notes from a wild min!

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original Haeseok here

make sure you read the cheatsheet during making your boy because trust me,,, i check to see if it's been read!


make sure you delete this note before turning in your app! if your app has trigger warnings you could use this as a spot to put them tho. just get rid of my babble 


images can be found through the source code by using ctrl + f. type in the following for each image: 

"header" — header image
dimensions: 550 x 183
"solis" — solis logo
dimensions: 180 x 103
"basics" — snake icon
dimensions: w = h
"idol" — bicycle icon
dimensions: w = h
"lover" — love interest image
dimensions: 220 x 340

all of the images have an automatic overflow that will hide any excess length, so feel free to use longer images. 


you can replace images with whatever you want but please make sure there's at least one or two of your faceclaim and one of the love int,,, thanks 


colors used in the layout are: 
#223377 — dark blue background 
#bbccdd — light blue background 
#fff — white background
#000 — main text
#334455 — blue text


feel free to use another layout if you don't like this one! but if you use this layout do not remove the credit because uh. yeah. i coded this. thanks :) also unless you expressly ask, no you do not have permission to use this layout for another story. just covering the bases. 


"single line quote" does not have to be replaced by a quote EXCEPT under character name! i was just too lazy to type anything else tbh. you can also change the section titles to  whatever you want


character name

single line quote.

write a character overview here; this scrolls, but don't make this overview twelve pages long please!

[NAME] remember to include the special characters i.e. hangul or kanji


[other names] format up to you but remember to include the special characters and explain why he has other names 


[nicknames] ...


[birthdate] ...

[birthplace] ...

[hometown] ...

[ethnicity] ...

[nationality] ...


[languages] format as you please. remember to explain all languages, include fluency, and read the cheatsheet. 


[ual orientation] ...

[romantic orientation] ...

appearances matter

single line quote.

[faceclaim] ...

[backup] ...


[height] in centimeters

[weight] in kilograms


[appearance] ...


[fashion style] ...

going in depth

single line quote.

[personality] hogwarts? mbti? zodiac? anything in particular you want to tell me about your character should go here! 

[traits] format as you wish, read the cheatsheet


[elaboration] ...


[background] ...


[likes] ...

minimum 5, format up to you


[dislikes] ...

minimum 5, format up to you


[habits] ...

minimum 5, format up to you


[hobbies] ...

minimum 5, format up to you


[fears] ...

minimum 3, format up to you


[special talents] ...

minimum 3, format up to you


[trivia] ...

minimum 5, format up to you


[ name says / does] ...



[name's playlist] ...



single line quote.

[relationships] read the cheatsheet

predebut routine

single line quote.

[daily routine] as a trainee knowing they would be debuting in solis, how did they spend their days before debut? did they wild out because they knew soon the spotlight would be on them? were they just chill? tell me about their routines 

idol routine

single line quote.

[daily routine] their daily routine as idols. 


single line quote.

[stagename] make sure to include the hangul. none of the members will use their birthnames as their stagenames, and stagenames should tie into the solisverse somehow. go absolutely bat, make it as fantastical and crazy as you want! if there's any issue i'll let you know, of course. also, remember to explain it (why did they chose it for their stagename + how does it tie into the solisverse)!


[audition song] for blockberry creative

[training years] include those spent under another company (if applicable) and differentiate. 


[talent twins] remember to match to the plotline, format however you want, and links are always welcome!


the path taken

single line quote.

[training background] ...


[predebut experiences] format these as you wish. please mention if they appeared in another member or unit's song before debut (would really only work if you collab with someone else). otherwise, i will assign them randomly. also, mention experiences under other companies if they had any. you should know the drill. 


[scandals] format these as you wish. please give me all the details. you know. who what when where why how. 


[news articles] format these as you wish. please give me all the details. you know. who what when where why how. 


[future experiences] format these as you wish. give me all the details. read the cheatsheet. do you want your baby boy going into acting? producing? choreographing? more solo releases? let me know.

solis' stagename

single line quote.

[plotline] include at least one backup

[positions in solis] ...


[role in the solisverse] tell me what kind of role you think he would play. is he a villain? is he manipulated? does he get murdered and brought back to life? go wild. this is just to inspire me and i might veer away from this depending on the things i use for songs or what kind of story i think is best suited to solis and the two subgroups.

[the counterpart] collabs would be really good for this. here is where you tell me the sort of relationship you imagine him having with his counterpart within the solis verse.

[the (dark or light) side of solis] which side of solis is your character in and why? you can go crazy with this too. maybe he's supposed to be in the light side but somehow got switched with his dark side? hmmm, this is all up to you. you can use collabs to make things more interesting, especially with the counterparts!


[color] ...

[animal] ...

[flower] ...

[fruit] ...

[location] ...

into the solisverse

lyric from reveal song.

[reveal song] here. link to the m/v on youtube; the song must have a music video.

[b-side] link to youtube


[story] the story of his reveal song/mv and how he finds his way into the solisverse/to the other members of solis.

love interest name

single line quote.

[name] include their group if they are an idol

[backup] ...


[nicknames] ...


[personality] ...

[love story] ...


[status] ...

[ideal ending] ...


[relationship trivia] ...

minimum 5. format up to you


nickname's corner

username. activity rate.

[ending comments] ...


[scene requests] ...


[song suggestions] ...


[password] ...


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so i'm gonna comment here as well bc why not.

IDEAS IDEAS, i might have to change kyler's storyline a bit if we're gonna make him and pytho l.i's :D