〈♚♕〉 ❝ a dangerous fairytale ❞ 「lee minki ♚ the faerie 」




( ♚ — Kiki; ) Was called by his little sister, and the occasional close friend
( ♚ — Minnie; ) Called by his current carrier, who he's grown to love as a family member
( ♚ — Aqua; ) Most people call him this due to his vivid blue eyes, but those closest (who know what he really is) know that he chose this name for himself due to his powers.


AGE — 19
BIRTHDAY — April 7th

BIRTH PLACE — the Barrenlands

♚ — Korean; ) fluent / native language
— hide your APPEARANCE.
FACE CLAIM — Ho Junyeon

APPEARANCE — The biggest difference between Minki and most people is his vivid, bright blue eyes. He stands at 173cm and weighs only 50kg, putting him severely underweight, though he tries to hide this fact with his clothing choices. He has a small birthmark shaped much like a water droplet just behind his left ear, so he wears his hair long to hide it and his pointed ears. As all faeries, Minki has a beautiful set of wings, which he keeps folded in and hidden within his clothes.

STYLE — For the most part, Minki prefers loose clothing to easily hide the factors that show him to be a faerie. He likes dark and earthy colors, though he has a penchant for accenting with blue, much like how his eyes do with his face. He doesn't care about the latest fashion, nor what's popular. He knows what he is, and he's grown accustomed to not having quality clothing at all, so he can often be found in things that might need a little bit of repair, but are still more than capable of being worn, rather than buying new clothing. His only form of connection to the family he used to have is a silver and blue ring he wears on his left forefinger.

— hide your ABILITIES.
PLOTLINE — The Faerie
TYPE —    Water
SPECIAL POWERS — Water and moisture manipulation (he cannot create water from nothing, he can only manipulate water that is around), regenerative healing (only when submerged in water- internal injuries require breathing/drinking in water), and underwater breathing

— hide yourSELF.
♚ calm
♚ collected
♚ thoughtful
♚ kind
♚ shy
♚ awkward
♚ self-demeaning
♚ pessimistic

calm and collected || Minki has had a lot of training in the form of calming himself and remaining collected no matter what. While in school, Minki studied the element of water, and it's calming tides and always steady cycles. As a water faerie, Minki took this to mean that no matter what, he should always be calm and collected, like the ocean. He trained his emotions so that he always looks calm and collected, even if he may not exactly be feeling it. The only way you can ever tell if Minki is feeling anything other than peace and serenity is if you look at his eyes. His eyes, like most, are the window to his true emotions.

thoughtful and kind || Even given the circumstances of his life once he reached adulthood, Minki still finds it in himself to be thoughtful and kind to everyone around him. He believes everyone deserves to be treated with the same respect and kindness unless proven otherwise, but even then, Minki is too nice to do anything else. He tends to put other people's feelings before his own, and does things for others, even when he should focus on himself.

shy and awkward || When you first meet Minki, and for awhile after wards, you will notice that Minki is very shy and awkward in everything he does. He doesn't enjoy opening up and meeting new people at all. In fact, he'd almost be along the lines of being reclusive if he wasn't forced into trying to infiltrate the kingdom and plead the Magiks case. He takes a while to warm up to people, and even longer to trust them. The only person Minki really trusts is his carrier, and even then, there's always doubt in the back of his mind. You may call it untrustworthy, he just calls it being practical. He's never really had many social interactions beyond one on one, so working in groups or around a lot of people are challenging for him.

self-demeaning and pessimistic || Due to his past, Minki has the really bad habit of looking down on himself. He never feels like he worth more than the dirt he walks on, and the current common belief that Magiks really aren't worth anything, he's come to believe that is really the case. He never thinks he's good enough for anything, especially people's attention. On top of that, given the life that he was born into and who he is, Minki can be increasingly pessimistic and tend to jump to the worst case situations instead of trying to see the hope in things. He's definitely a 'the glass is half empty' type person.

— hide your HISTORY.

birth || Minki was the first born son two a water and earth faerie. As it was fitting that he looked so much like his mother, he also followed into her element, a small water droplet symbol forming just behind one of his tiny ears only moments after being born. He was born in mid-April, the month of the rains- at least, what used to be the rains. In the Barrenlands there is nothing. Nothing as far as the eye can see. But it's the world he was born into, and a life he was not given the opportunity to chose. Delicate wings unfolded and lazily waved, giving away his species immediately, but this was normal in the kingdom of the faeries. There was nothing to be feared in showing who and what they were. The had already been banished. Nothing else could be worse than that.

childhood || Minki was three when his little sister was born. Surprisingly, Minah was born into the element of fire, and from the very start, it was very obvious that she was the complete opposite of Minki. Minki was a good child, for the most part, shy and reserved, whereas Minah was brash and outgoing. In many respectives, though older, Minki wished he could be more like his little sister. Meeting new people scared him. This isn't to say they didn't get a long. In fact, Minah was Minki's best friend. They were so opposite, they fit together perfectly. She was everything he wasn't and he was everything she wasn't. They went everywhere together and did everything together. From an early age it was easy to tell Minki was on the feminine side, but it wouldn't be until school where he truly learned how much. People often confused his feminine looks and long hair to mean he was a girl, something he's grown very accustomed to.

schooling || Like all faeries his age, he began schooling to be trained in his element. As the first time he had been separated from Minah, he was shy and quiet. But over time, he learned that was normal, maybe even best for a water faerie. He learned how to channel his emotions into his powers. How if he could control himself, he could control his powers. The first power to manifest itself to full potential was his power to manipulate water and moisture. Though he couldn't produce water, he could move it around and change it's properties. The second power to reveal itself was his power to breathe underwater. This showed almost immediately one day when Minki was practicing. It wasn't something he really had to work on. It only took a little concentration, and he could breathe. It was remarkable in his opinion. His final power did not manifest until right before he left the school at sixteen. Minki had tripped while training, and sprained his ankle. Since water had always soothed his mind, he decided to go swimming that night, hoping it would soothe the ache too. Instead of soothing, the water seemed to heal him, though relatively slowly. He spent about three hours in the water that night, healing and considering what this could mean. He spoke with his teachers just before leaving, and they mentioned that the only way to speed the healing process along would be to use it as often as possible. The more you used the power, the quicker it would get. Little did Minki know he'd have to use it a lot in the future.

life-changing events || Minki got a job at the faerie place as an ewerer. He would bring water for their baths, making sure the royalty and the higher ups remained clean enough to look decent. However, one of the king's brothers took too much of a liking to Minki and his pretty, delicate looks. As a powerful fire faerie, Minki knew better than to disobey Huojin, but then he started requesting things degrading of the poor water faerie. He wanted Minki to use his powers while in the bath, to entertain him. Though at first it seemed like just an odd request of a creepy older gentleman, it soon turned into something much darker. Huojin began to try to initiate ual requests out of Minki. When Minki refused, Huojin threatened his family. Minki didn't think the man would actually follow through with the threats. After all, the King and Queen were trying to save their people from dying too much. But that didn't stop Huojin. Right under the King's nose, Huojin began harrassing the Lee family. By the time a month had passed, Huojin's threats had gotten out of hand. Minki was scared for his family, so he gave into them. He lived through six months of abuse, crying every night, but remaining strong in the eyes of his oppressor, so Huojin did the unthinkable. He killed Minki's entire family in a crazy one night, but when it came to the pretty faerie who captured his heart, he couldn't harm him. Minki was the only one who survived as their house burned down. Minki went straight to the King and Queen the next day, telling them everything. Huojin had already fled. There was no justice to be had, and no closure for Minki. The King and Queen made sure to give Minki quarters and he kept his position, but things weren't the same. He withdrew from society completely. Two years went by like this before the King and Queen had an opportunity open up. They needed a faerie to infiltrate one of the kingdoms. Having nothing else to essentially live for, Minki offered himself up for the dangerous job.

PRESENT — A sympathetic carrier had been in contact with the King and Queen for months, and now, they've come to sneak Minki into the Aquam kingdom. Minki is to begin working at the castle, doing the same thing he had been under the faerie King and Queen. He is to get to know the layout and send any and all information back to the King and Queen. He lives with the carrier, technically, though he spends most of his time at the castle, trying to blend in and retract as much attention from himself as possible. When he has down time, he often finds himself at the water gardens, staring dreamily off into the distance. But he is merely remembering the good times of his past. Seeing as how he is still always on call for his duty within the castle, he just spends a lot of time wandering and people watching. The human species is something he's still learning about.

OCCUPATION — Minki is an ewerer within the castle. An ewerer is someone who brings heated water to the nobles and royalty when it's time for bathing. Due to his abilities, he has an easier time with this position, though he still works under the maids and almost everyone else in the castle. He hates his position, but at the same time, he's working in the castle, and that's dangerous enough in times like these. Given his job, he is almost always 'on call' so his job sometimes seems never ending.

— hide your SECRETS. 

♚ People watching
♚ Visiting the water gardens and lakes
♚ Reading
♚ Sleeping in water (yes, he admits it's weird)
♚ Singing
♚ Rain



♚ Overly warm days
♚ Touching/being touched
♚ Meeting new people
♚ Non-carrier humans

♚ Being away from water for too long

♚ Being caught- Minki's deathly afraid of this, even though he works in such an unforgiving environment. He knows that it would lead to his certain death.
♚ The dark- Though this is partially an irrational fear, Minki has never been fond of the dark and often sleeps with some sort of candlelight or during the day.

♚ Dying- Though he's had far worse of a life than most people (humans) can comprehend, Minki is still terrified of dying. Any life is better than having no life at all.
♚ Intimacy- Because Minki has never experienced anything other that the forced intimacy with his previous 'employer,' he's terrified of becoming intimate with anyone else. The right person could get him to open up, eventually, but it will take patience and understanding.


♚ Fishing- it's a hobby he picked up so that he didn't look so out of place near water all the time
♚ Singing- though he very rarely does it for other people, Minki does like to sing, and will often do it while he's working


♚ Biting his lip when nervous- this is to usually keep control on his power. The pain keeps his emotions in check
♚ Soaking in water, especially for sleeping- this is due both to it's soothing nature and the healing factor
♚ Playing with his ring- Minki is a really bad liar as it is, but his biggest tell is the fact that he always plays with his ring when he lies. It's his distraction.
♚ Pulling his hair when frustrated- like biting his lip, this is usually to keep control, but it's also just due to being frustrated by something. It can be a person, something he's supposed to do, or anything else.


♚ Though he fishes, Minki refuses to eat anything that came out of water.
♚ His favorite color is black, followed by blue.
♚ He feels the most relaxed during rain storms.
♚ His blue eyes become slightly brighter when he uses his powers, though the most notable change is that his wings glow, as well.

♚ He treats his carrier like his new family, and she is the only one who can truly see Minki's emotions. For now.
♚ He keeps one of his sister hand-stitched dolls in his bed as rememberance.
♚ Once a month he pays his respects to his family by lighting a candle for them and letting it burn until it extinguishes itself
♚ At the lake, a certain
fish he's affectionately nicknamed Quan, follows him around, but he refuses to think of Quan as a pet, as this leads to attachment.


— hide the ones you LOVE.
father / lee minhyun / deceased at 42 / steadfast, calm, patient / n/a
Minki always looked up to his earth elemented father, though they were not a lot a like. He always wanted to be more like Minhyun, having believed that one day he would raise his own family and that he'd want to support his family the way his father did. They were not incredibly close, but his father's approval meant the world to him.
♚ mother / lee eunmi / deceased at 41 / quiet, thoughtful, collected / n/a
Minki loved his mother. He was definitely a momma's boy. He and Eunmi were very close in nature, not to mention they were of the same element. Everything he knew about emotional control, he learned from his mother, who was the most collected person he knew.
♚ sister / lee minah / deceased at 14 / outgoing, temperamental, passionate / n/a
Minah was easily Minki's other half. Together, they made a whole person. Where Minki was quiet and shy, Minah was outgoing and passionate. She was the only reason he had friends, and was his best friend. He still misses her daily and sometimes cries quietly at night due to it.

carrier / jung hyosung / 24 / kind, outgoing, cautious
Though Hyosung is technically only his carrier, Minki looks to Hyosung as family. He treats her like she's his older sister, and in many respectives, it works well for them. She often passes him off as her younger brother. She was born in the Terra kingdom as an orphan, and moved to Aquam once old enough to work as a lady in waiting for the Queen. Due to this, Hyosung and Minki have a certain understanding of one another.

word-of-mouth aqauintance / the pauper / age / personality traits
Due to both being carriers, Minki has heard of the pauper once or twice through Hyosung. He doesn't personally know the pauper, but he supports what they're doing. He is thankful there are people in the world like them, and if he ever got the chance to meet them, he'd be the first to say so.


— find your LOVER.

THE PRINCE OF... — Aquam  


( ♚ — Joonie; ) Called only by his mother, since he was a small child
( ♚ — Puppet; ) Called by Minki (and any carriers around), who believes Joonmyun is only a puppet of his kingdom and isn't doing anything to help.
( ♚ — The Masked Prince; ) A joking nickname he is called by most of the kingdom due to his expression-less nature, always quietly whispered, as though he can't hear them.

The Obvious || At first glance, Joonmyun is very calm. He shows almost no emotions, leading him to receive the nickname mentioned above. He has been that way since he was a child (birth- some say), and he doesn't deny it. Being in complete control of his emotions allows Joonmyun to do and say as he pleases, without worrying about consequences. He chooses to be quiet because it's what gains him the most respect. Those who take the time to watch the prince notice that he's not completely hard edges and scary faces of non-emotion. He is kind and gentle when needed, and he helps those who need it willingly and often without being asked. This has gained the prince quite the following of suitors, both male and female, trying to catch his attention, though no one has ever succeeded for longer than a day.

The Carefully Hidden || The main reason Joonmyun is able to keep such a stoic and controlled face is due to the fact that when he does show emotion it's rather over the top. When he's angry, he's very angry... and a bit scary. He will yell and scream and make his point to anyone who comes in his way. He hates people touching his things, and refuses to let anyone see or clean inside his quarters. His emotions can go from one extreme to the other in the blink of an eye, which is why he always makes sure to keep a firm grip on them. He'd rather be thought of as a stoic and emotionless person than one who can't control his emotions at all. On top of that, he has a possessive streak in him that causes him to fight for anything and everything he wants. Anything he deems as "his" is forever his, no matter what. He hates being wrong and he will do everything in his power to be right, including being manipulative and controlling if needed. He has no problem getting his hands dirty for something he wants, though it's far more entertaining to him when he can play people the right way to get them to take the fall for things.

The Deepest-Darkest Secrets || Underneath everything- the face he puts on in the morning and the crazy underside from stiffing his emotions too much- is a soft and rather gentle person. However, because Joonmyun has always been taught that this part of him is weak, he tends to disregard the feelings that come from this part of him. This part is the part of him that thinks things aren't good in the kingdom now. "Magiks can't be all that bad, right? I mean, they're still living, breathing beings." But this view is extremely looked down upon, and so it is locked away deep inside him. His curiosity mostly lies here. Very few people or things peak his interest, but when they do, Joonmyun will dedicate everything he has to learn everything about the person or item. This is dangerous, as a prince, so he tries to keep it at bay, as well. The less he interacts with outsiders, the less likely he is to be seen for who and what he really is.
— find your FUTURE.
FIRST MEETING — To be honest, Minki didn't like Joonmyun at all, strictly on principle. This was a man who was oppressing his kind and all the kinds 'not like him.' The first met one day when Minki accidentally got his line caught in Joonmyun's shorts. It was a well known fact that the prince enjoyed the lakes, Minki just thought he had picked one the prince might not visit. He was very wrong. Joonmyun's shorts got caught, and thus Minki had to help get the prince untangled without breaking his line. They never exchanged names or anything. In fact, neither said anything the whole time. Joonmyun just stared at Minki, who worked to get him free. Once free, they each went back to what they were doing. Though Joonmyun hadn't even asked for a name, he wondered who the beautiful boy was, and was determined to figure it out.

CURRENT RELATIONSHIP STATUS — Honestly, there's nothing here. Minki tries to avoid the prince at all costs, again because he doesn't like drawing attention to himself, and Joonmyun has far too much interest in the ewerer with 'the pretty blue eyes.'
RELATIONSHIP — Due to working at the castle, Minki cannot completely avoid Joonmyun, as much as he would like to. He sees him at bath time, when the prince requests for his baths. Just to spite the quiet faerie (not that Joonmyun knows that), Joonmyun has been taking more and more baths, just so he can see him. Minki can't really say he hates the prince anymore, since he's obviously too nice for that, but at the same time, he's scared to let Joonmyun close. What if he gets attached? What if Joonmyun gets attached? The whole thing could fall apart in the blink of an eye, and that scares Minki. He'd rather remain the nameless face in Joonmyun's dreams. Joonmyun, on the other hand, is not as unknowing as he likes to play up. He's learned that the ewerer boy's name is Minki, and that he's the little brother to Hyosung, his mother's lady. Occasionally, Joonmyun will 'accidentally' run into Minki, whether it be in the castle or gardens or at the lake. It's to the point Minki thinks Joonmyun might be following him, and he isn't far off.

SECRET CONCLUSION — Joonmyun makes sure to have Hyosung (and secretly Minki) sent an invitation to the ball, since being a lady of the court is considered a high honor. Of course, since their first meeting, Joonmyun's eyes are really only looking for one pair of beautiful blue eyes. And from that point on, Joonmyun fell head over heels in love. It isn't until one day when Minki is just positive he's alone, after slipping and falling on a wet floor that morning, that Minki slips into the lake to heal. Joonmyun, who may or may not have been following Minki (*cough* he totally was *cough*), saw Minki slip into the water, and when he didn't come back up for air within a minute, panicked and started stripping and climbed in to save him. However, as soon as he broke the surface of the water, a calm warmth enveloped him. There, before him, was not the Minki he recognized, but a water faerie. Joonmyun shot back up to the water's surface just as the realization dawned on him. Minki was a faerie. A Magik. He was in love with a magik. The secrets that Joonmyun kept hidden, suddenly felt so much lighter. Minki was still obviously to his feelings, but he knew he saw the Prince that day. But the prince didn't turn him in. In fact, he acted like nothing happened at all. Minki fell in love with the humble and kind prince pretty quickly after that. When asked who he wanted to marry in order to assume the throne, Joonmyun could think of no better person that Minki. Joonmyun waited until the night after their marriage before revealing what Minki was. He also moved to allow all Magiks back into the kingdom, with a slight increase in laws so that all would be safe. He tried to create the perfect happy medium for all species of people, because that's what it came down to. Everyone was a living being, no matter what their species, and there was no way in hell he was giving up the man he loved.

— give me an ANSWER.
in this section, write down the answers to these questions in your own character's pov. how does your character talk or react to things? 
HOW ARE YOU DEFENDING YOUR SECRET? — I do whatever is necessary. I wear baggy clothing to hide my wings. I keep my hair long to cover my mark and my ears. I only use my powers when I am absolutely positive there is no one around, and even then, I'm careful about not using unless I need to.

WHAT WILL YOU DO IF PEOPLE FIND OUT WHO YOU REALLY ARE? — I'm honestly not sure. It depends on who finds out, I suppose. Certain people are more open to the prospect of Magiks and that we aren't as bad as we're made out to be. It would be a decision that would have to be made when the time comes. I'm not afraid of fighting for who and what I am, but I'm not against running away if it's possible, either. Either way, I will not let myself be made into a coward. I will do as I came to the human realm to do, and if I am found, I will handle the situation the best way I can and with as little of a ripple as I can.
— live in the PRESENT.
FAMOUS LAST WORDS — So I hope his background is okay. I tried to go off what you said. <3

SCENE SUGGESTIONS — Joonmyun stalking Minki. Anywhere. Everywhere. I just find it hilarious. Minki opening up to Hyosung about his feelings for the prince. Minki lighting the candle for his family, and Joonmyun seeing but not understanding.

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