The deal with cats and me

Hello person who takes the time to read this! ^^ This is the first time I write something in this section, so, first blog post, yey! *wild cheering* (…by myself).

My sister pushed me to write something here, because I am not the most social person on the planet (like her, ahem) and she said I need to participate and make friends. I thought it’s okay, since I’m not so bad at writing things. (and that’s how you are reading this right now, by whichever bizarre power has possessed you to do it…)

If you are still here by the end of this post, I would like you to keep in mind that I’m a very friendly person /offers you a chocolate, as the ultimate sign of respect and good intentions in human civilization -and hopefully you can take a hint-/

So, let’s get this started!

My name is…not important, because most people call me “kitty”, so that’s the name I choose. I think it all started when I adopted a stray cat (poor thing is deceased now and I am cat-less), and my family started calling out to me by singsong-ing “meow~” –to this day, I haven’t figured out the reason they started doing that, so let’s just call it plain weirdness.

What is even more weird, is that I responded to that and so, through a series of mutual positive reinforcements, the nickname stuck with me. And don’t get me wrong, I adore dogs, all puppies I know love me, and I would like to have my silly self owned by a puppy someday, but people seem to draw various parallels of me and cats (nickname aside), so I am trapped in that concept for now.

To be fair, some of those comparisons are valid. I like curling close to myself when I am sitting around and oh, sweet sleep and laziness, I’m guilty of both. I prefer dusk hours (that’s when I usually write too), I make purring noises when I’m bored and I do things in my own terms –or else, chances are I walk away and resolve to feeling bored by myself, with no regrets surprisingly. My sister says I whine like a cat and I am super cuddly but only when I want to, I get distracted by pretty things and I am curious about everything in this universe, not to mention the death glares I can throw around –I’m kinda notorious for intimidating innocent people like that, hehe.

So, yes, I guess I am a bit like a cat.

And now is this post a mini psychotherapy session. (I’m studying psychology and admittedly, I was already thinking peculiarly and unusually for a human, and my studies only add fuel to that. Don’t worry, I’m still sane. I think. If you see anything strange in the things I write just laugh it off and we’re good) Point is: Whenever is my head going to start working properly and start acting in a socially appropriate way?!

Because all this was supposed to be an introduction.

… /insert awkward silence and crickets/ …  

Yeah. I, myself, am surprised by the fact that I still qualify as an acceptable member of the human race.

Racing through the rest of my introduction, I am twenty years old, living in a country which is too small and frustrating, I speak two languages, I hope to become a psychologist and a writer someday, I’m addicted to chocolate and I hope to find a new cat that will love me soon. Oh, and I’m a girl –in case you missed out on that one.

I think I have reached the appropriate amount of embarrassment, so I’ll stop now. If there ever will be a ‘next time’ I promise I will talk about more interesting things (like chocolate, books, relationships or anything) and I’ll keep myself out of the picture. Really really far away out of the picture.

Thank you for your time, person! (and, since you put up with me this far, maybe you would be so kind as to check my fanfics? I would be very happy if I can make something good out of all this by bringing more friends to my subies -who are awesome, and I feel like I haven't been telling that to them enough-) ‘k, bye~

(Ugh, this has been a horribly painful experience.)


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