
Falling For You Again


“Tiffany. Tiffany? Tiffany!” Sooyoung clicked her fingers first, then waved her hands, and then finally clapped her hands loudly in front of Tiffany. The human in front of her remained unmoving. She didn’t even flinch when Sooyoung clapped her hands.
Leeteuk walked up to Tiffany and examined her carefully.

“Well… I guess fate really does like biting us in the behind doesn’t it?” Leeteuk commented as he stood up straight again. Sooyoung crossed her arms and huffed impatiently.

“I can’t deal with this anymore. She’s been like that for the past three hours. You could put a whole tarantula in and she wouldn’t react. I’m going to find Sunny. It’s a waste of time depending on her to snap back to reality.” Sooyoung grabbed her keys from the table and stormed out of the house. Leeteuk and Sooyoung had taken the Tiffany back to her own home and were sitting in the lounge room. Tiffany was still in a daze with Miyoung’s words replaying in her head over and over again.

“Tiffany… Would you like a drink, something to eat perhaps?” Leeteuk asked calmly. Tiffany remained unmoving and just blinked.

“Do you have anything to say on the matter? How you feel? What’s going through your mind at the moment?” he continued to ask calmly. Tiffany blinked again and gave a very stiff and small shake of the head. Leeteuk took a deep breath and breathed out heavily again. He then took the seat next to Tiffany and sat down.

“This must come off to you as a real shock… And to be honest, I’m not going to coat the situation up with sweet words and lies. Taeyeon fell deeply for your former self, Miyoung. You look exactly like her, from the shape of your eyes to the every mole on your skin. I’m sure you’ve been called Miyoung before by Taeyeon I presume?” Leeteuk rested his elbow on his knee and rested his chin against the palm of his hand. Tiffany just nodded stiffly.

“Well… Years ago, before Yuri and Yoona, Taeyeon was happily spending her life with Miyoung. However, a few things happened and Miyoung passed away. Taeyeon broke down after that event. For over a hundred years she would seek the companionship of Yuri and Yoona with hopes of having a meaning her to life but her heart remained in the past, until you came along and opened up her slowly healing heart’s wound up again.” Leeteuk gave her an accusing stare.

“Because… she thought I was Miyoung…” Tiffany’s hoarse voice finally spoke. Leeteuk just nodded slowly, not wanting to feed anymore lies to the traumatized girl in front of him.

“However, your personality is the exact opposite of hers. Well not the exact opposite but it is very easy to tell you apart. For one, Miyoung was a rather quiet and calm girl who only spoke up whenever she saw injustice or really believed in her own opinion but she would still hesitate. You however, would just charge straight forward loudly and only caring about the consequences later.” He continued. Tiffany turned her head around to face the immortal in front of her with blank eyes.

“So if Taeyeon loved Miyoung, and I’m the opposite of her… that means she hates me?” Tiffany’s mouth spoke for its own. Leeteuk just chuckled slightly and shrugged.

“She might’ve hated you in the beginning. She was starting to adapt to a life without the one she loved and then you come along and ruin everything. I also heard that you were very rowdy when you first met Taeyeon. Not exactly what Taeyeon goes after in a person.” He shook his head with a slight amusement. Tiffany’s shoulders slumped down even further with Leeteuk’s discouraging talk.

“However. That is your strong point. Being so different from Miyoung is what is going to make Taeyeon yours and yours alone.” He stood up abruptly and pointed his finger at Tiffany.

“With your loud personality it wouldn’t be hard to completely clear the Miyoung image from yourself. You have to see that you are not Miyoung. Taeyeon knows you are not Miyoung. You are Tiffany. The Tiffany who forced the Taeyeon to carry you all the way home, the Tiffany who forced Taeyeon to change the way she treats Yuri and Yoona, and the Tiffany who made Taeyeon stay the last time. If she thought of you as Miyoung she would not have stayed here for long. No one likes their past, especially her. If she kept you around her for this long it means that she is ready to give up on her past and move on.” Leeteuk lectured determinedly. Tiffany remained in her seat but stared back at Leeteuk as she kept on receiving the speech.

“I won’t be feeding you any more lies Tiffany. You are the reincarnation of Miyoung. But that does not make you a copy of her. Each generation is different from the last. If you still think that Taeyeon only sees you as Miyoung… then so be it. It is not my place to tell you what to think. Humans tend to think too much for their short lived lives. What you think of is your own free will. Now if you excuse me, I have to tend to the needs of human hunger and fussiness.” Leeteuk bowed slightly towards Tiffany before storming out of the house, leaving Tiffany alone in the house by herself.

Jessica was out with Yuri checking up on flight schedules whilst SeoHyun was with Yoona, probably in the middle of nowhere trying to find any traces of Sooyeon. Sooyoung was finding Sunny and most probably cursing Tiffany under her breath, Leeteuk had just left her to attend the restaurant and Taeyeon was with Miyoung.
Throughout Tiffany’s problems, there was always someone with her to guide her. Whether it was Taeyeon giving the occasional helping hand or Yoona giving her the hard slap, Tiffany needed someone to throw her a help line.

“Lee… Mi… Young…” Tiffany uttered slowly. She looked up at the blank screen of the TV to see her won reflection in the screen. Slowly, she lifted her left hand to touch her cheek.

“A copy…” Tiffany continued to mutter to herself. She then examined her hand where there was a mole. The words that Leeteuk had given her ran through her head again and she began to wonder whether Miyoung also had the same mark on her skin.

“Just give up Tiffany… You saw with your own eyes… Miyoung is the one that Taeyeon likes… not you” Tiffany murmured to herself sadly. She pulled her knees up to her chest and rested her forehead against her knee.


“Sooyeon-ah. Where are you? Father wants to talk to us together. Sooyeon.” Taeyeon’s voice called out through the darkness. Sooyeon was sitting in the corner, curled up into a ball and shivering with fear.

“Sooyeon. Father isn’t going to do anything. He just wants to talk” Taeyeon called out again, feeling around the darkness to navigate her way around. Sooyeon buried her head into her knees and shook her head. She knew what her father was going to talk about. She didn’t like it.

“There you are” Taeyeon mused happily when she found her in the corner. Sooyeon looked up to see Taeyeon standing in front of her.

“Come, before father gets mad” Taeyeon ushered as she grabbed Sooyeon’s hand. Sooyeon quickly yanked her hand back and refused, causing Taeyeon to stop temporarily.

“I don’t want to. Father is going to make me marry someone I don’t know and force me to live with him. I don’t want that.” Sooyeon answered stubbornly. She tucked the hand that Taeyeon had pulled out back into her arms and buried her face again. Taeyeon stood there with a surprised expression.

“Sooyeon-ah. You’re sixteen now. It’s part of the rules of this family.” Taeyeon lowered herself down to Sooyeon’s level and patted her head softly. Sooyeon just shook her head again.

“You’re twenty this year but you don’t have to marry and leave this house. Why do I have to?” Sooyeon answered back bitterly. Taeyeon stopped patting Sooyeon’s head and sighed.

“Who told you that?” Taeyeon asked slowly. Sooyeon peeked up from her arms to see Taeyeon with a curious expression.

“No one! It’s because you’re still living with father and mother. Why do I have to leave? Why is it always me?” Sooyeon pushed Taeyeon’s arm and caused her to fall over. Taeyeon brushed the dirt off her hand before sitting cross legged in front of Sooyeon.

“Do you believe that you are the one who is being treated unfairly Sooyeon?” the elder sister asked slowly with a serious expression. Sooyeon swivelled her body around to face the wall and her back to Taeyeon.

“It’s because of you. You’re always spoilt by father. You have your freedom to do what you want and get what you want. If I ever ask for anything I get a beating and scolding.” The younger one said bitterly. Taeyeon just sighed and lowered her shoulders.

“Okay then.” Taeyeon said as she stood up. She then walked out of the room and left Sooyeon inside by herself again. Anger began to build up all over again for Sooyeon. Her sister had abandoned her once again and was not helping her out of her situation.

“I hate you…” she quietly cursed her older sister.

The minutes passed by and Sooyeon was still inside the room, refusing to leave at all costs. Until a loud scream was heard from the outside. It sounded like her mother’s scream and Sooyeon began to wonder what could have made her scream. There was then a crashing noise of glass breaking and sobbing coming from her mother.
Being the curious teenager she was, Sooyeon slowly came out of her ball and stood up slowly. She opened the door slightly to see her father charging towards the door with a very mad expression on his face. She quickly closed the door again and ran to the other side of the room.

“Taeyeon told him…” she immediately growled, standing on the furthest corner away from the door, waiting for the bull of her father to charge in. She waited and just when she expected the door to open there was a loud slap. The girl in the lonesome room continued waiting for the door but it never opened. Instead her father was talking.

“You dare go against your father’s will again?” her father’s voice resounded. Sooyeon wondered who he was talking to.

“Sooyeon never deserved to be treated unfairly.” Taeyeon’s unsteady voice answered back. Sooyeon lowered her guard and her eyes opened wide towards the door.

“You have gone against my will too many times for your sister. A woman should obediently obey their father’s wishes and not go against them. However, you seem to be doing the complete opposite.” The father’s voice sounded even harsher.

“I do not wish to go against you father. But Sooyeon has her own right to do whatever she likes. If she does not wish to marry into the other family, I will support her. I am willing to take her place if it is to be.” Taeyeon answered back again. Sooyeon imagined her father’s veins popping out at the top of his head and quickly ran to the door.

“You already have.” Her father said bluntly. Sooyeon stopped in her tracks.

“I will marry into two families” Taeyeon answered back. Sooyeon raised her eyebrow at what Taeyeon had meant.

“That is against customs. You have already taken Sooyeon’s arranged spouse when she was aged twelve. You wish to take over this time as well?” her father continued. Sooyeon blinked a few times, not believing what she was hearing.

“Yes.” Taeyeon answered back confidently. A loud smack was heard shortly after Taeyeon answered.

“Then so be it.” The father muttered before heavy footsteps were heard, going further and further away from the door. Sooyeon then finally opened the door to find Taeyeon on the floor, holding her abused cheek. Taeyeon looked up at Sooyeon and just smiled, keeping her hand over her cheek.

“Oh Sooyeon. Father changed his mind. You won’t have to marry this year.” Taeyeon answered cheerfully. Sooyeon was at a loss for words. Taeyeon was smiling at her widely. She didn’t understand why.

“Excuse me Sooyeon. I have to… ahm… attend some chores” Taeyeon excused herself before walking away from Sooyeon. Sooyeon quickly reacted and pulled Taeyeon’s arm back, making her reveal the abused cheek that was burning bright red with three handprints, a few places were starting to bleed slightly and some areas were already bruising underneath.

“Taeyeonnie… Why?” was all that Sooyeon could say. Taeyeon quickly used her hand to cover her cheek and gave a confused expression.

“Why what? Father wasn’t feeling well today that’s all” Taeyeon immediately lied. Sooyeon gripped her hand around Taeyeon’s arm even tighter.

“Why…?” Sooyeon asked again, tears were threatening to fall from her eyes again. Taeyeon raised her other hand and patted Sooyeon’s head.

“You’re my beloved younger sister. It’s an older sister’s job to look after their younger ones. What kind of sister would I be if I didn’t look out for you?” Taeyeon chuckled cheerfully.


“To repay you for the deeds you did for me” Sooyeon gasped, leaning herself against the wall and sliding down it. Her body was weak. She couldn’t even move her hands anymore, yet the pain in her head was still continuing.

“Have you checked over there yet SeoHyun?” a voice echoed in the empty cliff. Sooyeon’s vision was starting to blur as the throbbing in her head continued.

“I’m checking now” another faint voice answered back. Sooyeon used all of her energy to move her head and look towards where the voices were. The sound of feet shuffling and gravel rubbing against each other began to get louder. Sooyeon took deep breaths to steady herself and try not to faint.

“SeoHyun! I think I found her.” The first voice then called out loudly. Sooyeon looked up towards the exit to see a shadow run up to her. A second shadow followed closely behind.

“Sooyeon-shi?” the first person shook her slightly. Sooyeon got a closer look at the one in front of her and recognised her easily. She only knew a few people anyway.

“Hello… Yoona” Sooyeon struggled to keep a steady voice. Yoona quickly picked up Sooyeon easily and ran to the outside again to let her breathe fresh air. SeoHyun behind her followed behind, biting her lower lip nervously.

“You can’t do anything… Miyoung… controls me.” Sooyeon tried to reason. Yoona laid Sooyeon back outside up next to a tree and did a once over. Everything seemed to be normal for someone who wasn’t human.

“What’s wrong? You don’t have any scars, marks or anything” Yoona worried. Sooyeon just smiled slightly.

“She’s tearing me up… From the inside out” Sooyeon said briefly before moving her hand up to her head again. Yoona stared at Sooyeon helplessly whilst SeoHyun came and gave Sooyeon a bottle of water.

“How?” Yoona asked worriedly. Sooyeon declined the bottle of water and shrugged meekly. Yoona pouted slightly upon seeing Sooyeon suffering in front of her. Just as things were quiet, Sooyeon’s head started hurting even more. She began to topple over in pain and lay to her side, grasping her head in hopes of having it stop. Yoona held onto her shoulders and tried to steady her when she noticed something on Sooyeon’s neck.

Just under Sooyeon’s hairline, there was a very small chip that was buzzing. Yoona took a closer look and saw that it was attached to her neck securely with a few pins digging in.

“Sooyeon. What is this?” Yoona asked as she tapped onto the chip. Sooyeon just shook her head and took deep heavy breaths.

“Yoona… What is it?” SeoHyun asked worriedly. Yoona bit her lower lip and leaned in closer to look at the chip. She then tried to pull on it to release it but Sooyeon screamed out in pain as it sent the pain throughout her body. Yoona immediately stopped and pulled her hand back quickly.

“Just leave me…” Sooyeon continued in her hoarse voice and pushed Yoona away slightly. Yoona and SeoHyun remained in their positions.

“We are not going back without you. I’m sure Taeyeon wishes to see you again.” SeoHyun said loudly. Yoona looked back at SeoHyun curiously before looking back at Sooyeon.

“Sooyeon… I’ll need to remove that chip from your neck. It seems to be the cause of all your pain.” Yoona said slowly. Sooyeon immediately backed away and held her hand over the chip. She was too scared to experience the pain wash through her again.

“Sooyeon. It may hurt for a short while but it’s better than having it prolong over a period of time.” Yoona reasoned as she took a step closer. Sooyeon shook her head stubbornly and backed away even further.

“SeoHyun. Get ready” Yoona turned around and whispered to the human behind her. SeoHyun blinked a few times, a little confused with what Yoona had meant.

“It’s time I gave a little payback for treating SeoHyun and I so roughly when you took us to the cell.” Yoona smirked as her dark persona slowly came out. She stood up straight and stretched her arm and cracked her knuckles. Sooyeon looked at Yoona worriedly as she continued to back away. Yoona then took her stance and eyed Sooyeon like her prey.
SeoHyun took a step back from Yoona and waited. Before Sooyeon could get up to her feet, Yoona pounced onto her and held her down. With Yoona’s dark persona activated, her strength became greater and was able to hold Sooyeon down.

“SeoHyun. Pull the chip out” Yoona said quickly. SeoHyun hesitated slightly but when she saw that Sooyeon was starting to fight back, she quickly ran over and gripped onto the chip. She then hesitated whether to pull it out or not, but Yoona pushed her away slightly, causing her to fall back with the chip in her hand.

A loud piercing scream echoed off the rock walls as it escaped Sooyeon’s mouth. Yoona quickly used Sooyeon’s hair to cover the marks on her neck which were healing quickly before SeoHyun could see it. Sooyeon then stopped struggling and stayed flat on the ground. All feelings of pain were gone and for the first time in the last thirty hours, she could have a clear mind.

“Now that wasn’t so bad… was it? Someone like you should be able to handle something like that. It’s not like you’re mortal.” Yoona whispered into her ear. Sooyeon just continued to breathe heavily and nodded to Yoona in response.

“We have another ally.” Yoona chuckled slowly. She then released her grip from Sooyeon and rolled off her back. She then walked over to where SeoHyun was with the chip.

“Sorry I pushed you, but you were hesitating” Yoona apologised sincerely. She reached her hand out to pull SeoHyun up and took the chip away from hers.

“Was this the cause of everything you did?” SeoHyun asked curiously. Sooyeon was still on the floor and nodded.

“It seems that it connects to the nervous system and either receives information or sends shocks.” Yoona examined the chip closely, finding it rather fascinating.

“She took it from the military…” Sooyeon said slowly as she began to sit up. SeoHyun tapped onto the chip curiously and pouted.

“Which military?” she asked curiously. Sooyeon was now sitting up straight with her legs crossed but still a worn out expression.

“Japan’s” Sooyeon said bluntly. Yoona’s and SeoHyun’s eyes popped open.

“They’re designing this type of stuff in the military?” Yoona said urgently. Sooyeon just nodded slowly.

“It was during the second world war. It was a failure but Miyoung managed to perfect it...” Sooyeon continued. Yoona turned the chip around her hand again and frowned. She then quickly whipped her head back up to Sooyeon with alert eyes.

“Miyoung?!” she exclaimed loudly. Sooyeon and SeoHyun jumped at Yoona’s sudden exclamation.

“Miyoung? As in… Taeyeon’s Miyoung?” Yoona asked again. Sooyeon looked up at Yoona with guilty innocent eyes.

“Lee Miyoung… My sister’s former lover…” Sooyeon confirmed. Yoona’s hands dropped the chip as shock filled her.

“Yoona… Who’s Miyoung?” SeoHyun asked softly. Yoona looked at SeoHyun with worried eyes. Sooyeon then slowly got up from her sitting position and brushed some dirt off her clothes.

“Shall we go and bring a stop now?” Sooyeon suggested meekly. Yoona looked back up at Sooyeon, asking silent questions with her eyes but Sooyeon waved it off and nodded towards SeoHyun. Yoona stopped when she realised that SeoHyun still didn’t know everything that was going on.

“Thank you Yoona, for helping me. I shall return the debt by providing you with tips.” Sooyeon offered with her hand outstretched. Yoona took her hand firmly and shook it with determined eyes.

“Things just got a lot harder… But I’m sure we can still manage” Yoona said seriously. Sooyeon nodded and released the handshake. She then looked at SeoHyun who seemed rather lost. She walked over to SeoHyun and smiled sweetly.

“We haven’t been introduced properly. I’m Kim Sooyeon. Taeyeon’s younger sister and Jessica’s look-a-like. Nice to meet you SeoHyun.” Sooyeon said calmly. SeoHyun nodded her head towards Sooyeon and bowed slightly.

“N-Nice to meet you.” She answered hesitantly.

“If you don’t mind. I would like to help you find Taeyeon and bring her back.” Sooyeon held her hand out to SeoHyun. SeoHyun took it rather hesitantly but smiled shortly after and nodded.

“Thank you.” SeoHyun smiled. Yoona on the other side was now biting on her lower lip. She had thought that the culprit would be someone from the Legion… but she had no idea that it would be Miyoung. Miyoung who everyone thought had passed away.

“This is going to be hell…” Yoona groaned with frustration before taking out her keys and heading towards the car with confusion and frustration.

“Yuri has a lot of explaining to do…” Yoona muttered once she entered the car. Sooyeon and SeoHyun shortly joined her and the three were now driving off quickly to meet up with the others.




“If Taeyeon is staying for the festival… then… the only flight out would be… An hour after the fireworks.” Yuri continued staring at the screen of her computer. Jessica was behind her marvelling at the things in Yuri’s room. There was everything besides a bed, including a large TV, treadmill, a large paint easel and many other things that one would not find in a room.

“So… If I can… I’ll book every seat there is and stop her from buying any tickets for this flight.” Yuri continued talking to herself. Jessica abruptly turned around to face Yuri with a shocked expression.

“Are you serious? That’s going to cost like fifty plane tickets.” Jessica said accusingly. Yuri just nodded at Jessica’s answer and began booking the seats. Jessica quickly rushed over and stopped Yuri from clicking any further.

“Isn’t that a waste?” Jessica asked seriously. Yuri looked at her hand which was held in Jessica’s and traced up her arm up to Jessica. She then raised her eyebrow up at her.

“Money isn’t a problem when you have bank interest and an eternity to use that to your advantage.” Yuri reasoned. Jessica loosened her grip slightly but firmly took again to prevent her from going any further.

“But if you have that much to spend… Wouldn’t Taeyeon have just as much as you?” Jessica asked. Yuri nodded slowly, hinting at Jessica to continue.

“Well… if Taeyeon’s money, she could just buy a jet and hire someone to fly it for her.” Jessica continued slowly as if trying to teach a four year old. Yuri thought for a while before she banged her head against the table.

“With Taeyeon’s money she could but the whole airport” Yuri groaned. Jessica released Yuri’s arm and patted her back.

“We’ll just have to make sure she doesn’t leave in the first place. But… Book a few tickets first. So if she does leave you can go with her.” Jessica suggested. Yuri looked up at Jessica and gave her a curious look.

“Only me?” Yuri questioned.

“Oh and Yoona. And maybe one for Tiffany and SeoHyun.” Jessica crossed her arms with a smile. Yuri furrowed her eyebrows and looked at Jessica accusingly.

“What about you?” She questioned. Jessica raised her eyebrows high and pointed to herself with surprise.

“Me?” she asked. Yuri rolled her eyes and nodded. Jessica then just chuckled slightly and looked out to the window where the sun was beginning to set.

“Well… If it does come to that point… I won’t be going.” Jessica admitted confidently. Yuri remained silent to let her continue.

“You said after all this, you will ask me that question again and I will answer it again for you. Until that day you ask it again, you and I will remain friends… But, if Taeyeon does decide to leave, then this whole situation will have no end.” Jessica reasoned. She then leaned her hand against the table behind her and leaned back with her eyes glued onto Yuri’s.

“If you go with Taeyeon, I will not follow. I will not follow because I won’t be able to stand it. I will remain in Korea and try my best to maybe let go. I might not move on but I will learn to let go.” Jessica smiled innocently. Yuri furrowed her eyebrows and stood up abruptly to tower over Jessica. Jessica moved back slightly and looked up at her with a questioning expression.

“Why? Aren’t you going to wait till I ask you?” Yuri asked in a soft murmur. Jessica just laughed slightly and pressed her finger against Yuri’s lips.

“No I won’t be.” She answered honestly. Yuri was about to open to retaliate but Jessica pressed her finger down firmer to quieten her.

“Listen. I won’t be waiting because no matter what I act like or what I say, I’m weak. If I were to wait for you I would break down inside with each passing day. With your immortal life span, you probably wouldn’t realise how fast the days go by, but I will. I would rather shatter my heart into pieces rather than let it crack and wear away slowly.” Jessica explained. She then lowered her hand away from Yuri’s mouth and waited.

“You have to remember Yuri, that I am still human. We humans are stupid. We always reach for the sky. We try to fly and do things that were never meant to be in hopes of finding happiness. It always ends up as broken dreams and disappointment. We are also impatient. When we are reaching for the stars, when we realise that it would take too long, we give up and leave it for the next generation of stupid humans to take over. That is what we humans are like.” Jessica shrugged and got up off the table and walked towards the window. Yuri turned to face Jessica with a determined expression.

“There will be an end to all this then. Just make sure you keep reaching for the stars until then. Once everything is over, I will bring the stars to you and reward you. Be sure of it.” Yuri said determinedly. Jessica laughed softly and nodded.

“Just remember Yuri… Humans don’t like to wait. Each day brings our death closer. We don’t like waiting for something that will never happen.” Jessica whispered. Yuri walked up behind Jessica and wrapped her arms around her neck.

“I promise. I would ask you that question right now and right here… But it would be inappropriate and inconsiderate to Taeyeon and everyone else. There will be an end. I will personally make an end if I have to.” Yuri whispered into Jessica’s ears as she tightened her grip. Jessica nodded and patted Yuri’s warm arms.

“I’ll be waiting Yuri.” Jessica lifted up her finger which was pressed against Yuri’s lips and pressed it on her own, receiving the indirect kiss.









just a quick A/N

Vote for SNSD plz :D

#2 vote for Yoona

#5 vote for TaeTiSeo
#12 vote for Sooyoung
#13 vote for Girls Generation



Yoona, TaeTiSeo and Girls Generation are leading. let's maintain that lead please ^^

It would mean a lot to the girls and to the fandom if they win every catagory <33333333


That is all i ask of :)

Thank you <3


Bubbles out~


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randompersonhere1 #1
i love this story 💗
soshiujjang #2
Chapter 78: I LOVE THIS STORY 😭 Thank you authornim! 💗
Just found this story and omg it’s a blessinggg!!
diana_knight07 #4
I love this story and the concept :3 💖 great story
leftover #5
This is the first fic that I read when I was in high school in 2013ish. And here I am going to read it all over again.
Chapter 64: rereading this again.... fuhhhh my head hurts... LOL?
1125 streak #7
Chapter 63: Breen reading it for the 7th time and I'll still be reading it for the 8th gym later ^_^
Chapter 78: A lot of things happen in this fic but I love it really. Thank you so much author! You did such a good work. :)