Another Past

Falling For You Again


“Sorry, we’re in a hurry” Yuri said rushed as she walked pass the guard at the front and walked straight into the kitchen where Leeteuk was happily cooking

“Oh. Girls… I see Taeyeon has skipped again” Leeteuk chuckled disappointedly

“We don’t have enough time for that” Yoona said rather flustered

Leeteuk raised his eyebrow as he went to wash his hands

“What’s up? You look like Taeyeon yelled at you again” Leeteuk said worriedly

Yuri quickly pulled Leeteuk away from all the mortals of the kitchen and up into their own private room, Yoona wasn’t too far behind them

As they walked in Yuri hastily pushed Leeteuk inside while Yoona quickly locked the door behind them

“Woah. What’s going on?” Leeteuk said as he brushed off some dirt off his arm

“Gikwang appeared” Yuri said quickly

Leeteuk stopped brushing his arms off midway and gave Yuri a questionable look

“Please, stop kidding around” Leeteuk chuckled as he fixed his shirt

The room was silent

Leeteuk looked at Yuri and Yoona seriously. He saw the grim and worried expressions on their faces and his happy mood began to fade

“You’re serious?” Leeteuk asked as he raised his eyebrow

Yuri just nodded once

Yoona went over to the chair and rested her arms onto the table as she ran her fingers into her hair in frustration

“Why is so much happening within a span of a month” Yoona exclaimed

Leeteuk looked straight into Yuri’s eyes, hoping that the two were just joking

“What did he look like?” Leeteuk asked again

Yuri and Yoona remained silent as the memory of the unknown figure ran through their minds, shivering at the thought

“An average height male… And…” Yuri looked at Yoona worriedly

“A pure blood” Yoona finished off

It was then that Leeteuk knew that they weren’t joking

“Where’s Taeyeon?” he said abruptly

“Back at college with him” Yoona answered

Leeteuk clenched his hands into fists and grinded his teeth

“Would you mind filling us in on anything? I feel like I barely know anything about Taeyeon anymore” Yuri pleaded

Leeteuk paced up and down the room

“First that MiYoung girl. Now this. How much more is she going to hide from us” Yoona sighed

Leeteuk then took out his phone and started dialing a number

“Hello Sooyoung? Yes it’s Leeteuk here. You’re still at the college right? Check to see if Taeyeon is still there… This is serious Sooyoung… The Legion has returned… Gikwang came… Yes, hurry please. I’m worried” Leeteuk hushed through the phone

“Legion?” Yoona raised her eyebrow

Yuri went over to take a seat next to Yoona and rested her head against the desk

Leeteuk put his phone away and rubbed the bridge of his nose with the tip of his finger and thumb.

“I was really hoping that we would never have to deal with this. But what with living for all eternity, I guess it’s unavoidable” Leeteuk mumbled to himself

“Well fill us in here. I feel like world war three is starting and I’m still playing out in the open on enemy territory” Yuri growled

Yoona patted her back to calm her down as Leeteuk went over and sat in front of them. He folded his hands into a ball as he rested his forehead against it, trying to find where to begin

“Do you remember that Taeyeon was immortal before she met MiYoung? And that she was fine with the way immortals lived?” Leeteuk started

Yoona rolled her eyes

“How many lives is Taeyeon going to hide from us” Yoona exclaimed

Yuri nodded in answer to Leeteuk

“And you also know that there are pure bloods out there. Not as many as normal immortals, but a few right?” Leeteuk lowered his voice to a mere whisper

Yuri and Yoona nodded

“Well… They all joined together to form a group, known as the Legion. They are also the creators of you and well, every other immortal out there…” Leeteuk paused

“After they create the immortals they check to see whether they are pure blooded or not. If they are not, they are usually left there for humans to hunt or abandoned in the middle of nowhere, hence why you don’t remember anything about them… As for pure bloods, as soon as the pure blooded immortals wake up they are automatically accepted into the Legion and secluded from other immortals. They occasionally have contact with humans, but is usually only when they need new recruits.”

Yuri and Yoona felt as though they were transferred back in time and were watching the scene as a group of immortals gathered around a limp body, waiting to decide the fate they would chose.

“Taeyeon was part of the Legion. She was created using the leader’s blood and since the transformation worked… She was made the next leader of the Legions.”

Yoona gasped while Yuri’s eyes popped wide open

“The new leaders of the Legions are to train for about a hundred years or so, but Taeyeon learned quickly and her process was cut to 30 years. After 30 years she was already slowly taking over the role of the Legion’s leader”

Yuri then remembered an argument Sooyoung and Taeyeon had

“I’m not going to be the leader of anything ever again”

Taeyeon’s words rang through her head

“She followed the rules of the Legions really well, until she met me and Sooyoung. She then started to learn about the harsh fate that the non-pure bloods had to face and started to question whether the Legion was what she wanted. The Legion started to catch on and moved the whole group to another country, which coincidently was Korea. And then, much to the Legion’s dismay, she met a girl. A girl which helped her open her heart a little more and showed her the real world. It was from there that Taeyeon stepped down from the position of leader and left the Legion. Ever since that day the Legion have been trying to get Taeyeon back because they do not have a leader” Leeteuk ended

He looked up from the table to see Yuri’s and Yoona’s frozen faces. He then sighed as he buried his face into his hands

“We’re going to find Taeyeon” Yuri said suddenly as she stood up and headed for the door

Leeteuk quickly stopped her

“You can’t. Taeyeon sent you here right? You should stay here for a while longer” Leeteuk said seriously

“Taeyeon is out there with a bunch of… I don’t know. We can’t just leave her there” Yuri growled

Leeteuk shook his head sternly

“They called us fakes…” Yoona said slowly

Leeteuk slowly looked at Yoona

“They don’t like non pure bloods… do they?” Yoona asked with sorrow eyes

Leeteuk pressed his lips together

“And am I right in guessing they will stop at nothing to get rid of us?” Yoona said bluntly

Leeteuk nodded twice

“They have a set of principles though. They never go looking for normal immortals. But if they encounter one they will not stop at anything to annihilate them.”

Yuri slammed her hand against the wall in frustration, feeling helpless and useless

Just then she got a text on her phone


To Yuri,

It’s safe to leave now. Just… be careful. We’ll talk about the girls tomorrow

From Taeyeon


Leeteuk turned Yuri’s phone to take a look at the text and sighed with relief in knowing that Taeyeon was safe

“We’re going back” Yoona said as she pressed her hands against to table to stand up

Leeteuk didn’t object this time

“Please check on Taeyeon. She isn’t good with dealing with her past” Leeteuk said solemnly as he shook his head

“We know” Yuri reassured as she pushed the door open




“And here I thought she was an okay person” Jessica muttered as she kicked a rock across the park

Tiffany and SeoHyun were holding hands behind her and rested their heads against each other

“You’re not the only one” Tiffany called out

“I never even got to sort things out. ARGH” Jessica yelled as she kicked a rock with full force

“Omo” SeoHyun exclaimed as she saw the rock head for two people in the distance

“Watch out!” Tiffany squealed

Jessica watched in horror, hoping that her bad aim wouldn’t fail her

Amazingly though, the person on the left caught the rock with their bare hands, just inches away from the person on the right’s face

“Watch where you aim your rocks please” the one who caught the rock called out

Tiffany and Jessica opened their eyes at the familiar voice

“Who threw that?!” the one on the left yelled in rage

“Yoona?!” SeoHyun exclaimed

From the distance the two figures stared at each other before they looked back at the three girls. It was indeed Yuri and Yoona

“Tiffany? Jessica? SeoHyun?” Yuri called out as she ran towards them

Yoona quickly ran over to SeoHyun and hugged her

“Our classes were cancelled” Yoona whined

SeoHyun patted Yoona’s back slowly

“We heard…” Tiffany interrupted the two maknae’s little bonding

Yuri and Jessica stared at each other before looking away again. Awkwardness filled the air

“We met Taeyeon not long ago… She told us” Jessica said nervously

Yuri just nodded, not really listening to what she had to say

Yoona pulled away from her hug and stared at the three girls.

“Why do you three look so disappointed?” Yoona asked innocently

Tiffany stared at Yoona’s sincere face

“Shouldn’t you two be in a rage right now?” Tiffany asked as she tilted her head to the side

Yuri and Yoona shrugged

“Untrustworthy user” Jessica muttered

Yuri looked at Jessica curiously

“I don’t know why you two stay around her after all she’s done. She doesn’t care about anyone but herself. It was wrong of us to even pair her with Tiffany” Jessica spat

“What?” Yoona exclaimed

“She thinks she can just do whatever she likes and no one has the guts to even stop her. So... ARGH… Annoying” Jessica yelled

“I can’t believe I thought she was a nice person” Tiffany sighed

SeoHyun just nodded along with them

Yuri and Yoona raised their eyebrows

“You’re talking about… Taeyeon?” Yoona asked slowly

“Well who else do you think” Jessica growled

Yuri’s jaw dropped

“She does care about others!” Yuri yelled in defence to Jessica’s earlier statement

Jessica was startled by Yuri’s sudden outburst and stepped back two steps

“You are in no position to be calling her annoying” Yoona added

Tiffany, Jessica and SeoHyun stepped back and stared at the two Elites

“Well why not? She kissed you out of nowhere and cancelled our classes without any reason!” Tiffany yelled

Yuri turned her head to Tiffany, wondering how she knew about her and Taeyeon’s little exchange

“She does have reason” Yoona defended

Jessica glared at Yoona

“You should respect your elders” Jessica muttered at Yoona

Yoona felt her blood boil at Jessica’s comment. She knew that she was much, much older than her

“You should think before you talk like that” Yoona glared

Jessica just whipped her head to the side ignoring her

Yoona was about to launch herself onto Jessica but was interrupted by Yuri

“Taeyeon was right. We shouldn’t be hanging around these humans” Yuri said as she tugged on Yoona’s arm

Yoona looked at Yuri with a confused look, then at SeoHyun

“Yoona. You shouldn’t talk to your unnie like that. I know you’re defending Taeyeon because she’s your leader but I believe that Taeyeon unnie has gone too far this time. Could you please talk to her about this?” SeoHyun said sternly, but politely

Yoona’s jaw dropped as she felt betrayed

“Taeyeon trashed the room this morning and yet you two don’t even care. I’m starting to think this was all a set up so that the Elites could get some entertainment” Tiffany said bluntly

Yoona’s dark side was rapidly emerging. Although she was mad at Taeyeon for cancelling their classes, she knew that she didn’t deserve this kind of treatment behind her back

“I don’t think you’re in any position to say that Tiffany” Yuri said calmly, half blocking Yoona’s path towards Tiffany

“Well why can’t she?” Jessica jutted

There was a pause

“Well one. Because Taeyeon did NOT trash the room. Two because we know Taeyeon’s reason behind cancelling the classes. And three, because she would never play with anyone’s feelings just because she was bored. You think too lowly of Taeyeon and I cannot accept that. Think about what you said, we will be awaiting your apology soon” Yuri said calmly as she dragged Yoona away

“Taeyeon didn’t trash the room! Get your facts straight!  She was just protecting you three and us! Don’t come near us if you still think that Taeyeon’s a low life!” Yoona yelled at the top of her lungs, her dark side finally being released

Jessica kicked another rock towards the two leaving them angrily

“Lot of good they did for us. They only caused us trouble. Tiffany especially” Jessica muttered as she turned her chin up at the disappearing figure

SeoHyun felt a little sad that Yoona had done what she had done and was starting to feel disheartened

“Come. They’re obviously siding with her” Jessica muttered as she walked in the opposite direction

Tiffany stood there for a while as she recalled what Yuri and Yoona had said

“Taeyeon didn’t mess the room…” Tiffany said slowly

“They’re probably just lying. Let’s just forget about them. Not worth stressing over them” Jessica said angrily

SeoHyun just sighed as she nodded in agreement

Tiffany stood in her place

“Do you two really think that they would do this to us?” Tiffany asked seriously

Jessica walked up to Tiffany and flicked her head

“Wake up Tiffany. Did you not see what they just did? All the evidence was there. Taeyeon ripping up a book and the place being trashed. Is there any other explanation?” Jessica said harshly

“But we didn’t see her trashing the room” SeoHyun said softly

Jessica was caught short and remembered that she hadn’t seen Taeyeon trash the room herself

“Well then why was she ripping up the book?” Jessica asked back

SeoHyun bit her lip trying to think of a logical reason

“Why don’t we go ask her” Tiffany said suddenly

SeoHyun and Jessica raised their eyebrows at Tiffany’s idea

“She admitted it herself Tiffany. That’s all there is to it. I’m done with the elites. See you at home” and with that Jessica left with her hands in the pocket of her jacket

SeoHyun bowed to Tiffany and followed Jessica

Tiffany sighed as she sat on a bench nearby as she started to remember all the time she spent with the Elites.

She then started to feel doubt as to whether the Elites were what they accused them of. In her memories Tiffany did not see anything which would make Taeyeon a bad person. Taeyeon had taught her whole heartedly, carefully explaining it until she understood and never scolding her for not doing what she was told. There was the occasional awkward classes, but even so Taeyeon would always be helping Tiffany, even if she didn’t seem like she wanted to.

Tiffany then remembered when she had encountered the men and how Taeyeon was always there to help her and even piggy back her to school when she was too frightened to walk.

“Taeyeon’s not a bad person” Tiffany sighed as she tried to find a flaw in Taeyeon’s actions

Then a distinct image came into her head.

The memory of when she caught Taeyeon playing with the abandoned puppy, the smile which Taeyeon wore when the puppy played with her.

“The owner of a smile like that would never do something like that” Tiffany said softly

Tiffany looked at her watch and checked the time


She still had time to find Taeyeon and clear things up.

Tiffany grabbed her stuff and made a dash for the college again





‘She’s an immortal. I mean a REAL immortal… What am I to do? I know I said I was okay with it… But really I’m not. She’s a total freak. I mean who wouldn’t be scared of those who had blue freaky eyes. I don’t know if I can keep this up. I tried cutting connections with her but her friends keep finding me…’

Taeyeon’s heart felt as though it had been stepped on with each sentence and passage written in the diary

“Why didn’t you just rip it…” Taeyeon said to herself pathetically

Truth was that she had only ripped out the pages that she had read. Each page got worse as MiYoung’s thoughts were revealed

‘No human can accept you’

The former Legion’s leader voice rang in her head. Taeyeon dropped the diary as she grasped her head, trying to get rid of all the painful memories

“No human! No human!” Taeyeon yelled as she shook her head in frustration

She then eyed the diary before picking it up and throwing it towards the board

“The only human I trusted… The one I loved… betrayed me” Taeyeon whispered as she crouched down and hugged her knees

Her eyes began to water as she remembered all the things she had done with MiYoung and started to see all the things she couldn’t see before.

Why they had never got passed two kisses, why MiYoung was never the one who came to her, and why MiYoung had stopped wearing the locket

What didn’t make sense to her was why MiYoung remained with her even though she was scared of her, and why she was so persistent in risking her life to become immortal

*She couldn’t stand living with you anymore so she killed herself* a small voice inside her head said bluntly

Taeyeon shook her head, not wanting to believe it. She turned her head to the side as she saw the sky start to darken to a blood red colour

Just as she sighed the door behind her burst open and a gasp was heard

Taeyeon quickly looked around to see Tiffany standing there looking flustered

“MiYoung?” Taeyeon called out mistakenly

Tiffany looked around to see Taeyeon sitting on the chair hugging her legs and looking at her with expectant eyes. She then realised that the room was all neat and tidy again

“You didn’t trash the room did you?” Tiffany hadn’t realised what Taeyeon had called her

Tiffany’s blunt question snapped Taeyeon out of her short delusion and quickly wiped away the wet marks near her eyes and turned her head around so Tiffany couldn’t see

“What if I did?” Taeyeon asked back, hoping her voice wouldn’t fail her

“Why would you trash this room and clean it up again?” Tiffany asked back coyly

Taeyeon shrugged her shoulders

“Maybe I felt like I needed something to do.” Taeyeon answered back. “And if you hadn’t got the message you’re no longer learning with the Elites so don’t come back here”

Tiffany crossed her arms and huffed

“Yuri and Yoona told me that you didn’t trash the room. That you had your own reasons for doing whatever you do”

Taeyeon was about to turn her head around but stopped herself

“They’re just looking out for me, trying to not get me into trouble”

Tiffany shook her head

“For the short period of time that I know you, I don’t think you’re the type of person to do that type of thing. Why won’t you just give up your tough act and act natural” Tiffany blurted out as she turned Taeyeon around to face her. “It’s no polite to have your back turned while someone is talking to you either” Tiffany added

Taeyeon just smirked

“The term ACT natural. You have to act to be natural? Ironic” Taeyeon scoffed as she stood up

“Just go back to your normal life. I’m no longer trusting any humans.” Taeyeon growled as she walked over to the diary on the floor

“Human?” Tiffany questioned

“Human” Taeyeon reconfirmed, not caring if Tiffany found it suspicious

The sky outside began to darken as silence filled the room

“It’s getting late. Go back” Taeyeon ordered

There was a short paused before Taeyeon’s phone went off

Taeyeon opened the phone and it came up with a reminder

‘Full Moon’

Taeyeon’s hand froze as she stared at the reminder

She quickly whipped her head around to see the full moon peeping out. She then looked back to see Tiffany blocking the way to the door, stopping her from running out of the room.

“No no no no” Taeyeon growled as she looked into the reflection of her phone

Her eyes began to slowly turn blue as the moon rose higher and higher

“What? What is it?!” Tiffany said rather alarmed and took step closer to Taeyeon

Taeyeon took a step back and quickly shut her eyes

*This can’t be happening!* Taeyeon panicked

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randompersonhere1 #1
i love this story 💗
soshiujjang #2
Chapter 78: I LOVE THIS STORY 😭 Thank you authornim! 💗
Just found this story and omg it’s a blessinggg!!
diana_knight07 #4
I love this story and the concept :3 💖 great story
leftover #5
This is the first fic that I read when I was in high school in 2013ish. And here I am going to read it all over again.
Chapter 64: rereading this again.... fuhhhh my head hurts... LOL?
1125 streak #7
Chapter 63: Breen reading it for the 7th time and I'll still be reading it for the 8th gym later ^_^
Chapter 78: A lot of things happen in this fic but I love it really. Thank you so much author! You did such a good work. :)