200 Questions




My crush’s name is: -

I was born in: The month of October… year? 1996.


I am really: Different – yet – similar to people. (LOL)

My cellphone company is: Are you referring to my service provider because it’s DiGi.

My eye color is: Dark brown… don’t you dare try to convince me otherwise.

My shoe size is: a 6 or 7 or 8.

My ring size is: …uh, I think last time it was a 9.

My height is: Some people say I’m tall but I’m only like… what, 164.

I am allergic to: -

My 1st car was: A mini Jeep. And when I say mini… I mean, mini. Like, toy-sized. (Get me?)

My 1st job was: An actual job that paid was like this caretaker for my secondary school’s somewhat mini mart.

Last book you read: The last book I touched was a book by Haruki Murakami; What I Talk About When I Talk About Running. I just read the introduction, curious to know how it started like because the other book I have of his I have yet to finish.

My bed is: mine.

My pet: Is so fat.

My best friend: Best friends (mind you)… are my sisters. I won’t list them here even though they have accounts here.

My favorite shampoo is: Currently am using Sunsilk, but I think I’m reverting back to Heads & Shoulders. Anti-hairfall… you’re greatly needed.

Xbox or ps3: I’ve never played using Xbox so I’ll just go with PS3.

Piggy banks are: Useless in my case… Cuz I can’t seem to hold myself back from spending.


In my pockets: are junk that seem to be useful at times I least expect it to be.

On my calendar: There’s picture of my group. ^^

Marriage is: nothing to kid about.

Spongebob can: Sponge and absorb.

My mom: is a strong woman.

The last three songs I bought were? : Bought like, literally buy from iTunes Store or record shop? That would have to be… oh my Goodness, I don’t remember. @_@ But I do remember downloading songs. And the last three songs were~
G-Slide by Lil’ Mama
and two of BTS’s songs from their Dark & Wild album.

Last YouTube video watched: JYJ @ 2014 Incheon Asian Games. Yu Chun was so good-looking. *internally dies and comes back to life*

How many cousins do you have? : Too many.

Do you have any siblings? : An annoying yet sometimes adorable and precious older sister.

Are your parents divorced? : No.

Are you taller than your mom? Not sure… she sometimes wears heels so I can’t tell.

Do you play an instrument?: How I wish I do.

What did you do yesterday? : I slept and did crap. That’s what I did. But that’s a short summary. If I go into detail, went to class in the morning, did a test, ate breakfast, went to the university clinic to research on dosage forms for my assignment, then accompanied my friend to another clinic to get her rashes checked (cuz she can no longer stand the cream the university clinic provides her with). Then I slept… woke up two hours later, had dinner… and then voila. Here I am, till 2 in the morning of the next day.



[ I Believe In ]

Love at first sight: It can happen.

Luck: It can happen.

Fate: Yeah.

Yourself: No.

Aliens: -no comment- Oh wait… does V count? And JaeJoong?

Heaven: Yes.

Hell: *takes in a shaky breath* …y-yeah.

God: *trembles feverishly* most Definitely.

Horoscopes: Although some predictions are quite, freakishly on the dot, I only read for its coincidences to see if they really are true. But I don’t follow it.

Soul mates: (I repeat) It can happen.

Ghosts: - no comment -

Gay Marriage: - no comment -

War: Must. Avoid.  

Orbs: I’ve only used them to describe eyes. I know they’re like another word, a synonym, for something spherical.

Magic: That’s some complex scientific .

[ This or That ]

Hugs or Kisses: Hugs.

Drunk or High: …neither.

Phone or Online: Both~

Red heads or Black haired: Red heads~ I’ve always wanted red hair.

Blondes or Brunettes: Brunettes.

Hot or cold: I’m in the mood for cold.

Summer or winter: Winter.

Autumn or Spring: Autumn.

Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate~ *U*

Night or Day: As you can see… Night.

Oranges or Apples: Apples.

Curly or Straight hair: Curly!! Although I envy people who have straight hair but I like the volume mostly.

McDonalds or Burger King: Burger King cuz I rarely go there and wanna try it out.

White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: Milk Chocolate… come on, it’s a classic.

Mac or PC: PC.

Flip flops or high heels: #flipflopsforlife

Ugly and rich OR y and poor: …am I bad for going with A? Cuz sometimes an ugly guy can be y if he starts showing his knowledge… *shivers*

Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi~

Hillary or Obama: … no. comment.

Burried or cremated: buried.

Singing or Dancing: I like both but I think I’m more inclined to singing… since I haven’t danced for millenniums.

Coach or Chanel: I’m not a fan of Chanel, so Coach it is.

Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: Kat McPhee of course~

Small town or Big city: Small town.

Wal-Mart or Target: I’ve never been to either…

Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Adam Sandler.

Manicure or Pedicure: Manicure~

East Coast or West Coast: East.

Your Birthday or Christmas: My Berthdaei~

Chocolate or Flowers: I don’t know why but I’m going with flowers.

Disney or Six Flags: DISNEY!!

Yankees or Red Sox:  I don’t watch baseball (did I get the right sport?)


[ Here's What I Think About ]

War: Horrible, bloody, saddening.

George Bush: I don’t know about him much… but I remember vaguely this one t-shirt in Bangkok where it said Good Bush and Bad Bush… with a pictures I wish I could’ve unseen and erase from my young 11-year old eyes.

Gay Marriage: -no comment-

The presidential election: … stay as far away from me political issues.


Abortion: unless it’s for a health cause… u better think about your decision – and settle with no.

MySpace: I tried having one. I couldn’t navigate the site. Much like how I look at LiveJournal nowadays.

Reality TV: Really… weird.

Parents: You’re the ones behind my decisions and upbringing. I thank you for the examples you’ve set out for me. And am grateful for what you’ve given me. I miss you guys dearly.

Back stabbers: Go rot in a pit…

Ebay: Made me wish I had a credit card with no limit.

: Something I’m actually curious about and look forward to but am scared as when faced with the reality of it.

Work: A responsibility I’m willing to endure but will complain about throughout the whole span I’m doing it.

My Neighbors: Such complete opposites they are. And I’m so anti-social now so I hardly see them ever since I stopped going out after the internet became a fixture in my life.

Gas Prices: I don’t know what to think of this…

Designer Clothes: so pretty… and COMFORTABLE, oh my GOD!! They’d last a lifetime, but yea… so expensive.

College: I’m in my early stage/phase and I have yet to see the fun in it. Of course I have friends and the knowledge I acquire when practiced outside of college is fun… I’ve yet to really consider it FUN.

Sports: I’m up for it if put in the spot – but as a choice, imma go with no.

My family: Really … weird. LOL.


The future: Something I don’t want to think so much about.


[ Last time I ]

Hugged someone: Yesterday afternoon! My friend was terrified of the thunder rumbling in the sky as we waited for our ride to the clinic.

Last time you ate: At 9pm…

Saw someone I haven't seen in awhile: Uh… yesterday. Met an old high school friend after a test. Had breakfast too.

Cried in front of someone: It was… like a few months ago. My sister had dengue, and it was really bad. I was so worried… I cried when I knew she was admitted.

Went to a movie theater: Oh…. So long. I miss you popcorn.

Took a vacation: THIS TOO!! IT’S BEEN TOO LONG!! STAY-CATION #comingsoon

Swam in a pool: …years.

Changed a diaper: I think it was a few years ago. I changed my grandmother’s diaper.

Got my nails done: That was aeons ago too.

Went to a wedding: That was~ three weeks ago, give or take.

Broke a bone: I’ve never broken a bone before. Twisted it maybe.

Got a piercing: I nearly did in 5th grade but then… I got so terrified, I hugged my Dad, cried and… that was the last of it. Hehe ^^”


Broke the law: I’m too much of a goody-two-shoes to do this.

Texted: I just did that like half an hour ago…



[ MISC ]

Who makes you laugh the most: A lot of things make me laugh…

Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my cats…

#87 The last movie I saw: It’s really been a long time ago, but… maybe Last Holiday?

The thing that I'm looking forward to the most: MY SEM-BREAK!!


The thing im not looking forward to: …my results for finals.

People call me: Sssh! Secret.

The most difficult thing to do is: Talk in front of a lot of people.

I have gotten a speeding ticket: …uh, I don’t even own a car.

My zodiac sign is: Libra~ Let me weigh something for you and see which of it drops to the floor.

The first person i talked to today was: My housemate.

First time you had a crush: It was … in 5th grade.

The one person who u can't hide things from: I have a lot of shoulders I cry to. 

Last time someone said something you were thinking: … I don’t think I even remember.

Right now I am talking to: My laptop.

What are you going to do when you grow up: Be a pharmacist! And part time, maintain a writing blog maybe?

I have/will get a job: YES. Most definitely.

Tomorrow : I’m gonna be busy.

Today: Seems so far…

Next Summer: Will be hotter.

Next Weekend: Will be stressful. Oh so… stressful.

I have these pets: YES I DO!! I DOOOOO!! I DOOOOO~~ - HA:TFELT (Ain’t Nobody) LOL, 3 cats. ^^

The worst sound in the world: … no comment.

The person that makes me cry the most is: …I don’t know.

People that make you happy: My friends, family.

Last time I cried: It was while praying and thinking about my mom’s fate. And how I should be grateful and how I really should improve myself, devote myself to Him more.

My friends are: so precious…

My computer is: my life.

My School: is… so-so.

My Car: will be epic.


I lose all respect for people who: I will when you do something. Just you wait.

The movie I cried at was: A Beautiful Mind…

Your hair color is: Dark Brown. DON’T try telling me otherwise.

TV shows you watch: lol… I don’t even have a tv here.

Favorite web site: AsianFanFics.com, Allkpop.com, AntiKpopFangirl.com, 9GAG.

Your dream vacation: Somewhere by the beach.

The worst pain I was ever in was: When I fail my tests.

How do you like your steak cooked: It used to be well done, but then my grandpa taught me; medium well is best since its still juicy.

My room is: spacious~

My favorite celebrity is: Asian – LOL.

Where would you like to be: Home.

Do you want children: Maybe… Don’t know.

Ever been in love: I don’t think so… maybe just deep infatuation.

Who's your best friend: My two friends and my sister.

More guy friends or girl friends: Gal friends babeyh~

One thing that makes you feel great is: When I’ve done great in something.

One person that you wish you could see right now: my family. I don’t care. I wanna be with my family.

Do you have a 5 year plan: … *counts* I think so.

Have you made a list of things to do before you die: Nope.

Have you pre-named your children: LOL, yeah I have… but now I’ve forgotten what it was.

Last person I got mad at: I ain’t telling ya.

I would like to move to: someplace by the beach.

I wish I was a professional: writer/blogger/columnist/editor.


[ My Favorites ]

Candy: -

Vehicle: Anything brandished with Audi’s logo.


President: ……………………………………………no.comment.

State visited: hmmm… Pahang.

Cellphone provider: DiGi. LOL.

Athlete: don’t have one~

Actor: Benedict Cumberbatch.

Actress: Rachel Weiss.

Singer: Too many.

Band: Dito.

Song right now: GOT7’s Like Oh.


Grocery store: Giant.

TV show: it used to be Ellen. XD

Movie: I have a lot~

Website: AFF~

Animal: CAT!

Theme park: Sunway Lagoon~

Holiday: Staycation.

Sport to watch: ….is dancing considered a sport?

Sport to play: Give me anything and I’m willing to try.

Magazine: Lol… I just buy these magazines for the posters.

Book: The Percy Jackson series.

Day of the week: Thursday.

Beach: Langkawi~

Concert attended: …. I’ve never been to a concert =3=

Thing to cook: I don’t cook. #sorrynotsorry


Restaurant: Victoria Station.

Radio station: MIX.FM

Yankee candle scent: I think I like Lavender a lot.

Perfume: Lol… anything not so strong goes.

Flower: I like… any flower. ^^

Color: Red, green, orange…


Talk show host: …JaeSeok?

Comedian: There used to be this 1 guy… I hardly see him now.

Dog breed: Golden Retriever.

Did you answer all these truthfully? Very… 




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blueandgrey_ #1
I really enjoyed reading this haha (and tHE ENDING GIF CRACKED ME UP LOL)
On a side note, I LOVE the Percy Jackson series too!!! I cant wait for the last book to come out next month!! :) ♥