Counting Down, but Don't Hold Your Breath // Artemis Lee

swimmingfishies / kat / 8
love line number three
DATE OF BIRTH April 20th
AGE 20
ETHNICITY Greek-Korean
HOMETOWN Seoul (Gangnam)
CLASS / RANK Archer / SS


Artemis is a strict person. She likes things done the right way and often criticizes others for their bad habits or behavior. This makes her seem pretty intimidating to others. She just has a heavy and scary presence overall, making a lot of people fear her. Others often try to get on her good side, with the exception of a few people, fearing that they might piss her off and unleash her fury. However, at the same time, they idolize her because of her status at the academy. She’s one of the top students, and is dubbed as a role model for others to follow. She does well in all her classes and is obedient, following all the rules and seems “perfect.” To those who don’t know her well enough, which is basically everyone, she’s seen as a good and serious student, one not to be messed with. However, if you really get to know her, she actually acts pretty immature (she breaks out of that serious and scary character everyone sees). Only her rival, and her childhood friend know that she is this way. She often likes to compete with her rival and sticks out her tongue at them and acts in childish ways around them. They seriously can’t even believe she acts this way, and if anyone ever saw her being childish, they really wouldn’t believe that she is the same Artemis they admire.

She is often very blunt, speaking very straightforwardly and saying what’s on her mind, not afraid of whether it would hurt someone’s feelings or not. If you want an honest opinion, then you should ask her (just warning you ahead of time, it might not be that good). She never sees anything as 100% perfect. People think she’s perfect, right? But, she herself often denies that because well, she isn’t. No one can be perfect. She always has the urge to do things at least close to perfect. For example, her arrows might seem like they hit the bulls eye, spot on in the center, but she could tell you otherwise that it’s only 99.7% spot on. She’s just that precise.

Artemis is also very reserved, and everyone knows this. People can barely get close to her without getting nervous or stuttering or something. She doesn’t like to talk to others and keeps her social bubble very small. She doesn’t like to talk about her past and doesn’t like getting close to others; she also doesn’t want to know about others’ pasts or anything about them, keeping a clear wall in-between her and others. However, the reason for that is because she thinks it’s better for her to not be friends with others. She’s a hard person to deal with (that’s what she thinks), and doesn’t want to burden others. She’s afraid that if she makes friends with others, they might end up taking advantage of her (money, protection, homework, etc). She’s also afraid that she might lose her friends, like she lost her family. She just has a pretty damaged heart, and it’s hard for her to accept a lot of things. So, if she’s ever in a group or working with others, there is sure to be some social awkwardness going on. If you really want to break her out of her steel shell, you're going to have to get her to trust you. (the older she gets, the more she breaks out of her shell though)

Even so, deep within her heart, she is very caring (it’s a tsundere thing). She might seem unfriendly and scary and whatnot, but she does care about the well-being of others, even her rival. This all has to do with her past. She always seems to have the need to protect others but doesn’t show it. She often hides and denies the fact that she’s somewhat caring (so like, she'll bring a teammate soup or something if they're sick and play it off as she had extra, etc). She’s one for justice and doing the right thing, which is why she’s pretty obedient. But, under certain circumstances, she will break the rules just to protect others (lives and stuff) (or if the rule is super immoral/unfair; but that’s ever so rare). She’s also pretty passionate in whatever she does, which is why she excels at so much (you can probably see fire as her background and in her eyes because she's that passionate at everything). She’s so determined to do well and to please authority (and herself), that she sometimes goes overboard with some things. Sometimes it’s good in the aspect that she does excel, but sometimes it’s bad because she overworks herself and doesn’t pay attention to her health.   
Artemis is the type of student that teachers love because she’s so focused and she excels in classes. Sometimes they think she could be a little more social and interact with other students, but nonetheless they think she’s fine just the way she is. She doesn’t cause trouble and follows all of the rules. She seems a bit too perfect for some people to like as they think she seems a bit stuck up for being one of the “the best,” but then again, they’re too scared to actually admit it in front of her face. However, the more you get to know her, she’s not really like the person everyone seems to think she is; she’s actually quite fun because she's still a kid at heart.
• The color red
• novels (ohohoho; NO ONE knows about this; her guilty pleasure hahah)
• Meat
• Night time; the stars, moon, planets, etc.
• Her rival
• Being sick (she hates medicine because it tastes terrible and the feeling being sick)
Dragons (strong, strong resentment for dragons out of allllll creatures).
• Collecting gemstones
• Competing with people
• She feels uncomfortable without her bow beside her.
• When she's sick, she doesn't act like herself. She becomes nicer and more clingy, like a child. (it's like shes either drunk or has completely lost her mind).
• For her bow, she mainly uses regular mode, dragon mode, and naiad mode. The other three modes, she hasn't discovered yet (and hopefully will discover them throughout the story; she has no idea that the other three modes exist). She really wants to try and create electricity arrows, as her mother was very skilled with electric type magic. However, every time she tries it has been a fail as she uses too much mana and ends up creating fire arrows instead. This really frustrates her to the point where she just wants to cry because she is so good, but still can't seem to create electricity. (maybe she just needs help from a sorcerer or a priest?)
• When she was young, she got personal physical fighting training from her godmother, Jihl. She taught her how to use her bow was a weapon (without firing arrows, just hitting).
• She has really good hearing and sight, and shoots her arrows accurately and fast.
• Honestly, she could be solo, but she lacks in the personality area, so the adults think she should be put in a team to even everything out.
• She's someone that like...totally (like 85%) skipped out on a regular teenage life. So, really the only thing that really excites her is like...really good ty novels. LOL. If anyone ever finds out about this, they could surely blackmail her, but at the same time fear her because they don't know whether she'd kill them or not.

She is like a lone wolf and often prefers to do things alone, such as quests or projects. This is because she doesn't want to be responsible for others. If there are others she often feels like she's obliged to try and protect everyone, and that if they die or get hurt she'll feel like it's her fault. If she's working with others she might break off from the rest and do things on her own. Or, if everyone is in the same vicinity (in battle), she feels like she has to protect everyone so that no one gets hurt, often putting all the danger on herself. She especially has the need to protect those who don't usually fight, like the priests. Since she also works alone often, in a team, she often tends to do all the work. She also has anger issues. If she gets too pissed off or angry, she tends to overdo things like showing no mercy in a fight or being too rough. It could be her downfall because she could hurt herself in the process and won't even realize it until all the after effects kick in and shes all cut up or something.
Artemis was born and raised in South Korea, and grew up as a pretty normal child alongside her brother, Apollo. Her parents were actually one of those who were brave enough to fight the monsters that wreaked havoc  (along side others). They were both sorcerers and they were very fond of magic, always showing her the cool things they could do. They often went on quests and such with their friends, leaving her and Apollo with her godmother, Jihl. However, one day when she was eight years old, they didn't come back. Word quickly got back to Jihl and that's when the two discovered that her parents had died in battle in a dragon raid. They were said to be very brave, and had saved their team with a giant fire shield, absorbing and blocking the dragon fire for as long as they could (so their team members could get to saftey), and had sacrificed themselves for the safety of others.
Artemis and Apollo were only eight, so they didn't know how to really take in the information. They instantly became depressed and resentful towards evil creatures in general and honestly, all they could think about was revenge. Since they lost their parents, Jihl had decided to raise them from then on out, bringing the two to the academy (since Jihl was a professor at the academy, teaching "Battle Strategies and Tactics"). Since the twins were familiar with Jihl (practically being raised by her), they were sort of like Jihl's real children, and to not disappoint Jihl, they decided from the moment they got to the academy that they would try to do their best to please Jihl, and make her feel proud of them. They wanted to become really strong and brave, like their parents, so that they would be able to save others and protect them.
Apollo Lee / Fraternal Twin Brother / resentful, reserved, serious, caring / deceased    [Kang Haneul (actor) or Noctis (Final Fantasy XV)]

So, they did their best to study and practice and that's all the two did. They didn't make any friends and only hung out with each other. The two had very similar personalities and could only open up to each other while being reserved with everyone else (except Jihl of course). It had only been three years at the academy, and the twins were now 11. Apollo had overheard that there was a dragon attack and his immediate response was to go and try to kill these things (Artemis knew this was completely impossible for him, and it was totally absurd to even think that an 11 year old could kill a dragon.) She tried her best to stop him and knock some sense into him, because she too would like to do that (but it was too ridiculous), but he was already in an angry trance. During the night, he snuck off to follow the group that was going fight the dragon (how did he sneak off and follow without being discovered? he was a sorcerer and he specialized with light and dark magic, being able to blend in with the shadows and such) He was super careful, and once he was there, he was reckless and let the dragon get the best of him. He was just at the wrong place at the wrong time. Moments later, only did Artemis realize that her brother had snuck off, and she tried to find him (they had this sort of twin connection). She found him, but it was too late. Apollo had rushed out in the midst of the battle (completely surprising everyone), and the dragon had attacked right at that moment, killing him in one shot. Artemis had watched her brother die right before her eyes. Which hardened her even more. That's how she grew to be the scary, closed off person she is today (she fights in honor of her family).

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Park Chanyeol (EXO) / "best" friend / optomistic, slow, curious, reckless / alive

He had met her ever since he had arrived at the academy (as a warrior), only a year after all the crazy happened to Artemis. By now, she had already made a name for herself as "Jihl's Kid" or "that one smart kid who's good at everything" or even "the scary kid." Chanyeol had no idea what happened to her, but neither did anyone else. He almost immediately noticed her and her skills for being such a young girl, and wanted to get to know her better. She intruiged him. However, she wasn't very friendly and often ignored him (thinking that he's only trying to get close to her to use her). Time and time again, he proved to her that he wanted to befriend her (he was a new student too so he didn't really have many friends) by sitting at her table at lunch or saying hi to her in the hallways, even giving her candy and stuff. After about a year, it took her a long while, but she was able to trust Chanyeol more and more, and although he was a jokester and a happy-go-lucky kind of kid, she took a small liking to him, and decided to befriend him. As the years passed, they became really close and although it was hard for her to share her past with him (because he was curious), he's the only one of the few, aside from Jihl, who actually knows about her past and why she acts like she does.

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Oh Sehun (EXO) / frienemies / bratty, egotistical, competative, disinterested, caring, righteous / alive

He had probably arrived at the academy around the same time as Artemis (and Apollo), if not, a few months earlier. He was one of those kids that were interested in her (abilities) but didn't really do anything about it (unlike Chanyeol). He came to the academy for his own reasons (which you can make up, it could either be a hard past like Art, or he's a rich kid or something). He was one of those who took notice to Artemis and Apollo early, so he kind of knew everything that went down with her as he overheard some people talk about it. He was that kid that wanted to be the best at everything and show it off, and when Artemis finally got her game on (after Apollo had died), he had finally gotten someone to compete with (that was on the same level). Being the bratty kid that he was, he always was bored with the other kids his age. However, Artemis finally started to excel, even beating him at some things and she was a girl too, so that totally beat his ego. He was a slayer though, so they couldn't really compete head on in the same kind of categories. However, in a practice fight, he'd always try to show off in front of Art, or even try to fight her.
Over the years, they had gotten close because of this rivalry. It was confusing to other students how these two obviously hated each other, yet still hung out with each other all the time...

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Jihl Nabaat (Final Fantasy XIII) / Godmother / serious, strict, caring, witty / alive

She took in the twins. She's a professor at the academy teaching "Battle Strategies and Tactics" and she's a sorcerer. Yet, although she is a sorcerer, her wand is sort of like a rapier as she's able to fight with it without using an magic. She is a very strict professor, often seen as a professor you don't really want because of this. A lot of students think she hates students or kids in general, but she just acres for them in a strong way. If she's too soft, they might not take her too seriously, but overall it's her personality either way. Only Artemis and other professors/adults know that she's kind and caring and whatnot. No one knows that she's Artemis' godmother except the other professors/authority.

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She is one of the top students at the school and doesn't really associate with anyone (except for Chanyeol and Sehun). All she does is study and train. She once in a while goes out for like icecream or dinner or something, but other than that her life is stuck at the academy. All she focuses on is excelling it's kind of sad to see that she didn't have as fun of a "teenage life" as others did.
YEAR 12th (from age 8 to age 20)
GRADE PERCENTAGE 100% (if there's extra credit, maybe more?; is that even possible. o.o)
FACE CLAIM Ann (ulzzang)

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BACKUP FACE CLAIM  Lightning Farron (Final Fantasy XIII)

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HEIGHT / WEIGHT  170 cm / 121 lb
She has blue eyes (despite whichever faceclaim you choose).
SOUL MATE Oh Sehun (EXO) / Love Interest
As described before, he's bratty, egotistical, competative, disinterested, caring, and righteous. He's that one student who just thinks they're better than everyone else at everything. "Who wouldn't want to be me? /smirk/" ( Artemis: "A lot of people!") He's still immature even if he's an adult now (20yrs). To keep his status at the academy as one of the prince-like cool students, he also tries to do his best in classes. He only found himself to be competative after becoming Artemis' frienemy since he doesn't want to lose his status because of her. However, every time they compete they're always even, as eveyrthing either comes out in a draw or they get the same score. Other than that, he's often disinterested in a lot of things unless he can compete with them (since he's too "great" at everything /rolls eyes/) He's a good person though, although he may seem like a totally stuck up rich kid. He's very righteous, and very caring, although he doesn't really like to show it.
RELATIONSHIP  Artemis: "Sehun? Hot? Hot, my ." Sehun: "You think she's cool? Tch. I'm cool."
He is her rival/frienemy. They totally hate each other, but still hang out with each other all the time, which is kind of weird. They're always bickering and competing in everything possible, but always coming out even. He really brings out the immaturity in her (bc he's immature himself). Everything he does and says pisses her off, as she breathes and tries to calm down. She thinks he's just bull, bull, pretty boy, and bull. He finds it fun to and make her pissed off, but he thinks that only he is allowed to do it. He has it wired in him that the only people allowed to hang out with her is himself (bc he's so great) or Chanyeol, who he's become pretty good friends with (which is why he likes that she's not very sociable). Getting in a competition between these two is like walking into a burning building with no protection. Sigh. Yet, Sehun's and Artemis' caring side shows sometimes as they're still protective of each other in "dire" moments (and then quickly trying to deny they ever felt anything positive towards each other). Honestly, these two are still like children.

The immature things they do towards each other are sticking their tongues out at each other, making faces at each other, sarcastically make comments towards the other, poking each other's cheek, and flicking each other's foreheads. Artemis likes to hit his arm or jab his stomach (tickle spot). Sehun likes to pinch her cheeks. Literally, just think of children. LOL.
BACKUP SOUL MATE Matsuoka Rin (Free!) / Love Interest
As described before, he's bratty, egotistical, competative, disinterested, caring, and righteous. He's that one student who just thinks they're better than everyone else at everything. "Who wouldn't want to be me? /smirk/" ( Artemis: "A lot of people!") He's still immature even if he's an adult now (20yrs). To keep his status at the academy as one of the prince-like cool students, he also tries to do his best in classes. He only found himself to be competative after becoming Artemis' frienemy since he doesn't want to lose his status because of her. However, every time they compete they're always even, as eveyrthing either comes out in a draw or they get the same score. Other than that, he's often disinterested in a lot of things unless he can compete with them (since he's too "great" at everything /rolls eyes/) He's a good person though, although he may seem like a totally stuck up rich kid. He's very righteous, and very caring, although he doesn't really like to show it.

He is her rival/frienemy. They totally hate each other, but still hang out with each other all the time, which is kind of weird. They're always bickering and competing in everything possible, but always coming out even. He really brings out the immaturity in her (bc he's immature himself). Everything he does and says pisses her off, as she breathes and tries to calm down. She thinks he's just bull, bull, pretty boy, and bull. He finds it fun to and make her pissed off, but he thinks that only he is allowed to do it. He has it wired in him that the only people allowed to hang out with her is himself (bc he's so great) or Chanyeol, who he's become pretty good friends with (which is why he likes that she's not very sociable). Getting in a competition between these two is like walking into a burning building with no protection. Sigh. Yet, Rin's and Artemis' caring side shows sometimes as they're still protective of each other in "dire" moments (and then quickly trying to deny they ever felt anything positive towards each other). Honestly, these two are still like children.

The immature things they do towards each other are sticking their tongues out at each other, making faces at each other, sarcastically make comments towards the other, poking each other's cheek, and flicking each other's foreheads. Artemis likes to hit his arm or jab his stomach (tickle spot). Rin likes to pinch her cheeks. Literally, just think of children.
CRUSH Park Chanyeol (EXO)
• Well, her parents and brother were sorcerers, but she turned out to be an archer because she liked it better. She felt it was more natural to shoot arrows and she was good at it. Her grandfather from her mom's side was really talented with archery, so that's possiby where she got her talents from. She can infuse magic with her arrows because her family line were mostly sorcerers. Her bow can morph into different bows because it has magical properties (the bow was given to her by Jihl when she started studying at the academy).
• Idk if you want to know their reaction of the two being soulmates, so I'll  just add it here instead. Just like stated for plotline #3, "NO WAY." The two are in complete denial. They try to grasp the concepts of this soul mate thing, but think that there seriously must be something wrong. Like, whoever's in charge of this soul mate stuff must have fallen asleep on the job or something and made a huge mistake, because these two do NOT get along.
• Her crush is Chanyeol because even though he's like a fool, he always tries to make her smile or make her happy, and he was like her first friend basically, so... yeah. As she starts to warm up to him over the years, she does act immature with him.
• IS SHE ALLOWED TO USE ARROWS WITH MAGICAL PROPERTY? Bcuz I played a lot of video games/mmorpgs and they mostly had magical arrows, they just had to use so idk. IDK.
• I really hope she isn't too perfect for your liking. I imagined her as sort of an Erza Scarlet (Fairy Tail) or like... IDK, I HOPE YOU UNDERSTAND ME. (she's also based loosely on Artemis, as her brother is based loosely on Apollo).
• So, I know how all the characters are gunna interact and stuff... I hope she gains a female friend??? Like someone that's like possibly sweet and caring, you know? To bring out the more feminine side trapped inside of her.
• I AM HONESTLY STUMPED FOR MY FACE CLAIM. LIKE I LOVE BOTH AS THEY (to me) FIT HER CHARACTER. But... you can be the decider of which on will really be her faceclaim. I love them both tho. ugh. /shoots self/ Also, feel free to choose her brother's faceclaim too, like if you pick the ulzzang as her faceclaim, then a more sensible faceclaim for her brother would be Kang Haneul. But if you pick Lightning as her faceclaim, then Noctis would fit greatly.
If you need a co-author, I wouldn't mind being one tbh.
• I hope you like her tho...omg. /cries/ idk. like her personality idk if it's bland/boring or too perfect.... :c I hope not???? 
• Since she's age she still a student at this point??? Like... idk man. She's been there 12 years.... so.... IDK.




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