
Falling For You Again


“West side Seoul. Last stop. Please exit to your left” the intercom said through the speakers

There weren’t that many people left on the train, Tiffany was part of the few

She quickly got off the train and dashed for the exit. She ran past a map on the side of the wall. Realising that it would probably be a good idea to look at it before she left the station, she quickly stopped and ran back to examine the map

“122…” Tiffany mumbled as she tried to find the right house

She then saw where she needed to go and made a run for it.

Tiffany moved one foot in front of the other as fast as she could, narrowly avoiding the people around her. Occasionally apologizing when she bumped into someone

She huffed and puffed as she forced her body to run even faster. Realising that she made a wrong turn she got even more frustrated

*Stop playing with me God. Just let me see her* Tiffany mentally said as she retraced her steps and ran in the right direction



“So you’ll be coming with us?” Gikwang smiled as he twirled Taeyeon’s car keys on his finger

Taeyeon shot him a glare as she grabbed the key back

“Answer is still no. Now go away before I really do give you the boot” Taeyeon growled

Gikwang just shrugged as he walked out of Taeyeon’s room and downstairs

Taeyeon sighed as she looked at the luggage near the side of her bed. Bubz then came bounding into her room and into Taeyeon’s arm

“How does Japan sound to you? Maybe China? Or do you want to go big and move to America?” Taeyeon smiled as she asked the clueless dog in her arms

Bubz gave a short whine before it jumped out and ran out the room again.

Taeyeon gave a small smile

“Guess we could spend some time here taking everything in” Taeyeon said to herself



Tiffany huffed as the exhaustion from not sleeping or eating started to kick in. Her lungs began to burn as she desperately tried to find Taeyeon’s house.

“I swear I studied that map properly” Tiffany huffed as she looked left and right to find a two storey white house

Tiffany looked at the side to see the street number 92.

“30 blocks down” Tiffany said with hope as she started making a run for it. Pushing herself as far as she could

As she began to get closer and closer to her destination, she hoped, wished, prayed that Taeyeon had not left yet. She already had started to regret even thinking about being scared of Taeyeon. Taeyeon was her saviour, the one who saved her, looked after her, owned the key to her locket and taught her so many different feelings.

Tiffany couldn’t lose Taeyeon just yet.

Tiffany started to slow down as her legs couldn’t move anymore, starting to numb and go weak from all the running she did. But she could see the house she was looking for just right up ahead

Tiffany checked around to see if she could find Taeyeon’s car. When she saw it parked in the driveway she gave a quick sigh of relief before she pushed herself to walk up to the house.

From the top of her eye she saw Taeyeon sitting on the balcony looking out onto the scenery

“Taeyeon!” Tiffany yelled at the top of her lungs, not wasting any time to catch her breath

Taeyeon jumped at the sudden voice calling her and looked down. She gave a groan when she saw Tiffany standing below her in front of her house

“What do you want?!” Taeyeon yelled at Tiffany in an angry tone

Tiffany took a deep breath as she prepared herself

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry for last night. I’m sorry for blaming you for the classroom. I’m sorry for troubling you with my problems. For making you waste your time on me. And for being annoying.” Tiffany yelled at the top of her voice as she bowed down in front of Taeyeon

Taeyeon’s eyes popped open as she watched Tiffany

“Don’t lie. Just go” Taeyeon muttered as she turned her back around

“I’m not!” Tiffany yelled back as she stared up at the balcony

“Soon you’re going to send people after me with your pitchforks. Oh wait, you’re probably going to call the army and chase me with your new high tech technology” Taeyeon said sarcastically

“I will never do that! I’m here to apologize and…” Tiffany paused

“Don’t bother I’m not listening” Taeyeon yelled back harshly as she walked back into her room and grabbed her luggage

“Joaheyo!!!” Tiffany yelled at the top of her lungs

Taeyeon stood still as she raised her eyebrow, not sure whether she heard right

“Joaheyo! Suki desu! I like you! And every other language there is! Joaheyo Taeyeon!” Tiffany confessed at the top of her lungs

Taeyeon gripped on the handle of her baggage tightly

“It doesn’t matter to me whether you have different colour eyes. Or that your body reacts differently to mine. It doesn’t matter. I just can’t deny the fact that I like you!” Tiffany clenched the sides of shirt and closed her eyes, waiting for an answer

Instead she heard the front door open as Taeyeon emerged from behind.

Her vision started to blur as Taeyeon’s figure started to fade into the background and turn into incomprehensible shapes

Taeyeon watched Tiffany confusingly

Suddenly Tiffany began to pass out and fall heading face first ito the ground.

Taeyeon quickly ran to catch Tiffany’s shoulders, just fast enough to stop her smashing her face into the ground. She gave a sigh of relief before she held Tiffany up.

“Tiffany? Tiffany?!” Taeyeon said worriedly as she softly shook Tiffany’s body

Tiffany didn’t respond. She had now fallen into unconsciousness due to exhaustion, lack of sleep and because she didn’t eat yesterday, her body couldn’t take it anymore

Taeyeon quickly carried Tiffany on her back and piggy backed her into her house. Bubz came bounding up to Taeyeon excitedly as Taeyeon carried her up the stairs and into her room where she had an unnecessary bed.

As she laid Tiffany down onto the bed she quickly ran down to get some cold water and a towel.

“This girl, honestly” Taeyeon muttered as she wet the towel and put it on top of Tiffany’s forehead

Bubz was at the side of the bed trying to jump onto the bed, but the bed was too high for it

Taeyeon chuckled as she held it by its side and put it on the bed

“Behave yourself” Taeyeon warned

Bubz gave a loud bark before it walked over to Tiffany’s stomach to lie on top of her

Taeyeon rolled her eyes as she walked down her house and into her useless kitchen. She opened the cupboards but found nothing

Taeyeon groaned as she remembered she never really kept any food in her house

Taeyeon stood there for a while wondering what to do. She couldn’t leave Tiffany alone with Gikwang always popping in unwelcomed.

Finally she made up her decision

She took out her phone and dialled the grocery store.

“Hello? Yes its Kim Taeyeon here. I’d like to ask for a delivery to my house please? I’m willing to pay triple the amount. Yes. Yes. A few potatoes, a pumpkin, garlic, onion, coriander, vegetable oil, thick cream, vegetable stock, mangoes, bananas, milk, and some strawberry and ice cream please. Strawberry and vanilla. Yes I’m willing to pay triple. House number 122 down the street, thank you” Taeyeon ordered through the phone

She sighed as she ended the call

“Reading recipe books weren’t so useless after all” Taeyeon muttered as she tapped the table top, waiting for the ingredients to come



There was a knock on Taeyeon’s door as the delivery man came.

Taeyeon grabbed her purse as she walked to the door and opened it; there was standing a man holding a box of supplies.

“Thanks” Taeyeon said bluntly as she handed the man the money with a lot extra

“Keep the change” Taeyeon added as she grabbed the box and kicked the door closed

The man at the door still hand his hand outstretched as though he was still carrying a box, though now he had four fifty-thousand won notes

Taeyeon carried the box into the kitchen and dropped it onto the table. She stared at the box for a while, wondering why she was doing this in the first place when she should’ve been on her way to the airport

“Well it’s too late now” Taeyeon muttered as she took the pumpkin and potatoes out and started peeling them.

As she was doing that she put oil into a large saucepan over a low heat and added chopped onions into it.

When the onions were softened Taeyeon chucked in the spices and stirred it. When that was done she added the potato and pumpkins in along with the vegetable stock. Once it was boiling she lowered the heat and let it simmer for about thirty minutes.

During the thirty minutes Taeyeon was chopping up the mangoes and bananas before putting them into a blender with some milk, ice cream and ice.

She paused for a moment before pressing the on button on the blender

*Why am I going so far?* Taeyeon questioned

Bubz then came bounding down the stairs and barking at Taeyeon’s feet.

Taeyeon turned to the excited dog and smiled

“Bubz. Behave. Tiffany isn’t going to stay here long okay?” Taeyeon warned

Bubz lowered its tail and whined

Taeyeon rolled her eyes as she pressed the on button on the blender. The blender started spinning but there was a slight problem. Taeyeon had forgotten to put the lid on top of the blender, hence making everything splatter everywhere

Bubz gave a loud yap as it wagged its tail and a bit of the smoothie off the floor

Taeyeon quickly turned off the machine and stood there in shock, covered in banana, mango, milk and ice cream

“I’m not doing this anymore” Taeyeon exclaimed as she flicked her hands

Bubz started growling towards Taeyeon

Taeyeon gave Bubz a look

Bubz then barked at Taeyeon ferociously

“Oh ho no.” Taeyeon chuckled as she shook her head

Bubz barked again, this time louder

“I am not continuing this. Look what it did” Taeyeon argued

Bubz closed its mouth and turned its head upwards as it walked off in a strutting matter

Taeyeon’s jaw dropped as she watched her pet give her attitude

Taeyeon looked at the stove that was simmering and quickly realised that it was starting to get overcooked. She quickly stopped the heat and sighed

“Might as well.” Taeyeon growled as she cleaned up the mess.


Twenty minutes later Taeyeon had finished making the pumpkin soup and smoothie for Tiffany. She put it onto a tray along with a few painkillers and pills.

As Taeyeon took the tray up the stairs Bubz came and greeted her again.

“Yes I did make it properly if you’re wondering. I honestly wonder who’s the owner and pet between you and me” Taeyeon joked

Bubz just barked happily as it bounded up the stairs and waited impatiently for Taeyeon.

Taeyeon rolled her eyes as she approached her room. She walked in and placed the tray beside her and took the towel off of Tiffany’s head

*Mental note. Don’t get too close to her* Taeyeon told herself, remembering the last time she was in this situation

She then decided that Tiffany had to wake up in order to regain her strength. So Taeyeon carried Bubz up to the bed and looked into its eyes

“I want you to give Tiffany one of your showers. Okay?” Taeyeon told the dog

Bubz just wriggled out of Taeyeon’s hands as it stood next to Tiffany’s face. It then began all over Tiffany’s face

Tiffany twitched her nose at the sudden smell and wetness on her face. She slowly opened her eyes only to have it closed again by a wet, smelly tongue.

Tiffany opened to scream, Taeyeon quickly pulled Bubz away as Tiffany sat up and let out a loud scream.

Bubz who was in Taeyeon’s hands let out a high squeal along with Tiffany. Its sensitive ears hurting at the high pitched scream.

Taeyeon closed her eyes as the sound penetrated her ears

“YAH!” Taeyeon yelled, silencing Tiffany.

Tiffany quickly stopped and looked at Taeyeon. She then scanned around herself, only to be found inside a foreign room.

“Woof” Bubz gave a sad bark, its tail hanging low and its ears dropped down.

Taeyeon gave Bubz a pat on its head and chuckled

“Is she still your favourite?” Taeyeon asked

Bubz just let out a whine

Tiffany blinked a few times, just to make sure she was awake

“Here. Eat. Before you pass out again” Taeyeon ordered as she put the tray onto Tiffany’s lap

Tiffany’s eyes popped open at Taeyeon’s sudden kindness

“Don’t think too far. When you finished eating and taking your pills I’ll give you my answer” Taeyeon added quickly

Tiffany then began to giggle as she noticed something on Taeyeon’s face. She took her finger and wiped the piece of ice cream off of her face before her finger

Taeyeon coughed uncomfortably at the gesture and use her hand to wipe her cheek before standing up abruptly

She then put Bubz beside Tiffany

“Sorry I had to use him. Only way to wake you up. Bubz. Behave” Taeyeon emphasized before exiting the room

Tiffany looked at the Pomeranian beside her. It was much bigger than the puppy she saw Taeyeon hold before. But when it turned around she knew that it was the same pup. It was still white, cute and fluffy

Tiffany giggled as she picked up the dog and cuddled it

“Long time no see Bubz. Has Taeyeon been taking care of you?” Tiffany asked

Bubz just gave a loud yap as he Tiffany’s cheek. Tiffany giggled at the dog’s gesture

She then looked over to her left to see the food that Taeyeon had left her. Her stomach growled from the lack of food as she held her stomach in embarrassment

Bubz went to nudge the spoon in Tiffany’s direction

“Araso” Tiffany chuckled as she grabbed the spoon and began to eat.



Taeyeon walked down the stairs and into the kitchen again. She was about to clean up the dishes when she suddenly saw Gikwang eating some ice cream near the table. Taeyeon stumbled back with surprise.

“You have got to learn how to knock” Taeyeon growled as she recovered and walked over to him to slap the back of his head

Gikwang frowned at Taeyeon as he held the back of his head with a spoon in his mouth

“You’d never let me in if I did” Gikwang complained

“Then why do you come in anyway?” Taeyeon argued back

Gikwang just shrugged

“By the way. We have a new leader” Gikwang said boredly

Taeyeon’s eyes popped open and stared at Gikwang intensively

“It’s another she. She wanted me to take you back to the Legion as soon as possible though. Wanted all pure bloods there for when she receives her role as leader”

Taeyeon raised her eyebrow as she wondered who would’ve been the leader

“Curious?” Gikwang said teasingly

Taeyeon scoffed as she rolled her eyes

“As if”

From upstairs Bubz was giving off loud happy barks. Gikwang looked in the direction and raised his eyebrow curiously

“Who’s that mutt with?” Gikwang asked

“With whom?” Taeyeon tried to act calm.

Having Gikwang find out that Tiffany was in the house as well would only cause more problems

“That dog sounds like someone is with it” Gikwang narrowed his eyes

Taeyeon shook her head slowly

“Bubz is always like that. By the way tell your new leader congratulations but sorry I can’t attend. I’m not part of the Legion anymore so it doesn’t concern me.” Taeyeon said innocently as she tried to push Gikwang out

“Who are you hiding?” Gikwang planted his feet to the ground and stopped Taeyeon behind her

“What makes you think I’m hiding someone?” Taeyeon asked back

Gikwang stared into Taeyeon’s eyes, not believing anything she says

“It’s the fakes isn’t it?” Gikwang was referring to Yuri and Yoona

Taeyeon shot Gikwang a glare

“Okay I’m serious now. You really have to leave.” Taeyeon muttered as she kicked Gikwang’s backside

Gikwang stumbled forward a few steps towards the door

“A pure blood never approached a low life” Gikwang said proudly with his hands up defensively

Taeyeon bent over to take off her shoe as she threw it at Gikwang’s head

“Out” Taeyeon growled

“Fine fine” Gikwang whined as he walked out of Taeyeon’s house

“Who was that?” a husky voice asked from the steps

Taeyeon turned around to see Tiffany with the tray of empty bowls and a cup on top of it.

“Ermmm… Nobody” Taeyeon sighed as she walked up to grab Tiffany’s tray, careful not to touch her.

Tiffany stood there as she watched Taeyeon place the tray into the sink and wash it. Tiffany then began to worry about what Taeyeon’s answer towards her confession was going to be as her heart started to prepare itself for the worst.

Taeyeon finished washing the dishes and walked over to Tiffany carefully, standing a good metre away from her.

“Yuri and Yoona told you didn’t they?” Taeyeon asked

Tiffany nodded once, hearing the grim tone in Taeyeon’s voice

“And you do know… that they are…” Taeyeon trailed off

Tiffany nodded again

Taeyeon sighed

“So why are you still here? No guns, no knives, no bombs. If you’re not here to kill me then why are you here?” Taeyeon stared into Tiffany’s eyes

Tiffany took a deep breath as she prepared herself

“Because, I… like you” Tiffany said hesitantly as her cheeks started to flush with red

Taeyeon didn’t react

“You helped me ever since the first day I went to SM College. You helped me find my way, save my friend, save me from countless incidents, helped me with my work, helped me with my problems and helped me throughout the past few months. Even after all that though, when I found out, I disregarded all your past actions and judged you for what you are and jumping towards conclusions…” Tiffany paused as she saw Taeyeon tense

“But Yuri and Yoona helped me see past all that and wake me up to reality again, Yoona especially. It doesn’t matter if you’re a human or whether you’re in immortal. To me, you’re just Taeyeon. And Taeyeon to me, is someone really important.” Tiffany smiled

Taeyeon let out a tired sigh as she pinched the bridge of her nose

“I’m sorry but I really can’t accept your feelings” Taeyeon said bluntly

Because Tiffany had already known that Taeyeon wasn’t going to accept the blow wasn’t as harsh as she thought it would be, but it still hurt her

“Just because you say that you like me, it still isn’t convincing for me. Second, I really don’t harbour any feelings for you so there really is no point in me accepting your feelings if you don’t get any back in return” Taeyeon said harshly

Tiffany just chuckled at the reality behind Taeyeon’s words

“Best if you find someone else” Taeyeon finished as she walked pass Tiffany and grabbed her car keys

“I can’t…” Tiffany chuckled

“You will have to” Taeyeon answered without looking back

“Wait!” Tiffany suddenly said as an idea came to her

Taeyeon’s hand was paused right over the door handle of her front door as she turned around and looked at Tiffany

“You said you don’t harbour any feelings for me right?” Tiffany asked hesitantly

Taeyeon just gave a blunt nod

“Then what if I make you start have feelings for me?” Tiffany’s voice shivered

Taeyeon raised her eyebrow at Tiffany’s idea

“You really don’t expect me to give up on you without a fight right?” Tiffany tried to give a coy smile. “From here till the end of Christmas. I will try everything I have to make you fall for me”

Taeyeon laughed at Tiffany

“You really expect that to work? If you haven’t already forgotten, I’m not your average human”

Tiffany pursed her lips together as she gathered up all her courage

“I don’t care Kim Taeyeon. From now till the end of Christmas” Tiffany slowly raised up her index finger and pointed at Taeyeon. “I will do everything I can to make you fall for me”

Taeyeon walked up to Tiffany quickly and stood in front of her, letting her pointed finger touch her chest where her heart was located

“If you can make this heart fall for you. It will be all yours. But just so you know, this heart is as cold as the Artic” Taeyeon said in a soft husky tone

Tiffany quickly took her finger back as she saw Taeyeon smirk

“From here till the end of Christmas. If I you can make me start to develop feelings towards you. You will win. If you don’t however…” Taeyeon then slowly moved her eyes to the luggage that was now in the lounge room. “I will leave and shall never see you again”

Tiffany shuddered at Taeyeon’s voice. She then started to see a sly smirk on Taeyeon’s face and her courage began to reform inside her

“Deal!” Tiffany stood up straight as she leaned against Taeyeon, challenging her

“Oh and…” Taeyeon held up her finger

Tiffany looked at it curiously

While she was looking at Taeyeon’s finger she felt something soft against her lips. Her eyes opened to double their size as she saw Taeyeon’s face up against hers. It wasn’t until Taeyeon moved back that she realised that Taeyeon had kissed her

“That was for stealing a kiss the night you got drunk. As they say… An eye for an eye, a kiss for a kiss”

Tiffany’s face turned into a bright red colour as she used her hands to cover

“Till the end of Christmas. I will be anticipating your approach Hwang” Taeyeon chuckled as she gave Tiffany a wink and walked out of the house

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randompersonhere1 #1
i love this story 💗
soshiujjang #2
Chapter 78: I LOVE THIS STORY 😭 Thank you authornim! 💗
Just found this story and omg it’s a blessinggg!!
diana_knight07 #4
I love this story and the concept :3 💖 great story
leftover #5
This is the first fic that I read when I was in high school in 2013ish. And here I am going to read it all over again.
Chapter 64: rereading this again.... fuhhhh my head hurts... LOL?
1132 streak #7
Chapter 63: Breen reading it for the 7th time and I'll still be reading it for the 8th gym later ^_^
Chapter 78: A lot of things happen in this fic but I love it really. Thank you so much author! You did such a good work. :)