Chapter 11 - She is my girlfriend

The biggest secret

GD’s dream of having a sweet home with Ji Hyo was shattered by his own best friend – Taeyang. Since the day Ji Hyo moved in, Taeyang hung out at GD apartment very often. He technically moved in there. He ate with Ji Hyo and GD even though GD tried to kick him out every time.

Some days, GD literally had to drag Taeyang out of the door but he never gave up. Despite being yelled at by both Ji Hyo and GD, Teayang was still stubborn and stayed for the meals with a smile, every time.

Whenever the doorbell rang, GD knew right away it was Taeyang. He intentionally didn’t open the door but unfortunately Taeyang had the spare key and let himself in.

Taeyang made sure that GD and Ji Hyo had absolutely no time alone in GD’s apartment so he even did sleepover someday. Except showering time, he spent most of his free time in GD’s place. Ji Hyo didn’t seem to mind but of course GD was super irritated. He had planned to conquered Ji Hyo’s heart while she staying with him but his plan didn’t seem to have any chance to work.

GD decided to put his confession in plan on his birthday.

He covered a whole club for his birthday. It was a big party since GD and Taeyang knew a lot of people in Harvard. Most of them were pretty girls. GD wanted to invite Ji Hyo to his party, made her jealous with all the girls, and then confessed to her. A very childish plan, but in his mind, it was perfect.

“Ji Hyo, will you come to my birthday party on Saturday?” – GD excitedly asked as they finished their breakfast.

“No, I have to work.” – Ji Hyo coldly answered

“Please come, the party won’t start until 10. You get off at 9 right?” – GD begged

“Why does the party start so late?”

“Because it will be at the club.”

“I don’t like clubbing.”

“Please, please, please come. It’s my birthday. Make an exception for me, can’t you?” – GD begged with his eyes looked at Ji Hyo as a puppy. Ji Hyo had to hide her smile as she looking at the adorable him.

“Fine, but I will go home early.” – Said Ji Hyo as she cleaning up the dishes

“Yay, so please wear this when you come” – said GD as he gave her a gift box

“What is it?” – Ji Hyo frowned.

“Open it” – GD excitedly asked

Ji Hyo opened the box in front of GD expecting eyes. Ji Hyo rolled her eyes as she saw a y little black dress.

“Are you expecting me to wear this to your birthday?” – She raised her voice

“Yes” – GD nodded with a big smile

“Dream on. I’m not going to wear it. Do you see how revealing it is?” – Ji Hyo couldn’t hide her irritation.

“Please wear it for me. That will be a birthday gift for me, can’t you?” – Again he used his puppy eyes on her. She never seemed to be able to say no to those eyes.

 “Fine, just this one time ok? And you not gonna get anything for your birthday.” – Ji Hyo strongly stated

“Yay” – GD happily jumped up and down.

Ji Hyo sighed as she looked at him and the dress. She was a reserved kind of girl so all she wore was basic tank top and jeans. She didn’t like dress. She thought it was too inconvenient.

GD had always been curious how Ji Hyo would be looked like in dress. He was sure she would be stunning with her slender but curvy figure. He couldn’t understand why a girl didn’t like to do make-up or dress up. She was really unique. He liked that part about her but he did want to see her in different side too. That was why he spent three hours in the mall the day before trying to look for the best dress for her.

He went through all the famous brand-named stores and finally found a dress that he imagined would be perfect on her in a Chanel store. The sale assistant lady couldn’t hide her admiration as GD paid $1200 for the dress. She clearly flirted with him as she saw how handsome and generous he was but he totally ignored her. In his mind, there was one and only girl – Song Ji Hyo.

GD and Taeyang offered to take Ji Hyo to the party but she asked them to go ahead first. She knew they had friends waiting for them for the dinner and she also needed to go home and take shower after work. She felt burden going to his party, firstly because she didn’t know anyone. Secondly, she really didn’t want to wear that little black dress.

After the shower, she took out her make-up tools. It had been a while since she did her make-up she thought it would be nice to do it since it was GD birthday. It didn’t take her long to do make-up since she only did basic stuffs; some eyeshadow and mascara were all she needed.

 She then took out the dress from the box and tried it on. The dress was more revealing than she thought. Her was looked like it was about to jump out of the dress despite how much she tried to push it down. She was embarrassed but she took a second looked in the mirror.

 She was gorgeous.

 It was the first time she felt beautiful. She had been too busy with work and school that she didn’t have time to take a closer look at herself. Her hair already grew so long. She got much skinnier compared to when she first came here. She looked at herself – “Thank you Ji Yong” – She smiled.

She took a cab to the club that GD mentioned. The place was full of people drinking and dancing. The music was so super loud. It was her first time at the club so she was not used to it at all. Her stunning figure attracted so many gentlemen. They kept coming up to her and asked to buy her a drink but she coldly ignored them.

 She tried to look for GD but she found Taeyang first. He was enjoying his sweet time with some blond girls. They were all over him, dancing and drinking. He changed instantly from one girl to another to make sure every girl had a little of his sweet dance. Ji Hyo shook her head and kept looking for GD.

It wasn’t so hard to find the birthday boy with about ten girls, some Asian some American with their hands all over his body, trying to showing off their y dance. He saw her but he wanted to make her jealous so he pretended to focus on the other girls, laughing and dancing with them.

She felt sad. She thought that he liked her but it seemed like he liked all the girls in this world. She walked away from him as she couldn’t stand seeing him with other girls. She wondered herself why did she have that kind of feeling? Was she jealous? Did she really like him? She shook those thoughts out of her head and walked to the bar.

“Can I get you a drink?” – A familiar voice offered her.

She turned her head and was surprised seeing Joong Ki.

“Joong Ki ah, what are you doing here?” – Ji Hyo asked

“A friend of mine asked me to come. I didn’t know that you like clubbing too” – He smiled

“Oh, of course not. It’s Ji Young’s birthday and he kept nagging me to come”

“Oh really? You looked stunning by the way?” – Joong Ki sweetly commented as he kept staring at Ji Hyo from head to toe

“Oh I’m kind of embarrassed wearing this dress.” – Ji Hyo shyly said as she pulled her overly short dress down.

“You shouldn’t be. You look perfect.” – Joong Ki smiled, sweetly.

GD got distracted for a moment by the girls around him and when he looked back at where Ji Hyo was, he couldn’t find her anymore. He pushed the girls away and went look for Ji Hyo. He found her at the bar. She was stunning in the dress just as he imagined. She was like an Asian Barbie doll with her perfect figure and little bit of make-up. He got frozen for a moment admiring her beauty. He smiled by himself as seeing how beautiful she was.

But his admiration quickly turned to jealousy and anger as he saw she was talking and laughing with a guy. He walked a little bit closer and recognized Song Joong Ki. His jealous flame burned even hotter. Because of the loud music, Ji Hyo and Joong Ki stood very closed to each other. They looked very intimate. GD couldn’t stand that. He walked furiously toward them and pulled Ji Hyo away which surprised both her and Joong Ki.   

GD pulled Ji Hyo to the balcony where the music was much calmer.

“What are you doing?”- Ji Hyo yelled as she shook her hand off GD’s tight hand.

GD didn’t let her hand go easy. He gripped it even tighter.

“This is my birthday but why you only spent time with that jerk? – GD screamed

“Because you are enjoying your sweet time with other girls. You didn’t seem to have any attention for me that’s why I leave you alone.” – JI Hyo frowned, her voice was husky.

“Because I want you to be jealous, because I want your attention.” – Yelled GD from frustration.

“Why did you do that for?” – Ji Hyo confused.

“Because I love you” – GD said and pull her closed to him. With her front against his, he held her tightly in his arm and planted a passionate kiss on her lips.

Ji Hyo was in surprised. She froze. Let him kiss her and hug her. His sudden confession putted her in great shock. His kiss was so passionate that she felt all the ice in her heart totally melted at the moment. Her body felt like being liquidized. Her heart beat more than fast. She responded to his kiss. She parted and let his tongue entranced, let it explored .

His kissed became even more passionate. She responded to him, unlike the first time. He knew it was the green light. He was happy. His heart was about to jump out of his chest.

He broke the kiss when he couldn’t breathe any more.

“Please don’t look at another guy, don’t talk to another guy, don’t laugh with another guy any more. It hurt me. Please, from now on, only look at me, talk to only me, and laugh with me and only me. Please be my girlfriend” – GD sincerely said as he knelt one leg down in front of her with his right hand holding gently her left hand. He looked at him with the genuine eyes, waiting for answer.

She was moved. It was the first time a guy confessed to her and it was too perfect, just like in a movie that she loved. He knelt down, just like a prince, handsome and charming.

She shyly nodded.

He was happy, stood up and gave her a tight hug. He hadn’t felt happy like this for a long time. All his emotion, waiting, and expectation got an answer he deserved. He finally got the girl in his dream to say yes. He couldn’t wait to tell the world.

He held her hand tightly and led her back to the party. He walked her straight to the stage and took the microphone.

“Everybody, may I have your attention?” – GD said ceremoniously as the music turned down.

All the party focused their eyes to the stage. Taeyang and Joong Ki couldn’t hide their shocked expression as seeing GD holding Ji Hyo’s hand on the stage.

“Thank you everybody for coming here today for my birthday. I really appreciate that.” – GD continued. “This is the happiest birthday that I have ever had. Not only that I have so many friends come here and enjoy the party with me but also I got the girl of my dream to say yes to be my girlfriend. Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to introduce to you my girlfriend Song Ji Hyo” – GD excitedly introduced as he signaled the attention to his girlfriend. Ji Hyo shyly smiled as she never used to that kind of attention. The party yelled woohoo to congratulate him. Some of the girls couldn’t hide their irritation as their dream man got taken away. Both Taeyang and Joong Ki were still not able to get over their shock. They actually were sad now than shock. Their dream girl was taken away …

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A/N: Hello guys, I am so guilty to say that I miss you guy more than i expect. I decide to do a sequel but instead of making a new story. I will continue write


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Raine26 #1
Chapter 4: Awww GD. I'm just getting in the story. I don't even know if this is complete or not. I'm hoping it is complete.
Raine26 #2
Chapter 3: This is nice. I'm a spartace fan. But Gd is also a favorite for miss mong.
Chapter 1: I'm horrible because I can't focus on the story. I'm eyeing the format.
Sandrazach #4
Chapter 63: okayyy
Azzatac #5
Chapter 4: I keep on coming back to this. Please we are waiting for your return ?
jeamiegerie #6
Chapter 89: Hi author-nim, its been 3 years since I read this story, I suddenly missed this and went back hoping you’re still continuing this but sadly you’re not. I hope you’d come back and continue writing again. After all this years, this is still the best!
jeanne_0416 #7
Chapter 90: It’s already 2018 but i am still hoping that this story can be continued/completed...dear author please continue your exciting story?
zourmz #8
Chapter 90: Author-nim... Where are you?? One year has passed, but you haven't updated.. You aren't sick, are you??
I re-read this story again author-nim.. Miss you author-nim.. ;( ;(
Ivanbaby #9
Plzz leave them happy ever after ..dun make them suffer plzz