Taking a drastic measure

Still remember where I had write blog about my collegue's problem about her meeting a guy from net? Only now I know that she still contact with that man. The only reason why I know is because she want to borrow money from me. I asked her why, and she need to save her boyfriend who being caught by custom since he was bring money from overseas. He being jailed for almost 3 days and need money to bail him out

I don't know much about my country's custom rule. Thus, I decided to asked my other collegue.She told me that there is indeed this rule, but the person only had fill in the form to decraled his money. After that, he will released except if he bring illegal items to my country. I started to get worry and search on net about this matter. To my shock, there are actually lot of similar cases just like my friend.I had tried my best to advice her, but she was so stubborn. She believed that man wouldn't lie to her. She even planned to pick him up today.

I really worried about her and I don't know how to help her. So I had seeks advice from my friend. My friend said the only way for me to save her is by reporting this case to police and I think my friend is right. I decided to report this case to police tomorrow. Hopefully, I still able to save my collegue.

Pray for me. :(


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Kyung1Ari #1
Of course, hope everything will turn out okay.
will pray for your friend, and hope it'll help your friends, but im sure it will, and hoping your friend will wake up and see your reason which is all for her, all the best and hwaiting!!
Hope you can help your friend and hope that your friend understand why you are trying to do all of this.
sinrie #4
She shouldn't trust men too easily. Not all can be trusted...I hope you can reason with her.