Piano Keys

Piano Keys

C- E- G
I play the notes over and over again like a melodic tune. I can almost feel my grandfather standing over me, waiting for me to continue.
The piano keys get harder and harder to see with each passing note, tears clouding my vision. It seems almost unbearable to push myself further, yet I do.
F- A- C
I try to play again, switching notes this time, my heart breaks with each strike. I expect to hear a critic, a remark about my posture or my fingers, but sadly all I hear is silence. I decide to switch notes again.
I pause, my fingers in mid air as I try to remember. What's the next note? My tears seem to fall even more, dripping down on to the white ebony keys. I realize that I have forgotten the chord.
I go to strike another key, but find myself unable to press down hard enough to make a sound, so I stop, and lay my hands in my lap. 
Silence takes over the room as I slump on the piano bench, no longer having an urge or drive to play. Only the tight feeling in my chest, and the breaking sensation of my heart, is present. 
There is no joy- no laughter, or giddiness, that I use to feel. Only sadness, a never dying suffocating feeling of regret, that engulfs me like a blanket.
The music has stopped. Only the sound of my tears, the low humming of the dryer, and the soft snores of my dog laying under the bench, being heard in the somewhat large living room.
My song has stopped. 
And I'm not sure if it will ever begin again.
Ignore my emo-ness.... I'm missing my grandfather today and this happened...


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unazucky #1
It's really beautiful. It's okay to miss someone. It's okay to cry. As long as you let it out and helps you to feel better then do it. It was really touching.
It's beautiful , write all you want baby
That's okay. Write all you want, if it makes you feel better. (: