A heartbreaking decision.

By the end of this month, I'm going to reach 25 years old. (Yep, I'm that old). I suddenly realize that time flied so fast, and there is lot of things that I haven't achieve in my life. After thinking for a months, I finally decided that I'm going to stop writing fics. I do enjoy my life as writer, and reading your comments just brigthen my day, still, I want achieve more in my life before I'm reaching 30 years old which is the reason why I making such decision.

For now, I'll be online just to read fics on AFF. Don't worry, folks.  I'll try my best to finish my uncomplete fics before I stop writingfor good. Maybe in future, I able to write Jaeho fics again. Until then, goodbye. It had been such pleseant trip with all of you. 




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If possible, please reconsider your decision again, I still want to read your fic and always waiting for your update.
Can I ask why you want to stop writing? I'm asking because I'm 30 and I'm still writing. You can still achieve the things you want to do whilst writing your fics. Sure, you don't have to spend every waking moment writing them, but you don't now. You can still write stories way into your 40s and achieve every one of your dreams. It is your decision, but I am confused as to why your age is the sole reason behind it.