2010.01.16, 12:39 PM
now playing: disclosure ft sam smith, omen

Choi Seowoon had never experienced real pain until the moment she fluttered her eyes open the morning following Jaekyung's enormous birthday bash or how Sujae would like to call it "the beginning of Gam Jaekyung's fake idfree adventures". Seowoon couldn't thank Seul enough for being in a 50 centimeter distance from her or she would've plummeted all the way from Sujae's top bunk down to the Lee household's sofa chair by their living room, which was approximately three stories down from where she previously passed out at. Her hair was in a disarray, her head was spinning way too rapidly she could've theorized it was already two years a head of time basing off how the earth was rotating around its axis at full speed and her hazy eyes were shifting everywhere; she could've sworn she was about to die. It was a matter of time before Seul had the decency to push Seowoon's heavy body frame off her arms because in approximately five seconds, she was going to collapse on the floor and having a throbbing head on top of the burning headache caused by last night was nothing she ever wanted to experience early in the morning.

"Early in the morning?" stifling a snort, Sujae pulled her left hand out of her hoodie pocket, right occupied with a cup of steaming coffee, and firmly gripped on Seul's arms before she, herself, looses balance. "It's 12 pm in the afternoon, I'm not so sure you could consider that early or the morning."

Seul groaned; she was already experiencing an unbearable situation ensuing inside her head, so she wanted no part in Sujae's annoying remarks. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, just shut up and make us coffee."

Seowoon was the first one to pass out (20 year old Jaekyung would most likely say "Alright, I need to start up some lessons when it comes to alchohol intake") and would've been attented to with genuine care and worry but all the commotion received was Sujae and Seul simultaneously hollering to Woman down! Woman down! followed by a ceaseless series of drunk laughter and Celine Dion chorus singing. Fortunately, there was the 5 percent of the party population that were sane and sober enough to approach the birthday celebrant regarding her "hopelessly drunk friend that was snoring and incoherently muttering Harry Potter spells". With Jaekyung running across her living room and squeezing into the crowd of grinding teenagers who were barely legal in order to notify Jaewon concerning her alchol intolerant buddies, the rest of the crew excluding Jaekyung were sent to the Lee household, clueless of their horrendous and embarrassing night out.

Ironic it was for Lee Sujae who was adamantly against the idea of participating in her best friend's 20th birthday bash, much less drag the two youngest girls of The Yeoshins into the mess, be the same girl who caused a scratch on Jaewon's car from all the body flinging and intoxicated complaints she threw out of unconcious spontaenity. It took one phone call and evidently a disappointed snicker from Lee Kwanghyuk before Sujae voluntarily pushed herself inside the car, eyes wide frightened over the possibilty of her dad taking back his credit card extension offer.

It was already 1:15 in the afternoon and the three girls had just eaten their brunch. Although no one squeaked a word or two and the only audible noises were the clanking of the silverware against the plates and the monotous ticking of the clock, they'd be denying if the amount of buzzing occuring inside their heads aren't considered as contributors to noise pollution. Even after chugging what seems like six cups of brewed coffee and drowning themselves in endless glasses of water, it doesn't seem like their hangover was bound to be eliminated within the first half of their day. Frustrated grunts and Seowoon's exasperated muttering in disbelief of how she was one mispronounced word away from almost shrieking out the word  boomed throughout Sujae's room the very moment Jaekyung knocked down the door and strutted in wearing the same outfit she wore about four days ago, hands clutched on a plastic bag which Sujae presumed are hangover remedies but the younger girls' perked up faces gradually dimmed back once the eldest shook no.

"Okay we get it, you're 20, you're legal, you're an adult now, but please don't shove us rated 19 movies." whined Seul, pulling her hair up into a bun and plopping onto Sujae's bed and sprawling her legs all over, messing up the newly made sheet covers. Seowoon managed to worry about the prospect of having "ually aroused beings eating each other's faces" scenes broadcasted in the movie with Jaekyung trying to restrain Sujae from pulling Seul off her bed vigorously. The brawl came to a halt the moment Jaekyung's phone vibrated inside her pocket, with the Spice Girls' If You Wanna Be My Lover booming throughout the speakers, and a two minute conversation of Jaekyung giggling and squealing over the alleged sweet nothings her current boyfriend is whispering through the phone caused Choi Seowoon to pluck the plastic bag out of the latter's grip and positioned it below Sujae's mouth, preparing for whatever kind of vomit she didn't see coming.

Jaekyung found it utterly pathetic and senseless for Sujae to possess an unbearable intolerance and impassioned abhorrence towards relationships and, well, boys. Not that she's fatally allergic to them since she was pulled out of her mother's womb, but she just assumed that whenever the male specie is around to speak a word to her, there was a striking danger to interactions that will soon lead to dissatisfying events of emotional investment and an inevitable heartbreak. But that was Sujae five years back, she's practically immune to them now. Jaekyung would state that boys are far from Sujae's definition of "irrelevant inventions used to promote toxic interest in lust and Michael Jordan kicks" and that they're pretty fun once you hang out with them and push aside the lingering theory that boys and girls simply can't stay as friends. Few days after the yeoshins coerced Jaekyung into swearing that she was not to get into a relationship within a span of one month or she'd have to come over Seulkee's grandma's house and assist her with all the cleaning duties and with Jaekyung ended up failing miserably with it, Sujae took the initiative to rant and enumerate her list of why commitment is pure bull ("would you call Jaekyung's escapades a 'commitment' when a one week relationship is deemed a miracle?" Yoon Jiho once said in a nonchalant matter, continuing with her work as if an offended expression didn't paint on the eldest's face).

Seul, too, took mocking and questioning Sujae's non
–commital motives to a liking during middle school. The two of them has known each other since learning the history of Yi Sunsin was regarded the most crucial topic to discuss, but labelling them friends would be considered false. The youngest Lee tends to bear a mild dislike for someone who has managed to get under her skin, which is practically anyone who has dropped an opinion atop of hers. With Seul deliberately mimicking Sujae's intentions with a phony voice, the other female didn't even think twice about letting Park Seul top her list of who to ban from the Korean territory once she takes her throne as Korea's president. Even Seowoon found herself jumping into the disagree with Lee Sujae's views bandwagon, stating that relationships are much, much more beautiful than how she could depict it as. Love held profound emotions, a sensation that makes you feel as if you're soaring the high skies but Seowoon's mini trip to her love–induced fantasy was quickly interrupted by Sujae's remark of "People can't fly, that's scientifcally incorrect." followed by Haru's revelation of the young girl's unconfirmed crush on Kim Jongdae and Seowoon's face reddening hastily.

Sujae stood firm to her beliefs and perspective derived from the scarring incident that happened when she was merely an 8 year old. She was no misandrist, true, but she can't help but detest and hold a grudge towards the general idea of romantic involvements. So when Jaekyung popped the dvd copy of the movie She's All That inside Sujae's cd player, she was about to smack her friends with her pocket umbrella if it wasn't for her dad coming inside her room at the exact scene that was clearly counted as explict. Even with the briskness Seowoon exerted to pause the playing film, it was too already too late
— Mr. Lee had already seen the teenage female the pecs of her boyfriend and Sujae had already predicted that it was time to bid goodbye to her credit card perks.


YIKES. THIS ENDED UP MORE SUJAE–CENTRIC THAN I EXPECTED :–( i'm sorry guys for letting u wait (im)patiently only 2 be greeted by an excessive and unwanted spotlight towards my character...... my initial purpose was to introduce the girls one by one but i couldn't see any other way than to begin it with sujae rip. also, all the girls have been revealed here already through the mentioning. so yeah congratulations to all of them!!!! next chapter will focus on something else i promise and once again, i'm sorry for this mess. it purposely had no plot, simply a mini introduction to the characters and this will be the same thing for the next chapter. or not. depends. but pretty sure the third story will focus on the progress of the story (MEANING INHA AND JAEHO!!!!) lmao this is getting to nowhere so i shall stop. this chapter is still ty, and so is sujae but aight.
— love, jei
p.s at jae: i hope u dont mind i ended up opting for irene instead of seulgi because as much as kim seulgi is one of the funniest actress ive encountered, my heart is awfully attached to bogum/irene so

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i've started writing some parts for chap 2 but i cant guarantee it's gonna come out soon... but nonetheless ;^)


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bless youuu
yeh I did
gestures to dp
elegantly #3
thank freaking god it was just being a sass again and wanted me to restart him smh

and, okay, i won't say that i wasn't sad about this but thank u for being honest with ussss~
i know the struggles of being a new part of this comm and wanting to write bc i've been there or is still there really, i've been abandoning my own apply fic that i did way way way back when responsibilities aren't a thing still (IN MY DEFENCE THO, I WAS JUST ROPED INTO CO-AUTHORING IT BY MY COUSIN BUT SHE BACKED OUT ON ME HALF THE WAY AND NOW I STILL BEAR GUILT OVER MY IRRESPONSIBILITY. SMH, SELF!!)
but, yes, u go girl! go do your thing and then when the insipiration for this kicks again then knock us all with your surprises!! <3
one must wait for inspiration to come

to you
Chapter 9: omg red velvet is everywhere
jk there are only two *smiles violently @ the tiny icons
congrats to all the chosen ones and just like everyone else, good luck with the story!
Chapter 9: aww sad that minhi didn't get chosen haha
but congratz to all the girls!! ^^
and good luck with the story :D
Chapter 9: so this is why you only replied a bunch of haha's in my message!!
man! i haven't been drunk (or planning to be in the near future) but i have the biggest feeling
that i'll be just like seowoon muttering harry potter spells if i was, istg, haha!
AND IRENE AND BOGUM!! ('s face claims lol)
i know this doesn't have anything to do with me, buuuut!! ugh i love friday couple so much
yes, okay, bye :))