Just an Image

Falling For You Again


“Have you found it?” Taeyeon called out to Miyoung who was on all fours trying to find Taeyeon’s phone. Taeyeon on the other side of the area was also on all fours, patting around the dirt with hopes of finding the small device.

“Nothing yet. Any luck on your side?” Miyoung rolled her eyes and called back at Taeyeon, trying her best to sound disappointed. Taeyeon got up off the floor and patted the dirt away from her clothes disappointedly.

“Nothing” Taeyeon sighed dejectedly. Miyoung got up shortly after and slowly walked towards Taeyeon. She noticed that Taeyeon had an annoyed expression on her face as she stared down at a certain rock on the floor.

“How about we go out now and buy a new phone? I’m sure you remember your friends’ numbers right?” Miyoung suggested eagerly. Taeyeon responded by biting her lower lip and shaking her head slowly.

“With technology remembering the numbers for me, I never bothered to remember the numbers myself” Taeyeon admitted. Miyoung gave a long sigh and pouted disappointedly. Taeyeon stood still beside her, humming slightly as she tried to find a solution to the problem at hand. She then suddenly remembered that she had one more helpline that could pull her out of the mess.

“Leeteuk” Taeyeon exclaimed with a clap. Miyoung jumped slightly at the sudden noise and turned around to raise her eyebrow at Taeyeon questionably.

“What about him?” Miyoung said slowly. Taeyeon turned back to face Miyoung with a bright smile evident on her face.

“He owns a restaurant around here. We can go to him and ask him if we can borrow his phone.” Taeyeon explained briefly. She clapped excitedly again and quickly turned around to away to the exit without her partner.

“This is going to cause some trouble.” The latter who was left behind whispered to herself, biting her lower lip nervously. She then quickly whipped her head up when the shuffling of Taeyeon’s feet got further away and immediately ran up to catch up with her. As she caught up with Taeyeon, she noticed that she was standing there mindlessly with her hands in her pocket and looking up at the oak tree in front of her.

“Do you remember that Christmas night we spent together by the old oak tree?” Taeyeon turned her head to the side and asked Miyoung curiously. Miyoung walked up to Taeyeon and nodded nostalgically. She looked up at the tree to see a single leaf blowing in the cold winter wind, reminding her of her human days.

“That little challenge I had with you. You had until the last leaf fell from the tree…” Taeyeon continued with a slight smile.

“Don’t remind me.” Miyoung laughed quietly beside Taeyeon, knocking her head slightly with her own hand with embarrassment.

“When there was only one leaf left, you started panicking about whether you had succeeded or not. And so, you walked out to the tree one day with nothing but a piece of string in your hand and you climbed towards the leaf that was all the way up in the tree…” Taeyeon continued. Her smile was growing slightly when she remembered the day she followed Miyoung to do her business.

“I went up and tried to tie the leaf to the branch… I remember” Miyoung said with embarrassment. Taeyeon chuckled at Miyoung and nodded with her.

“Not only did you not manage to catch the leaf in time, but you ended up falling off the branch, backside first.” Taeyeon finished off. Miyoung let out a long sigh of embarrassment and lowered her head.

“It was really cute” Taeyeon added as she patted Miyoung’s head. Miyoung turned her head to face Taeyeon and smiled brightly.

“Do you remember how I got a cut across my lip when one of the branches cut me whilst I was falling?” Miyoung asked eagerly. She then raised her hand up and reached for the same spot where she had the cut those hundred years ago. Taeyeon responded with a low hum and a small nod.

“Do you remember what happened after I got cut?” Miyoung urged on. She then leaned in towards Taeyeon’s face as to give a hint to Taeyeon, but Taeyeon responded by moving away slightly with her left eyebrow raised high.

“You had this way of making things better.” Miyoung tapped on her lip once with a sly smile. Taeyeon immediately understood what Miyoung was hinting at and laughed slightly.

“Ah yes. The healing kiss. It seemed that after that incident you got a lot more cuts.” Taeyeon looked at Miyoung accusingly. Miyoung giggled and stood up straight again before rocking on the back of her heels happily.

“I haven’t had one in a while. Can I get one now?” Miyoung asked innocently. She then took a step closer to Taeyeon and pointed towards her lips. Taeyeon automatically moved back from the contact from the years of avoiding people, causing Miyoung to pout sadly. Taeyeon then gave a reassuring smile and leaned in towards the disappointed latter in front of her. Miyoung suddenly froze with her eyes wide open when she felt Taeyeon’s lips against her cheek. She hadn’t had such intimate contact in a while and couldn’t help but feel a little warmer when Taeyeon’s lips touched hers.
The warmth was short lived when Taeyeon pulled away again and placed her hands on top of her head, patting it gently and soothingly.

“I’m sure that you don’t need any more healing from me” Taeyeon chuckled. Miyoung let out a mangled laugh before turning around and taking in a deep breath to calm herself down, only to filled with more disappointment when Taeyeon removed her hands and started walking off again.

“She’s not the same anymore…” Miyoung mumbled to herself. Taeyeon caught part of the sentence and turned back around to Miyoung with a questionable look.

“What was that?” Taeyeon asked calmly. Miyoung turned back to Taeyeon and shook her head quickly.

“Just speaking nonsense” Miyoung quickly excused with a smile. Taeyeon just nodded at Miyoung’s answer and turned around again to walk towards her car again. Miyoung followed behind with different thoughts running through her mind. She was too preoccupied with her thoughts that she had forgotten that they were driving to Leeteuk’s place, which could cause a lot of trouble later for her.


“Okay. We’ll get going now” Yuri concluded as she stood up from the table. Yoona, SeoHyun, Jessica and Tiffany stood up with her and started shuffling around the table to the sides. Sooyoung stood up after everyone was out of their seats and remained in her position.

“I’m going to need to buy another car first though. I can’t find my keys to my old car.” Yuri sighed. Yoona nodded knowingly and held up a set of keys.

“I’ll use the one that Sooyeon gave to us. I should probably go see if she’s okay first though.” Yoona threw the keys up and caught it in her hand again before putting it back into her pocket.

“Okay. Could you drop me off at the nearest car dealer though?” Yuri asked. Yoona gave her the thumbs up and started proceeding towards the door. Everyone else started to follow but Yuri suddenly turned around to stop Tiffany.

“Sooyoung? Could you take Tiffany? Once I get the car I’m probably going to be with Jessica and Yoona will be with SeoHyun. It would be helpful if we got another team running.” Yuri suggested. Sooyoung pointed to herself questionably.

“Maybe you guys can catch up to Sunny.” Yuri nodded. Sooyoung let out a small shrug and nodded.

“Tiffany, meet me downstairs. I’ll be out shortly.” Sooyoung called out. Tiffany nodded obediently before she and Yuri exited the room, leaving Leeteuk and Sooyoung inside alone.

“Why don’t we just tell her?” Leeteuk said in a low voice. Sooyoung turned around and gave a long sigh.

“Well. Think about how traumatized she will be when she realises that the only reason Taeyeon kept her around long enough was because she reminded Taeyeon of her past lover? Tiffany would spend all her time thinking about how Taeyeon has been treating her and trace it back to Miyoung. If she faces Miyoung upfront first, she won’t have enough time to think too much… Giving time for Tiffany to think is a very dangerous risk. She is the key point into bringing Taeyeon back.” Sooyoung turned around and faced her back to Leeteuk. She then gave a sideways glance towards him. Leeteuk responded with a slow nod, understanding where Tiffany is coming from.

“Still… With Tiffany, things can go either way.” Leeteuk sighed. Sooyoung took a deep breath and nodded.

“To think a group of immortals like us are depending on one human, amusing really.” Sooyoung chuckled. Leeteuk smiled slightly at Sooyoung’s words and shrugged.

“I should start going now. From what it seems, Sunny knows a lot about this matter.” Sooyoung then turned around to face the front and began walking off confidently. Leeteuk remained in his position and took a deep breath. For the first time in years, he was feeling as though he was going to be sick. The anxiety of nervousness was starting to affect him and was escalated even more when he forced himself to suppress his feelings.
The future was now a scary thought for him. Although he didn’t know what Miyoung planned to do with the Legion under control, he knew it wasn’t going to be pleasant if she was willing to go this far for it. Yuri and Yoona would be most affected.

‘Well at least this never ending life is starting to get interesting. No matter what the outcome is, all this will remain as a memory. Whether it is going to be remembered as happy memories, or remembered as the turning point of all the problems, depends on two people.’ Leeteuk thought to himself as he stood up from his seat. He then looked out through the window and saw that the sun was starting to set.

‘Let’s just hope those two people make the right decisions’


Sooyoung walked down from the stairs of the restaurant and stopped at the foot of the stairs to see Jessica pushing Yuri away from her with an annoyed expression and Tiffany laughing on the side. She smiled unconsciously to herself at the cheerful sight in front of her. A waiter then suddenly walked past her and excused himself so that he could walk up the stairs past Sooyoung. She quickly returned from her small trance and shook her head slightly. Tiffany from the outside turned around at that moment and spotted Sooyoung inside.
She waved her hand hesitantly towards the window so that Sooyoung would be able to see her. Jessica and Yuri looked towards where Tiffany was waving to and looked at Sooyoung blankly. Sooyoung responded with a nod and proceeded to walking towards the exit where they were waiting.

“Jessica and I are going with Yoona for the moment.” Yuri reminded as she nodded her head back to where Yoona and SeoHyun were. Sooyoung just nodded with a smile and dismissed the two, leaving Tiffany alone with her.

“Well then. Off to find Sunny?” Sooyoung raised her eyebrow expectantly. Tiffany nodded meekly, finding it a little awkward that she was with someone she barely knew.

“On the way I’ll tell you a bit more about me so we can know each other better. I might even tell you a few things about Taeyeon” Sooyoung chuckled to ease up the tension around them. Tiffany smiled slightly with excitement when Sooyoung said that she might tell her a few things about Taeyeon. The immortal then patted Tiffany’s head reassuringly and started walking towards her car nearby with the mortal following behind her.

Tiffany went to the passenger seat and waited for Sooyoung to unlock the doors. Once the distinct click of the locks opening was heard, Tiffany and Sooyoung pulled on the handles and sat down comfortably into their seats.

“I suggest you put on your seat belt” Sooyoung smirked slightly as she turned around slightly to pull on the belt. Tiffany was a little intimidated by Sooyoung’s remark and quickly latched her seatbelt into place. Sooyoung then gave a nod of approval before revving the car up to life. She quickly stepped on the pedal and the car shot backwards. She quickly reacted by turning the steering wheel quickly before putting the car into the first gear. Once she was out of the parking slot she quickly shifted gears again and the car quickly lunged forwards as she quickly changed gears again. Tiffany beside her was stiff with fright at Sooyoung’s driving and immediately gripped onto the seats for some safety.

“I wonder why you are so scared. Taeyeon drives even faster than I do. Do you not trust me enough?” Sooyoung mused teasingly. Tiffany closed her eyes quickly when she saw a car whizz right past them.

“I’ve been driving for around double your age, so don’t worry.” Sooyoung tried to calm Tiffany down but couldn’t help but laugh slightly at the frightened human beside her. Tiffany opened her right eye and took a quick scan of her surroundings. She peeked over to Sooyoung who was driving with no hands and pretending to stretch.

“The car!” Tiffany yelled in fright, quickly grabbing onto the steering wheel to steady it. Instead, the car started swerving around as Tiffany couldn’t control the wheel. Sooyoung laughed at Tiffany’s frantic movements and quickly took the wheel back in her control.

“I suggest you don’t do that anymore. I may be immortal but you certainly aren’t.” Sooyoung chuckled. Tiffany dropped her hands with relief as her heart was beating away frantically. She then looked up at Sooyoung and eyed her coldly.

“If you’ve lived for over a hundred years, then why aren’t you mature?” Tiffany asked accusingly. Sooyoung looked over at Tiffany with both her eyebrows up high and an amused expression on her face.

“How boring would that be? Being proper for the rest of eternity? Just thinking about it gives me goose bumps” Sooyoung shivered slightly at the thought. Tiffany narrowed her eyes at Sooyoung to show her that she was serious.

“You have to understand Tiffany. Not all immortals are like your precious Taeyeon. She is the only one who I know that acts like she’s over thirty years old.” Sooyoung turned her attention back to the road in front of her, not knowing where to start looking for Sunny.

“How long have you known Taeyeon?” Tiffany leaned back against her seat and relaxed slightly with the conversation that was starting. Sooyoung hummed slightly as she tried to think of an estimate to give Tiffany.

“Well. Taeyeon is around a hundred and eighty five years old… So I’d say around a hundred and sixty years ago?” Sooyoung answered calmly. She then narrowed her eyes and slowed the car down slightly before reaching for her phone in her pocket and speeding up again.

“Wow…” Tiffany said slowly. Sooyoung chuckled slightly and nodded. She then scrolled through her contacts down to Sunny’s contact and pressed on the call button. She then left it in the compartment beside her and put it on speaker.

“Yep. Known her for quite a while. I’m around fifty years her senior yet I am the one that owes my life to her.” Sooyoung chuckled. The ring of her phone continued in the background. Tiffany turned slightly to face Sooyoung and gave her a questionable look to tell her to continue.

“Let’s just say she betrayed her own to save me. Same goes for Yuri and Yoona.” She answered softly. The phone continued to ring beside her with no signs of anyone answering the call. The call was then directed to voicemail and Sooyoung responded by picking up the phone again.

“Sunny. Where are you? We have some news to tell you. Please call me back soon.” Sooyoung said promptly through the phone before ending the call and putting it back in the compartment. She then decided that she would start looking around her apartment and the places they regularly go to first to find Sunny.

“Betraying her own kind to save you three?” Tiffany questioned. Sooyoung nodded.

“There are others out there who aren’t really fond of our existence Tiffany. I’m sure you know that Taeyeon is a pure blood immortal whilst the rest of us aren’t right?” Sooyoung raised her left eyebrow. Tiffany vaguely remembered that Yoona mentioned something along those lines, having it relate back to the colour of their eyes.

“Pure bloods have blue eyes and normal immortals have red eyes right?” Tiffany answered.

“So you do know quite a lot.” Sooyoung chuckled.

“Well, there is a group of pure blood immortals out there Tiffany. They are called the Legion and every pure blood belongs to that group, whilst the rest are exiled. They aren’t really fond of the existence of normal immortals, classifying us as failures. Every immortal is born from the Legion and Taeyeon was… how would you say… the princess of that group.” Sooyoung paused slightly. Tiffany tilted her head to the side slightly at the new information she was receiving. She started to realise that she had been underestimating the immortals. She had forgotten that they had over a hundred years of life and memories already.

“Well, Taeyeon stumbled across me one day. She was still learning the ways of the Legion so she was naïve to befriend me. At first I really didn’t know she was an immortal, but one day, one of the other pure bloods caught me talking to Taeyeon and I was caught. The Legion prepared me for their torturous punishments and I was honestly scared back then. But whilst I was in my cell, Taeyeon freed me.” Sooyoung smiled when she remembered Taeyeon standing at the door with a bright smile on her face and a key in her hand. Tiffany felt as though she could almost see it too, but her image of the cold Taeyeon was still embedded into her system and was a little difficult to see her smiling.

“I escaped successfully but I did not see her for around a decade. During that decade I happened to come across Leeteuk. We both decided to stay somewhat close to each other so that we weren’t so lonely when the world around us changed. But after a decade, we bumped into Taeyeon again… During that time, I did something horrible to Taeyeon and it completely changed her…” Sooyoung’s voice quivered slightly. Tiffany blinked innocently a few times and waited for Sooyoung to continue.

“After that event, the old Taeyeon I knew disappeared. She left the Legion behind and was a lone wolf for quite a long time. I would constantly stay around her and tried to help her out by guiding her. Unfortunately, she didn’t fully trust me and went on by herself. Until, she came across Yuri. I don’t know what happened, but Taeyeon came back one day with a terrified Yuri behind her, same with Yoona. The world began to evolve around us again as we remained forever unchanging. The three decided to form the Elites within SM College and thankfully, all the graduates never came back to the school so they were able to remain as Elites until now, always remembering to wipe away any evidence of them existing in the past.” Sooyoung finished off. Tiffany was now slightly confused with the brief summary of Taeyeon’s past but somehow, felt like she was a little closer to Taeyeon.

“Quite a past she had…” Tiffany commented quietly. Sooyoung laughed at Tiffany as she made a right turn.

“As an immortal, your past is never boring. We experienced wars, plagues and many other events that are written in the books. It’s funny sometimes, seeing what is written. We always remember things differently from what the historians think.”

Tiffany smiled widely at Sooyoung and nodded. She felt as though the awkward barrier around them was weakened. It was still there, but it was very faint.




The next morning, Taeyeon was pulling up into Leeteuk’s restaurant car park. Miyoung was beside her still trying to persuade Taeyeon into leaving things till later and get her away from the place without seeming to sound desperate. Her pleas fell on deaf ears as Taeyeon continued to exit the car and impatiently enter the building. The bouncer at the front was a little startled to see Taeyeon so eager to enter the building and a little confused when he saw Miyoung trudging behind lazily, thinking that she was Tiffany.

“Taeyeon-shi, Tiffany-shi” The bouncer greeted as they walked past him. Miyoung made a face of disgust slightly when she was referred to as Tiffany, but quickly regained her composure and kept a smile. Taeyeon proceeded into the restaurant towards the kitchen behind and knocked eagerly on the door.

“Leeteuk-ah. Would you mind coming out for a bit?” Taeyeon called through the door. Behind the door she heard a few pots clatter around as though they had been dropped. Miyoung clenched her jaw slightly and stood beside Taeyeon, securing her arm around Taeyeon’s. Taeyeon patted Miyoung’s head as they waited for the door to open.

“Taeyeon!” Leeteuk yelled as he opened the door with excitement. All those feelings were quickly wiped when he saw the latter holding onto Taeyeon’s arm comfortably. She traced the arm towards the latter’s identity and froze.

“Leeteuk. I’m sure you remember Miyoung?” Taeyeon introduced calmly, gesturing her hand towards Miyoung. Miyoung smiled slightly and held her hand out to greet Leeteuk.

“Nice to meet you again.” Miyoung said through her teeth. Leeteuk hesitantly took Miyoung’s hand to shake it but instead of a friendly greeting, he received a knuckle breaking grasp. He didn’t react as Taeyeon was staring at the two intently. Miyoung smiled innocently at Leeteuk but he could see that there was a definite threat in her eyes.

“I’ll explain everything later. But first, can I use your phone? I can’t seem to get hold of Yoona or Yuri.” Taeyeon pointed upstairs where the spare phone was located. Leeteuk only responded with a slight nod, still staring into the murderous look Miyoung was giving him. Taeyeon immediately started walking upstairs towards the phone, leaving the two to their own stare-off.

“Miyoung, I’ll be down later.” Taeyeon called from halfway up the stairs. Miyoung flashed a smile to Taeyeon and nodded before whipping her head back to Leeteuk with his hand still in her grasp.

“It seems you got the message. I would remain quiet if I were you. It would be a shame if your efforts were to be wasted when Taeyeon outcasts you.” Miyoung smiled evilly, gripping Leeteuk’s hand even tighter. Leeteuk breathe heavily through his nose as he yanked his hand away from Miyoung’s grasp.

“Still harbouring feelings for Taeyeon?” Miyoung raised her eyebrow teasingly. Leeteuk remained silent, flexing his hand slightly as a few bones were healing from the fractures he just received.

“It is a pity though. We all know she won’t return your feelings. She only has feelings for me and me alone.” Miyoung mocked. Leeteuk reacted this time with a scoff. The scoff then turned into a chuckle before gradually growing into a laugh.

“How can you be so sure Miyoung? I’m sure you know your reincarnation right? Tiffany Hwang?” Leeteuk smiled triumphantly. Miyoung froze slightly at Tiffany’s name.

“See? I saw panic flash across your eyes. You’re feeling threatened, aren’t you? I’m sure you’ve noticed the change in Taeyeon. She’s no longer that happy-go-lucky girl you knew back then. This is the future Miyoung. You can’t skip to the future from the past. You have to experience the present first. For a relationship to work, you have to be with them in the past and present to have a future. You were in her past, but technically, you skipped the present.” Leeteuk continued confidently. Miyoung clenched her hands into fists.

“Tiffany has a past with Taeyeon now. They are now going through the present stage. I can easily see a future for them.” Leeteuk took a step back and turned around to walk away from Miyoung.

“But of course, Taeyeon only has feelings for you… right?” Leeteuk mocked with a loud laugh before disappearing into the kitchen again. Miyoung felt her hand shake from clenching her hands too hard.

‘That Tiffany doesn’t stand a chance. She doesn’t. She’s just an image of me… I’m the original…’ Miyoung thought determinedly to herself.

From upstairs she could hear Taeyeon shuffling slightly as she waited for Yuri to answer her phone. Miyoung remained downstairs with an angered expression. Leeteuk’s words were causing her to have rushing feelings to her head. She started to feel a little anxious and started pacing up and down at the foot of the stairs.

“I’m just getting my phone. I’ll be qui- Oof!”

A loud voice resounded through the reasonably quite restaurant before it was interrupted with a grunt. Miyoung was now on her backside and the owner of the loud voice was in front of her groaning slightly in pain. Miyoung quickly let out a growl and stood up to the person who had just ran into her, her eyes blared with the bright blue colour from her anger. She quickly stopped when she realised who was groaning in pain in front of her.

“Tiffany. I told you to be careful not to be… quick…” Another voice came into the scene and quickly trailed off as they arrived at the scene. Miyoung looked to the other person at the scene and smirked.

“Hello Sooyoung. Long-time no see.” Miyoung greeted with a smile. The latter on the floor looked up at the two above her and similarly to Sooyoung, froze when the bright blue eyes pierced her.

“And you must be Tiffany.” Miyoung greeted as she pulled Tiffany up from the floor. Tiffany remained stiff as she was standing up. She felt as though she was looking into a mirror, only, her reflection was wearing different clothes to her.

“Miyoung…” Sooyoung growled slightly from . Miyoung completely ignored Sooyoung and fixed her attention to the frozen look-alike beside her.

“Nice to finally meet you. Thank you for looking after Taeyeon for the short while for me. Both Taeyeon and I appreciate your help.” Miyoung said mockingly towards Tiffany. Tiffany blinked a few times, still starting intently at the mirror image in front of her.

“Looking after Taeyeon… for you?” Tiffany managed to utter slightly.

“Yes, for me. It was unfortunate that I had to part with her for a while, but I am back now and I thank you for looking after her in my place.” Miyoung said confidently. Sooyoung pulled Tiffany back slightly away from Miyoung but Tiffany remained still.

“You were with her?” Tiffany asked slowly. Miyoung was amused at Tiffany’s bewildered expression and couldn’t help but smile.

“Yes, way back then. I love her very much and she loves me very much. I’m sure it was hard for her to be apart from me as it was for me to be apart from her.” Miyoung pouted slightly.

“That’s enough.” Sooyoung said sternly in between.

“What’s enough? I’m just expressing my gratitude to Tiffany here for stepping in for me for a while.” Miyoung answered back innocently.

“I wasn’t stepping… in for you…” Tiffany answered back weakly. Miyoung blinked three times towards Tiffany and tilted her head to the side slightly.

“What do you mean you weren’t stepping in for me?” Miyoung asked innocently.

“I was just me… I wasn’t there to take over for you…” Tiffany continued.

“Oh my” Miyoung gasped and made a fake shocked expression. She then let out a small laugh and took a step closer to Tiffany.

“Oh dear. You didn’t think that Taeyeon kept you around because she liked you did you? Oh this is slightly embarrassing then isn’t it?” Miyoung mocked Tiffany. Tiffany looked back at the girl in front of her. She felt as though she just wanted to break the mirror in front of her so that the image would disappear.

“Ah, Tiffany. Taeyeon only kept you around beside her because you remind her of me. Well technically, you are me. Taeyeon never saw you as Tiffany Hwang. She saw you as Lee Miyoung. The Lee Miyoung she had loved for around a hundred and fifty years. The Lee Miyoung that is right in front of you right now.” Miyoung continued with an evil smile on her face.

‘Miyoung’ Taeyeon’s voice echoed through Tiffany’s head. The day when she went to the roof and was called Miyoung by Taeyeon.

“That necklace there belongs to me as well. To Taeyeon, you are me. An image of me. A little toy she used to relieve her feelings of loneliness. However, I am here now. So there really is no need for you” Miyoung snapped the last word. Sooyoung reacted by pulling Tiffany behind her and shooting a glare at Miyoung.

“Thank you Sooyoung. If it weren’t for you, none of this would have happened. I am grateful for that pill you gave me.” Miyoung’s voice changed into a soothing one again when she was talking to Sooyoung. Sooyoung reacted by clenching her jaw and breathing heavily through her nose.

“A toy…” Sooyoung heard Tiffany whisper behind her.

“Why are you doing this?” Sooyoung snapped towards Miyoung. Miyoung just smiled back at Sooyoung coyly.

“Why? Because… I’m just taking what is rightfully mine and returning the favour to what the humans have done.” She answered vaguely. Sooyoung’s eyes narrowed towards Miyoung.

“This world needs change Sooyoung. And I will be the one to reform it.” Miyoung’s smile faded and turned into a dark expression.

“With the power of the Legion?” Sooyoung growled.

“You were always quick to catch on Sooyoung. It’s a good thing.” Miyoung chuckled. Then, from upstairs they could hear footsteps.

“Miyoung? Who are you talking to?” Taeyeon’s voice called out. Tiffany’s heart skipped a beat when she heard the voice she had been missing the past few days.

“No one TaeTae” Miyoung called out cheerfully. The footsteps continued down the stairs. Sooyoung quickly pulled Tiffany into the kitchen and closed the door as Taeyeon approached them. Miyoung smirked at Sooyoung’s reaction and waited for Taeyeon to come down. Sooyoung couldn’t risk Tiffany being out-casted so early before the festival.

‘Taeyeon is not going to hesitate if she faces Tiffany now… This will only work when Taeyeon is about to leave… The power of hesitation won’t be as strong here’ Sooyoung thought spitefully. Tiffany behind her struggled against her grip and was about to bolt out for the door to see Taeyeon but Sooyoung quickly stopped her. Once Tiffany was stopped she saw Taeyeon and Miyoung outside through the glass window of the door. Miyoung was clinging onto Taeyeon’s arm and Taeyeon was smiling slightly at Miyoung’s actions.
Tiffany felt her heart drop to the pit of her stomach. Taeyeon and Miyoung started walking away towards the exit, but Miyoung turned around towards Tiffany’s direction and smiled mockingly.

Tiffany stopped trying to break free from Sooyoung as her body fell limp.

“What happened?” Leeteuk’s voice came out from behind. Sooyoung let out a long sigh and pinched the bridge of her nose.

“She bumped into Miyoung when she went to fetch her phone. Miyoung scored a bullseye.” Sooyoung sighed dejectedly. Leeteuk looked over to Tiffany and noticed that Tiffany had somehow lost all her will to even live.

“Looks more like three bullseyes.” Leeteuk commented slowly.

‘I was just there… to fill in for Miyoung… Now that Miyoung is back… What am I to her? I am her toy which she played, ripped and tore apart and left at the bottom of the toy box. Forgotten and thrown away as soon as she receives a new toy. A toy which she would keep forever…’ Tiffany started to feel as though she had no purpose in life anymore. The only joyful moments she had with Taeyeon all seemed like a lie. Nothing seemed real anymore.

‘Just an image…’







Thank you ShinyAvarice for understanding me :)


I mentioned this before, but please don't comment telling me to update >~<
It really doesn't motivate me and it kinda makes me lose my motivation.


This fic was also another dedicationg to ShadowKnight. I got another hug :)



but also~



Thank you so much subscribers. Love you <33333333

As celebration i made this chapter a little longer :D

Thank you again <33333333333




OH P.S! SNSD's Paparazzi <33333333333333333333333333

Hahah ^^


Okay that's enough from me


Bubbles out~


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randompersonhere1 #1
i love this story 💗
soshiujjang #2
Chapter 78: I LOVE THIS STORY 😭 Thank you authornim! 💗
Just found this story and omg it’s a blessinggg!!
diana_knight07 #4
I love this story and the concept :3 💖 great story
leftover #5
This is the first fic that I read when I was in high school in 2013ish. And here I am going to read it all over again.
Chapter 64: rereading this again.... fuhhhh my head hurts... LOL?
1132 streak #7
Chapter 63: Breen reading it for the 7th time and I'll still be reading it for the 8th gym later ^_^
Chapter 78: A lot of things happen in this fic but I love it really. Thank you so much author! You did such a good work. :)