Fiction & Poetry Writing Survey

taken from


1. What is your author-pen name?
well, it depends on my username...if it's in aff, of course it's hopelesswriter lol.

2. When did you start writing?
some years ago.

3. Where did you start writing?
used school book if we're talking fictions.

4. What was the first story you ever posted?
On AFF? Then that's After the Rain...Be Happy

5. What is your favorite story you've ever posted?
It's hard to choose, i tend to change bias to newer stories i write...haa, fickleness. but i have a few in my list now.

6. What inspires you to write?
Mainly, music.

7. Do you want to be published?
Duh...who doesn't? (okay well maybe there are those who don't...but just play along with this cliche so-called rhetorical response....)

8. Which author inspires you most and why? 
None. because i'm just not inspired by any author, i enjoy their works as writers, but it doesn't make me want to write like them or something.

9. What genre do you like to write most?
this word genre pains my head, i'm not all for those big/categorizing words...let's say, i like to write stories and characters people can relate to, or possible to be in real world...somewhere. Stories people can feel along with the characters.

10. How many stories have you finished?
In AFF, 20.



1. What story are you currently working on?
A September to Remember and to a very minor priority, 365 Strumming Scents(taking my own sweet pace with this one lol). though i have tons more incomplete fics that are being hanged in the middle of nowhere lol. maybe if i can get some mood i'll pick up one or two abandoned fic to work back's just hard to write lately...

2. What is your biggest story pet peeve?
Too many. let's just say, if i don't like it, i don't. i especially dislike unrealistic and unrelatable characters. i mean, if it's comedy or crack i can be lenient, but not when it's trying to show real people, but unreal characteristic...idk how to explain whatever...and as pet peeve is also...poster that has same freaking ulzzang for like 358947548965790857607856 soon as i see same face on every fic...i'd click out without giving a try...cuz, and of course, those cliches kingka queenka fake-nerds arranged marriage etc thingies.

3. What is a story turn on?
Characters that makes you want to root for them so badly. a little mystery...i like guessing games and i especially like to be surprised, but i hardly get them...:/

4. Favorite genre?
Anything nice to read tbh, it's all about how you write...but let's say i'm kinda turned off by fantasy, science fiction, action, /pwp kinda stuffs...yknow...the stuffs i can't/won't write myself....

5. Original, fanfiction, or true stories?
well written stories, awesome plotting and characteristics and writing.

6. Preferred chapter length.
Not too long please...i don't like to get myself dragged...sometimes i stop reading bcuz the chapters get tooooooooo long for me to handle, since i'm not a silent reader and i want to leave feedback after reading...but when it's too long, i feel like i'd be drained by the end of it to comment as many as i originally want to comment, so might as well just not read it...yeah...but lately...i don't even read anything anyway.

7. How do you like your titles?
I like making titles that can stir some curiosity or lately, even wordplay n most importantly relevant to the story...i especially dislike one-two word titles that can be generic and doesn't tell anything unique about the fic.

8. How do you come up with characters?
They just....poof come to life. ok fine, let's say i write the kinda characters i want to read.

9. Do you get attached to your characters?
Yes T^T...

10. Have an opinion on self-inserts?
Well, as long as you don't marysue/garystu-ified your character, i don't see a problem...though i don't do that, well sometimes some of my own thought/characteristics slipped into some of my characters, but in more ways i'll put a striking difference so that they can't represent me but hey, i write myself as character in Twinnieverse: The Youngsaeng Hunt. it's fun. lol. i guess, self inserts is okay when i'm exaggerrating things on purpose and not taking the character too seriously...otherwise it'd be too self-indulging n i fear the cringeworthiness of that.




1. How often do you write poetry?
Whenever I'm inspired. let's say, poetry tells more about myself and my thoughts than fanfics. i love poetry and the more i can write it the happier i am...xD

2. Most popular poem on AFF?
lolz. my poem? 'popular'? hahahaha, ...popular is such an alien word to be attached to my stuffs. (not that poetry is all that popular form of writing anyway) though from comments, all people ever comment would be 'Star and the Ocean'....a poem i wrote ages ago(well 2007 to be exact) and lack almost any poetic value whatsoever...lolz. well.../shrugs/...diff people have diff interpretation/taste i guess...i like it...i just prefer a lil more rhyming n subtlety...omg..i'm criticizing my own poem...yay

3. Favorite poem you've ever wrote?
Well, almost all poems i write are my favs...cuz yknow...they're me.

4. What's your style?
idk...i like anything that rhymes cuz it's fun though sometimes i don't rhyme...and i like exploring traditional forms of poetry...i kinda like triolet....><'s easy and i find the form/style is kinda

5. What kind of poems do you usually write?
Anything that comes to my mind, sometimes, what i feel, opinions on certain issues, everyday happening, etc.

6. Ever write a love poem for a significant other?
well, i write love poems, but for nonexistant significant other. lol.

7. Do you have a favorite type of poem?
like i say...Triolet, but i'm open to other types too, couplet(or whatever it's called...i, Sedoka seems kinda fun though i only tried like once...Kyrielle sonnet also feels romantic to i like Acrostic too, for quirky factor...

8. How about a least favorite?
not into Haiku(i think it's kinda overrated lol) or any other too-short forms of poetry(like Quinzaine, Katauta, etc although Sedoka is the twin form of Katauta) or all those that glorify the deads kinda poetry...idk why there are so many poetry forms to glorify the deads when one should suffice imo. also the shape forms, like why would i care to shape my poems into something or to read shaped poems? the words n meaning are important to me...not the appearance. but that's just personal preference.

9. Poem turn-off?
poems that are too straightforward, no rhyme scheme to top, and just....nothing poetry-like except the shape. just written for the sake of calling it a poem. and nothing to interpret. and pretentious poems. some poems seems deep but feels pretentious to me, as a reader...i shy away from such poems...and from overly simplistic ones as well...let's say extremes turn me off. unless when they don't feel fake. please be warned though i'm not saying i'm all that good...just my own preference in doesn't indicate my own ability assumptions pls.

10. Poem turn-on?
clever rhyming! and anything that runs deeper than surface. i don't like poems that are too straightforward or tries too hard to be complicated/deep...idk how to explain again...i like poems that you can interpret in thousand ways...xD...n you can feel/relate to...not too intelligent/complicated, not too in yo face straightforward.


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