➳ beneath the dome // kang taeri - ( trapped )

lily / sprinkle- / ACTIVITY LEVEL - 9
taetae / Her family members; It's a pet name that was created simply because it seemed like a nice nickname.
ri-ah / Her family members; Because one person was too lazy to say her full name, this little nickname stuck.

BIRTHDAY ) 5 November, 1997

Korean / Native / She's lived in korea her whole life.

FACE CLAIM ) Apink's Namjoo

HEIGHT ) 162cm
WEIGHT ) 50kg
HAND ) Left

APPEARANCE ) Taeri has a sweet-looking face, composed of big eyes, a round nose and two chubby cheeks where dimples lie resting, waiting to show when she smiles of moves . Her hair is a dark brown and reaches just past her shoulders. Long hair annoys her, which is why her own has never even reached halfway to her elbows. Standing at 162cm and checking in at 50kg, she's a cutie who's fat mostly lies in her squishy cheeks. Don't be fooled, though. She's actually a fiery person, so her innocent features really seem so contrasting if you knew her.

STYLE ) This girl isn't really one to dress up fancily. Sure, she'll wear an elegant dress if the time calls for it, but in daily life, you'd see her in a shirt and jean-jacket with pants, shorts or skirts. Taeri, being a passionate person, despises the fact that girls have to feel the need to dress in disgustingly tight or short clothes just to please a man, so she absolutely refuses to wear such things and give in to the gender-hierachy.
PLOTLINE ) Changwon

➳ Passionate, brave, loyal, fiery, dramatic, stubborn, reckless, unforgiving

Kang Taeri can be described with one burning word. Passionate. Extremely expressive in whatever she does, Taeri will never let anyone go about not knowing how she's feeling. Her emotions are something that play a major role in her life and she is one to just let them control her without hesitation. She lets her heart guid her mind. Most of her life centres around feelings of the moment rather than prior planning and she honestly likes it better this way. What's the point of making a fully strategic plan, only to see it fail before your very eyes? Going by gut feelings and random instincts is Taeri's choice of action. Being a loud person, Taeri needs people to notice her or she'll blow up on the inside. When all that's needed is a teensy whisper, she'll find it necessary to yell. I guess that's why she's described as passionate. She has deep sensitivity towards particular things and will often help them by any means possible. If there's anything she loves, it's a good challenge. Given enough time and resources, Taeri believes that absolutely anything can happen and she can achieve any goal she wants. Her abiliity to think strategically and hold a long-term focus is what brings her higher and higher in her tower of unwavering passion. Her determination is often a self-fulfilling prophecy, as Taeri will always push towards her goals with sheer willpower where others might give up and move on. Although she seems like a brat towards everybody, she will stick by you if you want her to or she thinks you're enough worth for her time. Bravery runs deep within Taeri. Where others would cower at the thought of falling 3000m, Taeri would embrace it willingly and love the feel of wind streaking into her hair. Nothing seems to faze her. Not bugs, not spiders, not alligators and certainly not the fact that the dome may soon suffocate everyone, killing Seoul as they know it. She embraces the adrenaline that rushes through her at the thought of possibly dying. Fire fills her insides and she does not like the thought of having any weaknesses at all. Taeri likes to describe herself as a tiger; always pouncing when she feels like it, and never giving up even if it kills her.

Of course, along with passion comes a deep sense of stubborness. Passionate people never like to give up on something and will be as stubborn as a mule if anything tries to stop them. That's Taeri in a nutshell. She digs her heels straight into the ground, trying to win every single debate and only pushing her vision ahead. No-one elses. Just hers. Notoriously unsupportive of any idea that distracts her from her primary goals, Taeri won't even hesitate to cast away anybody else's opinions. Only hers matter. As easily as she goes with the flow, she can also ignore it entirely, and usually move in another direction with little apology or sensitivity. IF someone tries to change or correct something she does, Taeri can become extremely blunt in her irritation. Well, what do else do you expect from a fiery person? Taeri's stubbornnes, difficulty with others' emotions and focus on the moment can lead to unnecessary and unhelp boundary-pushing, just for fun. She's been known to escalate conflict and danger just to see where it goes, something that can have disastrous consequences for everyone around if she loses control of the situation. As stated above, Taeri is very brave. Unfortunately, she's brave to the point of stupid recklessness. If she was running away from a sentinel or something, she would quite literally climb onto the roof and jump off, two storey building or not. She wastes unnecessary energy in just being reckless and doing things the way she wants. If she was hiding behind a bush and someone called her to come out, normally you wouldn't even move an inch, right? Well, because of her absolute bravery, Taeri would walk straight out and wave to you. If you were to do something to upset Taeri, would you expect her to forgive you with time? Quite so. Though it may take her months or years, despite being a person completely open with her feelings, it's hard for Taeri to forgive you. She just doesn't like the thought of giving someone the satisfaction of being able to do something again just because they were forgiven. It's cruel and unjust and Taeri loves justice.

Taeri was born and grew up in South Korea's eighth most populated city. Changwon. With two parents and an older brother, she led a cheerful life where her family was always loving and open with each other. Ever since she could make sounds with , she's been known as a huge babbler. Always talking and never without a word to say. Her parents never tried to quieten her or anything, though. Rather, they let her embrace her confidence and emotions, making her the passionate person she is today. Her brother was a more quieter boy, which was strange. Mr and Mrs Kang often made remarks about how one child was a silent as a rock while the other was as loud as a motorbike. As she grew older, surprising as it was, her passionate flame just grew and grew. Passion is a trait well-loved if kept tamed, so it's occasionally unfortunate when she just lets it run wild. Taeri's parents honestly really trust their kids so they let them run amuck so long as they're home before curfew.

SEOUL ) Being in their last year of middle-school, Taeri's grade were going on an excursion in Seoul to make lasting memories. And that's when the dome was lowered. Actually, it wasn't even lowered. It just appered over Seoul. A clear dome programmed to just appear over the city. And, just like that, she was stuck.


➳ Likes books
➳ Likes being in control of her life
➳ Likes letting her emotions run loose
➳ Likes umbrellas
➳ Likes summer rain
➳ Likes chicken
➳ Likes rainbows
➳ Likes fire
➳ Likes fast food
➳ Likes soft drinks
➳ Likes vanilla milk
➳ Likes full moons
➳ Dislikes a doused flame
➳ Dislikes weaknesses
➳ Dislikes forgiving people
➳ Dislikes people having advantages or disadvantages
➳ Dislikes monkeys
➳ Dislikes strawberry milk
➳ Dislikes banana milk
➳ Dislikes bananas
➳ Dislikes solar-eclipses
➳ Dislikes other people's opinions
➳ Dislikes being told what to do
➳ Likes to read
➳ Likes to take risks
➳ Likes to be reckless
➳ Likes to let people know her thoughts
➳ Has a habit of scrunching up her face when she laughs
➳ Has a habit of poking her dimples when she's thinking
➳ Has a habit of pinching cheeks
➳ Fears losing someone dear to her
➳ Fears drowning
➳ Fears being lost
➳ Will just disregard opinions

➳ Will sleep with one eye open occasionally
➳ Will go barefooted whenever
➳ Will argue about her point endlessly
➳ Will never give up one someone



Dad / Kang Jihyung / 48 / Calm, patient, understanding
Jihyung treats Taeri like he treats everyone else, but with an extra hint of favouritism, of course, since she's his daughter. She's daddy's little girl and always will be no matter what.
➳ Mum / Lee Seungmi / 46 Sweet, cheerful, bashful
Seungmi loves Taeri unconditionally. She'll tell her daughter anything and absolutely everything. Gossip from work is included. They're simply best friends.
Older brother / Kang Taehyung / 19 / Quiet, intelligent, loving
Taehyung is actually really loving towards his younger sister. Sure, he'll coop himself in his room all day studying but he's really protective towards Taeri and will kill whoever hurts her.

Best friend / Jo Minhyun / 17 / Hyperactive, energetic, joyful
Minhyun loves to just be him. No opinions needed. He doesn't care what he does and always drags Yeonah and Taeri in to join him.
Best friend Kim Yeonah / 17 Mature, generous, smart
Yeonah is literally the 'mother' of this trio, always there to pull back the reigns if Taeri is being too reckless or Minhyun is just too energetic.






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