please ? be HIS again ???

A Present From Heaven

[ AN : annyeong everyone , it's been a long time since i didnt be on the line , i miss to update . lately i've been tooo tired but it was just for you . to a new subscribers , please read and leave it a comment , i appreciate it SOO MUCHHH ! >.< ]



i can hear something noise . DONGHAE ??? i opened up my eyes and i saw donghae lying on the floor . why ? he's tooo tired maybe , i have to wake his up , slowly i go to donghae .

"donghae-ahh , wake up !! sleep on your bed ! " i pushed him gently .

but still , there's no respond .

"donghae-ahh !!! wake up !!! " i tickling him and shout at his ear .

but still............................ has no respond at all .

"donghae ! wake up or else im going to tickle you until you can't laugh again , " i said . jokingly .

again , no respond .

i'm starting to become worried . i take his hand and check his heartbeat . but it's too weak .

"APPA !!!! donghae appa ! donghae !!!!! " i shouted calling my dad for a help .

donghae-ahh , please be strong !!!!



"DONGHAEEEEEE ! " i shout for donghae name .

it's a nightmare , in that dream , i saw a lot of blood on donghae body and it was scary . i'm hugging my knees to reduce my scared .

"kyuhyun-ahh , i want you " i moaned for kyuhyun name .

now i felt that i dont have anyone in this world . the one that i need just kyuhyun . but now im confused which one , between donghae and kyuhyun . donghae is my first love meanwhile kyuhyun was the last one . but

AHHHHH !!!! do i have to care about this ? kyuhyun left me . so there's only one choice . slowly i go to my desk and looked at the picture .

there's  picture . there are my family photo , me , kyu and hae when we're five years old . hae photo's and one lat photo .

it was our first and the last photo together .

kyuhyun and i.....................

there's a word that i wrote at the behind of the photo ,

"you're from heaven therefore you are the present from heaven , i'll be always love you , kyuhyun <3"

i never realise that kyuhyun wrote this . why i have to realise this when we are not together ? why ?


a text message on 3AM ? just disturbing . i looked at the phone and it was from


' please come to the hospital , donghae in ER'

MWO ? WHAT ? why ?? why this thing can be happen to us . i have to hurry ! this time i'll never let go of donghae eventhough kyuhyun own my hearts ! that was my decision ! i'm going to take care donghae until i die !



i send her a message already . i hope she read it .

the ER door opened and the doctor came out from that room .

appa and i rushed to the doctor and asked how's donghae condition .

"please be strong , we can't do anything , he's critical , from my calculation , he just can live a few weeks only . if he had a wish , please grant it if you guys dont want to regret" he said that while patted my appa shoulder .

what the heck with this doctor ? YOUR JOB IS TO SAVE PEOPLE'S LIFE , NOT MAKING A CALCULATION !!!!!

i hit the wall hardly . i can't believe it . i really can't !!!!



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Chapter 37: Update please Author-nim I beg you!
evewon #2
Chapter 37: When wil you update????? T^T Update pleaseeeeeeeeee.
when will u update??? Y_____Y pleeeeeeaaaaseeeeeeee
Please update T_T
naznew #5
please update again..
i'm waiting almost 1 month to see your update..
i loveeee it
i'm sorry.. i was abroad for 1 month and i read the new chap only now! <br />
please upload soon.. i need to know how it will go on.. i hope the girl and kyu can be together.. and that donghae doesn't die T^T
shinminyoung #8
lovelight32 : o,o.<br />
gomawo... I'm happy when you love read mine :DDD<br />
I'll update as fast as I can..<br />
Heeeeeeeeeei!!!!<br />
I'm your new reader here /sobs.<br />
I find your fic from the other's subscription, subscribe, and read just now. How pity I am. I almost lost the other best fic which is your fic. I mean this fic kkkkkk.<br />
I'm sad because of donghae's illness, but kyuhyun get more heart attack in here T_____T. I hope she'll accept kyu again and realized that kyu is the one and only who always in her side when she need someone to protect and take care of her. Update soon and I'll really look forward it:)
shinminyoung #10
anj_yesung : hahahaa , i love that song !<br />
seriously , that song make me fall in love ^^