(YoonSeok) the 4th member

Born To Slay

Length: 944 w.
Author's Note: my first yoonseok fic(let) ever!!!! yay and hahahahaha even if it didn't turn out the way i wanted it to (and it , i know), i'm still pretty proud of it since i keep running out of inspiration to write anything decent. hope you enjoy this! (can't get the spacing right and please ignore all grammatical errors; i did this early in the morning and hadn't had any sleep yet, so i will go back to correct them)



minimint calling... ]



"Help me."

"Yoon... gi?"

[groaning on the other line] "Please."

"What is it?"

"Just come here."

"Okay, but --"

"And bring Mickey. Do not come here without Mickey. I'm begging you."

"But didn't you say you don't like it when he keeps you whenever you sit down beside me on the couch?"

"Stop lying. I love him."


"Please bring him."

Hoseok laughs. "Okay. I'll be there in around 30 minutes."

"Okay. I'll try to stay alive 'til then."

"...Guess I'll try to make that 20."



* * * * *


The second Hoseok pulls his car up Yoongi's driveway and shifts it to park, Yoongi's head pops out the front door. When Hoseok gets down and opens the passenger seat's door to let Mickey out of the car, Yoongi opens the door and a wild mess of fur comes sprinting out of it and tangles itself with the shih tzu currently running around the lawn. It was a good thing Hoseok always took Mickey to the park to meet other dogs and other people so making new friends with another dog wasn't such a problem for him.


"A toy poodle?"

Yoongi eyes the two furballs running around and barking excitedly at each other. "Yeah."

"Named it already?"


"Holly? That's a girl?"


"Mind me asking why?"

"Why what?"

"Why a poodle and why a girl?"

Yoongi sighs dreamily, eyes never leaving the small puppy that was asleep beside him only minutes ago in the living room. "I don't know. I went to the grocery store to stock up on some noodles yesterday and I passed the pet shop and saw her through the window and I just knew I had to get her. I... dunno. She kind of just... drew me in, I guess."

Hoseok chuckles. "Well, you certainly sound smitten."


"Congratulations, pops."



That snaps Yoongi out of his daydreaming, reminding him that Holly might look cute now but she wasn't going to stay a pup for the rest of her life. He turns his whole body to face Hoseok before crying out, "I can't do this. Why did I even get her? I don't think I'm even taking care of myselfproperly let alone another Actual Living Thing in my house!! And she doesn't even speak, for crying out loud! And she's a she! What if I can't give her what she wants and throws a fit and runs away? How do--"


"Woah, slow down there." Hoseok grabs a hold of Yoongi's shoulders and shakes him a little. "Don't you love her?"


"I dunno, I... well, yeah, I guess I do, but--"


"Then that's enough. You're just gonna have to go with what your gut tells you. And probably your vet."


Yoongi snorts. "Easy for you to say. You don't live off of instant noodles and fried food. I can't even cook myself a decent meal, let alone remember to feed her everyday." He whimpers and sighs. "Maybe I should just take her back."


He gets pulled into Hoseok's arms and they stay like that for a few seconds.

"You're gonna be fine," Hoseok whispers into his ear. "You'll make a great dad."

Yoongi winds his arms around Hoseok's middle, squeezing it gently. "But what if I don't?" he whispers back, thinking about how he might actually kill another living creature because of his lack of organization and irresponsibility. The thought alone was enough to break his heart.

"Then I'm gonna have to stay here with you." Hoseok pulls away slightly to look Yoongi in the eye and smiles. "Only if you want me to, of course."


For the first time that day, Yoongi finally breaks into Hoseok's favorite gummy smile and nods before burrying his face in the crook of Hoseok's neck and muttering a barely audible 'thank you' against it.


As they stand in the doorway of Yoongi (and soon to be Hoseok)'s home watching their two dogs (kids) playing with each other, Holly being a little more hyper than the older Mickey, Hoseok thinks about his earlier statement (offer, if Yoongi hadn't accepted, but he did), and how serious he actually was.


He and Yoongi had been together for a long time (okay, a year and a half is long enough if you've known each other for almost your whole lives, right?) already and he always intended to ask Yoongi to move in with him (since they basically already live together but they couldn't afford both houses) but he can always adjust. Especially if it's for Yoongi.


Only if it's for Yoongi.


And, okay, for Mickey too. Now that he's got a new dongsaeng.


They spend the rest of their afternoon on the lawn, occasionally bringing out snacks and water whenever they thought the dogs were getting tired, playing with each other's dog, since they were one step closer to having conjugal property and both dogs were well-behaved, and planning the big move to Yoongi's house, since Hoseok thinks it would have to take 2 trips and a moving van at the least. They spend it lying down beside each other, facing upwards, pointing at random clouds and guessing what they look like. They turn their heads and look at each other and just talk their heads off about nonsensical things, laugh 'til their stomachs hurt, and fall deeper in love.



They also spend it running around the neighborhood chasing their dogs since they just got lost in the moment and forgot that Yoongi didn't have a fence yet.



But the first family photo they take once they get home makes Yoongi think that all the trouble (he went through and will still go through) will be worth it.

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JikookKaisooGirl #1
Chapter 6: Oh god, this was so cute. I love your writing style!
JikookKaisooGirl #2
Chapter 3: Yes. Jikook is my ultimate ship. Rise Jikook, rise!!!
JikookKaisooGirl #3
Chapter 2: Nanmin makes me so happy. Good writing!
JikookKaisooGirl #4
Chapter 1: Caring Yoongi is all I need in life tbh
BlueeWings #5
you still need prompts?
You're an amazing writer
BlueeWings #7
May I request a cute nammin fic where Namjoon is tryin to confess to Jimin?
BlueeWings #8