What are you?

Falling For You Again


*This can’t be happening!!!* Taeyeon yelled in her mind

The only exit was blocked by Tiffany and the full moon was appearing real quick.

Tiffany was wondering what was wrong with Taeyeon and decided to take a step closer. Taeyeon took quick steps to avoid her while keeping her eyes closed

“Go away!” Taeyeon growled with her back turned towards Tiffany

Tiffany stood there, confused and puzzled

“What’s wrong Taeyeon?” Tiffany said in a worried tone

Taeyeon opened her eyes to see the full moon brightly shining through the window

“It’s late. Go back home” Taeyeon said harshly

“Not until I get what I want” Tiffany said sternly

Taeyeon clenched her hands into fists, hating Tiffany for having such a stubborn attitude. She then heard Tiffany move closer to her and quickly closed her eyes again.

Tiffany moved to stand in front of Taeyeon and saw that she was keeping her eyes closed tightly.

“Do your eyes hurt or something?” Tiffany asked worriedly

Taeyeon shook her head

“Just… I don’t want to look at you” Taeyeon said bluntly

Tiffany’s jaw dropped at Taeyeon’s remark

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Tiffany said sceptically

*This isn’t helping Taeyeon* Taeyeon told herself. *Just get her out of this room*

“You’re not worth my time. Just go away. You and I have no reason to see each other anymore. I’m no longer your tutor and you’re no longer my student” Taeyeon turned around again

Tiffany’s heart throbbed at Taeyeon’s comment

“But you said we were friends…” Tiffany said softly

Taeyeon took a deep breath as she prepared herself

“I don’t need friends like you. If you are ever in danger, I won’t be there to help you. When you need to talk to someone I won’t be there to listen. When you have something to celebrate about I won’t be there. Overall I won’t be there at all so there is no point in keeping the friendship” Taeyeon felt go dry after saying everything. Even if she did have a cold image, she would never say that to anyone

“Y-you don’t m-mean that… Do you?” Tiffany stuttered

Taeyeon looked over to see Tiffany starting to cry. Her heart ached to see the wet trails start to develop under her eyes

“What if I did?” Taeyeon turned her head back and sighed

With that Tiffany ran out of the room, wiping her tears as she bumped into Taeyeon’s shoulder.

Taeyeon watched as Tiffany started to leave. Something in her started to stir and before she knew it, she had reached her hand out and grabbed Tiffany’s

Tiffany turned back with tearful eyes as she stared into Taeyeon’s blue eyes. Her eyes widened as she saw the luminescent blue glow in the irises of Taeyeon’s eyes.

Seeing Tiffany’s shocked face Taeyeon quickly let go and turned her torso around.

Tiffany’s tears stopped as her whole body was filled with confusion. Not only because of Taeyeon’s eyes but because she was wondering why Taeyeon had stopped her

“J-Just… Don’t come near me again” Taeyeon stuttered as she quickly left the room, stopping  to pick  up the diary.

Tiffany stood there, jaw slightly hanging and her eyes never blinking

“B-Blue eyes?” Tiffany mumbled as the image of Taeyeon’s piercing blue eyes flashed through her head



Taeyeon quickly ran out of the college grounds and bumped into a person near where her car was parked.

Taeyeon closed her eyes as she bowed and walked off, but her hand was held back

“It’s me” Sooyoung’s voice called out

Taeyeon peeked from the side of her eye to see a tall figure with blood red eyes looking at her.

“What do you want?” Taeyeon said bluntly

Sooyoung just gave a concerned look as she slowly released her grip

“Leeteuk told me to check up on you” Sooyoung said slowly

Taeyeon took her arm back as she stared at her

“His gone” Taeyeon said bluntly

“Did he do anything….” Sooyoung asked hesitantly

Taeyeon averted her gaze from Sooyoung as she felt the cover of the diary

“He didn’t do anything…” Taeyeon whispered

Sooyoung looked at Taeyeon worriedly

“Burn this for me” Taeyeon said as she handed Sooyoung the diary

Sooyoung’s eyes opened wide as she saw Miyoung’s name on the cover. When she looked up she saw Taeyeon entering her car and driving off

Sooyoung then heard the ground move behind her and quickly hid from behind a car close by. As she watched she saw that the person who was making the loud walking noises was Tiffany.

Tiffany was stumbling out of the college ground, dragging her feet along the cold hard floor

“What’s she doing here?” Sooyoung whispered as she put the diary into her pocket and quickly walked off.

Tiffany was mumbling to herself, still confused as to what was happening

“Blue eyes… humans…”

Tiffany shook her head roughly

“It’s probably just your imagination… You’re under too much stress…” Tiffany tried to convince herself

She took three deep breaths before she started walking again



Taeyeon was walking down the street, heading for the abandoned piano shop again where no one could find her. As she pushed the door open she gave a sigh of relief.

“The one place I can relax” Taeyeon whispered as she walked to the back of the room

She walked to the white piano and opened the keyboard cover. Running her fingers along the keys slowly. She stopped her finger suddenly as she slowly pressed down on the C key. The note echoed through the empty store.

Taeyeon pressed the key again as she listened to the sound it made. She then moved into the piano seat and hit the key three times repetitively with her left hand, she then moved her right hand up to the piano and as she hit the key a fourth time her right hand started to play the notes C, D and E.

Without even thinking Taeyeon began to play more smoothly, soon the song started to pick up as she played a little faster, hitting the right chords and notes to create a perfect harmony.

Before she knew it she was playing 0330 by UKiss. The lyrics were somehow fitting towards what she was feeling during that moment and totally immersed herself into playing the song.

As the song came nearing to an end she sang the last part aloud.

“The sound of raindrops keep hitting the window of my heart, the place that you left me. I really miss you. And I can’t sleep at all at night.” Taeyeon sang softly as the song finished

Silence surrounded the shop as Taeyeon took her finger off the key. She stood up slowly and walked to the side of the piano, where the name of the person she was thinking of was still inscribed there.

Anger boiled up inside her as she remembered the diary that was given to her. Taeyeon was tempted to trash the piano right then and there in front of her, but she didn’t have the courage to.

Taking deep breaths to control her temper, she walked over to one of the shelves, passing a vase that showed the reflection of her bright blue eyes.

“A total monster!” Taeyeon exclaimed as she smashed the vase off the shelf, shattering it in her hand.

It was then that Taeyeon had lost her self-control. She hated herself for being who she was as she broke everything and anything that would show the reflection of her eyes, most of which was glass.

After her rage was over, Taeyeon’s hand was bleeding furiously as there were still some shards inside her hand.

She held her hand up in front of her face as she watched the skin quickly heal, pushing the pieces of glass out and sealing the wounds.

“A freak of nature” Taeyeon chuckled as she turned her hand around.

Blood was still coated around her hand but the wounds her completely healed

Suddenly Taeyeon heard a gasp from behind her as a body slammed against the floor board.

She quickly turned around to see who it was

“Who’s there?!” Taeyeon yelled out into the darkness.







“Just a figment of your imagination. Something must’ve reflected off her eyes” Tiffany kept telling herself as she was walking down the streets

As she walked down she noticed a display in one of the windows for contacts.

An idea suddenly struck her

*They were contacts!*

Tiffany went up closer to the window as she examined the display. A particular colour caught her eyes in the back corner.

It was a bright blue colour, similar to that of Taeyeon’s

“She must’ve been wearing contacts” Tiffany thought happily, glad that she hadn’t gone mad

“Excuse me Miss, was there something you wanted?” a woman asked politely

Tiffany jumped a little at the sudden noise but just gave a warming smile and shook her head

“No thanks. Just looking” Tiffany answered as she bowed and walked off

Her sense of relief was only temporary as she then had to worry about what Taeyeon had told her. Tiffany slowed down her walking and pouted. She stared at the floor to see a reasonably big rock in front of her.

‘I don’t want to look at you… You’re not worth my time… You and I have no reason to see each other anymore… I don’t need friends like you… Overall I won’t be there so there is no point in keeping this friendship’

Taeyeon’s harsh words ran through her head

“Jerk!” Tiffany yelled as she kicked the rock with all her might

“What is wrong with you?! Kim Taeyeon!! You are seriously driving me mad!! Aishhh!!!” Tiffany shook her head in frustration.

She then ran up to the rock she kicked earlier and stood in front of it

“One minute your kind!” Tiffany kicked the rock a little gentler. “The next you’re depressed” Tiffany kicked again “And now you’re a total !!” Tiffany kicked the rock a little harder

“LEARN TO CONTROL YOUR PMS!” Tiffany yelled at the top of her lungs as she kicked the rock with all her might, sending it eighty metres down the street

The people around her gave her a worried look, wondering what that girl was up to.

Tiffany just ignored them as she continued mumbling to herself and walking down the street.

“Stupid Taeyeon. Telling me to go away and then stopping me at the last minute. Make up your mind!”

As tiffany approached a traffic light she looked into the reflection of the shop’s windows across from the road. She noticed that there was a man approaching her.

Tiffany looked back at him to see him pretending to be interested in the night sky. She disregarded the thought and stood there waiting for the light to turn green.

When she looked in the reflection again she saw that the man was moving towards her again. Luckily though the lights had turned green and she was able to cross the road.

While walking down the road she looked into the windows to see if the man was following her. Every time she looked back he would always be talking to someone or looking another way.

Tiffany started to panic and began to walk faster. She made a right turn into a small passageway and came out to the other side of the block before making a left.

She looked back to make sure that the man wasn’t there but to her dismay he was.

Tiffany then quickly dashed across the road, narrowly avoiding a car and made a run for the piano shop which was nearby.

As she approached the shop she quickly opened the door and closed it behind her, grabbing the wooden stick close by to jam the door.

“Thank goodness” Tiffany sighed quietly as she tried to catch her breath

During the time she was catching her breath she heard a faint sound of a piano from the back of the room.

*Who could that be?* Tiffany thought to herself as she walked cautiously towards the white piano at the back

As she walked pass a stack of dusty books she saw a figure playing the piano passionately.

Tiffany covered with her hand as she held in her gasp

It was Taeyeon playing the piano.

Tiffany hid behind the stack of dusty books as she watched Taeyeon play. She noticed that Taeyeon’s eyes burned into a darker shade of blue but still glow as she got further into the song

*She must’ve got the expensive contacts* Tiffany thought to herself

As the song started to end she heard Taeyeon sing

“The sound of raindrops keep hitting the window of my heart, the place that you left me. I really miss you. And I can’t sleep at all at night.” Taeyeon sang softly as the song finished

Tiffany’s eyes widened, not only was it the first time she had heard Taeyeon sing, but she could tell that Taeyeon was really depressed when she sang those words

*I wonder what’s wrong* Tiffany thought to herself

She was about to turn her head to take a look at Taeyeon again but when she saw Taeyeon approaching her she quickly hid again.

Her heart started beating even faster as Taeyeon stopped right in front of her.

“A total monster!” Tiffany heard Taeyeon growl before a loud smashing sound followed

Tiffany quickly ducked and moved to a safer place behind Taeyeon.

More smashing could be heard as Tiffany watched Taeyeon smash the glass cupboards, vases and décor. She then watched as she threw a book at a mirror.

Taeyeon then held her blood covered hand up to her face

Tiffany gasped internally as she saw how much blood was coming from Taeyeon’s hand.

“A freak of nature” Taeyeon chuckled as the sound of glass pieces hit the floor

Tiffany’s jaw dropped as she watched Taeyeon’s hand

The wounds from under the blood were closing up rapidly, pushing out any pieces of glass that was obstructing it.

Tiffany couldn’t hold it anymore. Nothing made sense to her anymore.

She let out a loud gasp as she moved back, tripping over a music stand and landing hard onto the floorboards underneath her

“Who’s there?!” Taeyeon yelled, facing Tiffany’s direction

Tiffany did not move from her spot as Taeyeon’s eyes were piercing through her

“Y-Your h-hand” Tiffany stuttered as she pointed to Taeyeon’s hand in horror

Taeyeon looked at her hand and then smiled a sad smile

“You saw that?” Taeyeon chuckled

Tiffany was scared. She was starting to think that her fear of men was nothing compared to what she was facing with.

“B-But that’s not p-p-possible” Tiffany said softly

“Shouldn’t have you been scared when you saw the eyes?” Taeyeon asked as she grabbed a cloth from nearby and wiped her bloody hand

“I thought th-they were contacts” Tiffany said as she moved back

Taeyeon raised her eyebrow as she took a step closer to Tiffany

“Contacts?” Taeyeon didn’t know what they were

“T-To change the colour of your eyes” Tiffany tried to remain calm but her stomach was twisting painfully with every step that Taeyeon was taking towards her

Taeyeon stopped walking as she looked at the piece of shard next to her. She picked it up and held it near her face.

“Witness it yourself Tiffany” Taeyeon said with a smirk as she cut herself on her left cheek with the shard

Tiffany shook with fear as the blood dripped from the shard. She was scared to look but yet her body didn’t allow her to look away

Taeyeon then threw the shard behind her and pointed to the wound on her cheek

“This is evidence Tiffany. Don’t blink or you’ll miss it” Taeyeon said in a sinister voice.

Tiffany watched as the wound quickly healed, not even allowing the blood to dry up before it was completely closed.

Taeyeon used the back of her hand to wipe the blood.

“I should probably explain to you now huh?” Taeyeon smirked

Tiffany pushed herself back even further using her feet, dragging her backside against the floor.

Taeyeon took three quick steps before she reached Tiffany. Her irises were brightly shining

Tiffany gasped with fear as Taeyeon used her finger to trace her cheek.

“N-No” Tiffany stuttered

“As you probably saw… I’m not human…” Taeyeon’s voice said softly

Tiffany’s stomach was twisting even more as her fear of Taeyeon grew.

“You are a mere human. You cannot even compare to what I am.”

“D-Don’t” Tiffany tried to move but her body wouldn’t respond

Taeyeon traced her finger down Tiffany’s jaw line to her chin, before flicking her finger off and moving herself away from Tiffany

“I told you to stay away Tiffany. You should’ve listened. Immortals and humans do not mix well. It is like mixing sand and water. No matter how much you try they cannot be mixed.”

“I-Immortal?” Tiffany’s voice broke

Taeyeon nodded as she turned her back away

“Immortal. And since you found out that I am an immortal, I cannot allow you to spread that around” Taeyeon lowered her voice

“Wh-What are you going to do to me?” Tiffany’s voice was quivering as she tried to move her body again

Taeyeon chuckled

“You’re scared of me aren’t you?”

Tiffany didn’t answer

Taeyeon looked back at Tiffany

“Even more then your fear of men” Taeyeon added

Tiffany swallowed down hard

“Typical” Taeyeon chuckled as she walked away from Tiffany

“From here on, you and I will never see each other again.”

Tiffany managed to regain her ability to move her feet once Taeyeon was a safe distance away. She got up and started slowly making her way to the door

“Y-You’re not going to do anything to me? Are you?” Tiffany was scared that she may not see the sun rise.

Taeyeon chuckled

“You’ll see tomorrow. Enjoy your night” Taeyeon smiled sarcastically as she walked pass Tiffany and out of the shop, heading towards her car

As she entered her car she revved up the engine and sped down to the highway

Taeyeon laughed to herself sympathetically

“It was time to move from this dump anyway” Taeyeon mumbled as she took out her phone to call Yuri and Yoona

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randompersonhere1 #1
i love this story 💗
soshiujjang #2
Chapter 78: I LOVE THIS STORY 😭 Thank you authornim! 💗
Just found this story and omg it’s a blessinggg!!
diana_knight07 #4
I love this story and the concept :3 💖 great story
leftover #5
This is the first fic that I read when I was in high school in 2013ish. And here I am going to read it all over again.
Chapter 64: rereading this again.... fuhhhh my head hurts... LOL?
1132 streak #7
Chapter 63: Breen reading it for the 7th time and I'll still be reading it for the 8th gym later ^_^
Chapter 78: A lot of things happen in this fic but I love it really. Thank you so much author! You did such a good work. :)