notes from a wild min!

back to story

TW: vague mentions of abuse (physical), violence, and bullying. [appearance & background] Not sure if it'll trigger anyone, but....I'd jsut rather be safe.

make sure you read the cheatsheet during making your boy because trust me,,, i check to see if it's been read!


make sure you delete this note before turning in your app! if your app has trigger warnings you could use this as a spot to put them tho. just get rid of my babble 


images can be found through the source code by using ctrl + f. type in the following for each image: 

"header" — header image
dimensions: 550 x 183
"solis" — solis logo
dimensions: 180 x 103
"basics" — snake icon
dimensions: w = h
"idol" — bicycle icon
dimensions: w = h
"lover" — love interest image
dimensions: 220 x 340

all of the images have an automatic overflow that will hide any excess length, so feel free to use longer images. 


colors used in the layout are: 
#223377 — dark blue background 
#bbccdd — light blue background 
#fff — white background
#000 — main text
#334455 — blue text


"single line quote" does not have to be replaced by a quote EXCEPT under character name! i was just too lazy to type anything else tbh. you can also change the section titles to  whatever you want


Julien Dubois

Qui vivra verra. He who lives, shall see.

Julien always believed, from his earliest memory (from his mother’s, and his sister’s, and his brother’s earliest memories) that he would be a singer. There was never any doubt for him. It was his pipedream, his ultimate career choice, but also something that Julien took careful strides to reach toward whenever possible. He grew up singing and humming, listening to music, playing on the piano and violin, had even been part of a band in his younger years. The only thing was that Julien had always believed he would move to England or the United States and pursue a music career there. South Korea, despite the country being part of his heritage, had never been on his radar. Being a vocalist in a pop group? Not something he’d even remotely imagined. But then again, life rarely ever follows the patrh you think it will. (And really, Jules doesn’t regret it. If he’d never come to Korea, he never would have met any of Solis.)

[NAME] Julien Dubois [주리언 두봐]


[other names] 

❥ Choi Yeonjin [최연진] ; This is Julien's Korean name, one he used during his schooling in Korea and when staying with his extended family. And yet despite that use, he still sometimes forgets it's actually his name. It's a name, yes, and it's also his name, but his name, the name Julien answers to? It's Julien. Or Jules. Not Yeonjin.



Jules [주레스] ; a common enough nickname, a variation on and derived from Julien, used initially by the other Solis boys during training, and then by literally everyone because the boys begins essentially interchaning it with Julien.

Ju, Juju, Jujubee ; common nicknames, though more so among different groups -- the older boys (Ju), the younger boys (Juju), and those he's closest to and his immediate family when they're feeling playful (Jujubee)

❥ here

❥ here

❥ here

❥ here


[birthdate] Sept 22, 1999

[birthplace] Paris, France

[hometown] Paris, France

[ethnicity] Korean

[nationality] French-Korean



French ; fluent (100%); his native language after living the majority of his youth in France
Korean ; fluent (95%); a language Jules began learning around the time he began learning French and how to speak, due largely to his Korean heritage and parentage as well as the fact that most of his extended family lives in South Korea; this was mandatory in his younger years because he had bi-weekly calls with his grandparents, and his grandma Sooyoung always made angry old lady noises when he couldn't hold proper conversations with her. His biggest trip ups that keep him from "total fluency" is slang and the fact that sometimes his brain mixes all his languages together and then promptly blanks on him. (Hilariously, it's only Korean it happens with. When he blanks, he almost always defaults to speaking in French, trying to figure out what word he's forgotten, then usually to English to get one of the members to help him find the word/explain until his brain's language center reboots.)
English ; fluent (90%); a necessary language that Jules began learning early on in life due to the widespread use of the language and the fact that his dream career was always to eventually have some sort of musical career. He's near-fluent (he might as well be fluent, for all that he doesn't know), and his biggest struggles actually come in the form of how rapidly the English language evolves when it comes to slang and "hip" phrases 
Japanese ; limited conversational (30%); a language Jules took up after becoming a trainee at BBC due to how often idol groups create Japanese music and promote in Japan. His eventual goal is to be able hold conversations (albeit brief ones) with Japanese speaking fans. He's really good at circumloquation when he doesn't know what word he wants to us.
German, Italian, Russian, Portuguese, Spanish ; limited basic (>4%); Due to a lot of tourists in France and the fact that a lot of European schools require a certain level of language learning in school, Jules knows....about enough to introduce himself (and Solis), answer yes/no questions, ask for directions, ask about a word he doesn't know, and ask if they know English. Literally enough to help him find the bathroom and keep him from getting lost. This actually makes Jules a good asset when the boys tour overseas because no matter where they are, he at least knows how to ask for directions if they're lost.


[ual orientation] demiual

[romantic orientation] demiromantic

appearances matter

I’d for sure rather be a mystery than a definition..

[faceclaim] Ateez's Seonghwa

[backup] Astro's Eunwoo


[height] 179 centimeters

[weight] 61 kilograms


[appearance] Julien is on the taller side when it comes to the members of Solis. He wouldn’t specifically put himself in the “tall line” so to say, but he’s one of the taller members. To balance that, he’s also one of the heavier members, though it’s hard to tell because that weight is distributed nicely and Jules takes care to exercise when he can to maintain a nice physique. His legs, in particular, are long, sometimes giving off the impression that he’s taller than he really is, but his entire demeanor tends to undermind the whole height thing. Julien has a handful of old scars scattered across his body, all of them silvered and faded with age, and though he’s not afraid  to talk about them, showign them off does make him self-conscious. The most notable:

❥ A smattering of star-like scars are located on the backside of his left shoulder, a reminder of a couple frustrating weeks during Julien’s early youth where he had the chicken pox and he scratched at the pox until it bled and scarred.
❥ The reason the Dubois family left France and moved to Korea was because the man Mama Dubois was dating at the time had escalated from controlling and obsessive behavior to being physically abusive to her and to Julien, and emotionally and verbally abusive to the entire family. The straw that broke the camel’s back, and what finally set in motion the family moving to live in Korea near their relatives, was a night when Mama Dubois’ boyfriend laid into her and Julien. Because of the incident, Julien obtained a number of small, silvery scars across his upper back and his nose was broken, resulting in a a slight crookedness to it when it healed. There were other injuries, but they either healed well or didn’t leave physical marks.
❥ A thin, faint scar just above his eyebrow, a reminder of the bullying he endured after first moving to Korea. When he first started in the public school system, his Korean was still pretty limited and accented, and some of the students took offense and began making Julien’s life hell. One day, after things went too far, Julien was pushed down a flight of stairs. Out of the injuries he amassed, the cut above his eyebrow is the most noticable s many years later. (He also fractured his nose a second time during this incident. After this incident, Évelyne and Caspar found out. It never happened again.)


[fashion style] ... Julien has a fairly simple style as far as clothing goes. He likes to look nice, and 

going in depth

I never panic when I get lost. I just change where it is I want to go.

[personality] hogwarts? mbti? zodiac? anything in particular you want to tell me about your character should go here! 


Huffleclaw, Candor, INFP-T. Virgo-Libra cusp.


aesthetics here??




loyal, hard-working, practical/analytical, insightful, open-minded/flexible
all work/no play, altruistic, observant, sensitive, honest/objective, straightforward
private, reserved, oblivious, blunt, perfectionist, hyper critical


[elaboration] ...


[background] ...


[likes] ...

minimum 5, format up to you

❥ here

❥ here

❥ here


[dislikes] ...

minimum 5, format up to you

❥ here

❥ here

❥ here


[habits] ...

minimum 5, format up to you

❥ here

❥ here

❥ here


[hobbies] ...

minimum 5, format up to you

❥ here

❥ here

❥ here


[fears] ...

minimum 3, format up to you

❥ here

❥ here

❥ here


[special talents] ...

minimum 3, format up to you

❥ here

❥ here

❥ here


[trivia] ...

minimum 5, format up to you

❥ pet peeves: people chewing really loud or with their mouths open, people that are consistently late, anyone smoking (regular or e-cigs) around non-smokers, passive aggressive behavior

❥ here

❥ here


[ name says / does] ...



[Julien's playlist] ...


❥ obligatory anime theme song: Hikaru Nara

❥ here

❥ here


You are only here for one moment and it lasts exactly one lifetime.

[relationships] read the cheatsheet


❥ mother Pénélope (fc some pretty french actress? lee boyoung?), step father (estranged, but still important), father (dead, but also important enough to mention), older sis Évelyne (Siyeon fc), older bro Caspar (uhhh Mingyu?), "the clan" aka his mother's extended family aka chaos more chaotic than Solis at their worst

❥ the clan: not all fcs will be used, this is just from my lookalike fc list for musing purposes! Jungwoo (Bvndit), Taeseon (TRCNG) | I.N (Stray Kids), Laun (ex. ONF) Daehwi (AB6IX) | Inseong, Jinyoung, Jeongin, Mina Kang, Seulchan (Target)


❥ the Solis kids for sure (general idea outlines, if nothing else!)

❥ Loona

❥ of course collabs

predebut routine

Petit a petit, l’oiseau fait son nid.

[daily routine] as a trainee knowing they would be debuting in solis, how did they spend their days before debut? did they wild out because they knew soon the spotlight would be on them? were they just chill? tell me about their routines 

idol routine

Little by little, the bird makes its nest.

[daily routine] their daily routine as idols. 


Timendi causa est nescire. Ignorance is the cause of fear..

[stagename] Caritas [카리타스] ; Caritas is the Latin term for the word “charity,” which is one of the three theological virtues, but is also considered by many religions to be one of the heavenly virtues (as opposed to a “deadly sin”). In old texts, Caritas can also be translated or substituted to mean love, as caritas, by nature and definition, is meant to be a pure and selfless giving of one’s self and self. It is joy, peace, and mercy. It is hope. It is love. But it is also sacrifice.

Julien chooses Caritas as his stagename, knowing of all the ties and overtones to it, because his own name, Julien, is a variation of a name that means “child of love,” and he wants to have something that still fits him as an individual, but also because he wants a stagename that suits the concept he and BBC create for him within the Solis Universe. After all, Jules’ character is a boy that sacrifices everything for love. What better than a name that suggests a charitic love so deep that you would give anything and everything for it?


(It’s funny, in a way, because Jules had no idea just how honest and genuine that stagename would be for him when he chose it.)


[audition song] for blockberry creative

[training years] include those spent under another company (if applicable) and differentiate. 


[talent twins] remember to match to the plotline, format however you want, and links are always welcome!

❥ vocal : Monsta X's Kihyun ♥ ♥ ♥ 

❥ dance : Monsta X's Kihyun ♥ ♥ ♥ 

❥ here


the path taken

Being gifted doesn’t mean you’ve been given something. It means, you have something to give.

[training background] ...


[predebut experiences] format these as you wish. please mention if they appeared in another member or unit's song before debut (would really only work if you collab with someone else). otherwise, i will assign them randomly. also, mention experiences under other companies if they had any. you should know the drill. 


[scandals] format these as you wish. please give me all the details. you know. who what when where why how. 


[news articles] format these as you wish. please give me all the details. you know. who what when where why how. 


[future experiences] format these as you wish. give me all the details. read the cheatsheet. do you want your baby boy going into acting? producing? choreographing? more solo releases? let me know.

solis' Caritas

To be capable of dying for an idea is not greatness. Greatness is to have the idea.

[plotline] Lumiere [bu: Gaisma]

[positions in solis] main vocal + visual [main vocal]


[role in the solisverse] tell me what kind of role you think he would play. is he a villain? is he manipulated? does he get murdered and brought back to life? go wild. this is just to inspire me and i might veer away from this depending on the things i use for songs or what kind of story i think is best suited to solis and the two subgroups.

[the counterpart] collabs would be really good for this. here is where you tell me the sort of relationship you imagine him having with his counterpart within the solis verse.

[the (dark or light) side of solis] which side of solis is your character in and why? you can go crazy with this too. maybe he's supposed to be in the light side but somehow got switched with his dark side? hmmm, this is all up to you. you can use collabs to make things more interesting, especially with the counterparts!


[color] forget me not   #4997D0  

[animal] (monarch) butterfly

[flower] Forget-Me-Not (aka myosotis)

[fruit] strawberry

[location] Paris, France

into the solisverse

I will swim into a deeper place now without fear. If you are there, I will be in your love.

[reveal song] Gravity (orig. Seongwu). [ ]

[b-side] Losing You (orig. Wonho) [ ]


[story] the story of his reveal song/mv and how he finds his way into the solisverse/to the other members of solis.


future song possibilities: 

klahan daicharoenkul Thorn

You are the best parts of all the songs I love.

[name] Klahan Daicharoenkul Thorn, member of Solis

[backup] uhhh matchmake, yeah


[nicknames] ...


[personality] ...




“Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let the pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place.”

[love story] ...


[status] ...

[ideal ending] ...


[relationship trivia] ...

minimum 5. format up to you


ariel's corner

CreateTheSound. 8.5/10.

[ending comments] ...


[scene requests] ...


[song suggestions] ...


[password] ...


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so i'm gonna comment here as well bc why not.

IDEAS IDEAS, i might have to change kyler's storyline a bit if we're gonna make him and pytho l.i's :D