let there be balance [the storyline]

where there is good, there is evil. where there is light, there is dark. there must always be balance.

February 2018: Lie (orig. Jimin)

He is used to the silence, to the white walls, the emptiness. He is used to it all, and to the accompanying loneliness. But it is wrong. It is wrong, and he knows it, even if he doesn’t know how.

Flashes of images come to him now and again, fractured and faded at the edges, sound like static in his ears. They are too strange to be real, but too vivid to be dismissed, and they linger like shadows on the fringes of his vision, gone if he looks too close or studies too hard, but always there in his peripherals when he turns away again. (He thinks he’s crazy sometimes. Maybe he is.)

He’s not. (He knows he’s not.)

The dreams become more real, more vivid, more haunting, more like ghosts than shadows; he hears voices and laughter, familiar yet foreign, and he knows something is amiss. He hears his voice among them, and he knows something is wrong.

After what feels like forever, an eternity in the rooms and walls of white, he fights back. It is only then, upon choosing to take action, that help appears.

And with that help comes a name. His name. Pytho

[crossing over from another mv, previous or future, because time is not always linear when you’re not in the same dimension/universe, someone throws him a lifeline. whatever it was to them, it appears to Kyuhyuk as an apple. note that it doesn’t need to be an apple they throw/cast aside, it can be anything, and it merely shifts to an apple when it crosses into his space because the apple is his fruit and the symbolism of an apple (knowledge/curiosity/immortality/sin is what’s important.]

[it’s implied that Kyuhyuk finds/eats the apple and the illusion of where he’s being kept is lifted as the walls lift away and darkness encroaches before he’s shown in a “fractured” reality -- his current and present reality. He’s later shown actually biting the apple, smirking, then turning the camera away as he studies the picture, showing a new awareness of his reality he begins planning his escape.]

[It’s revealed in mvs released later that Kyuhyuk is an oracle, the oracle of Solis verse, and that he was possessed and locked away by Deus because he’s pretty much an all-seeing pain in the that can foil all the evil and dastardly plans. but in true “seeing the future is a pain in the ” style, the future is constantly changing, and even the tiniest alteration in a decision can change the future, so Kyuhyuk tends to keep most if not all of this knowledge to himself aside from the occasional nudging to get people on the right track to maintain balance (cause that’s his job, after all, balance. he may not like what he has to do, but that’s the job). bonus: Pytho is what Pythia is derived from, with Pythia being the name of the high priestess(es) that served as the oracles at the Temple of Apollo at Delphi, aka the Oracle of Delphi, aka arguably the most famous oracle in myth. the two mvs building on this concept are, at present, Tamein's Press Your Number and Jimin's Serendipity, as the prequel and sequel to Lie.]

March 2018: Gravity (orig. Seongwu) [b-side: Losing You (orig. Wonho)]

In every life, there are sacrifices, insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but overwhelming to others.

He was a sacrifice, but he didn’t mind. As a child born of love, he doesn’t mind being the sacrifice if it meant another could live.

When he wakes, he knows what to do, and he follows the familiar path without hesitation. 

He’ll see them again. One day. In the meantime, they’re worth his sacrifice.

[Got to flesh the story out more, but in short, Julien is a variation of Julian (as is Jules uwu), which can mean “love child” or “child born of love”. The mv alludes to the fact that initially, Jules was just a normal human, and then something happened, someone was stuck or lost, (potentially someone that comes from Dark Solis to Light, or someone captured by the dark), and Jules sacrifices himself to bring them back to where they need to be. (Jules could, in fact, be the one that ultimately rescues Kyuhyuk, but it could also be someone else and Jules is sacrificing himself to the other side to maintain balance or who knows what. Like, the application is fairly open-ended, though I like the second option for....b-side...reasons..... *shifty eyes*) Regardless, the mv reads initially like it’s a dream, and then reality, where Jules dreams of what he needs to do, then actually does it. // The b-side Losing You is more like...an explanation? He explains why he did what he did, for who he did it for. Like a person leaving behind a note before running away, except it’s a song. I know, it’s creative. it’s 2am, sorry.]


July 2018: Fly With Me (orig. IM)

He makes the leap from unconsciousness to awareness in seconds. He wakes, and he has no idea where he is. And yet, even then, he knows that something is missing. 

(Where are the others?)

Someone is missing from him, someones, plural, are missing from him. He doesn’t know where they are, but he knows they’re out there, and he won’t stop searching until he finds them.

As he begins his journey, his voice booms out ahead of him, thunder before the strike of lightning.

“I will be by your side so you won’t be alone.”

[Again, kind of need to flesh that out a bit more, but it’s edging toward 2:30 and really, there’s not much to say. Haeseok realizes something is missing and he makes a vow to find the other boys, all of them, the light and the dark. Fly With Me is Haeseok’s mantra, his acknowledgement that he has a calling in the world and that the boys -- his boys -- are that calling and that they’re out there waiting for him. After all, you can’t have light without the dark, and you can’t fully appreciate the good until you experience the balancing evil. He promises to find them and to always be by their side.]


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so i'm gonna comment here as well bc why not.

IDEAS IDEAS, i might have to change kyler's storyline a bit if we're gonna make him and pytho l.i's :D