Challenge Accepted... Again

Falling For You Again


“I’ll be anticipating your approach Hwang” Taeyeon chuckled as she gave Tiffany a sly wink and exited the house.

As she closed the door behind her, Taeyeon lifted up her hand and used her finger to touch her lower lip.

She then began to slowly escape reality and enter her own world as she asked herself why she was doing this

*Why are you urging her on? Why aren’t you leaving the country tonight? And WHY DID I KISS HER AGAIN!?*

Taeyeon shook her head and rustled her hair in frustration

*Just like HER*

A voice said through her head. Taeyeon then let her hand trail over her fingers again

*They’re warmer though…* Taeyeon thought unconsciously

With one last deep breath Taeyeon twirled the key in her hand and walked to her car.

‘It doesn’t matter if you’re a human or whether you’re in immortal. To me, you’re just Taeyeon. And Taeyeon to me, is someone really important’

That one line rang through Taeyeon’s ears and caused her body to unconsciously freeze




Two friends were standing next to each other in the old bell tower.

One was Taeyeon and the other was Miyoung

“Taeyeon… Joaheyo…” Miyoung said shyly

Taeyeon raised her eyebrow at the girl standing in front of her

“I like you too Miyoung” Taeyeon smiled innocently, obviously not understanding what Miyoung had meant

Miyoung raised her arm and hit Taeyeon’s shoulder

“I’m being serious. Can’t you take me seriously for once? It took me a lot of guts to say that you know” Miyoung whined

Taeyeon remained silent

Miyoung took another deep breath as she turned her whole body towards Taeyeon

“I know that liking the same gender is frowned upon. But I can’t help it Taeyeon. Ever since you fell in front of me that day and helping me get through this miserable life, I just don’t think I can see you as a normal friend anymore”

Taeyeon took a few steps back from Miyoung and chuckled

“Come one Miyoung-ah. There is a limit as to how far a joke goes” Taeyeon said jokingly

Miyoung furrowed her eyebrows as she pouted

“Kim Taeyeon! Listen to me! I… Like… You… As… More… Than… A… Friend” Miyoung pronounced each of her words clearly

It was then that Taeyeon managed to get the message

“You’re being serious?” Taeyeon’s face immediately dropped

Miyoung just nodded shyly

Taeyeon brought her hand up to her forehead as she couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

*She doesn’t even know what you truly are yet Taeyeon* Taeyeon thought to herself

“T-Taeyeon?” Miyoung asked hesitantly

Taeyeon snapped out of her thought and immediately bowed her whole body towards Miyoung

“I’m really sorry. But I really cannot acknowledge those feelings” Taeyeon said bluntly with her eyes closed

Miyoung just gave a sigh before she started giggling

Taeyeon opened one of her eyes as she peeked at Miyoung

“I knew you were going to say that” Miyoung said sadly

Taeyeon closed her eyes again and bowed again

“I’m really sorry” Taeyeon said again

She then felt something knock the crown of her head


“You don’t have to apologise. It’s not your fault” Miyoung smiled as Taeyeon got up

Taeyeon looked carefully at Miyoung, worried that she would break down into tears in a matter of seconds.

“We’re still friends… right?” Taeyeon asked hesitantly

Miyoung chuckled as she crossed her arms

“No” Miyoung said blatantly

Taeyeon’s face immediately dropped

Miyoung turned her whole torso around and faced her back to Taeyeon before taking a few steps

“You’re really selfish Taeyeon. Someone just confessed they like you and you bluntly reject them. Not only that, but you ask her to remain friends with you” Miyoung said in a sly tone

Taeyeon bit her lower lip as guilt rushed over her

“But…” Miyoung started. “I cannot remain friends with you Taeyeon. From where things are, I don’t think you would ever fall for your friend”

“Sorry” Taeyeon apologised again

“Stop apologising Taeyeon. It’s not your fault that you don’t like me” Miyoung shrugged her shoulders

“I do like you!... Just… As a friend” Taeyeon hesitated

“I can’t live like this Taeyeon. To be forever friends with the person you like… Don’t you think it’s even more harsh than liking someone who you will never see again?” Miyoung turned around and raised her eyebrow

Taeyeon swallowed hard, trying to find a solution to the problem

Suddenly Miyoung pointed a finger at Taeyeon

“Just you wait Taeyeon. I will make you fall for me. This Miyoung never goes down without a fight” Miyoung pronounced proudly

Taeyeon jumped at Miyoung’s sudden challenge

“I have until the last leaf of that tree falls” Miyoung nodded as she pointed out the balcony of the tower towards the oak tree outside the town

Taeyeon followed the finger and looked at the barely tree outside. It only had around 20 leaves left on its branches

“Till the last leaf falls” Miyoung repeated

“And what if I still don’t like you… in that way?” Taeyeon asked as she kept staring at the tree

“Then I will stop liking you. It will take time. But if I can’t make you fall for me, then there is no point in trying. You’re a real stubborn one you know?” Miyoung joked

“And our friendship?” Taeyeon added

Miyoung shrugged

“From here till the last leaf, we are no longer friends. But after that, it’s up to you what our relation will be”

Taeyeon hesitated at the idea

“Prepare yourself Kim. I, Miyoung, will be working really hard to capture your heart. Be ready” Miyoung said as she gave the thumbs up sign with her fingers

Taeyeon chuckled at Miyoung’s childishness

“Until the last leaf falls” Taeyeon confirmed as she held her hand out

Miyoung took Taeyeon’s hand proudly and shook it once


End Flashback


Taeyeon chuckled at the memory. The situation between Miyoung and Tiffany were so similar and yet they were so different

For one, Miyoung didn’t know that Taeyeon was an immortal.

Taeyeon wondered if things would’ve been different if she had known. Suddenly the memory of the diary ran through her head.

She slammed her foot against the brakes as she stopped in the middle of the road

The diary, which was written by Miyoung, revealing all her secrets

“Time is repeating itself…” Taeyeon whispered as she gripped onto the steering wheel


From afar, two figures were standing and watching over Taeyeon, one of which was Gikwang

“Looks like that diary scarred her” Gikwang chuckled

“How long does she intend to stay away from the Legion? The Legion is the only place where she can belong.” The second figure growled

Gikwang shrugged

“Why don’t you just give her up? I mean it’s been like over a hundred years since she left us. I don’t think she’s coming back anytime soon” Gikwang said as he stretched his arm

He suddenly felt a hard slap behind his head as he toppled forward

“I won’t be able to take over the Legion unless she passes it over to me!” the figure growled

Gikwang frowned as he rubbed the back of his head

“Then go and beg her. What are you scared of?” Gikwang answered back

The figure glared at Gikwang, causing him to whimper backwards

“Okay okay. No need to go agro at me. I’ll try to get her back as soon as possible” Gikwang held his hands up defensively

The figure then gave a quick nod before walking away from Taeyeon’s car



Meanwhile, Tiffany was still inside Taeyeon’s house, her hands still covering

‘An eye for an eye, a kiss for a kiss’

Tiffany began to blush an even darker red as the scene of Taeyeon kissing her replayed. The thought suddenly stopped when she began to realise something

“A kiss for a kiss?” Tiffany whispered as she lowered her hands and furrowed her eyebrows

Bubz came up behind Tiffany and nudged the back of her leg

Tiffany smiled as she turned around and picked it up

“Bubz. Can you tell me what Taeyeon meant just then?” Tiffany asked innocently

Bubz stared at Tiffany curiously, wondering what Tiffany had said to him

“An eye for an eye… that usually means revenge… a kiss for a kiss…” Tiffany began mumbling

Tiffany then held Bubz up to her face and narrowed her eyes

“You’re around Taeyeon a lot. Tell me”

Bubz just tilted his head to the side and gave a short whine

Tiffany giggled as she put the dog back down and pat its head

“You don’t even know what I’m talking about, do you?”

Bubz just gave two loud barks before it started Tiffany’s hand

“What am I to do? For one I don’t know a thing about Taeyeon and her… immortality” Tiffany whispered

She then remembered that she had a helpline that she could use. Yuri and Yoona.

Tiffany quickly took out her phone and began dialling Yuri’s number


“ Yobosayo?” Yuri answered the phone curiously

“Yuri~! Help!” Tiffany said urgently through the phone

“Tiffany?! Are you okay?! What’s wrong? Taeyeon didn’t hurt you did she?!” Yuri panicked when she heard the urgency in Tiffany’s voice

“No she didn’t. I need help with something else” Tiffany quickly answered, calming Yuri down

“You got me worried there for a moment” Yuri sighed with relief

“Mianhe… But Yuri… can you tell me the basics… to… ermm…”

“Immortality?” Yuri intruded

“Y-Yeah… If you don’t mind that is…”Tiffany stuttered

“May I ask why I should spill the Elite’s darkest secrets?” Yuri asked mockingly

Tiffany paused

“B-Because… I want to understand Taeyeon more” Tiffany said in a barely audible tone

“And why do you want to understand our leader more?” Yuri urged on

“Just tell her!” Tiffany heard Yoona yell in the background

“I want to know WHY!” Yuri yelled back

Tiffany bit her lower lip as she prepared herself

“Because… I need to… make Taeyeon… fall for me” Tiffany blushed furiously at the last three words

There was silence on the other line

“YOONA! COME HERE! I GOT SOME NEWS FOR YOU!” Yuri yelled with excitement through the phone, almost deafening Tiffany

Tiffany crouched over and covered her face with her hand with embarrassment

“Spill the beans!” Tiffany heard Yoona say urgently through the speaker of her phone

“Why do you have to make Taeyeon fall for you? What’s going on?” Yuri added

Tiffany shook her head furiously, not wanting to tell Yuri and Yoona everything

“We’ll trade information. You tell us what happened, and if it’s worthy, we’ll tell you the basics” Yoona offered

Tiffany remained silent as she debated in her own mind

“I… confessed to Taeyeon… that I liked her” Tiffany’s voice was so soft that neither Yuri nor Yoona heard it

“Errr…. What?” Yoona said bluntly

Tiffany pouted. She really didn’t like repeating herself. And she especially didn’t like repeating the fact that she had confessed

“I confessed to Taeyeon” Tiffany repeated

“Didn’t hear that. Repeat please” Yuri said innocently

“I confessed” Tiffany said in a normal tone

Yuri and Yoona had heard the first time but they felt like they should tease Tiffany a little

“Tiffany we can’t hear you. Can you speak up?” Yoona clenched her teeth together at the end to stop her laugh coming out

Tiffany gritted her teeth. She took on deep breath before she took the phone off her ear and held it in front of her face

“I confessed to Kim Taeyeon that I like her!” Tiffany yelled

On the other side of the phone, Tiffany could hear Yoona and Yuri laughing hysterically

“No need to yell! We heard you the first time” Yuri chuckled

Tiffany tightened her grip on the small device in her hand

“So why do you need to know about immortality? You confessed didn’t you?” Yoona asked

Tiffany fell silent

“Hello? Hello~” Yuri looked at her phone to make sure that they weren’t disconnected

“Taeyeon… rejected…” Tiffany sighed

Yuri and Yoona looked at each other with wide open jaws

“WHAT?!” They exclaimed together

“Taeyeon rejected me” Tiffany whined

“Why did she do…”

“When did she…”

“Give me that”

“No I’m talking to her!”

Tiffany held her phone and looked at it while she heard the two on the other side of the line fight for the phone

“Yah!” Tiffany yelled

The other side fell silent

“Taeyeon rejected me… But… I told her I wasn’t going to give up… So I told her that I would make her fall for me… by the end of Christmas…” Tiffany explained rather hesitantly

Yuri and Yoona were still silent

“That’s why I need to know about Taeyeon more. I don’t want to be making a fool of myself.”

Yuri looked at Yoona and smiled

“Well why didn’t you say so in the first place?” Yuri said in a teasing tone

“Of course we’ll tell you the basics” Yoona added

Tiffany gritted her teeth at the two teasing her

There was a sudden awkward silence

“Yuri? Yoona?” Tiffany waited for a response

“Tiffany?” Yuri’s voice turned grim

“Yeah…?” Tiffany answered unsurely

“Jessica and SeoHyun don’t know… do they?” Yuri lowered her voice

Tiffany’s breath hitched

Jessica and SeoHyun.

She had totally forgotten about the two

“Tiffany… they don’t know about what we are… on top of that… they’re still mad at us” Yoona reminded

Tiffany slammed the bottom of her hand against her forehead

“What am I to do?” Tiffany asked in a rather high pitched tone

“… Are you going to tell them?” Yoona asked worriedly

“I don’t know…” Tiffany sighed

Just then an incoming call was going through Tiffany’s phone.

“I’ll call you back Yuri. I’ve got a call coming” Tiffany said quickly

“I think I know who it is…” Yoona said quietly

“Huh?” Tiffany didn’t quite hear what she said

“Answer it before the princess rages” Yuri said quickly before she hung up

Tiffany blinked a few times before she was interrupted by the ring again. She quickly pressed the accept button and held the earpiece up to her ear


“TIFFANY? WHERE IN THE WORLD ARE YOU!?” Jessica yelled through the phone

Tiffany jumped and juggled the phone in her hand as though it was covered in butter

Bubz who had just returned from his toilet break flopped its ears down and whimpered at the high pitched scream through the phone

“Calm down Jess. I’m err…” Tiffany took a quick look around

She was still in Taeyeon’s house

“Westside Seoul” Tiffany answered

“What are you doing there!?”

“Stop yelling!” Tiffany yelled back at Jessica

“Well I wouldn’t be yelling if you weren’t on the OTHER SIDE OF THE CITY”

Tiffany sighed. Jessica was not in the mood to be ordered around at the moment

“I was checking up on a few things. How was class?” Tiffany asked, realising that she had totally skipped out on her classes

“Oh gee great. We came into class fifteen minutes late WAITING FOR YOU. The teacher was in a bad mood and gave us a really GREAT lesson. The girls around us were so nice too. They made sure that their feet were ready to trip us over and made sure that we heard their WONDERFUL comments about us and the ALL SO GREAT ELITES!” Jessica said sarcastically through the phone

Tiffany could tell that Jessica was breathing heavily with rage

“Great?” Tiffany honestly didn’t know what to say


Tiffany dropped her phone accidently as she blocked her ear. As she dropped her phone, it ended the call with Jessica

Tiffany picked up the phone and stared at the screen

‘Call Ended
Call Duration: 5:32’

“Uh oh…” Tiffany muttered

Tiffany sighed as she walked up to Bubz and patted its head

“I really don’t think I’m going to live until the end of Christmas once Jessica is through with me”

Bubz just ignored Tiffany as he got up and bounded towards his food bowl

“Yah! You’re supposed to comfort me!” Tiffany yelled after it

Bubz lifted its head from the bowl and looked at Tiffany. He then just lowered his head again and continued eating

Tiffany pouted at the harshness the dog was showing her

“You’re catching onto your owner’s traits” Tiffany said as she gave a sigh of defeat

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randompersonhere1 #1
i love this story 💗
soshiujjang #2
Chapter 78: I LOVE THIS STORY 😭 Thank you authornim! 💗
Just found this story and omg it’s a blessinggg!!
diana_knight07 #4
I love this story and the concept :3 💖 great story
leftover #5
This is the first fic that I read when I was in high school in 2013ish. And here I am going to read it all over again.
Chapter 64: rereading this again.... fuhhhh my head hurts... LOL?
1125 streak #7
Chapter 63: Breen reading it for the 7th time and I'll still be reading it for the 8th gym later ^_^
Chapter 78: A lot of things happen in this fic but I love it really. Thank you so much author! You did such a good work. :)