❝龍❞ Where the wind b l o w s ↷ Lee Chaelee ⋮ Air

the info she gives

face claim  face claim  face claim
kat / swimmingfishies /4
chae / anyone that knows her most of the time calls her this, because it's short.
mute /ignorant/mean people because she can't speak.
freak /ignorant/mean people because she can't speak/ she's different.
AGE ) 20
BIRTHDAY ) May 8th

korean / fluent/ it's her native language/mother tongue.
sign / fluent / she's mute, so she uses this to try and speak to others. this is what she uses to speak to her parents for they learned it when she became mute.


APPEARANCE ) She is 163cm & 51kg. She looks like a fairly normal girl, despite for the fact that she is mute. She also has a large scar on her right calf; she got it when she fell off a horse when she was a child. Other than that, everything matches the faceclaim.

the life she lives

➳ kind-hearted, obedient, tolerant, sheltered, clumsy, awkward

kind-hearted: she is overall just very nice in general. her heart is just kind, as she accepts all people and does not judge them (which can make her seem a little naive); she doesn't discriminate against class or social ranking, etc. she's the type to be generous and helpful towards those who need it. so if she were to encounter a homeless person, she would try give them money or food, or just something. if she were to see someone in pain or an elderly person, she would try help them all she could. she believes in equality, and the goodness of things. even if there is a bad, there must be at least a little good somewhere. it's the law of yin and yang?

obedient: chaelee listens to almost everything she is told to do. its sort of become a habit for her (and her personality trait) because she's been obedient for so long (since she was a child). she was mute since she was 5, so it was hard for her to disobey her parents. all she could do was listen to them, but it was good because they praised her, and she likes being praised. she didn't want to disappoint her parents. she wants to be a good daughter, because despite her muteness, they still loved her like she wasn't different at all. so she became very thankful for a lot of things that people tend to not notice.

tolerant: she's tolerant of a lot of things, the number one thing being pain (mostly because she gets hurt too often, so she's used to it.) since a lot of kids when she was young (because she was "different" aka mute), she got used to enduring insults and such; there is no used in arguing or acting out. she wanted to "be the bigger person." she's also the type to forgive people because of her tolerancy. like even if someone is super rude or has a bad personality, of course she won't like it, but she believes in the goodness of things, and that something's just affecting them to act that way. that they'll probably get over it soon. she thinks that "it's not worth it" it get all worked up, because lifes too short... (omg am i too cheesy. i'm sorry)

sheltered: she has not "lived life," since she had been stuck in her house/property for 95% of her life. so, she doesn't know the "lingo" these days, or... well nothing much but educational things taught in books, manners, and stuff she reads in (rated t for teen LOL) fictional novels. she has been stuck in her little bubble, trapped there. she's not even sure if she could survive outside of her bubble even if she wanted to. she doesn't know what "real" fun is, because "fun" to her is reading a mystery book (because of the "thrill"), or planting a new type of herb in the garden... yeah... "fun."

(partially) clumsy: this girl probably gets a new scratch or cut every day because of her clumsiness. she's always tripping or stumbling over things, or even nothing. she gets a paper cut like twice a week. sometimes, she forgets that she's a 20 year old female with hips, so her hips are always bumping into doorways, desks, chairs, tables, anything. she needs to do things slow and steady or she might end up hurting herself. bleeding? pft, no big deal.

awkward: since chaelee hadn't been around other people much, she is pretty socially awkward. she doesn't know how to act around people her age (ends up acting too formal/ mannerly; like bowing often, etc). because of this, she tends to stay away from other people around her age and younger (she tends to hang around the elderly/adults because she seems to fit in with them more??? like imagine the elderly playing alkkagi or go-stop or something, she'll probs be in on that lol). she also tends to stay away from those who are around her age/children because they tend to be rude (like making rude comments about how she can't speak or having to treat her "carefully" or something like she's a freak or mental patient (when she's absolutely normal, she just can't talk...) the elderly/adults seem to be more mature and understand her situation a lot more wisely/fairly. so if there aren't really any adults/elderly around, she tends to prefer to be by herself. i mean, of course she's tolerant of stuff like teasing, but why stand there and endure it when you can try to not let it happen/not involve yourself in it.

PAST ) plotline: prisoner
➳ her family is very wealthy since her parents are doctors/physicians & herb/medicine merchants. they are very loving and kind parents, and care for chaelee very much (esp because she's their only child). she grew up normal, like any other little girl. however, when she was 5, she was learning how to ride a horse (so that she could travel with the family in the future and for convenience, etc), and the horse went out of control because it got scared by a loud sound, and she fell off her horse, leaving a large scar on her right calf. good thing that her horse was a pretty small one, so it was more like a pony? ish... or else she would've been in deep trouble. her parents were also doctors, so they treated her wounds very quickly and effectively. however, because chaelee was only five, it was a very traumatic experience for her, causing her to lose her voice. her parents found out something was weird when she fell off, but she wasn't screaming, but she actually was, just no sound came out of her as much as she tried. so, from then on, her parents really really embraced her safety and wanted her to grow up in a protected environment. her parents ended up being too over protective, making her a prisoner in her own home (aka not letting her go outside). yet, it wasn't a big deal to chaelee because she was really frightened by the experience.

➳ growing up, her parents had treated her with the utmost care, like she was the most fragile thing in the world. because of that horse incident + the mute incicent (she got selective mutism due to a traumatic experience), her parents had it in their mind that their daughter is extremely weak (when she really wasn't). so they treated her softly, and calmly, and didn't even let her play with other children because they might infect her with sicknesses or something (or hurt her). this made chaelee a target for bullying/rudeness too because when people don't "understand something" or when something is "different" they tend to shun it. her parents saw this, and DEFINITELY did not let other kids play with her because they were too "rude" r might hurt her or something. her parents saw everything that was outside of their house/property as dangerous. don't misunderstand her parents though, they were only keeping her prisoner out of good intentions.

** even if she was kept prisoner, her parents were still doctors, so they knew it wasn't healthy to stay inside all day; she would get 60 minutes of exercise by playing in the yard. once a month, she'd go out into the markets or formal meetings and stuff for fresh air.


➳ now, she still follows the same schedule she did as a child. she's still cooped up inside her house/property. however now, it's worse because her parents are always worrying about boys and telling her that boys are dangerous and to not talk to them or anything. "don't let them trick you into 'you know what'." she helps her parents around the house (simple chores like cooking, cleaning, organizing, watering the garden, etc) because they're often busy treating patients (her house is pretty big. it's like half a household, half a doctors place? so like patients can come and get treated and stuff there.) she also helps treats the patients sometimes (sort of like a nurse?) for she has a lot of knowledge about medical stuff (most of them are old people anyways, so she's comfortable around them).

schedule: she basically just wakes up in the morning, study for a few hours or until she's tired/wants to stop, then do  household work/chores, get her 60 minutes of exercise (exactly 60min.) then check up on patients or do some hobbies until curfew, and then sleep and repeat. she's been following this schedule since she was... like 5 or 6. people might think it's super tedious, but she's used to it so she doesn't really realize how painfully dull it seems.


➳ nature (too bad she can't go outside too often): scenery, plants, flowers, herbs, etc.
➳ medicine/herbs/vegetables
➳ warmth: fireplaces, hugs, sunlight, etc.
➳ art: drawing, dancing, any type, etc.
➳ rain: when it rains, it calms her. the pit pat of the water makes her mind at ease.
➳ books (and the smell of new books)
➳ lemons: they're sour, taste good(to her), and they cleanse dirty things...
➳ nice breezes/nice weather
➳ teas/ herbal teas/ bitter or sour flavors
➳ the color white

➳ inequality (aka hating on poor people, etc)
➳ loud sounds/noises: yelling, shouting, gunfire?? etc.
➳ being around people her age (it's uncomfortable for her, esp boys.)
➳ people with no manners
➳ violence, profanity, etc
➳ pain (she can tolerate it, but it doesn't mean she likes it. lol)
➳ when people call her "mute" or other rude nicknames
➳ things that are too sweet/sugary

➳ daydreaming: thinking about things that could possibly happen, but would probably never happen.
➳ fidgeting with her fingers
➳ avoiding eye contact with people her age
➳ hanging around adults/elderly people
➳ smelling things before she consumes it

➳ gardening: planting, watering, picking, etc.
➳ origami (esp folding cranes)
➳ reading
➳ cooking: she cooks for the family, trying to create different types of vegetarian dishes so it's not the same old taste every time. (she sometimes gets small burns, or cuts from using a peeler/kitchen knife)
➳ archery: it's a passtime sport (where she gets a lot of her 60 mintues of exercise from). her parents thought it would be good for her to get exercise this way because it isn't that dangerous, meaning she can't shoot arrows at herself, but she can get minor cuts on her fingers, and that's basically fine, so... yeah.
horses/anything you can ride/animals: she's afraid of falling or the animal going out of control (sort of similar to afraid of getting hurt?)
thunderstorms: they're loud and scary

➳ she had been homeschooled her whole life (her parents hired a personal tutor for her).
➳ she knows that she's at an age where she's able to do things independently, but she has mixed feelings about it. she wants to go outside often and enjoy free dom and stuff, but she's also scared if something bad happens to her (bc she's so used to staying all cooped up).
➳ since most people do not know sign language, she has a small notebook she uses to write her messages in. she carries it around all the time, along with a pen.
➳ she hasn't really had any "love" feelings before (meaning no first love yet).
➳ she's a vegetarian because her parents are too (they think it's a healthier lifestyle).
➳ her parents found out that because she got selective mutism from a traumatic experience, the only way to get her voice back is if she overcomes her "fear" / whatever's making her anxious (that's causing her to not be able to make a sound).
➳ she thinks that she'll forever only have old people as friends...
➳ she's good at aiming for things, but has a terrible sense of direction? which is why she's good at archery, but still ends up bumping into the corners or tables and stuff. also because she's been at home most of her life, she doesn't know places very well, which is why she has a bad sense of direction (she'll get lost if left alone like a block away form home even).
➳ despite her parents thinking that she's totally weak, she's pretty healthy and strong.
➳ she's like a super sniffer. she can differentiate things by different smells, etc.
the way she became

mother / min, chaekyung / 45 / caring, warm-hearted, overprotective
these two are very close, as they often do a lot of housework together. her mother teaches her how to do the "womanly" things, such as cooking, cleaning, sewing, gardening, etc. chaelee is often around her mother when she's working, to help with the patients or medicine making. her mother looks after her like she's a rare flower, while chaelee takes care of her mother like she's an old lady (but she's not lol).

father / lee, jaeyeol / 46 / wise, calm, steady
these two are also very close, possibly on the same level has her and her mother. sometimes, her father helps her study stuff relating to medine or how to treat peoples wounds or sicknesses. they do more medical related things together. he also does archery with her sometimes and he often buys her new books. she in return obeys him and helps him as much as possible, like cooking for him, giving him a massage if he's tired, etc.

a grandmother from the village & close friend / jung, sunhee / 88 / funny, kind, generous
sunhee often comes to her home for a check up because she's old and has the problems a lot of old people have. so, usually the one that does the check ups on her is chaelee. they are pretty close, as they play go-stop together, and chaelee listens to sunhee's stories of when she was younger, etc. chaelee often gives sunhee teas or herbal medicines and stuff to heal. she also once made her 1,000 cranes hoping that sunhee would stay healthy. others kids in the neighborhood find it extremely weird that chaelee, a 20 year old girl, is good friends with sunhee, a 88 year old grandmother.
bully? / kim, himchan / 24 / self-indulgent, loud, social
he has been neighbors with chaelee for quite some time. and ever since he knew about chaelee, he's been teasing her ever since. these two do not seem like friends, more like bully and bullied. chaelee often ignores him because he's kind of rude, but himchan still teases her, sometimes to the point where he really needs to shut up. but, why does he and call her names? is he really a bad person? maybe he actually likes her? who knows... but himself.

the one they see

TAMER ) never?? or at least she's a super newbie (if she had been selected long ago, her parents probs didn't tell her because they don't want her getting into danger...)

HOW DID YOU FEEL? ) 'blank.' like she just stared, like "r u srs. r u kiddin me." like me?? out of all people?? like she's kind of excited about it and daydreamt a lot about it (to the point where she couldn't sleep) because it's new... and outside of her bubble, but she's kind of worried about it because she has a fear of like... animals and getting hurt and stuff.

WEAKNESSES ) FEAR OF RIDING AN "ANIMAL"/ ANYTHING. FEAR OF ANIMALS???? Fear of getting (badly) hurt.... everything??? Especially the fear of not being able to easily communicate with the dragon (bc she can't speak)...

, i can free you forever, my prisoner BEWARE OF MY DANGER; 2ND AWAKENING
LIFE ) why does he live life so dangerously?
like most air dragons, they love the feeling of adrenaline, and he loves it to. but to him, he thinks that life is too short to be living it boringly (aka, schedules, doing the same things everyday). there aren't many draongs left, so he might has well live his life to the fullest and not die with regrets.
THE CONTRACT ) what does he think about them?
although there are a few exceptions, air dragons are known for not making contracts with people simply because they don't like the feeling of belonging to someone/not being independent; air dragons love freedom and being able to do whatever they want. he thinks that this is normal for air dragons to think, but he honestly doesn't mind making a contract, as long as the person is the right person; so there are a lot of "qualifications" for him to make contracts with people.
HOME ) why does he not stay in his home area (aka, vast open space without humans) like other air dragons would've?
the vast open area is nice, but staying there is kind of lonely for him... he wants to see more of the world, and he likes travelling (seeing new places and such). he kind of just goes wherever the wind takes him.
HIS PRISONER ) what did her parents think of this?
her parents were really shocked about everything. they completely denied it, like "no, she can't do this. this isn't right. it's too dangerous."
HIS STATUS ) for each one, give a number from the scale of 10. you can also write a brief explanation why he can, since that would also be helpful. make sure that not everything is around 8 to 10 but keep it balanced with some low numbers. not even dragons can be super powers.

strength : 5 - he doesn't really focus on strength, but is strong enough. (like a regular amount of strength)
evasiveness : 8 - he has pretty good reflexes since she does dangerous things all the time.
agility : 9 - he's light on his feet and lives to do things fast, so he's pretty fast.
speed : 10 - this is what he lives for. he loves speed. if it was modern time, he would be a drag racer/race car driver.
stealth : 8 - he's as graceful as... a leaf in the wind. sometimes he can be unsteady because of an accidental stumble or something, but nonetheless he can get back on his feet.
intelligence : 7 - he likes knowing a lot of things for he's kind of a curious one, interested in many things. he's not the type to study all the time though, but he'll know a lot of useful facts (or possibly fun facts or something).
mentality : 5 - a lot of the time, he doesn't think of much as his mind is free from stress or thinking to complicatedly, but if he has to think, he will think.
intuition : 8 - everything he does is basically instinct. he just goes with the flow of things, or what that small 'sixth sense' is telling him. it helps a lot for living in dangerous situations.
trust : 5 - this is like... half and half, because he usually doesn't trust people, but he can... it really just depends on the person.
socially : 2 - he likes to keep to himself, and often enjoys being by himself. he doesn't like getting involved in complicated things and tires to live simply. (unless it's someone/something he really takes interest in).
team work : 6 - he's alright at this. like said before, he goes with the flow of things, so he'll jsut go with the flow with whatever's happening/ whoever he's with.
sacrifice : 78 - it's not right away, but it grows to be this much because he sees how opposite their lives have been. that kind made him want to help her all he could, and he would probably sacrifice anything for her to live a free life.
his heart : 69 - there's just a part of him that wants to take care of her in place of her parents, while giving her the time of her life, but he can't really trust her all that yet because they just met. (lol is there where i put the numbers 'awakening' levels or something?? what you suggested in the cheatsheet.)

OBEDIENCE ) well, chaelee doesn't really give orders (esp because she's not used to it). it's kind of the other way around as he is teaching her these new things, and she "has" to obey him. however, he will listen to her if something is too much for her, like she says she's going to faint or something because it's too much for her (like strenuous training or something). other than that, he often doesn't really give her a choice when he's trying to show her new things.
the one she loves

face claim face claim face claim
kim woobin
SUMMARY ) the free spirit: sehun is a dragon who's very carefree, fairly easy going most of the time, curious, and a bit stubborn, so he's pretty much like a regular teenager.  he loves life and freedom, and he's not afraid of danger. he likes to live life to the fullest extent because life is something precious that shouldn't be wasted. he's often alone and talks to himself, just like someone else is there and has a lot of fun living a dangerous life by himself. he's often very playful with himself, and jokes around, and laughs at his own jokes. he doesn't even care if strangers think he's crazy, because he acts like himself whether people like it or not. he's not embarassed of being him. he's often bored of normal things and gets a little fidgety when he's bored. he's always moving at least one body part (like his foot or his fingers) or doing things in a faster speed than people usually do things. he's not one to stay cooped up in one spot, almost like a nomad.

nicknames: chaelee likes to call him lemon (well, in her head, lol), because when he smiles, his face looks kind of like a lemon........ or well... like he ate a lemon?? his blonde hair is part of the reason why too (unless they can't have blonde hair, then idk LOL)
likes: he likes to spar, run around, climb trees, anything active basically.
dislikes: being still for too long, doing the same things over and over.
hobbies: climbing trees and napping on the high branches.
habits: eating candy (little hard candies), always staying active by moving a foot or fingers or something.
job: hunter. he hunts animals and brings them back to sell (like wild boars and stuff).
extra: he's on the island because the island has a lot to explore(and bc of chaelee)... maybe one day... he'll leave the island and take chaelee with him.

PREDECESSOR ) well, air dragons don't really like to be tamed/is kind of a natural custom for them to not be tamed, as they like to live their lives free of control and such (roaming the skies, etc). so, sehun has actually not had a tamer before. except one person whom sor tof counts as a tamer/not a tamer? he was more of a friend to sehun. the man was 80, but he was an old man who acted like he was very young, like in his 20-30's. the man loved adventures, and so did sehun, and seeing that humans don't live very long, they decided to travel together, until about a year later, the old man died of a heart disease. they had very similar personalities so they easily got along, too bad their friendship had ended too short. because of that, he kind of felt more reluctant to have a tamer because he was afraid they'd leave too soon. but then again he remembers that "life is too short," and every new place that sehun visits, he always thinks about his 80 year old friend.

CONTRACT ) on her left hipbone.

FIRST MEETING ) chaelee was at home tending to some of the patients when sehun had come in, calling for a doctor/help. he was carrying a man who happened to be another hunter in the village. the man was badly wounded by some animals in the forest and sehun had happened to be there to help. chaelee's parents rushed over in a panick and asked her to finish taking care of the other patients. while everyone was being treated, sehun had waited for the man, a bit worried because he was a bit old and reminded him of his other friend(the 80 year old one that died a long time).

he kept anxiously walking around though, checking up on the guy (he was pretty badly wounded; he had blood spilling everywherel it was a good thing sehun's really fast or he wouldn't make it). chaelee's parents wanted him out of the area so the patient can rest and work, so they told chaelee to go make sehun at ease. so, she prepared a cup of hot herbal tea for him, but when she was about to give it to him, she tripped on a step and spilled the flaming hot tea all over his chest. he screamed in pain, and she was really panicked and awkward, and she didn't know what to do. she really wanted to apologize to him out loud, but she couldn't so she rushed to get him a cold towel and ice water.

he was a little surprised and didn't know how to react at the moment, so he was just like "it's okay, it's okay. it was an accident." he then later found out that she was mute when she started to use sign language out of panic to apologize, and then she realized that he probably didn't understand sign language, so she apologized by writing a note in her notebook for him to read it. then he understood, and still said it was okay. he kind of found her interesting at this point because he's never met someone mute before.

** since the man can't really hunt anymore, sehun took over his job and that's how he became a hunter on the island. just in that same day he had arrived at the island.

RELATIONSHIP ) well at first, they were both kind of awkward because chaelee is just socially awkward and sehun looked like he was around her age so she felt a bit uncomfortable, and sehun usually likes to hang out alone and stuff. but, well, since she can't talk, it's just like he's by himself, but with someone actually there to listen to him, and for chaelee, sehun isn't actually around her age, he looks it but he's actually very old. so... in a weird way, they're perfect for each other???ish... lol. the closer they become the more sehun opens up to her, and talks to her. he even asks how to say things in sign language and learns things, etc. she of course, was kind of excited to teach him. they're still awkward at times because he's still a boy and he looks young, but then "with age comes wisdom," so she kind of unusually got close to him like how she's comfortable with the elderly and adults. she often gives him a bunch of random origami, and he often wants to learn how to make them, so sometimes they just sit outside and start folding cranes or turtles or something, and then they put them in jars. he learns a lot of small, interesting things from her, like different types of flowers, herbs, and poisons, etc. while she learns a lot of dangerous things from him, like how to climb trees or hunt (since she can do archery), or other things like that.

others see them as the "weird couple." like, who would be friends with chaelee? especially someone as handsome as sehun? himchan is especially the one that teases these two, always saying a rude comment or two about them. himchan can't help but to say something when they're around him and vice versa. what does he have against chaelee? is it because he likes her or no?

when away from each other, they usually get an uncomfortable feeling that kind of balls up, like that feeling where you think something is going to go terribly wrong, or that you might die or something. they kind of grow lonely, and kind of want to be next to each other. sehun tends to get a bit anxious, as he really wants to be next to her, and chaelee tends to grow lonely and a bit depressed.
** is it possible for them to sort of have a telepathic connection? sort of like eragon? lol idk, because that'd kind of be a way they could "talk" without really talking. or a way for sehun to understand her/ responder to her without her having to write things down, etc.

** um... i wasn't sure where to put in info about his "awakening" but i guess i'll do it here??
second awakening: he can be very carefree and fun, but also very stubborn at times. two of these things are sort of contradicting, but his carefreeness can be not giving a care int he world to what kind of danger he's in, and being stubborn if he wants to do something and won't take no for an answer. because he's always getting himself into danger as he always has the "need for speed," having a second awakening can be good, because it's normal, but bad because it makes him want to get stronger (and by stronger, he means faster). chaelee is very reluctant in thinking that she'd be able to make him "stronger," but wants to try for the sake of sehun lol.
(idk if i'm understanding this awakening concept correctly...lol SO SORRY).

** i picked air as the 'free' plotline because you seemed to be having an 'elemental' concept with the chinese elements, so i guess air is like a more 'classical' element... lol idk. i thought it'd fit somehow.

** possibly chaelee gets her voice back by overcoming her fear of riding animals or animals in general because of sehun? like, she could be riding on his back when he's in dragon form or something. or by hunting animals with him... idk.

** a traditional village festival? all the couples can have a scene or something there lol. (with lanturns and flowers and fireworks and stuff).

THE DRAGON'S PEARL ) confines me


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URGH, my Sehun-feels. AND YOU MADE WOOBIN YOU BACKUP, I can't even-----
Thanks for making me loose my confidence, I guess I'll reconsider applying for another plotline... ;w;