Chapter 1 - The mysterious boy





Pissed off.


And it’s not basic level, but extremely.


‘Park Jinyoung’, head of university football club, is in a mood to kick somebody’s . And it better be ‘Mark Tuan’ who causing him a terrible problem. Since the boy said he was interested and wanted to date him, Jinyoung found out there was no place to walk in the university anymore. He immediately get hated by many many girls who were that idiot’s fans - unsurprisingly. 




So boring. Because that boy is handsome, popular, smart and wealthy. Jinyoung may say Mark has all properties that every cheesy novels’ male character should has. For more dramatic, that novel must has a girl who is completely different from him.


Sorry to say that this novel ain’t got any kind of that character.


Because Park Jinyoung is not worse than Mark, not any piece and bit. He is a captain of football club. Nobody doesn’t know him. Who will? Especially after he has led the team losing in every first matches throughout 3 years of being captain. So, in stead of calling him Cap Park, they gave him a cute alias: Crappy Park. Jinyoung just realised how effective social network was that time when the alias was spread widely and rapidly. Then nobody doesn’t know Crappy Park.


Jinyoung didn’t know that since when Mark started knowing him, but one day in the evening after a hard training, Yugyeom came to him and told that somebody awaited outside. He raised his brows in confusion, thought that one might be a little cute girl, but he was totally wrong. He found a guy leaned to his luxury car. He was looking so good. But the way he glared back was a bit annoying. 


“Hey,” He greeted, voice low as much as he could. “Yugyeom said that you wanted to meet me. What's up?” 


The stranger looked at him from head to toe then nodded. That action made Jinyoung feel unsatisfied. “Why the hell look at me like that?”


“Why you don’t take a shower before come to see me? Don’t you know a basic manner for living in social?”




He was stunned, like get hooked at chin with a heavy punch. Was him just thought about a manner by a stranger? A guy like Jinyoung was tought? Insane!


But he didn’t manage to reply anything back, that guy shrugged and pushed him into his car without asking a permission. Jinyoung was yelling after a stranger started an engine and drove away. “What the heck!? And who the are you!!?”


That stranger gave him a little glance and asked, “You don’t know me?”


“Why on earth I have to know you idiot?” He really meant that. Why people like him had to know a guy who got a perfect face, luxury car and blamed him about manner since the very first sentence. He didn’t even introduce himself or at least said hello. Who was lack of manner then?


“I’m Mark, Mark Tuan. Studying Architecture, senior year.”


“Mark Tuan?” Jinyoung repeated, wondering. This name sounded familiar, but after trying to think and found nothing. He gave up to know who this Arch student was. Then he asked more, “So, why you bring me out, idiot?”


“Are we close enough to say an impolite word?” The driver murmured.


Jinyoung glared at Mark with extremely confusing eyes before let the laugh out. “Hey guy, are you ing serious? And are we close enough that you can get me in your car without asking my permission? Idiot,


Mark pressed his lips, but still kept acting cool. “But at least you should talk to me politely.”


“Do I have to? With a guy who condemned me since the first time? No way.”


Mark suddenly turned his car to the sidewalk. Jinyoung swore under his breath and looked at him, asking for an explanation. But all he had was Mark’s face tha t came closer to his. Jinyoung laid back until the glass touched his back. There was no way to run and hind. His heart was beating faster when Mark harmfully shortened the distance between their noses. They were that close until the younger smelt the scent of ‘Armani Mania’ from the other.


Mark looked scary.


His eyes locked Jinyoung down at his seat like the knocked-fish. Mark’s light perfume that mixed with sweat gave Jinyoung a very strange feeling. It was masculine scent. The scent that only found in male. Jinyoung’s head was blank while Mark was still coming up closer. He could felt the hot breathe against his cheek. The younger pressed his lips and close his eyes automatically, but nothing happened any further. Mark just buckled Jinyoung up.


He opened the eyes widely and found that Mark shot him an amusing gaze, still. He'd felt his face turned hotter and his heart crazily fluttered in his chest. Damn it! The last guy on earth who might be ‘gay’ like him was exciting with another guy’s lips. Yes, Damn it! Jinyoung had no choice but pretending to be mad. He lifted his clenched fist to protect himself, but Mark was way faster. That boy caught his hands and pinned them to the glass behind.


“! Let me go!”


“Look! If you still swear, next time I won’t stop at your cheek anymore.” Mark groaned in his throat, dangerously smirked at him. His canine made him looked even hotter.


Jinyoung tried to break out. But the more he wriggled, the more Mark’s hands gripped his tighter. He was getting realise why people called him Crappy Park. Just tried to flee from a small guy he still could not. Didn’t think about bettering with other team in a field.


Anger made him burst out eventually. “What the is this! Leave me bastard!”


“Such a stubborn boy.” Mark didn’t intimidate yet looked fearful. "I warn you."


But it’s him, Park Jinyoung, who never obeyed to the stranger. He glared at him, meant to get on his nerve, and asked. “Why? What will you do idiot?”


Some story ended up with a stubborn boy was punished by being kissed countlessly. Okay, Jinyoung would remember this until his last breath!


Then Mark drove him home safely. He seemed to know everything about Jinyoung. If he really did knew how many Pokemon dolls in his bed had, he swore he would had not been surprised at all. He looked into Mark’s eyes and slowly shook his head. He knew nothing about him except ‘He was Mark, handsome, rich, studying architecture, a year older than him and very good at kiss’ (Could he roll his eyes at the last one? He still felt the other’s saliva in his mouth. Lame.


“You’re home.” Mark said by his tender voice, but Jinyoung still didn’t make a move. The older raised his brows, “Won’t you get off?”


“Idi- Err - You don’t tease me with a hidden camera, right?” Jinyoung nearly called him with a slang. But then the previous punishment popped up in his head.


Mark grinned, “Why?”


“Don’t you know!?” Mark’s emotionless reply made him angrier, “Okay I know. I’m . I am being bluffed by Jackson from Basketball team all the time that my team is like me. But the way you pay me back is too far Mark! I can’t accept it!”


Mark looked confused with those words, brows frown. “What do you mean?”


“Damn! So why you came to me at the club, dragged me out and shut me up with your lips? What do these mean!?” He was mad. Extremely mad. To be honest, he still didn’t understand what had happened to his life. It’s only one hour but he felt like a year. He’s too tired now. “Somebody hired you to tease me because I’m a Crappy Park, right? How much does he pay? I will give you double, but you must quickly runaway from my life, Okay?”


Then Mark started laughing. Jinyoung tried to shut him up with his grumpy gaze, “Laugh for what!”


“It’s so right to choose you.”


Choose what? He didn’t get it. But when he tried to open his month, Mark was asking. “Jinyoung isn’t interested in a guy, right?”


His question was easier than kindergarten’s test. He replied firmly. “Totally yes!”


“That’s alright,” He chuckled, both eyes and lips were smiley. “You will like me then.”


“Why do I have to like you idiot!?” Mark’s punishment had a very strong effect on the younger. Jinyoung suddenly covered his month with his palm after realising he just swore out. Mark lean closer, not much as before but still close enough to scent his perfume. He muttered an answer that gave Jinyoung goosebumps.


“Because your heart is mine,”










The first thing that Jinyoung did after runaway from the older was turning on a computer. He opened a google homepage and looked at it like a fool when he didn’t know where to go next. The captain boy sighed before typing everything he knew about the other. At least if they got a chance to meet again, he would not be defeated that much. Knowing both enemy and yourself, to fight in hundred battles he might win him once.


After pressed an enter bottom, there were many result about Mark. Jinyoung clicked a link that show about a mysterious boy’s profile first. His eyes skimmed through those letters with up beat heart rate. Then he realised why Mark had wondered that he didn’t know him. Mark Tuan was a popular model. Not only in university, every girls in social network liked him a lot. He even used to be a cover of teen’s magazines.


A famous model like that liked a guy? And that guy he liked was the guy who never interested in any guy before. This was crazy. Jinyoung sighed and turned off computer. It might be a dream or someone must certainly. During lost himself in his mind, the notification sound of chatting application rang. He reached his hand to the phone. It’s from Yugyeom.


(‘Hey hyung. Everything’s ok?’)


‘As if.’ also sent a lot of angry emotion stickers.


(‘Hmm, I should have noticed that. You didn’t come back and even left your bag in locker. What happened?)


Yugyeom also asked the same question in his mind, What happened?


(‘Answer me. Don’t only read it.’)


‘That bastard dragged me to the car and drove me home. The weird thing is I don’t ing know him.’ He replied, omitted some parts that he didn’t want to let his bro know.


(‘Eh? I think you know each other.’) A boy sent back with a cute confusing bear sticker, (‘Sound strange’)


‘Very strange.’


(‘He just drove you home? Nothing besides that?’) Yugyeom started investigating, but Jinyoung didn’t feel like to answer more. (‘Hyung, I’m your little bro. You can tell me everything you know?. So we can solve the problems in time.’)


By those words, all the things in his heart leaked out. Jinyoung told him everything even the third kiss Mark bit his lower lip, and when he finished stories, a close bro just typed that (‘Umm calm down hyung’) plus load of sad bear stickers. Jinyoung was tired so much with everything that had just happened. He bit him a goodbye and went to sleep without showering.


The Crappy Park didn’t know that during his sleep, their chat between Yugyeom and him was sent to many others from the sassy boys in his football club. All members in a team knew that their captain was too adorable. If there was a guy wanted to date him, they would not be surprised at all. Until this day came eventually, and that guy was an unexpected person, it’s Mark Tuan. Mark Tuan who was top ten in a poll that every girls in university wanted to date with. Mark Tuan who got a thousand of choices but still picked their hyung.


It wasn’t easy to keep a good news to themselves at all.



- TBC -




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Chapter 8: This made me cry a river.
What a story!
I love it so much.
Asdfghjkl101_got7 #2
Chapter 8: Mixed feeling while reading this..
This is very first markjin which makes me cry.....
Good job authornim
markjingyeomf #3
Chapter 8: This is so good. ???? Im crying my heart out, but this is really good. Thank you for this!
alpha00 #4
Chapter 8: I forgot this story plot.
I'm crying again when I read this !
Nice Story <3
JinyoungsMark #5
Chapter 8: The ending has soo much happiness and sad too.. Just love how markjin manage to be tgther till the end :')
Chapter 8: Nice story. Thank you for writing this.
Markjinlife #7
Chapter 8: Omg I don't know why I'm crying hard while reading this, it's really wonderful and meaningful stories. I'm reading this at 2AM but I continue reading till the end coz I can't stop myself. Thank you outhor nim I'm glad that comes to Finnish this story
Chapter 8: I can't believe that this is the end ...but I understand if you can't continue it any further... but I just want to say that this story is so good
Chapter 8: The last chapter ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Thank you after all this time you came back and finished the story
I love you ♡
Chapter 7: TT,TT i don't expect it will turn like this TT,TT and how bout the next chapter??