Be Strong

You're My Reason

The two girls stood panting melodically together in the dark hallway, trying to catch their breaths from the long run they took from the other side of the building.
"Holly what were you thinking going all the way over there, you know he gets mad when you go missing" panted out Layla, doing her best to give her voice authority so the younger child could catch on to how intense the situation actually was.

"I know but...I wasn't causing any trouble, all I was doing was helping the noonas"  she argued.  "He can't possibly get mad at me  for that...can he?"  a tone of doubt creeped into the youngers voice.

"How you much you wanna bet?" chuckeled out the still panting unnie.  While the taller struggled to regain her breath, Holly decided to slowly open the door labeled with a star that said 'EXO' in front of it.  As she opened the door she saw the shadow of a tall male was revealed to her.  'Sh*t'  cursed the girl in her mind. 

The man had his back to the door and was staring out the window, waiting for none other than her.  Trying her best to keep herself from showing any fear towards the man,  Holly began walking into the dark room slowly.  Not far behind followed the taller brown haired girl 'If I'm here theres no way he can be too cruel to her' she thought.

"Where have you been?"  asked the tall lean figure with a voice so serius it sent chills down both girls spines.  Knowing that any questions that would be asked at that time would all be directed toward her,  Holly decided to answer to everything with truth and confidence. 
"On the other side of the building"

"Doing what?"

"Helping out the noonas"  for a brief moment there was nothing but silence in the cold dark room.  Layla who was expecting just about anything to happen thought she would try to break the ice, but soon regreted it.

"It true dad she was just helping out but she didn't cause any..."  she was interrutpted by a loud slap that echoed the roomNext thing she knew she was on the ground,  a stinging feeling covering her whole left cheek.

"How can it be that at twenty-two you still can't do such a simple task as to look over your sister"  yelled the tall male, hand still in the air.  Holly who was now crouched down next to her older (half)sister glared at the taller man with fury.

"Chul-ah! it wasn't her fault I'M the one who sneaked out without permission, if anything you should be slapping me"  that was probably a wrong choice of words because Chul did as he was told and flung his hand across the younger girls face, leaving a perfect hand mark on both of them.  Since she was tan Hollys' bruise wasn't that visible but on Laylas' snowy white skin it could easily be seen. 

Chul bend down to look closely at the two girls now hurting on the ground.  He grabbed the youngers face in his large hand and forced her to look at him.

"You know your not allowed to step out of the room without my permission"  he said a bit more simpatheically.  "And you know that if  you do step outside no one, and I mean NO ONE is supposed to see you... am I right?"  since she couldnt talk, the black haired girl nodded in response.

"Your not gonna disobey daddy again right baby?"he smirked

"Your not my dad" she managed to say out of her squished her face.  Chul just chuckled and began walking out the door, leaving the two girls still on the ground.  Before leaving, he he turned around to tell them one last thing.

"The boys will be here any minute" he said while looking out into the distance.  "Be sure to look good in front of them...and remember, not a word of this to anybody"  and he left without another word. 

'Crazy bastard'  mumbled the younger while massaging her face for comfort.  She helped her crying sister off the ground and tried her best to cover the giant handmark across her face with some makeup she found in the room.

"Are you okay"  worried the elder took her younger sisters face in her hands and began examining her.  "Just look at what he did to you"  Shrugging the hands off, Holly simple assured her sister she was fine.  How couldn't she be after seven years. She could rememeber the day Chul and Layla had enetered her world like it was yesterday. 

Since she was young, Holly had lived in the united states with her single mother.  One day a tall handsome young man had eneterd their house, mothers' arm locking through his.  She remembered seeing how happy her mom was, how much joy the strange man brought to her, for some reason sthough Holly herself never came to like him.  Now seven years later her dislike for him had become hate, she blamed him for her mothers lack of happiness and death.  In her mind Chul was her mothers murderer.  She remembered sitting next to her mothers bed at the age of eight, looking at her bruised up fragile body  and dry tears on her face.  It was no doubt who had caused all those bruises or why her mother was in such pain.  She remembered the last words her mother had told her and her sister before passing away in their arms.

"Don't be like mommy darlings" she had croaked out.  "Never let any man mistreat you in any way, be the strong little girls and grow beautiful and strong...always know that no matter where I am i will always look after you and love you"  the fragile woman lifted her arms to be able to touch her daughters small faces one last time, but before she could her hands fell to her side as her heart beat for the last time.

"I hate this" whispered the tense younger.  "I hate him most of all"  not knowing what to tell the small child Layla held her in her arms and carresed her the way she had seen her mother do so before she had left them.  "Why can't I go live with you?"  she sobbed into her sisters uniform.

"Oh darling you know I can't care for you, not yet anyways"

"WHY NOT YOUR LEGALLY AGED, YOU HAVE A JOB AND A HOME SO TELL ME WHY CAN'T I LIVE WITH YOU"  it broke the elders heart to see her little sister in such a state.  She rocked the teenager on her lap like a small child and thought of the promise she had made herself the day their mother died.  'Because of my father this toddler has been left alone in this cruel world with no one to care for her, so it will be my job to protect and mother her'  She looked down at the crying girl and told her...

"Unnie is working hard child, I promise"  since she didn't get a response from her, Layla said the two only words that could come to her mind.  "Be strong"


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