Writer's Survey: Keeper's 17 Questions for Writers

Writer's Survey: Keeper's 17 Questions for Writers. 


1. Do you write stories (or parts of it) everyday? Day or night?
Back when I was tremendously free, I would try to write (parts of it) my story every day. It depends really. When I consider myself a morning person and attempt to write out the chapter in the day, it doesn’t come out but instead comes flowing out at night. The same happens vice versa. So I’d say in conclusion… I don’t have a definite time to write.

2. Do you have any writing rituals? If yes, what are they?
Music & Dictionaries. Is that considered a ritual? I mean, when I write, I feel like I must have music on, my dictionaries or thesauruses nearby for those word references. Oh! And internet. For those moments where I’m in need of a little research on the current topic at hand.

3. Where do you write: MS Word, Notepad app, notebook, AFF text editor, Google doc, etc.?
MS Word. It helps so much because it notifies me my spelling as well as grammar error with those squiggly red, green and blue lines. I am indebted to the service MS Word has provided throughout the past years of my writing life. Notebooks are for handwritten outlines.

4. Do you start a fic with an outline? If the answer is no, proceed to #6.
I have instances where I do a rough composition, very simple, almost little to no description, elaboration and detail. Then I make a plan.

5. Is your outline fixed or a work in progress? 
They’re fixed for a chapter, but for the overall story, it’s a work in progress.

6. How do you know if a chapter is done?
I try to make a chapter seem like a cliff hanger. Or maybe, just make it end with some impact (I hope I’ve in some way done that right).

7. When do you update? 
When I’m really stuck… it can take me weeks. I rewrite even if I’m not satisfied with the flow. I find a part where the flow’s stopped sounding great and transfer the following paragraphs and sentences into another document in case I don’t like the new version and prefer to use the former composition. If I’m really active and just, bursting with inspiration, I can finish a chapter in a few days no matter the length. My record was double updating in a day, on the spot, a chapter that’s more than 10 pages.

8. Do you usually write short chapters (<1500) or long ones (>2500)?
Way back when… >2500. But now, I’m trying to control myself. Though I think most of the time it’s in between 1500-2500. Then, there was a time I experimented with drabbles. But I think it’s safe to say I’m in that range: 1500-2500.

9. Is it a must for your story to have a poster?
Only when it has some special significance to me will I have a poster. If not, I just use pictures that fit the theme.

10. What do you usually write in your foreword?
I paste chapter excerpts. Sometimes even just an author’s note telling people of how and what made me think to write such a story.

11. What font do you use? Font size?
In MS Word, it’s Calibri, size 11. As for in AFF, I really like Georgia, font size 14. But I experiment a lot. Sometimes Calibri, sometimes Arial. Sometimes even Tahoma and Helvetica Neue. The same font size, or just slightly bigger/smaller, depending on the font.

12. Do you write stories about your bias?
Most definitely. Story won’t flow if it wasn’t of someone I fancied.

13. Which of your fictional characters can you relate to the most? Why?
The OC in Nervous Tic. She’s basically me.

14. Have you requested reviews for your stories?
Plenty; the last two being pretty disappointing and disheartening but I kept my mouth shut. Until now that is…

15. What are your weaknesses when it comes to writing?
Tenses, and vocabulary. Maybe character development too.

16. Why do you write fanfics?
There’s just this urge to express myself. I can’t speak it, so I write and I seem to find the words easily when I have a pen and paper (or when I’m using my laptop). I wanted to be proud of something. I wanted to feel accomplished. I guess writing somewhat consoled me.

17. Any advice/tips about writing?
Take your time… Literally. Writing is no easy feat. Don’t force yourself that update, take your time. Let it come, and it will. You’ll know when you have it. Relax when you write. No pressure. 




...i can't believe i said no pressure. 
anyways... here's the blogpost for reference to the other. 
i feel guilty for forgetting to re-link and credit the author for the questions. 
must've been sleepier than I thought. 
cr. to dreamkeeper88 for the questions. 


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Thank you for taking time to answer my questions ^-^
#1 i wondered if i am the only one but yes... so i just write when it comes

#6 i think the end of a chapter should be memorable, like a hook. that's the difference between chapters in novels and chapters in fanfics. in fanfics, we tend to write them as if we are writing a drama episode.

#7 yeah, there are just days when the everything is going your way and you just pump out three chapters in three days... and then the drought comes...

#14 ohhh.. :O

#17 writing fanfics is generally a stress reliever so i see no point in stressing about it too ^^ but writers are their worst critics...