Epic Wednesday!

Okay so everyone who knows me pretty much has the knowledge that I love Girls' Generation, so much that my ears perks up whenever any of their song plays even if it's only the intro XD So last week, my teacher in MAPEH (which stands for Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health) said that we're going to have a practical test on Modern Dance. Some classmates of mine which were also my friends chose a k-pop song which was I Got a Boy of Girls' Generation!!!!!! I was really excited to watch them perform and also the outfits they were going to wear!

Then it happened! *^* Wednesday came and all of us were buzzing with excitement even though we were bustling around the classroom due to recording of grades and passing of requirements and other whatnot XD They were second to perform ^^

The intro started...then Bam! They danced as if they were on stage and the costumes they wore were really fitting to the song! They weren't all girls, three boys actually danced to it and it was amazing to watch! Especially around the cobra dance! All of them were so flexible and one of my friend who chose to be Sunny was so adorable we all wanted to squeeze her! Even our teacher was smiling!

I actually shouted encore right after they finished! XD It was just so amazing that I know this post doesn't even let 5% of the amazingness be described. They actually got a grade of 96, the highest one.

To say that I was amaze was an undestatement! Don't you just think it's so cool that your friends actually chose a song that you love and practically danced superbly to it? I know I do!

In conclusion, it was an Epic Wednesday!

P.S. I didn't join the practical test because I really couldn't handle that kind of things.


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taengsicomg #1
Omg,we're the same XD once when I saw I Got A Boy being played in an animating advertising billboard (well...I dont know what its called XD) I squealed like I'm about to die in a good way XD.

And when I'm out shopping with my mom,we happened to walk pass by Time Depot and there,I saw Baby-G or whatever that is inside the store,and there it comes!I saw GG's picture being highlighted on!My eyes darted toward it while smiling unmconsciously!