` ϟ ( paramount — t.k


ϟ t.k
character name — kang taeyeong (姜대영)
nicknames — taetae- basically everyone, it's a cute version of his name
other names — none
birthdate — 17 february 1997 (1995 for back up position)
birthplace — seoul, south korea
hometown — seoul, south korea
ethnicity — korean
languages — korean- fluent, native; english- very basic, schooling and training
face claim — jeon Hojoon of topp dogg
backup face claim — shin jiho (xero) of topp dogg
bloodtype — ab+
height & weight — 172 cm &  55 kg
traits — outgoing, creative, thoughtful, independent, childish, temperamental, stubborn, and niave
personality —
outgoing || at first glance, taeyeong won't come off outgoing unless you see him on stage. you see, taeyeong is a tad bit awkward when he first meets people, strictly because he was homeschooled until he tried out for k-pop star and started training. for this reason, he doesn't exactly open up immediately, but once he does, you'll see that outgoing personality that he lives on stage come to life once more. he'll do anything for his friends, just to see them smile, because seeing them happy makes him happy.
creative || there is not an uncreative bone in all of taeyeong's body. he lives, breathes and sleeps creativity. his mother was a professional ballerina before having him, and his father is a composer for jyp, so it comes to him naturally. he loves to compose like his father, a comon passion of theirs and something they have bonded over. he likes to submit songs to cube, even if they never get used. he works extra hard to make himself stand out more, if possible.
thoughtful || taeyeong is one of those people who will put everyone else's happiness before his own, because seeing others happy makes him happy. he goes out of his way to think about things he can do for his hyungs and noonas to make their days brighter. he's always trying to find ways he can help out and make things easier without wanting recognition for it.
independent || taeyeong is not someone who needs to be supervised closely. Of course, that doesn't mean he isn't closely supervised, seeing as how he's the maknae, but he is someone who works well both on his own and in a group setting. he's used to doing things by himself and getting things done, but sometimes he can grow frustrated when working with others if they don't work at a speed he thinks is good.
childish || mostly due to his age, taeyeong does act his age accordingly. he likes to play video games and stay up late and prank his hyungs and noonas. it's all in good fun. however, this can also be a negative trait in the fact that, though he doesn't ask for things often, he will throw tempertantrums if he doesn't get something he wants by using aegyo. and he will pull out the aegyo on you in the blink of an eye. he is not afraid of it in the least- not when it often gets him what he wants and more.
temperamental || though it's not often, taeyeong gets very temperamental when he doesn't have enough sleep. his emotional range varies and he can go from happy to angry to sad in the blink of an eye. due to this, taeyeong is very set about getting the proper amounts of sleep so it doesn't happen. it's like his little black secret trait he likes to keep hidden.
stubborn || taeyeong is stubborn right up there with the best of them. once he sets his mind on something, no matter what it is, he doesn't back down. he doesn't care if he's right or wrong, he's going to make his point or get what he wants. period. there's no other way around it. for the most part, this is pointed towards good uses, like his ambition and his drive to suceed, but it does go hand in hand with his childish nature and can come to a nasty head at times.
naive || taeyeong is one of those kids who wasn't raised around others, so he's very naive when it comes to the way the world works. he's very blessed to have the life he's had, and he doesn't exactly understand that. he's one of those people that if you told him his favorite hyungs jumped off a bridge, he'd be right there trying to jump off of it too. this isn't to say he's not smart, he's just very guilible and falls for very simple tricks over and over again. he just smiles and brushes it off, though.
best friends — 
jeon jungkook : 17 / idol-  bangtan boys (bts) / trained together before t.k switched companies
jung daeun : 18 / student / school together
friends —
ko juntaek : 21 / groupmate / trained together, looks up to him
kim taehyung : 18 / idol-  bangtan boys (bts) / trained together, is in the same group as jungkook
Kunpimook Bhuwakul (bambam) : 17 / idol-  got7 / school together
cha minyoung : 16 / student 
/ school together, she tutors him in math
likes — 
making friends
using aegyo to get his way
pulling pranks on people
hip hop and dance music
animals (especially dogs)
dislikes — 
cold weather/being cold
outdoorsy activities (ie. hiking, camping, etc)
bugs (he's terrified of them, if he's honest)
working out/exercise
habits — 
bites lip when nervous

sings in the shower, and can get quite loud at times
carries a notebook with him everywhere, and can often be found writing in it
resorts to his overly cute 'stage persona' when he's feeling awkward or upset
hobbies — 
lyrical writing
poetry reading
trivia —
he's the cousin of kang minhyuk (actor/cnblue's drummer) and they are very close
his favorite color is yellow.
his favorite food is really, really spicy dubbokki
he loves sweets- any kind really- but anything chocolate will win you brownie points
he came in fourth on k-pop star season 1 (2011) and was picked up by big hit entertainment
he trained with big hit for a year before his parents switched him to cube over a disagreement on the contract terms when he wasn't set up to debut as originally planned.
looks up to yoseob and wants to be just like him
stage name — t.k
persona — the pure voice
position — main vocalist, sub-dancer, maknae
backup position — main dancer, lead vocalist, visual
singing twin — kangnam of m.i.b (chunji of teen top)
dancing twin — ricky of teen top (seungjin of a-jax)
rapping twin — n/a
year of admission — 2012 (spent 1 year at big hit entertainment prior)
fanclub name — TaKers
fanclub colors — #4B0082
sns accounts — instagram: itstktaeyeong; twitter: therealtk
love interest — park jimin (bangtan boys- bts)
personality traits — outgoing, hardworking, flirtatious, stubborn, childish
interactions — as the hyung, taeyeong has always expected more out of jimin, and never failed to be... well, not let down, but not exactly impressed, either. jimin has a certain youthism about him and he tends to act younger than taeyeong at times, which means that even when the maknae comes to visit his maknae best friend, jimin ends up pulling pranks on him and jungkook. of course, there's a lot of tension between the two of them, and jungkook just likes to tease them both, because it's very obvious both has a thing for the other, just neither are really sure where to go from here, but eventually, someone's going to give in and take that first step.
backup love interest — kim jonghyun/jr (nu'est)
relationship status — mutual crushing
comments — if any
suggestions — running man, showtime, and maybe hello baby/family for the older members
password — I wasn't sure if the answer was supposed to be for the group or sub-groups or what, so I found all three? paramount kairos carpe diem
mrsxiumin · mix · 9



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