Authored (6 fanfics)

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Not so Innocent

By idk1314 Updated
Tags  angst   prison   baekyeol   kaisoo   inmates 
Characters Baekyun, Chanyeol, other exo membets, Jongkey, 2 min, T.O.P, G.D
With 12 chapters, 15 votes, 284 subscribers, 57 comments, 18700 words
Status [M]

Heart, Body, and Soul

By idk1314 Updated
Tags  butler   exok   kaisoo   masterxservant 
Characters Kyungsoo, Kai, Chen, Key, Xiumin, Baekhyun. Chanyeol and Jonghyun
With 10 chapters, 19 votes, 367 subscribers, 52 comments, 14327 words
Status [M]

Caught in the Devil's Trap

By idk1314 Updated
Characters Jongup, Zelo, B.A.P
With 5 chapters, 7 votes, 292 subscribers, 19 comments, 16413 words
Status [M], Members Only, Subscribers Only

The Game

By idk1314 Updated
Tags  angst   game   hunhan   killer   taoris   baekyeol   kaisoo 
Characters All of Exo
With 3 chapters, 2 votes, 28 subscribers, 10 comments, 4523 words

It started off as an ordinary day for Exo. They had come together for a reality tv show, but little did they know that it was anything but the game show it claimed to be. They are all now trapped in a large abandoned buidling, the only thing telling them what is going on being a note. The note claims that to win 'The Game' you must be the last one surviving. The things that can kill them go from simple triggers in the maze of a building, all the way to one of their own killing them.

ChanSoo? AS IF!

By idk1314 Updated
Tags  fluff   highschool   chansoo   crack   hunhan   taoris   sulay 
Characters All of Exo
With 4 chapters, 34 subscribers, 7 comments, 5360 words

Baekhyun has always gotten what he has wanted, his family being one of the richest in Korea, and has never been told no.  What happens however, when the man he loves turns him down for another. Does he just sit back and let it happen? Does he give up and try to find someone else who will accept him? HELL NO! Byun Baekhyun can never accept this love, and is damn right determined to make this relationship fail. He refuses to accept that anyone can be better than him

Love Vacation

By idk1314 Updated
Tags  2min   angst   jongkey 
Characters Jonghyun, Key, Onew, Taemin, Minho
With 3 chapters, 6 subscribers, 3 comments, 3393 words

Aw vacation, a time for fun, relaxation and love. This however, doesn't seem to be the case for our lovely couple of Jonghyun and Key. After a night of partying and drinking, Jonghyun wakes up to find out that Key can barely even stand to look at Jonghyun, let alone give him the love he desires so much. Jonghyun, now has to figure out a way to gain both Keys trust and forgiveness before it's to late.