Breaking Down

Falling For You Again


“Yuri!” Yoona yelled as she burst into Yuri’s front door. Yuri turned to the front door curiously to see Yoona standing there breathing heavily and staring her down. Jessica came down from upstairs to see what was happening and paused halfway when she saw the two immortals staring at each other. SeoHyun and Sooyeon then entered after Yoona calmly.

“Oh. I see you’ve found Sooyeon. Great” Yuri smiled brightly and walked over to Sooyeon. Yoona side stepped and stood in between her and Sooyeon. Jessica slowly walked down the rest of the stairs and walked over to SeoHyun. As she walked by Sooyeon she still couldn’t shake off the odd feeling of seeing someone who looked exactly like her in front of her.

“It seems that there was a lot that you hid from me about the situation Yuri. I think you and I need a talk.” Yoona growled under her breath. Yuri blinked innocently at the other immortal in front of her, curious as to why she was having such a hard attitude. Before she could even ask further, Yoona grabbed onto her arm and dragged her upstairs, leaving Sooyeon, Jessica and SeoHyun alone. The three of them remained silent as no one had anything they had wanted to say.

“Glad to see you’re safe Sooyeon…” Jessica slowly turned to talk to Sooyeon. She froze momentarily upon seeing herself and quickly turned around again. Sooyeon laughed softly and rocked on the back of her feet with amusement.

“Thanks.” Sooyeon nodded. SeoHyun looked between the two identical beings in front of her and was still registering the fact that they looked exactly the same. Everything was exactly the same from the tone of their skins to the moles on their necks.

“Are you guys nervous?” Sooyeon suddenly asked them curiously. Jessica and SeoHyun were taken aback slightly with the question, not quite understanding what she had meant. Sooyeon then started walking to the couch and took a seat with an expressionless face.

“You know that the road ahead won’t be easy. The possibility of everything failing is high. With my experience with Miyoung, she won’t give up easily…” Sooyeon continued as she reached her hand up to her neck where the chip had been previously. Jessica took SeoHyun’s hand and pulled her to the seat next to the couch, letting SeoHyun split the two identical girls apart.

“I wouldn’t say we’re nervous. I’d say we’re more… anxious.” SeoHyun answered hesitantly. Jessica nodded in agreement before laying her head onto SeoHyun’s shoulder.

“I can understand. The long wait before the fight. The calm before the storm.” Sooyeon sighed. There was silence filling the atmosphere but it was not awkward. It was tense. The three were looking towards the future. What the future held if they were to fail. What the future would hold when Taeyeon steps onto the plane. Jessica and Sooyeon sighed dejectedly upon the thought of it. SeoHyun meanwhile just found it peaceful for she had nothing to fear, no understanding of what could possibly happen.


“Why didn’t you tell me Miyoung was involved in this? Sooyeon mentioned Miyoung before but I thought I just heard her wrong. We’re talking about Miyoung here Yuri! Miyoung!” Yoona snapped at Yuri. Yuri remained calm and kept her gaze with Yoona’s eyes. Yoona was starting to panic with her hopes depleting quickly with each second.

“What about Miyoung Yoona? What is about Miyoung that is making you like this?” Yuri asked back calmly. Yoona glared at Yuri and shook her shoulders roughly. Her hands gripped tightly on Yuri’s shoulders, possibly breaking a few bones of Yuri were human.

“What is wrong with you?! Do you not remember what Leeteuk said about Miyoung?! She was Taeyeon’s lover. Taeyeon’s meaning to life! She means everything to OUR Taeyeon!” Yoona growled harshly. Her eyes were starting to burn a slight red colour of frustration. Yuri still remained calm and showed no signs of emotion as Yoona continued to shake her.

“How can you be so sure?” Yuri finally broke through Yoona’s anger. She swatted Yoona’s hands away and stood up confidently to challenge Yoona. Yoona gritted her teeth and breathed heavily through .

“You remember when Taeyeon met Tiffany. She started to change. She started to open up more. But that’s BECAUSE she looks like Miyoung. It’s proof that she still likes Miyoung. If Tiffany were any other human she would not have stayed with us for so long. Do you not see it Yuri? We can’t win.” Yoona continued with pain stricken eyes. Yuri crossed her arms and raised her eyebrow at Yoona, not uttering a word.

“Tiffany doesn’t mean anything anymore! It’s over Yuri! Taeyeon won’t return. We’ve lost. Tiffany is nothing but an image of Miyoung.” Yoona said confidently.


“…” Yoona felt a sharp pain across her left cheek. She lifted her hand up to her cheek and stared up to see Yuri with her hand still in the air. She could feel the cut from the side of her lip heal from the impact of Yuri’s hand against her teeth.

“I thought you believed in us Yoona. I thought you had grown from your stubborn and naïve self all those years ago.” Yuri said sternly as she lowered her hand. Yoona remained stiffened and stared at the hand that had just impacted her moments ago, still not believing what had just happened.

“Taeyeon is not so shallow. She would never stoop so low as to use Tiffany to fill her empty space where Miyoung used to be. Tiffany is not an image of Miyoung. She was reincarnated. Sooyeon and Jessica out there. Do you see Jessica an image of Sooyeon? If you don’t see those two as an image of each other, what gives you the right to call Tiffany an image of Miyoung?” Yuri’s voice trembled slightly with guilt. She would have never thought that she would raise her hand at anyone, let alone one of her own. Her friend and sister.

Yoona remained silent, her hand still covering the hand mark that was evidence on her cheek. She looked up into Yuri’s eyes with her own slightly wet eyes.

“You… You raised your hand… against me…” Yoona said slowly. Yuri clenched her teeth together upon seeing Yoona’s vulnerable side. Guilt washed over her but she remained firm.

“I will not allow you to call Tiffany an image. Nor will I let you think so low of Taeyeon.” Yuri said firmly. Yoona’s legs then buckled as she fell to the floor.

“I will not apologise for raising my hand against you. You know that I would never do those things to you, but I have and I have my reasons. Think about what you had just said Yoona. You should have matured by now. I trust you will do the right thing.” Yuri finished off and walked out of the room. She looked back at Yoona who was still stunned before gently closing the door. She gripped onto the handle of the door tightly once the door was closed and took a deep breath.

“This is tearing us apart… Soon there will be nothing to save anymore…” Yuri thought quietly. From the inside of the room she could hear her stuff being pushed over and thrown around. She knew well that Yoona was venting out her anger. She knew that she had just done the unimaginable to Yoona, but she couldn’t help it. Yuri just hoped that Yoona would understand her… understand the circumstances at hand and snap out of it.




“An image of Miyoung…” Tiffany continued to murmur to herself. She was now moving around the house now but her body seemed heavy. She was pouring some water into her cup and was watching it spill over before she stopped. Staying still for a few moments before forcing her body to move and put the bottle of water back into the fridge. It took her all her energy to pull on the fridge door and put it back.

“What are you going to do now?” Tiffany sighed at her depressing image. She stayed motionless as she stared at the overfilled cup of water that she was going to drink from. Deciding that she did not want it anymore, she walked past it and walked back to the lounge.
When Tiffany sat back down on the couch, her eye caught onto a bright pink object on the other side of the three seater couch. Not understanding what she was doing, she reached for the pink object and pulled it from the pillows.

“The challenge…” Tiffany murmured once she pulled out the iPad that Taeyeon had given her. The iPad that had the counter for the points she had.

“Eighty points” Tiffany read out aloud as she opened the app. She remembered when she was first given the iPad she had messed up very early on, causing her to have minus seventy points. A small smile crept to her face upon remembering how desperate she was to gain points. To reach the full five hundred points.

“I can’t do this anymore.” Tiffany finally sighed as she locked her device again and threw it to her side. She leaned back against the couch and used her hands to cover her eyes, not forgetting to let out a long and tiring groan.

All those points that she had gained was because she looked like Miyoung. Whenever she did not act like her she would deduct points. When she did act like her she would receive points.
Taeyeon was judging her based on how much she was like Miyoung. How accurate the copy was.

Tiffany then looked back at the iPad through the small hole in between her hand. Giving a long and tired sigh she slowly lowered one hand down and laid it on top of the device. She pressed on the home button and typed in the password. Once the device was open she hesitated. Her hand stopped moving for a while as she sat up straight. The room was silent.

Tiffany then held down the home button for a few seconds to reveal the ‘x’ above the applications. Her hand paused again. Her heart was now starting to race. The palms of her hands were sweating as her finger hovered above the counter app’s delete button.

“I don’t want this anymore.” Tiffany whispered to herself and felt her heart pierce sharply when the words escaped . Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, she slowly started lowering her finger.

“This is the end…” Tiffany finally sighed and pressed the delete button. As her finger touched the smooth screen of the device, she felt a current rush from the device to her fingers and spread throughout her body. The current attacked her heart and she felt it shatter.

She quickly jolted up and stared at the screen, somehow hoping that she had missed. Her hopes were destroyed when the counter app was no longer there. Taeyeon’s challenge was now gone. Tiffany’s eyes began to sting. Not being able to see the device anymore, she quickly went to her room and changed her clothes. With each second that she stayed within the same building as that device downstairs, the more it pained her.

She didn’t bother to fix her makeup; she just took her purse and rushed out of the house.
Not looking back at the couch that held the cause of her heart ache.

As soon as Tiffany was outside the four walls of the building she rushed off. Down the street and leaving what she had been working hard for behind.



“Taeyeon. The plane tickets to Japan are going fast. It’s like everyone is buying them all at once” Miyoung complained as she saw all the booked spaces of the planes on the screen of Taeyeon’s computer. Taeyeon was at the window looking out into the open sky with an expressionless face. She remembered she was looking at the same view when she was about to leave before when Tiffany interrupted.
When Miyoung called her, she reluctantly peeled her eyes off the view and looked back. Miyoung had an annoyed expression on her face and was furiously searching for flights that weren’t booked.

“What? Even the first class is booked?” Miyoung grumbled when she saw that the seats were filled. Taeyeon chuckled slightly and walked up to the screen and took the mouse away from the angry girl. She then typed in a few words into the search engine and clicked a few links. Soon she was on a page where there was an available flight with plenty seats.

“Never go on commercial planes. Always go private” Taeyeon mused and returned the mouse back to the latter beside her. Miyoung had her mouse hung slightly as she nodded with acknowledgement. Taeyeon stood up straight again and walked over to her pet who was lying peacefully on her unused bed.

“You’re a clean pet aren’t you? We don’t want to be stopped by the customs because you have rabies.” Taeyeon chuckled as she ruffled Bubz’s fur. The dog gave a small whine and looked up at Taeyeon with sorrowful eyes. Miyoung left the computer on the same screen, deciding that she would get the tickets later and walked over to the bed where Taeyeon was. She leaned over behind Taeyeon and wrapped her arms around Taeyeon’s neck and looked over her shoulder at the animal in Taeyeon’s arms.

Bubz immediately tensed and pounced on his four feet and started growling at Miyoung. Miyoung furrowed her eyebrows at the dog’s reaction.

“What’s wrong?” Taeyeon asked the uneasy pet. Bubz gave a loud bark towards Miyoung and took a step back. Taeyeon turned her head to the side to see Miyoung’s displeased expression. She then sat up straight up, making Miyoung get off her back. She then reached over to where Bubz was and held him in her hands before getting off the bed.

“Sorry. He doesn’t really like others like me…” Taeyeon said apologetically, patting Bubz to ease her tension. Miyoung let out a defeated sigh and nodded slowly.

“I guess it can’t help it. We do give off a different vibe.” Miyoung shrugged weakly. Taeyeon smiled apologetically and continued over to the window. She stared out and saw that the sun was slowly falling. It was still early in the afternoon but she knew that another day was reaching its end.

“We’re definitely going to Japan as soon as the festival is over tomorrow right?” Miyoung suddenly asked from behind. Taeyeon turned her head and nodded with a content smile.

“As promised. You know I would never go against my word.” Taeyeon slowly walked away from the open doors.

“Are you not going to book the tickets?” Taeyeon nodded her head towards the computer screen. Miyoung followed her gesture and also stared at the screen.

“I don’t know your passport details.” Miyoung explained. Taeyeon then nodded her head towards the bedside table where her passport and other details were. They were all illegal as she really couldn’t say that she was born in the 1800’s.

“Why don’t you book them for me? I’ll pack your stuff for you.” Miyoung suggested with an eager smile. Taeyeon immediately froze for a moment as her eyes showed signs of panic. It was only for a fraction of a second but Miyoung noticed it.

“It’s okay. I think I can pack.” Taeyeon turned around and started walking to the suitcase. She set Bubz down on the bed and started to fold her clothes to put into her suticase. Miyoung stared at Taeyeon’s back with a sad expression.

“Why not Tae?” Miyoung asked quietly. Taeyeon turned her head to the side and looked back at Miyoung questionably.

“Why what?” she asked back.

“Why won’t you get the tickets yourself? Why do I have to do it?” Miyoung asked hesitantly. Taeyeon turned her head back to the suitcase and took a deep breath before she continued to pack, not bothering to answer the question.

“Is it because you can’t?” Miyoung boldly asked. Taeyeon’s hand clenched on the shirt that she was holding. Miyoung waited for Taeyeon to answer but she remained unmoved.

“Tae… What happened? Do you not trust me?” Miyoung’s voice softened. Taeyeon released her clenched fists upon hearing Miyoung’s soft voice and closed her eyes, trying to calm herself down.

“We originally planned this didn’t we? To spend our lives together. Move from place to place. Stay by each other’s side, day and night.” Miyoung stood up from the bed and took a step towards Taeyeon. Taeyeon moved away from the suitcase and looked up at Miyoung with a tense expression. She was so used to locking up her past that when Miyoung reminded her of it, it pained her.

“Please… stop” Taeyeon finally spoke. Miyoung stopped, thinking that she meant to stop advancing any closer.

“I’m sorry. I need time to readjust. I’m just so used to grieving over the past that I’m still not used to seeing it as memories rather than nightmares.” Taeyeon explained briefly before throwing her shirt into the suitcase and walking out of the room, leaving Miyoung alone with the dog on the bed.

“TaeTae…” Miyoung said slowly as the door closed. Bubz gave a loud bark followed by a growl as soon as the door closed. Miyoung turned and shot the animal a cold ice glare.

Bubz did not cower away. He kept his stance and continued to growl even louder.

“Filthy rodent.” Miyoung muttered under her breath. Bubz gave another loud bark, threatening to latch his teeth into Miyoung. Miyoung just waved the animal off and walked over to the bedside table to grab Taeyeon’s passport and details. She then proceeded to reserving the tickets of the private plane and print out the reservations.

“It’s all for the best Tae. This world is going to be a better place… for us all.” Miyoung said to herself as she typed in Taeyeon’s details.



Taeyeon walked out of her room and downstairs to the lounge room. Her head was throbbing as she was holding in her pain. Her body was so used to reacting so negatively towards any thoughts of the past, that she could not see it as a joyful event anymore, even if Miyoung was with her. She held her head with her left hand and flopped onto the couch.

“This is just too much to adjust too” Taeyeon groaned as the pain slowly went away. The throbbing was still evident and she needed something to stop the pain. Something that would stop her from thinking about her past again.

“To move on from the past… Live the present…” Taeyeon told herself as she desperately tried to think of other thoughts. She thought of when she met Yuri.
Yuri was down in the attic of her family’s house, tested and tortured for ‘research’. Her head still continued to hurt so she tried to think of something else.
Yoona. She was cornered. Hundreds of men were pointing torches and weapons at her. She was standing up straight, challenging them to take her on. The arrogant and stubborn side of Yoona. Taeyeon felt the throbbing lessen just ever so slightly at the memories that went further and further away from the painful ones.
She then skipped a few years and remembered when they had a small talk with each other. Yuri had completely put her trust in Taeyeon but Yoona was still wary. In order to make Yoona relax, Taeyeon promised to be both their families. A silent pact was made between the three. No need for writing on paper, no need for words to be exchanged. Just the exchange of looks and nods.

Deciding that it was best to remember something really recent that would either lesson the pain or completely erase it. She started to remember the beginning of the new college year. New students coming in, old ones flocking the trio. Professors talking in the corner of rooms.
That day, Yoon deciding that she would head off to the assembly hall first, leaving her alone with Yuri. Fifteen minutes before the actual ceremony, the two left their building and started walking behind the buildings to avoid the crowds of people on the main ways. As they were walking they noticed a girl in the shadows of the building.

As soon as Taeyeon remembered that girl, the headache lessoned.
Tiffany. That girl that had the nerve to stand against her, to invade her space and to speak against her. The girl that scolded her for ignoring her. Tiffany, the girl who made Taeyeon accidently slip her cold exterior and had to be saved multiple times.
The stubborn attitude that always got on Taeyeon’s nerves, even more than Yuri’s and Yoona’s. The sudden confession after she had found out about the truth and the challenge.

“The counter.” Taeyeon suddenly sat up again and whipped her eyes open. She then looked around her table and chairs to find the device she was looking for. She then went over to her unused kitchen to find the blue catching her eye.
She reached for the blue cover of the device and opened it up, typing in the password quickly and opening the counter app.
Eighty points.

“I don’t care Kim Taeyeon. From now till the end of Christmas… I will do everything I can to make you fall for me” Tiffany’s words repeated in Taeyeon’s ears.

‘Until Christmas…’ Taeyeon’s thoughts started functioning again. She looked down at the iPad again and saw the large two digit numbers.

“Tiffany…” Taeyeon whispered.

“Taeyeon-ah!” Miyoung suddenly came out of Taeyeon’s room and started walking down stairs. Taeyeon hid the electronic device behind her back quickly and set it on the table behind her. One Miyoung was at the foot of the stairs she stared at Taeyeon curiously.

“Is something wrong Tae?” Miyoung asked curiously with her head tilted slightly. Taeyeon shook her head slightly and placed the iPad flat down against the table with one hand and used her other hand to give a reassuring wave to Miyoung.

“Ah, I just thought I should make some food that’s all.” Taeyeon lied.
As she was reaching her hand for the lock button at the top of the screen, the counter app reverted back to zero.
Taeyeon did not notice as she clicked the button and the screen turned black.

“Tae… You don’t eat food.” Miyoung raised her eyebrow up suspiciously. Taeyeon lowered both her hands and shrugged.

“I realised. I don’t know why but I felt like eating something, but I realised that I don’t keep food in here.” Taeyeon said with a slight amusement.

“Well. I booked the tickets. Eleven thirty is when the plane departs. We need to be there at around eleven.” Miyoung said seriously as she handed Taeyeon her passport and reservations. Taeyeon hesitantly walked up to Miyoung and took her stuff back.

“Uhh… Thanks” Taeyeon furrowed her eyebrows slightly at the papers in her hand.

“Are you sure you’re feeling okay Tae?” Miyoung pouted as she lifted her hand up to Taeyeon’s forehead. Taeyeon instinctively moved away from the touch and examined her papers. Realising that she had just avoided Miyoung she quickly looked back at her with an apologetic smile.

“Sorry… Being part of the Elite… You kind of get a reflex.” Taeyeon explained before walking past her, not forgetting to pat Miyoung’s head as she walked by. Miyoung took a deep breath and relaxed her shoulders.

“Just a little detour. We’ll get there eventually” Miyoung cheered herself on. She then spotted the iPad on the kitchen bench top where Taeyeon was previously standing. She walked up to the table and the device, only to be faced with a locked screen.

‘I wonder what was on here…’ Miyoung thought curiously, running her fingers along the smooth screen. A smirk then grew on her face.

“Humans are remarkable in what they create…” Miyoung muttered to herself, admiring the piece of technology in front of her.

“Little do they know it will all be useless in the future…” she then flashed a quick smile before walking off away from the device again.

The iPad then flashed on again as a reminder flashed onto the screen.

‘Prepare challenges with points for Tiffany tomorrow. Don’t go to easy this time.’

Taeyeon had set this reminder before she found out Miyoung. Before she decided to move to Japan, when she thought she would be staying for at least another five years.

All seemed a little useless now. The points were back to zero and Tiffany, no longer even had the application anymore. Taeyeon had no clue what was really happening. What Miyoung was planning, how much damage it was causing to Yuri and Yoona’s friendship… and Tiffany’s confidence and feelings.

She had no clue.

But everyone else knew.

They knew it all too well.


“Wake up Taeyeon…” Yuri whispered from her home when she saw Yoona exiting the room.

“Wake up Taeyeon…” Yoona whispered as her eyes were still dull and dazed.

‘Wake up Taeyeon…’

The three words that a number of people were thinking in that moment, hoping that their wishes would be answered.







Been a while since my last update XD



as an apology

I'll show u what i've been working on.


This is immortal taeyeon with her blue eyes and Elite uniform :D

I got a graphics tablet recently so I've been testing it and kinda got carried away >~<



Bubbles out~


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randompersonhere1 #1
i love this story 💗
soshiujjang #2
Chapter 78: I LOVE THIS STORY 😭 Thank you authornim! 💗
Just found this story and omg it’s a blessinggg!!
diana_knight07 #4
I love this story and the concept :3 💖 great story
leftover #5
This is the first fic that I read when I was in high school in 2013ish. And here I am going to read it all over again.
Chapter 64: rereading this again.... fuhhhh my head hurts... LOL?
1133 streak #7
Chapter 63: Breen reading it for the 7th time and I'll still be reading it for the 8th gym later ^_^
Chapter 78: A lot of things happen in this fic but I love it really. Thank you so much author! You did such a good work. :)