YoonYul Confrontation

Falling For You Again


“You’ll see tonight. Enjoy your night” Taeyeon smiled sarcastically as she walked pass Tiffany

Tiffany let out her breath suddenly as her legs gave way and fell to the floor. She heard the door behind her close as a car drove away

Tiffany sat there, trying to understand what was happening. She scanned the room, seeing pieces of broken glass everywhere.

“I-Immortal” Tiffany stuttered as she distinctly remembered Taeyeon’s healing cheek

She stayed there for half an hour, trying to get enough sense back to get back home. Finally she began to get the will to move again. As she reached her hand out to the self to pull herself up, she noticed Taeyeon’s bloody cloth not too far from her

Tiffany then saw the image of Taeyeon’s wounded hand and her stomach began to twist again. Not bearing the pain anymore she quickly ran out of the store and made a run for the bus stop. She waited impatiently for the bus to come so that she could get home earlier. The world around her wasn’t safe to her anymore. For some reason, after finding out Taeyeon’s identity she no longer felt safe.

As long as Taeyeon was near Tiffany didn’t have to worry. But now that she had seen the truth, no one or nothing could make her feel safe again. As the bus pulled up to the stop Tiffany quickly jumped on and moved to the back, avoiding everyone else on that bus.

That night Tiffany didn’t talk to anyone. She just ran into the house and into her room, locking the door behind her.

“What’s up with her? It’s like she’s seen a ghost” Jessica snorted

SeoHyun just shrugged her shoulders innocently

“Maybe we shouldn’t have left her alone?”

Jessica pursed her lips together and frowned

“She’s not in tears though… I wonder what happened” Jessica then just shrugged as she went to the kitchen to find something to eat

“Bring the food up to her room tonight. I don’t think she’s in the mood” Jessica ordered SeoHyun

SeoHyun nodded as she proceeded to making Tiffany’s dinner


“Unnie. Your dinner is ready. Please open the door” SeoHyun said softly through Tiffany’s pink door

Tiffany inside was on her bed crawled up into a ball, hugging her knees

“G-Go away” Tiffany called out

“Unnie it’s not good to skip your dinner. Please at least eat something” SeoHyun said concernedly

“Leave it there. I’ll get it later” Tiffany answered

SeoHyun pouted at the door but followed Tiffany’s instructions and left the tray of food in front of the door

“It’s in front of your door, please don’t step on it” SeoHyun warned

Tiffany just dug her head in between her knees as she tried to calm her breathing

“Just what is happening” Tiffany sighed as she shook her head

That night Tiffany remained awake the whole night, trying to sort herself out. She didn’t even bother opening the door to get the food that SeoHyun had left her. Her body was never hungry as it was now fully numb, feeling nothing at all



To: Yuri; Yoona

From today the Elites no longer have a leader. You can sort your own leader out…

From: Taeyeon


When Yuri received the text message she stopped playing on her computer and stared at her phone.

“What kind of joke is she playing” Yuri scoffed as she disregarded the message and put it on her bed. She then put her headphones on as she listened to some new music that she had found.

When Yoona received the text message, she too thought it was a joke, thinking that Taeyeon was just trying to get them in line.

“We’ll fix ourselves up later” Yoona groaned as she put her phone on the table next to her and went to take a midnight shower


To: Yuri; Yoona

Take care of yourselves

From: Taeyeon


This time neither Yoona nor Yuri read the message as they either couldn’t hear their phone or was busy inside the showers


Taeyeon sighed as she turned her key to enter her house. She looked to her left to see Bubz sound asleep

She walked over to the sleeping dog and patted its head softly, not wanting to wake it up

“We’re going on a little trip Bubz. Hope you don’t mind” Taeyeon whispered as she got up and headed to her room

She turned the knob of her bedroom door and pushed the door open. As the door opened Taeyeon looked up to see a figure with glowing blue eyes standing at her open window

“You’re willing to come back with us. Humans are nothing but trouble.” The figure smirked, revealing their white teeth in the darkness

Taeyeon rolled her eyes as she chucked her bag at the figure

“Go away Gikwang” Taeyeon groaned

Gikwang chuckled as he caught Taeyeon’s bag before it could hit his face

“You can’t say that to your brother now can you?” Gikwang chuckled

Taeyeon just gave a fake sweet smile

“Oh sorry Oppa. Would you like to be kicked out or thrown out?” Taeyeon said in a sarcastic sweet tone

Gikwang smiled even wider

“That’s the Taeyeon I knew. Even if we aren’t blood related you’re still my sister” Gikwang walked over to the bed and sat down as he played with Taeyeon’s bag

“I’m not part of the Legion anymore. I’m not your sister. And you can tell your leader to find someone else” Taeyeon said bluntly as she went to her wardrobe and pulled out a new luggage bag she bought recently

“It’s amazing what humans come up with nowadays. I remember when such things didn’t exist” Gikwang raised his eyebrow at the luggage

“You talk like humans are completely different to us. We were once humans too you know” Taeyeon muttered as she started packing her clothes

“WERE human. But now no longer. By the way, why do you get so defensive when you’re around those two low lives. You shouldn’t have anything to do with them. You’re the leader, I repeat, LEADER, of the Legion” Gikwang said matter-of-factly

Taeyeon kicked her luggage to silence Gikwang

“Ex-leader” Taeyeon emphasized the ‘ex’

“Once a leader always a leader” Gikwang shrugged

“Gikwang you have five seconds before I throw you out the window” Taeyeon sighed

Gikwang gave an innocent pout

“You’re not going to throw your own brother out aren’t you?” Gikwang was in a hurt tone

“You are no longer my brother. Go bother one of your other sisters in the Legion. I’m not going back” Taeyeon growled as she walked over to Gikwang

Gikwang held his hands up in defeat

“Okay okay. No need to go agro. But just in case though, here” Gikwang took out a card from under his sleeve and gave it to Taeyeon. “We’re always waiting to welcome you back. Time is the ultimate healer, and… well we have all the time in the world.” Gikwang gave a wink as he exited the window

Taeyeon looked at the card in the palm of her hand

‘We’re waiting for you, Leader’

Taeyeon rolled her eyes as she scrunched the paper up and threw it at her table

“Waste of paper” Taeyeon muttered as she continued packing.

The sun began to rise and Taeyeon’s eyes slowly turned to the onyx brown colour she usually had. Taeyeon blinked a few times before her irises were back to normal

Her eyes stung a little so she used her hand to rub her eyes.

From the door she heard a whining sound. Taeyeon looked at the door to see Bubz pawing at it

She smiled as she walked up to the dog and patted it

“You’re coming with me, don’t worry” Taeyeon whispered

The dog dropped its ears and gave a long whine

“It’ll be fun. I promise. And I won’t be moping around the place anymore and will spend more time with you” Taeyeon tried to smile

Bubz just turned around as it bounded towards its bed again, burying itself below the pillows and blanket

“You really are a unique dog” Taeyeon chuckled as she continued to pack.



That morning Yoona and Yuri met up at the college grounds and were about to walk to the classrooms when they remembered that the tutoring was cancelled

“What do we do now?” Yoona pouted as they stood in the middle of the hall

Yuri just shrugged

“Those three were the only ones who made each day different” Yuri sighed as she patted Yoona’s head

“I don’t think we’ll see those three after yesterday though. They seemed pretty convinced that Taeyeon’s a user” Yoona sighed

“Oh!” Yuri suddenly said as she took out her phone. “Did Taeyeon send you a text telling us to sort our own leader?”

Yoona nodded slowly as she took her phone out too. The two then noticed they had a text message

‘Take care of yourselves’

Yuri raised her eyebrow while Yoona squinted her eyes at her phone’s screen

“Am I seeing what I think I’m seeing? She’s telling us to take care of ourselves?” Yoona said in a confused tone

Yuri jutted her bottom lip out as she nodded slowly.

“Something’s not right…” Yuri said slowly as she dialled Taeyeon’s number



“Tiffany! Hurry your up! We have teachers now! We’re going to get in trouble!” Jessica yelled from the bottom of the steps

As SeoHyun came up to stand behind her Tiffany started to walk down the stairs. The bottom of her eyes had two large dark circles under it as her eyelids drooped over her eyes

“WOAH!” Jessica exclaimed with wide open eyes

SeoHyun frowned as she walked up to Tiffany and felt her forehead

“Unnie you’re going to get sick like this” SeoHyun warned

Tiffany just nodded as she took SeoHyun’s hand away

“I’m fine. I’ll be going first” Tiffany said slowly as she walked pass Jessica

“Ermm… Your breakfast” Jessica said in a concerned tone

Tiffany shook her hand

“I’ll eat later” Tiffany answered before she walked out

Jessica bit her lower lip as SeoHyun tugged on her arm

“I’m worried for her” SeoHyun whispered

Jessica nodded in agreement.

“Also…” SeoHyun said slowly. “I think it’s because of the Elites…” SeoHyun added cautiously

“What?!” Jessica exclaimed as she took her arm away from SeoHyun’s. “If that stuck up Elite did anything to Tiffany I swear they’d be lucky to just get a scratch” Jessica growled furiously

SeoHyun tried to calmed Jessica down

“No… I mean… I think Tiffany unnie likes… Taeyeon-shi” SeoHyun said quietly

Jessica raised her eyebrow at SeoHyun

“You just found out? Wait… What does that have anything to do with anything?”

SeoHyun averted her eyes

“M-Maybe Tiffany misses Taeyeon?” SeoHyun said unsurely

Jessica just rolled her eyes as she knocked SeoHyun’s head

“Stop daydreaming. Let’s go” Jessica said bluntly



Tiffany was walking towards the college. She had not slept a wink that night and hadn’t eaten dinner either, but her body didn’t seem to mind. As Tiffany walked towards the college she remembered where she was.

It was the same place where she had bumped into a boy and Taeyeon came to save her. It was also where Taeyeon had carried her all the way to the college when she couldn’t move.

As the memory ran through Tiffany’s head she started to think about what it was that was going through her. She feared Taeyeon, but at the same time, she wanted to be with her

“Why are you doing this to me” Tiffany whispered as she shook her head in confusion


A body slammed against Tiffany’s body, making her fall back flat on her backside

“Sorry” The person who ran into Tiffany apologised

“Yuri come on. We don’t have time” a voice said with urgency

Tiffany looked up to see Yuri picking herself up from the floor and Yoona standing over her with a worried look on her face

Tiffany froze as she watched Yoona and Yuri brush the dirt off Yuri’s blazer

“Oh it’s Tiffany…” Yoona said with disappointment

“Let’s just go. We don’t have time to deal with these small matters.” Yuri said quickly as she started to speed walk off again

“W-Wait!” Tiffany yelled

Yoona and Yuri froze as they turned to look at Tiffany

“We don’t have time. And if it’s the apology then don’t bother” Yoona said darkly as she turned around

Tiffany could feel fear build up inside her again

“I-I know about Taeyeon!” Tiffany quickly blurted out

Yuri and Yoona stopped in mid-air when they heard Tiffany’s confession. They mechanically turned around and faced Tiffany

“Y-Your… not h-humans” Tiffany said quietly

Yoona’s eyes popped wide open as her jaw dropped while Yuri started choking on her own spit

Urgently Yuri and Yoona dragged Tiffany aside where no one else could see them. As soon as Yoona grabbed Tiffany her stomach began to react again

Tiffany quickly shrugged Yoona’s hand off and started to shake

Yoona raised her eyebrows as she looked at Yuri. Yuri sighed and bit her lower lip

“Come over here so we can talk…” Yuri said softly as she walked off, beckoning Tiffany to follow

Tiffany stiffly moved her legs as she followed Yuri but she kept a distance between them

“Y-Your… immortals too… aren’t you?” Tiffany asked nervously when they were away from the spectators eyes

Yoona growled under her breath as Yuri pinched the bridge of her nose

“No wonder this is happening” Yoona muttered

Yuri put her hand on Yoona’s shoulder to calm her down

“When and how did you find out?” Yuri said lowly

Tiffany looked up to see Yuri’s serious face

“L-Last night… at the piano shop… Taeyeon’s w-wounds…” Tiffany trailed off

“Well that’s great” Yoona exclaimed as she threw her hands and crouched on the ground

Tiffany took three steps back

“What are you going to do?” Tiffany asked alarmed

Yuri looked at Yoona to the side and joined her

“Well not much we can do” Yuri sighed

“I meant t-to me…” Tiffany took another step back

Yoona glared at Tiffany

“Sick humans” Yoona muttered softly

Yuri nudged Yoona as she got up and stood a few feet away from Tiffany

“Sorry that you had to find out… Taeyeon was right though. She told us there was no point in being nice or getting close to you mortals. When you find out the truth you just fear us and start to hate us” Yuri gave a sad smile

Yoona got up abruptly and clenched her teeth

“Hence why she’s warned us not to get close with you… I thought you of all people would be different Tiffany…” Yoona said disappointedly

Tiffany looked at the two girls standing in front of her. They looked disheartened and saddened, unlike how Taeyeon was that night.

Yuri gave a formal bow towards Tiffany

“We’ll be taking our leave now” Yuri said politely as she got up and started walking off

“Aren’t you going to do anything?” Tiffany questioned

Yoona scoffed

“We’re immortals, not demons. For your information we were once human too, we still experience feelings like you do too. Doesn’t matter anymore. No matter what I say you wouldn’t believe me. I really had hoped you’d be different, that you’d be able to change Taeyeon… Sorry for mistaking you” Yoona said spitefully

“Yoona come. We have to find Taeyeon…” Yuri called out from behind

Tiffany’s stomach suddenly relaxed but her heart was now taking the pain.

“Where’s Taeyeon?” Tiffany asked urgently

“None of your concern. Taeyeon’s not going to do anything so don’t worry” it was Yuri who gave the harsh comment this time

Tiffany’s heart took a blow from Yuri’s comment.

Had she been worried that Taeyeon might’ve done something to her? Why did she fear Taeyeon so much?

Yoona couldn’t take it anymore. She walked up to Tiffany and slapped her across the cheek

“Taeyeon took such good care of you. She did nothing to harm you. She agreed to tutoring you, staying back to look after you when you slept, going through the books that she read over fifty times again and spending her time helping you. She made sure you got home safely when she could’ve just made you take a taxi. She helped you beat Linda when she could have just left you there and not have to waste her time with you. She carried you home from the after party and even after you made such a ruckus she still stayed around you. Do you have any idea how much she suffers every time she’s around you? And after all that you still think she’s a monster” Yoona let all of her anger out in her speech

Tiffany held her hand up to her cheek where Yoona had slapped her. She was thankful for Yoona for that. It had waken her up to the reality around her.

“Taeyeon may be immortal, but she’s as sensitive as any other human, even more maybe. And you just trampled all over her last night” Yuri added slowly as she pulled Yoona away from Tiffany

Tiffany remembered all the times when Taeyeon had taken care of her. The times when Taeyeon would pretend not to care yet still worry for her.

Tiffany’s head began to clear as she began to build her resolve

“We’ve wasted enough time. We have to stop Taeyeon, or at least make her take us with her” Yoona said after taking a deep breath

Yuri nodded as the two started to walk away from Tiffany

“Please! Yuri! Yoona! Tell me where Taeyeon is!” Tiffany suddenly blurted out with urgency

Yoona let out a groan as she rolled her eyes

“We don’t have any time to waste Yuri. Let’s go before it’s too late” Yoona said as she pulled Yuri’s arm and continued walking

“Please! I beg of you! I made a huge mistake!” Tiffany yelled out

Yuri stopped and pinned her feet to the ground, Yoona stumbled back as she felt Yuri tug back on her arm

“She’s going to send people at us Yuri…” Yoona whispered

Yuri gave Yoona a doubtful look

“I need to apologize to her. I need to apologize for many things. If I don’t, I don’t know how I can live with it.” Tiffany said confidently

Yoona looked past Yuri and at Tiffany. Tiffany was standing firm, her hands gripping the sides of her shirt and her body bowed at ninety degrees

“Please” Tiffany begged

Yoona’s dark side began to slowly disappear as she began to see wet drops drop from Tiffany’s eyes.

“How do we know we can trust you” Yuri asked sternly

Tiffany blinked a few times trying to find a reason for them to trust her. Only one thing came to her head but she couldn’t say it out aloud

“I need to tell her something” Tiffany answered

Yoona blinked a few times as she watched Tiffany’s face

Yuri crossed her arms and smirked at Tiffany. She then made a stern look

“I’m sorry but I can’t allow that” Yuri said bluntly

Tiffany and Yoona looked at Yuri in a shocked matter. Yoona mostly

“Taeyeon doesn’t let us tell anyone that she lives in the white two storey house west of the city and that her house number is 122” Yuri shrugged

Yoona smiled at Yuri’s tease

“And she also doesn’t want others to find out that there’s a train that leaves in 10 minutes that will take them directly to her street and that it’s only a 5 minute walk to her house form there” Yuri added as she walked to the college

Tiffany looked at Yuri with disbelief

“We’re still waiting for the others’ apology. If you can manage to stop Taeyeon than we accept your apology. But Jessica and SeoHyun still need to confront us” Yoona winked as she quickly jogged to Yuri’s side

Tiffany was left there dumbfounded by what was happening

“Hurry up Tiffany! We won’t forgive you for being late!” Yoona yelled out

“Taeyeon won’t be too happy either” Yuri added with a chuckle

Tiffany gave a determined nod before she made a dash for the train station.

*I’ve made a huge mistake… Please don’t let it be too late* Tiffany prayed as she jumped onto the train, not caring that there were men surrounding her. All she cared about was getting to Taeyeon’s house on time

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randompersonhere1 #1
i love this story 💗
soshiujjang #2
Chapter 78: I LOVE THIS STORY 😭 Thank you authornim! 💗
Just found this story and omg it’s a blessinggg!!
diana_knight07 #4
I love this story and the concept :3 💖 great story
leftover #5
This is the first fic that I read when I was in high school in 2013ish. And here I am going to read it all over again.
Chapter 64: rereading this again.... fuhhhh my head hurts... LOL?
1126 streak #7
Chapter 63: Breen reading it for the 7th time and I'll still be reading it for the 8th gym later ^_^
Chapter 78: A lot of things happen in this fic but I love it really. Thank you so much author! You did such a good work. :)