'm a spartace fan. But Gd is also a favorite for miss mong.
Chapter 1: I'm horrible because I can't focus on the story. I'm eyeing the format.
Sandrazach #4
Chapter 63: okayyy
Azzatac #5
Chapter 4: I keep on coming back to this. Please we are waiting for your return ?
jeamiegerie #6
Chapter 89: Hi author-nim, its been 3 years since I read this story, I suddenly missed this and went back hoping you’re still continuing this but sadly you’re not. I hope you’d come back and continue writing again. After all this years, this is still the best!
jeanne_0416 #7
Chapter 90: It’s already 2018 but i am still hoping that this story can be continued/completed...dear author please continue your exciting story?
zourmz #8
Chapter 90: Author-nim... Where are you?? One year has passed, but you haven't updated.. You aren't sick, are you??
I re-read this story again author-nim.. Miss you author-nim.. ;( ;(
Ivanbaby #9
Plzz leave them happy ever after ..dun make them suffer plzz