No Tomorrow.

No Tomorrow.

I watched as you giggled cutely at the variety show that was showing on the television. I can't help but think about can't hearing your cute laughs and giggles when I'm gone. 

My time is limited but I still can't bring myself to tell you that I have to go soon. 

I stared at your flawless face and can't help but feel guilty when I know it will be stained with tears.

"Baby, let's go out for dinner!" I said, trying my best to sound happy. But I was hurting inside. Baby, I'll really miss you when I'm gone. 

"Sure! Let's go to my favorite restaurant!" she chirped happily. Oh baby, you don't know how much that kills me. Not being able to go out with you and make you happy. 

We both walked, hand in hand, down the street. The street was filled with many young couples, all very happy.

Baby, this will be our last night today. I'm sorry we can't be like other couples; get married, have kids and live 

We both walked into her favorite restaurant and was seated on a table located in the second floor of the restaurant. 

Our table was just facing the beautiful view of Seoul.

"Wah, so pretty!" She admired the shining lights while her eyes scanned the beautiful city. "One day, we'll own a house that has the exact view!" A smile crept on her face. 

Baby, there will be no 'one day' for us, for today is our last day together. 

I ordered her favorite food and payed for all of them. After we finished dinner, we went to get some ice cream. 

"Baby, I love you. Thank you for the fun night." She smiled while eating the ice cream. 

Of course baby, I would do anything to make our last night memorable. I will miss your smile so much when I'm gone.

I just wanted to cry out loud and cry out all my sadness. I don't want to leave you baby. Why is the world so unfair? Maybe we weren't meant to be. That's why God decided to separate us in this cruel way. 

Dreadfully, the clock kept ticking and before I knew it, it was already 11pm.

We arrived at our home, our home that I'll miss so much. Our home that will become only your home. 

"Baby," I said, looking deep in her eyes. "I love you so so much." I tried my hardest to hold in my tears but failed. One tear slowly trickled down my cheek. 

"Oppa! Why are you crying? I love you very much too." She replied, wiping my tear away with her finger. 

"I'm so glad I have you. The best thing that was ever in my life was you." I stared deep into her eyes. Those eyes I'll miss so much. 

I pulled her into a kiss, our last kiss. How I'll miss those lips. My heart ached and I wanted to cry out in pain. 

She pulled away and smiled. "Let's go to sleep! Let's go around Seoul tomorrow!"

Tomorrow. That word echoed in my head. Baby, there is no tomorrow for us. I will be gone tonight. 

We both slipped into the bed and she snuggled close to me. We both cuddled for a while. Oh, how I want to stay like this forever. Never want to leave you baby.

Slowly, she started to fall asleep. Right before she slept, I softly whispered, "I love you." Her eyelids finally closed. 

I finally let my tears out. I kissed her for the last time and gave her a goodbye kiss on the forehead. "Sweet dreams angel. I love you."

I slowly got up from the bed, trying not to wake her up. I opened the drawer near our bed and took out a letter that was wrapped by a light blue envelope. 

It was my letter to her. My farewell letter. 

I placed the letter on the top of the drawer and stared at her sleeping figure. 

I felt as if my heart was ripping apart. I felt that as if I was not being killed by a disease but by our love. By regret. By guilt. 

I had to go. My time was here. I turned around and started to walk away. My heart cried out and tears rolled down my cheek uncontrollably. I had to leave her. 

I wanted to turn back around, hug her and stay like that forever, but I can't.

I left the house and took the cab to the hospital. I entered the hospital and looked for my doctor.

"Are you ready?" The doctor asked me. 

I nodded as more tears rolled down. I was put onto the patient bed. 

I was brought to another room where it was dark except for the lamp dangling from the ceiling.

I was pushed under that lamp. My moment was here.  

I saw the nurses bring in the shot and saw the doctor getting ready. 

Baby, if there is something such as a next life, I will definitely love you again. I want to marry you and have kids and live happily ever after with you in that life. 

But I'm sorry I couldn't do that with you in this life. I'm truly sorry that I couldn't give you happiness in this lifetime, I'm such a bad boyfriend. 

I saw the doctor raise the shot and brought it close to me. The doctor slowly injected the shot into me. 

Memories of us started play in my mind. Tears started to roll down my cheek as I started to feel numb. 

With my last breath, I whispered, "I love you."

My eyelids slowly closed as I started to feel sleepy.

"I love you."


How was it? :D

Was it... alright? D:

I hope I didn't fail that much. TT___TT

I cried while typing this up. ;~;

Please do comment about how I can improve and what you like about this story! [and subscribe, if you want to. ehehehe.]

Hoped you enjoyed it! I'm working on my next story~ (:

m a e j i k` ~ 11/15/11

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This is so saaad D:<br />
but i love it!
maejik #2
@hellotheredomo: ;___; I cried like 3 times writing this. ;~;<br />
@ChimCheree: i know. ;~;
predictator #3
Omg ;~; what a tear jerker.