The Start

You're My Reason

"Yah Jungkook-ah"  he felt a hand pulling viciously at his shirt but decided to ignore the loud voice connected to the hand.  Suddenly he felt the weight of a full grown man on top of him.  "Yah wake up, wake up"  it was Ho Seok.  He was jumping on top of the napping boy while whining for him to wake up.

"What the hell Ho Seok!" he screamed out while trying to regain his breath.

"Now is that any way to talk to your elder?" the overly happy boy said while making a puppy dog face towards the younger.  On the other side of the car Jimin was laughing at the side of his two memers bickering.

"What are you laughing at shorty"  Jungkook snorted out with a hint of annoyance in his voice.  Quickly Jimins' laughter had stopped once the rude comment had finally hit him.

"Yah we were just trying to wake up so you could get ready and walk into the building with us"  Jungkook gave the elder a look of confusion that he was able to understand and began getting the younger up to date.  "Today is our come back remember?  we're supposed to be shooting at melon today"

"Oh that's right, well sorry for being rude.  In my defense though there ARE better ways to wake a person up you know"

"Yeah but my way is the most affective" said Ho Seok with a wink.

Once the boys had arrived to the building they all climbed the car with the gear they had prepared for the day.  When the entered the building  the boys were welcomed by a young lady in a fancy suit with wavy brown hair.

"Hello gentlemen how may I help you" the girl asked with sweet voice and a smile on her face.  Usually Jungkook would be appreciative to such kindness  but after being rudley awakened from his nap everything was sickening to him. As the leader Nam Joon walked up to the girl and explained to her that they were there to perform.  To this the girl nodded in reply to everything the tall blonde had to say but Jungkook noticed that she wasn't paying any attention.  He followed the direction into which her eyes had been locked since they had arrived and landed on none other then Jin.  Jin had obviously noticed her staring since he was staring right back at her, fidgeting uncomfortable the way he did when ever he came across a pretty girl.  At this Jungkook decided to take advantage of the situation.  He walked over to his friend and put his arm around the young mans' broad shoulders.

"Well miss you see today has been a long day for us and we were just hoping that maybe you could settle us down in a comfortable room for us to get ready.  BTW it would be nice if the room had a place for our dear Jin here to take a nap"  Jin looked at the brunnett with wide eyes as if saying 'what are you doing?'

The whole group turned around to stare at the mischievous smiling Jungkook in confusion.

"What?" asked Nam Joon confused as to why he was being interupted at mid-sentence.  Taehyung on the other hand had also been observing the two beings and had quickly caught up to what Jungkook was doing.  Being a lover of mischief himself, he decided to join his younger and continue the story.

"Our little maknae is right miss, our Jin is probably tired from having to watch over us all day and needs somewhere to rest.  He IS like our mom you know" he said as he walked towards the elders other side and postioned his arm over his shoulder just as Jungkook had done.  Looking a little confused and embarressed, the girl began walking the boys towards 'the best room they had in the house',  all the while Jin slapped the heads of the two beings who had just made him go through the most embarressing moment of his life.

When they arrived at the room the boys thanked the girl for her service 'Jin being politest of all' and said goodbye.

"What was that all about?" asked a giggling Ho Seok.

"Well it looked like she was a fan of our Jin so we thought we'd help her come more in contact with him.  Right Kookie?"  Jungkook nodded his head in agreement.  The members all "Ohhed" mockingly at Jin who still seemed a bit pissed of at the whole fiasco. 

"Instead of making fun of me and taking advantage of innocent people"  said Jin while directing a look of annoyance at the two main culprits.  "We should be getting ready for our performance, so come on chop chop children we don't have much time"  Suddenly Nam Joon sprung up from his seat and stood over the pretty boy

"Hey you don't get to tell them what to do only I can cause I'M the leader" said Nam Joon in the voice of a small child.  "Now chop chop people we don't have much time"

The room quickly became caos as the six boys ran back and forth in between a large group of staff that helped them prepare.  Jungkook had already gotten dressed in his outfit, and had his hair styled.  Now all he needed to do was get his makeup done.  Unfortunately all the makeup noonas  were busy working on Jin, Jimin, and Ho Seok so he was gonna have to wait his turn.

While he waited Jungkook decided to go talk to one of the members.  He began searching his bandmates in between the ocean of staff people in the room.  He already knew where Jimin, Jin, and Ho Seok were.  He had found Nam Joon all ready sitting on the couch working on some new lyrics.  If there is something definite he knew about Nam Joon is that when he's writing lyrics its sure sign of 'Do not disturb or prepare die' kinda thing, the same thing applied to YoonGi, or as the members had started calling him Sweet, sweet Suga. 

Speaking of Suga, where was the pink haired boy.  Jungkook decided to walk back to the make up room and ask Jin, the mother of them all.

"Yah hyung"  the half painted elder looked at his younger attentivly.

"Yes child?"

"Umm I was just wondering if you knew where Suga is?"  Suddenly Jin's eyes became wide and his mouth dropped open.

" you is he ?"  Not knowing what to say at his now hyperventilating elder Jungkook shrugged his shoulders as if to say 'please don't freak out' 

It was too late though because as soon as Jin came to realization he sprung up from his chair, and began screaming at Nam Joon.

"NAM JOON WE FORGOT ALL ABOUT SUGA AND NOW HE'S GONE!"  Startled by the sobbing young man in front of him with only half of his face painted as if her were a before and after picture,  Nam Joon decided to tell him off. 

"What the hell are you talking about?"  he said while attempting to kick the boy of his leg.


"We probably just accidentally left him in car, sleeping"

"OMG, your right he's probably in the car napping"  and just like that he grabbed the tall blondes and wrist and began running out the door,  makeup noona running after them.




Everyone just stared in amusement at the trio runnung out the door, except for Jungkook.  Now that the makeup noona was gone there was no one to help him look handsomer than he already was.  The other two noonas noticed this and seeing since they were running out of time they called out for someone.

"Yah Holly,  come here and help us"  The three boys stared in surprise at the door to who would come in.  A girl with long wavy black hair, a short box crop top, blue jeans, and cool black and white sneakers walked in through the door.  The three boys' mouths dropped open,  especially Jungkooks who has seemingly forgotten how to breath.

"Yes unnie?"  said the girl with a sweet melodic voice.

"Darling why don't you help us finish up with these boys, you're other unnie had a...dilemma and we need someone to work on him" said the noon as she nodded her head in the direction of Jungkook without ever parting her eyes from her work on Ho Seoks' face.  The girl walked closely up to Jungkook 'too close' and began skimming her eyes on Jungkook, up and down causing him to turn red and squirm in place.  She noticed his rection towards and simply giggled.

"Come on let's get you all prettied up"  Jungkook could do nothing else but to nod and follow her to her station, mouth still wide open.  The girl began gabbing random stuff from the table and put them on Jungkooks face.  Jungkook could feel his skin burning up under the girls touch but only stared at her features.  She had the prettiest brown eyes he had ever seen, with soft pink lips in the shape of a heart, and a cute round nose.  As she moved back and forth from Jungkook's face to the table he would occasionally catch a whiff of her enchanting perfume.  Ho Seok and Jimin couldn't help but snicker as they watched Jungkook's funny but sad reaction to 'Holly'.

When Holly tried to begin applying actually makeup on the amused boy she decided it would probably be easier if he's mouth was closed.  So she gently closed his mouth for him.  Jungkook who was taken by surprise said nothing but made a giant gulp that even the other two boys were able to hear.

"Relax, I just thought it'd be much easier if your mouth wasn't... you know open"  she giggled out while trying to comfort the child like boy in front of her.  "Don't worry I'm not gonna your face or anything,  besides theres too many people watching"  she whispered into his ear which cause the boy to slam his back into the chair.

"My name is Holly, and your's?"  she began trying to make conversation so Jungkook decided to cooperate in order to make the situation less awkward.

"I'm J-jungkook"  he stuttered out

"Cool, is that like your stage name or your real name"  while the poor boy tried to answer her questions as accuratly as he could, the two other boys present (Who were now done with their makeup)decided he was taking too long and took matters into his their hands.

"Jungkook is both his real and stage name" interrupted Jimin.  The young girl nodded her head in understanding and continued asking questions.

"And you guys are?"

"My name is Jimin and thats J-Hope"  he pointed at the child like boy.

"We're in the same band"Ho Seok thought it should be mentioned.  Holly didn't know what else to ask, all she knew was that she had to hurry before any of her actaul bosses found her hanging out with these weird yet very cute boys. 

Suddenly Taehyung came in and decided to join the party.  "Hey your not from around here are you?" he asked the girl.

"Is it THAT obvious" she raised her eyebrow in a sarcastic way.  Everyone in Korea could easily tell that she was different with her tan skin and non-asian eyes. 

"Nah I just had a hunch" Taehyun was trying his best to make the girl laugh for he too thought she kinda cute. Finally after having in the background for too long Jungkook decided to make his own questions.

"HOW OLD ARE YOU" he blurted out.  Shocked the doll like girl looked down at the the boy infront of her and said  "I'm fifteen, and you?"

The boys had to admit they were surprised to hear how young she really was.  For her age she was quite tall, just like Jungkook.

"I-i'm 18".  The room fell back into a deep silence as the two younglings stared into each others eyes as if having a conversation that only they knew about. 

That's when Jin slammed the door open, caring a sleepy Suga and his arms and an annoyed Nam Joon on his side, not far behind was the girl they had seen at the entrance (luckily the noona had finished Jin's makeup so he didn't look weird.  Everyone noticed  when the two girls eyes locked and they stared at each other shocked.

"Holly what are you doing here?  Manager is gonna kill you if he sees you in here"  Everyone turned to look at the now pale foreigner.

"I know Layla but please don't tell him, I was just trying to help our unnies" she pleaded

"She's telling the truth" shouted the noona that had originally called her out. "Fine I wont tell him anything but you have to go back before he finds out you got out again"  worry didnt even begin to describe the way these girls were talking to each other.  The boys, not understanding what was going on could only follow the conversation by glancing at the girls when ever they started talking.

Feeling sorry Holly looked at Jungkook and told him she had to go.  She hugged the unnies goodbye and ran towards the girl now known as Layla.  Before she completly disappeared one of the noonas ran after and whisperes something into her ear that no one was really able to make out.  The girls bid the boys and staff goodbye and then disappeared into the hallway.  Jungkook wanted to run after them but was held back by the noon who had come back and was now continuing the work the girl had started.

"What was that about?" asked a confused Nam Joon.

"It's best you don't know" replied one of the noonas.  All six boys stared at the door their new friend had just run out of and tried to make sense of things, but failed.

"And I thought it was the start of something beautiful between you two" said J-Hope disappointed.

"Shut up"  Jungkook threw a towel at the pouting boy but missed.  Everything was quite for a moment until small sighs could be heard coming from the of the room.

"Her name is Layla" sighed Jin, completely in lust.  He didn't even notice when Suga sleepily got up and asked one of the staff members  "Are we there yet?"









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