Rants again

I'm really stating to lose respect towards my manager. I'm so freaking angry at her. I actually had apply leave for today because I need to help my brother to take his graduation attire and I mention to her earlier of this month. So last night, I told her all the detail about my document and my work since I'm going to on leave tomorrow. Guess what she said to me? She asked why I have to take leave during busier time? She even told me no need lah.  I was so mad and I told her that I already mention to her earlier of this month and she even approved my leave. Then she didn't said anything afterwards.

Besides that, she just called me to asked about my work around evening. I was taking nap that since I was so tired because I never step into my brother's uni and I had to search around. She keep accusing me thing that I never said. My mood really become bad after that phone call. I bet that tomorrow she will put the blame on me. Maybe it is about time to find new job but I have to wait until next year if I still want my bonus. 



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seems we are on the same boat, all i can say is all the best and hwaiting, we can do this and be patient, if ever leave that job, but like what the below said get ur bonus first, we're here for u and there's lots of job out there for u, don't waste ur time there, hwaiting!!! ^-^
Be patient, quit after you get bonus.