I'm sad...I always been unhappy...........................

My head hurts..............

My heart hurts..............

My soul is breaking.........

I am crying.............

At age 10 I began to see things clearly..........The HATE....The FIGHTS....The TEARS.......The SCREAMS.........The BRUISES.........The PAIN........The SADNESS............But I can no longer take any more......I feel like I am depressed......Maybe I am.....

I may be seem as tough and wise but on the inside I am breaking and I am still a little girl......

I am unhappy since I became a young teen at age 11-12. At that age it became too much for me and I started to have dark thoughts about how to end it. To end all this pain and suffering. Luckily I met some new friends that year that made me happy for the first time in a long time. The help me forget about my problems but they do not know about my "problem". They cared and loved me for who I AM.  BUt sadly I moved away and havent seen them for 3 years now. ..............Its starting again and they are not here to distract me. They can not make me smile again since we are apart. They don't even know what going on with me. 

My friends,my peers, my "family", everyone around me dont know what I am going through................I am alone on this again just like 5 years ago. I am 15 years old now, barely since my birthday recently past. No one knows and maybe will never know. NO ONE knows that i also had a emotional break down last year.....No ONE knows anything that is happening with me.....


My best friend is picking up that I am not acting "normal" and she told me to trust her. But I trusted people and that is why I am unhappy....


What can I do??

If the cause to this unhappiness is my own FAMILY.................


Who can I turn to.................




**********Im so sorry for this very depressing blog post but I have to get my sadness out of me RIGHT NOW!!! I feel like I am going to explode and break down......SO SORRY T.T i CAN'T HOLD IT IN ANY MORE!!!!!!!!!!*********




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Don't feel alone we all here. I'm sorry you feel so depressed but I know what you're going through. I'm sorry to say this but also feel the same as you :( You could always go seeking counselling but that's not easy to do. It feels like you back is against the wall and no one cares for you. I won't lie it won't get easier, especially if you don't find away to let it out of your system. You could feel this way for the rest of your life if you don't seek help. I really don't know what to say. I hope u will get better and know that we are here for u :) even if we not physically there for you. You can always talk to me if you want to tell me the actual root of the problem. Love U (っ・ω・)っ ♡ ♡
Es común sentirse sola , la vida esta llena de momentos buenos y malos , pasó un año entero en donde mi vida tenia más momentos malos que buenos yo tenia 18 años , vivía sola en una ciudad que no me gustaba , y me iba mal en todo lo que hacía. sentía que nada tenia solución y que era un fracaso en todo y ahora que ya paso y que todo está bien puedo ver que todas las cosas suceden por algo .
Una vez una amiga me lo dijo y esto nunca se me olvidó ; "cada cosa que pasa en tu vida tiene una explicación, todas las cosas que no resultan , y las que si resultan , todo es parte de un camino hacia la felicidad" , luego pasan los años y te das cuenta de que toda tu vida esta conectada.
Tienes toda una vida por delante , no dejes que tus problemas te impidan avanzar , construye tu propia felicidad , las personas van y vienen , disfruta cada cosa que hagas , no pienses en el pasado , ni tampoco en el futuro , tu mejor aliada eres tu misma .
Nunca pienses en acabar con tu vida , todos los problemas se solucionan con el tiempo , vienen momentos realmente felices , se que todas las personas podemos ser fuertes y curar nuestras propias heridas

You can turn to yourself ;)

Animo !!!
Aaaw T^T I'm here for you! You can always PM me. Fighting!
I feel the same way as you~ you won't be going through this alone. I'll be here to talk to you whenever you need it okay? I understand~ I'm always here for you~

Fighting ^^