2. Always on my mind :)

INFINITE X Eunji Series

"Aishh!" Sungyeol roughly put his mobile down, gaining attention from other members


"Yah, what's wrong with you?" Woohyun asked, looking up from the magazine he was reading


"Hyung, why is it only you and Sunggyu hyung whose articles come out?" Sungyeol complained


"What article are you talking about?" Sunggyu asked curiously


"The radio. Where you said you wanted Seoulhyun as the WeGotMarried partner!"


"Aigoo..they are making that into article now? Why are you so mad anyway?" Hoya asked


"Come on, I'm just mad that we also named who we wanted but only they were mentioned!"


"Sungjongie, who did you guys choose anyway? I'm curious since I wasn’t there." Hoya asked the maknae


"Ah, Myungsoo hyung chose Hani noona and Sungyeol hyung and I chose Eunji." The maknae supplied


"Eunji.." Hoya raised his eyebrows


"Ya, Lee Sungyeol. Tell me honestly. You just wanted her to notice you didn’t you?" Hoya whispered in Sungyeol's ears


"Wha..What do you mean by that?" Seungyeol stuttered


"Yeollie, you don’t have to lie to me. You had crush on her ever since their debut didn’t you? Now that I recall, you were pretty jealous when you heard I got casted in drama with Eunji.."


"Ya, what nonsense are you talking about" Sungyeol pulled Hoya to the corner of the room for some privacy


"Now why did you pull me into corner if I was wrong?"


"You are right, Hoya. But it's all because of you that I don’t have any progress with her!" Sungyeol complained


"How did I end up being the one in fault?"


"I keep asking you to introduce me to her but you never do!"


"Ya, do you know how many times I have tried to introduce you? I keep calling you out, but you always escape after just a greeting!" Hoya rolled his eyes " And as a loyal friend, I haven't talked about it to the members. You would be a laughingstock by now if they found out you act like that in front of a girl you liked!"


"..wha..What are you talking about!" Sungyeol protested


"You really are a choding aren't you? Acting all shy in front of the girl you like?" Hoya teased, earning a groan from Sungyeol


"Hoya~ I beg you. Please once more! Please help me talk to her one time!" Sungyeol pleaded


"Are you sure you won't run off?"


"I promise I won't" Sungyeol sweared


"Let's go then. APink have waiting room beside ours."


"Wait. Wait a minute. Give me some time to get ready." Sungyeol took a deep breath


"Ya, it's just greeting!"


"For you it may be. But for all we know, she might not even know me!?"


"Now you are exaggerating Lee Sungyeol. Just tell me what you actually want to do after greeting her"


"I just want to talk normally for once. Ask for her number maybe? It's just…whenever she looks at me and smile I forget what I was about to talk.. "


"Aishh..you are making me cringe so bad. Let's just go and let things flow." Hoya pulled Sungyeol to the hallway




Hoya was about to knock on APink's room when Sungyeol interrupted


"Ya, I don’t want to go empty handed. I'll go buy some drinks or snacks." Sungyeol ran off before Hoya could respond



As Sungyeol approached the vending machine, he noticed a figure hunching over in the end of hallway. Getting closer, he recognized the figure; he noticed her clothing anyway


What is Eunji doing here!? …aish…what do I do?


He took a long breath to calm his nerves


Ottoke? It's true that I wanted to talk to her, BUT not like this! My heart isn't ready yet!!!!! Or….maybe this is better? For now, I should probably alert her of my presence…


Sungyeol coughed and Eunji jerked up


"Omma!" She turned back and looked relieved when she realized it was Sungyeol


"Ah..you nearly gave me heart attack! I thought you were manager oppa!" Eunji sighed


"Sorry about that, I just wanted to alert you of my presence."


"No, it's okay. I'm glad it was you though." Eunji smiled, and Sungyeol went blank; like all times he did when Eunji smiled


"Umm…sunbae?........ Oppa?" Eunji called him out, snapping him out of his mind


"Ah…mian Eunji ya. I just go blank when you do that."


"Do what?" Eunji frowned




 "Now sunbae, If you start saying with dialogue like that people will think you were flirting or something." Eunji laughed it off, and Sungyeol joined in because of her contagious laughter


"I was serious though. I always get so nervous around you so I always avoided you. I'm pretty nervous now too. My palms are all sweaty" Sungyeol avoided her gaze because of embarrassment


"I think I'm pretty flattered that that was the reason you avoided me. I thought you were afraid of me or something." Eunji joked, avoiding the awkward environment


"Ya, why would I be afraid of a tiny girl like you?"


"Sunbae! Do you want to see the reason why you need to be afraid of tiny girl like me?"


"All right all right. You win. I know how strong you can be. I've seen you on TV and in the gym." Sungyeol blurted out before realizing.."Aah, don’t misunderstand. I'm not a stalker. It's just that I'm a huge fanboy and we live in the neighborhood so.." Sungyeol blabbered


Eunji by now was smiling widely by the antics of Sungyeol


"I got it sunbae. I got it. So please don’t be so nervous! Here.." Eunji handed him the bottle of water she had with her


"By the way, how was the bread?" Sungyeol asked after drinking few sips of water




"The one you were eating sneaking away from manager."


"Aishh… I got caught didn’t I?"


"Mm, you sure did. And I'll tattle about you to your manager if you don’t treat me to food !" Sungyeol demanded


"Sunbae, don’t be so childish!" Eunji whined


"Well, I have a reputation as choding to keep. So are you going to treat me or not?" Sungyeol raised his eyebrow


"Do I really have a choice? All right deal." Eunji promised


Just then Eunji's phone vibrated and she took the call


"Sunbae, I have to go for rehearsal now. I'll call you later for the treat then!"


"Ya, you don’t have my number though!"


"Here, can you put it here" Eunji handed her mobile where Sungyeol typed it as fast as he could


"I'll get going then! I had fun with you today!" Eunji waved


"Eunji ya! You better wipe that bread crumbs off if you don’t want to be caught by manager hyung." Sungyeol chuckled as he pointed to her lips


Eunji wiped , removing the bread crumbs


"Couldn’t you have told me earlier? I must have looked like an idiot!"


"Eunji ya! I'll take that treat as a date! And instead of sunbae, it's oppa from now!" Sungyeol shouted into the hallway as Eunji disappeared, giving him a nod and wave


Sungyeol collapsed on the bench the moment Eunji was out of his sight






Sungyeol and Eunji isn't as popular ship as others but it is still great pairing in my mind :)

Who next?


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Coming up!!!! Sungyeol :)


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Chapter 4: That was so cute interaction between MyungJi <3 I really miss MyungJi
Chapter 4: Omg, this is so sweet!!!!! I can even imagine Myungsoo and Eunji while reading this story,keke
dewi_sari20 #3
Chapter 4: I would like to se the sequel of this if you dont mind, i love how you picture this couple :) hope to get good news from you
Aya02Cancer #4
Chapter 4: kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, myungjiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!! the only pair in pinkfinite that i ship so hard without much moments XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

ps, woohyun and eunji are having a solo debut though woohyun's is still 'likely will happen', (god knows how long i waited for eunji's) i've been imagining them promoting together and having lots more of moments XDDDDDDD
Chapter 4: Sika, this is so sweet! I like it since the story flow so simple but naturally sweet :-)
ShintaSutiono #6
Chapter 4: Kyaaaaa, Myungsoo yaaa~ this story makes me remember the momment between eunji and myungsoo at runningman wkwkwkw when lee joon want to push eunji and eunji just lay her body on Myungsoo... Thanks for the updatee! Love it!!
Chapter 4: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.....breathing out such a long air. My nephew surely moves a lot in his sleep. Hhaha. and I somehow needs some distraction, good to see Myungsoo here!
And it comes out so nice! I would say Myung is my second fave after Woohyun and seeing him running out of breath gave me reason to squeal. aihh... they look sweet somehow. I wonder if I have their story...hum..

Goodnight, by the way. ^^
soowon_lover #8
Chapter 3: yay, i was waiting for Sunggyu <3

i love gyuji
ShintaSutiono #9
Chapter 3: Thankkkyouuu for the updateee sikaa!!! I like itt!!! Do myungsoo pleasee wkwkwk
Chapter 3: aih.. it's all about your ego, wasn't it? No wonder she stepped back.

Hhaha after awhile, you finally updated this stories! Good luck for next! Coming here I end up reading yeol and woohyun story too. ;3