Love Note: Seorin


Contact Information

Username: LazyFairy

Availability:  5.

Character Information

Full name: Jung Seorin

Nicknames: SeoChibi, Piglet

Reason behind nicknames: SeoChibi: People call her SeoChibi because she is really short and petite. - Piglet: She loves Winnie the pooh's friend.

Preferred name: SeoChibi

Date of birth: December 14, 1995

Age: International age: 16 // Korean age: 17

Ethnicity: Full Korean

Birth place: Busan, South Korea

Blood type: O

Character Overview

Seorin is a shy girl, she is obedient and really smart. She is so quiet that people think she is a ghost. Seorin is friendly and the type of girl you would see in Dramas as the cute and innocent heroine. She is polite, you would never see her screaming or crying over something. She dislikes spoiled people and will often get mad at them. Seorin likes talking about romance but gets embarrased seeing couples in the streets, Kissing and even holding hands. 

She is one of the top students, but people don't call her nerd. She is a hard-working girl and once she starts something, she has to finish it. She pays attention in class and always answers what the teachers ask. She loves poems and reading things like that. Her dream is to be a famous writer and compose. Seorin is actively trying to achieve her dreams and goals. She likes doing charity, its like her hobby, helping people, Helping sick kids, homeless people. She believes that even just a simple word of discouragement can hugely affect another person which may discourage them to pursue her dreams.

Likes: - Reading - Studying - white chocolate - Sea glass - disney movies - Eating watermelon on a summer day - palm trees - Laughing till she cries - Tea - The smell after rain - Tickles

Loves/addictions: - Fairytales - Fragrances - Starbust Jellybeans

Dislikes: - Spilling food on clothes - Crowds - people who hit other people in anger - cats - Judgemental people - violence - Fake people - When her hands get painfully cold - Hot chocolat gone cold - People who look down on other people for the way they dress - 

Hates/fears: - Heights - The dark - Failure - spiders - needles - being alone -being abandoned - clowns 

Hobbies: Painting - Playing violin - Knitting - cooking - origami

Habits: - Bites her lips when bored - Glares when annoyed - Talks while sleeping - plays with her fingers when waiting for something/someone - Fights with herself when she doesn't know what to choose.

Random facts: - Likes sleeping between fresh washed sheets - Likes hugging clothes right out of the drier - Likes the feeling or wearing the perfect dress - likes drama movies - She is learning japanese


Ulzzang: Kim Jee In

Links: 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008

Personal description: Likes to wear soft make-up. Prefers having her hair natural and a little curly. She is too young to have tattoos or belly buttons.

Height: 165 CM

Weight: 103 lbs / 45 KG

Fashion sense: Something girly and comfy. Doesn't like very short skirts and shirts that shows her belly.

Casual: 001 002 003 004 005

Formal: 001 002 003 004 005

Others: Sleepwear: 001

Family Information

** Idols are allowed **

Mother: Jung Ae Sook - 40, alive, lawyer. Full of aegyo - Likes to spoild her children

Father: Jung Sunho - 42, alive, Lawyer. Energetic - funny - Can be a comedian.

Siblings: ----

Other relatives:
Jung Jessica, 20, alive, cousin - A little cold and sarcastic.

Family background:

Since her parents are lawyers, they hoped that Seorin would be a lawyer too, she was home-schooled but when she turned 16 her parents decided to let her go to a normal school. Her parents treat her like every parent would treat their family; Caring. She had a normal life like any other teenager.

School Information

Grade: Freshman.

Housing: With family.

Old or new student?: new

Best subject(s): Geography - Heath Care - English I

Worst subject(s): Physical education.

Grade point average: 4.5

Social Information

Clubs: Art - Cooking - Student Council

Persona: Smart Beauty - The Quiet Princess


Ricky (Teen Top) - Full of aegyo, Hyper, Weird
Sungjong (Infinite) - Funny, outgoing, Loud
Minzy (2NE1)- Doesn't care about what happens, Hyper, Loud, Smart

Best friend(s): Seohyun (SNSD) - She is like Seorin, calm, polite and very smart. They have a lot in common, maybe its because both of them have the 'Seo' in their names. People call them the 'Seo-Duo'. Seohyun is the best friend Seorin could ever ask.

How you became best friends: They met in a playground when they were younger, Both of them were quietly sitting on the ground watching the other kids play. Both of them were bored and decided to talk, and since then, They are best friends.

Love Interest

Top three:
- Noh Minwoo (BoyFriend):
Minwoo is a happy boy, he is so cute that no one can resist his charms, he is very popular between the noonas. Minwoo is also smart but needs help in some subjects. He is very sweet, The sweetest boy Seorin had ever met. He is gentle and helps everyone that needs help. Minwoo is always seen with a smile on his face, He likes to joke and play around, Minwoo is always with his big group of friends. Like Seorin, he is very innocent when it comes to romance.

-Jo Kwangmin (BoyFriend)
He has an unpredictable personality. You can never know what he is gonna do next, He loves to prank people and quite the rebel boy but not the type of guy that is cold and rude, he is funny, cheerful and random. You will never be bored by his side. You can find him running in the halls or something like that, he is always in trouble.

- Lee Taemin (SHINee)
Taemin is an adorable boy. He is childish and sometimes acts like a spoiled boy. He is a good Hyung/Oppa/Sunbae and takes care of the juniors. He is sometimes very lazy and will be seen sleeping in class. Taemin is always sweet and funny. He dislikes when nobody pays attention to him.

Noh Minwoo - 001 002 003

Jo Kwangmin - 001 002 003

Lee Taemin - 001 002 003


How you met / your story: 
Minwoo/Kwangmin/Taemin: Seorin was leaving the library with her book when he came with his friends and they stopped near her, thats when he noticed her. Since she was very cute he pinched her cheeks "How cute!" Seorin blushed madly and bowed before leaving. He just laughed and watched as Seorin ran away from him, He thought of her the rest of the day and his friends wouldn't stop teasing him. Seorin was also thinking of him but managed to keep it a secret. The very next day, they met again, Thanks to Seohyun. He introduced himself and she did the same, They talked for few minutes before they exchanged numbers, Seorin agreed and gave him her number. Everytime they saw each other, he always called her and talked with her. Seorin started being more nervous around him, That's when she noticed she was in love with him. on the other hand, He was feeling the same towards her.

Your first impression of them and way you treat them: Seorin thought he was cute. She treated him like she would treat other students but the only difference is that she always blushed and stuttered.

Their first impression of you and way they treat you: He thought she was a little girl because of her cuteness. He is always a gentlemen around her, he liked holding her hand, hugging her and taking her to watch movies, After all that, he realized he was madly in love with Seorin

Requests?: Sweet First kiss and Skinship (but not in the erted way! holding hands, hugging. the hands where I can see them!)

Rivals: Yookyung (A Pink) kinda cold, fake and rude - Rivals in school and love. 

Others: ---

OMG Almost done!! *dies*

Extras: Not a native english speaker here! and just to say, since I wrote the last parts late in the night while being sleepy and hungry, It's kinda lame.

Why do you want to be / should be chosen?: I loved Dead note, and seeing this 'Love Note' made me want to apply, Also, I love romance. Even if i'm not chosen i'll read this. 

Password please: The greek meaning of Alina is "Light"


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