A Doll With A Curse [LazyFairy : Im Yoorin]


“ Application Form 


The Real You

Aff Username: LazyFairy

Aff Profile Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/42519

Who are you: Nicole


Lemme know your character's basic information

Character Name: Im Yoorin 

Nickname: Yoorie.

Date of Birth & Age: 03|08|1996

Place of Birth: Incheon, South Korea

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Ethnicity: Full Korean

Languages Spoken: Korean: Fluent || English: Basic || Japanese: Basic || Chinese: Basic


The Doll

What Doll did you choose : [ ] Doll oo2 ; []  Doll 003 ; [ ]  Doll 004 ; [ ] Doll 005 ; [ ] Doll 006 


The Inner YOU

Yoorin's personality is hard to describe. She is really shy and is scared of what people thinks about her, she is often locking herself inside a shield that only her sister can break. Yoorin is a really sweet girl once you gain her trust. She is usually quiet when there are boys around because she is scared of them. She is smart, not because she wants to be, but because she has nothing more to do, She has no friends. Yoorin likes perfection, she is always working hard and extra slow to make sure she doesn't make mistakes. She looses her temper fast and only complete silence will calm her down.

When it comes to love, Yoorin has no idea of what to say, she has never experienced love in her entire life, of course she knows what love is, thanks to K-dramas. This girl is really unique, While all the girls are getting ready to party and have fun, she likes reading books (Mostly about greek mythology) and get ready to university. She is really mature for her age and feels comfortable around older people. Yoorin has always wanted to be the girl everyone loves, the sweet, outgoing one, But her phobia of speaking infront of a lot of people doesn't let her make friends. 

Likes: || Greek Mythology || Strawberries || The beach || Sunsets || The sound of the ocean || Pets || Art || Ballet || Milkshakes ||

Dislikes: || Bugs (Especially grasshoppers) || Loud music (very very loud music) || Bad grades (on tests) || Mess || Small Spaces || Speaking in front of a big crowd ||

Hobbies: || Cooking || Reading || Playing in her computer || Watching sports (but not doing them) || Cleaning her room || Drawing ||

Habits: || Closing her eyes when she remembers something || Blinks fast when lying || Bites her lips when focused || Tapping her pencil on the table when stressed || Drinks Milkshakes when mad ||

Talents: || Ballet || Cooking || 


The Outer YOU

Appearance: 01 || 02 || 03 || 04 || 05

Ulzzang Name: Park Hyo Jin

Back-up Ulzzang Name: Lee Eunji

Height: 168 cm

Weight: 52 kg


Human Life

Background: When she was young she pretty much did the same routine everyday; Wake up, Go to school, be bullied by her noisy class,ates, going to her ballet lessons, do her homework and then have dinner. Her mother was always working and gave Yoorin all the space she needed. Her father passed away when she was younger. The reason why she was bullied; the leader of the gang liked Yoorin, but since she has this 'phobia' she clearly rejected him, But she also gets bullied because her shyness.

Occupation: She is still a student and has a part-time job as a barista in a cozy coffee shop called 'My little heaven'

Im Sandong || 55 || Deceased 
He used to be the funny one of the family, always teasing and making everything fun. Passed away because of cancer.
Shin Yoonhye || 55 || Surgeon
She is quiet, always thinking about her job. She is usually at the hospital and sees her daughters once a week.

Im Yoona || 21 || University Student
She is tomboyish and loud, the total opposive of Yoorin. Yoona is often called a goddess because of her beauty. Studying to be a surgeon like her mother.


Doll Life

What does she feel: Confused. Everything is too big for her and she feels like an unnanimated baby.

Does she love it or hate it: Hates it

 Extras: Really dislikes being carried around and not being able to do everything by herself


True Love

Partner: B.A.P Zelo || B.A.P JongUp || Teen Top Changjo

Personality: A total trouble maker that gets often in fights and gets punished a lot. Not quite the smart guy. Really clumsy but great at dancing. 

His Reaction: {Shocked and scared; A talking doll? Is that some kind of joke? 

Towards You: He do his best to take care of her, but due his clumsyness, he forgets where he put Yoorin. He jokes with her about her becoming like chucky and killing him in the night. When he is bored, he brushes her hair. He freaks out when he noticed he lost the doll, but always finds her.



password: Inhale Love,Exhale Hate

suggestions: None.

extras: None.


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