GOT7 | 3 Minutes (MarkJin)


Jinyoung only has 3 minutes to make Mark the hottest guy fall in love with him


Note: Hey guys this is my first time wrting English fanfiction. Hope you enjoy it.  p.s. imagine 'YOU' as JINYOUNG. Thanks   :)











3 Minutes



You only have 3 minutes making Mark to fallen for.


Even if you were a wizard, you would had still wanted a bit more time. 10 secs pass while you are blaming the rule creator. Tonight the hour hand seems walking too fast from usual. You heart beats so fast. You still can’t figure the way out to get an attention from the hottest guy in class.

“Do what you boasted man. Pay all bills if you lose.” said Jackson

You look back and give him a sickly smile. Don’t know who is worse between you, who confident in self charming too much, and your friends, who plan to find out how attractive you can be. Another 10 secs pass when you let yourself win this comparison. Blame that folly to make you accept the challenge which only has 0.01% to survive.

Come on Jinyoung, you already flew one minute without doing anything.
You take a deep breath to cheer yourself up. And-

“Mark” called unsurely and excited you. This is not the normal you. Park Jinyoung is always full of confidence, but not this time.

The owner of that name puts down a drink and turns around to you. He takes a bit time thinking before recognise. Well, you both only talked once in a life although you are classmate. Mark is the type sitting the first row while you’re completely opposite.

“What’s going on?”

What’s going on? oh yes, what’s going on! Can you fall in love with me in one minute man? If you ask him like this, you may get punch in a face. Damn!

“Anything wrong Jinyoung?” asked Jaebum who sitting beside Mark since you didn’t give them any answer. Time is still taking a step back. You sigh, get ready to pay your friends the drinks. What you are forcing to do is extremely difficult. There’s no way to win. But in the second you give up, Mark puts his hand on your forehead. That soft touch spells you immediately. You are stunned. He makes a move closer and it as well makes you breath even harder. His eyes are so bright under the night light. Maybe Mark has a magic.

“Not that heat. Drunk?” Mark grins back.


What the hell! His aura strongly attack you. 5 points for his handsomeness, but 100 out of 10 for being gentleman. This is the first time you think your classmate is fascinated.

42 seconds left.

“Mark, Am I handsome?” What the heckkkkk! PARK JINYOUNG! You just ask the one who much more handsome than yourself if you are handsome. You want to jump off from the tower right now to run away from this awkward question. Your face turns red. Even you heart seems beating faster. You maybe get sick at this time.

Mark puts his hand down, still wonders with the question. “Sorry, but I think you are prettier. Like very very pretty”

His answer takes you high. Your body is a bit shaking.

last 30 seconds.

“Why ask me like this?”

“Nothing.” You finally give up again. Mark is too good to play with. You may be treated by friends for 3 days from now on because of your brag. Whatever! There will be another game to revenge. So, you give him a goodbye. “I gotta go back. Bye.”



“Want to kiss me?”

Your eyes widely open when Mark says that. “W..What!?”

Mark points to your friends who are sitting at the behind table. Jackson is standing on the chair, showing his iPad that write ‘Kiss Jinyoung’ on the screen.

Well, your friends really love you.

“Is it a game?” asked Mark, seems understand the situation more.

You exhale and nod. “I have 3 minutes to make you love me.”

Mark grins again when he hears the word ‘love’. Then he asks. “How many time left?”

You look at your hand swatch. The digit rapidly decrease. “10 seconds”

“Do you think we can fall in love just in one kiss?”


Mark drags you closer. His hand is on your wrist as well as his breathe against your cheek “Prove it”

You are first shocked but now excited when Mark’s lips are about to touch yours. The table all is turned when you are no longer the one who dominate, Mark already got a King in a chess board and you becomes his bishop. This guy really has a beast inside him.


Mark’s eyes change from a cat look to a lion in a blink of an eye. The way he looks at you is too y and seductive to take your eyes off.


“Come on. Kiss me.” He whisper but you still do nothing. There’s no time left.


“Wanna lose?”

Your heart is gonna explode. His eyes, his voice, his touch. Everything that consist to be him makes you completely insane. His charming is hard to resist.


“Time out!” shouted Jackson. “Jinyoung you lost!”



Yes, you are.
Because Mark makes you fall in love with him easily in ten seconds.





#jayfiction  <  tweet it. show me what you think.  :)


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Summer_lim #1
i hope can read more of this..really..nice story
Miracle1204 #2
Oh my god I don't know why I find this great story so late as just right now.. This is really really fluff.. Make me blush all the way reading this .. and what? Mark can make Jinyoung fall in love with him just in 10 secs... Awww too cute to handle ..>_< I agree for sequel~~~
yurashi #3
i want more.. continue pleaseee ..don't end it :(
krylun #4
Oh em geee, I wish I could read more than this >< pleaseee author, continue this ff..... I guarentee it gonna awesome!!! Kekekkke
markjin4ever #5
Daebak!!!! More something like that ♥
johnducan #6
Way too sweet~ <3