Someone save me please

What with Anna making new bands left right and centre, I also have been doing the same. We're really in too deep xD

So between the two of us, we've adopted Circuit and I've created some more groups ready to put into my story with POLARIS. I'm kinda looking forward to introducing you to them, and I'm really honestly seriously thinking about starting a spin-off sort of series about my latest group. I haven't got too much worked out about their debut, but I think I can maybe give you guys some teasers maybe?

So the group is called OVERLOCK and they're going to be the third group to debut under Aria's fictional kpop entertainment company, Compass Entertainment (find out more here) so woo. There's 8 members, all male, between the ages of 24 and 17 aaaaand that's all I'm telling you xD 

So you guys interested? If so, I'll probably start writing in November for NaNoWriMo but I may not be posting for a while because I always only write rubbish in NaNo, so you'd have to give me some time to edit.

- Xenexian


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I'M DOING THE SAME I'm aiming for a chapter a day in NaNo which means I'm going to have like 30 chapters of AT by the time I'm done... I'm not posting them right away though that they'll be terrible.